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Feb 22, 2008
When you get run over by a snowspeeder.

When you're a bothan spy, you go stealth mode and then run until you have no energy right into the enemy base.

When your chaingun runs out of ammo.

In a space battle, your team runs out of ships because you time bombed them all.

When you get choked to death hanging from the snowspeeder cable.

When your AT-AT gets stolen by the rebels.

When your ship gets cut into mid-flight.

In Space battle, when you can't make it out of your hangar, the explosion destoys your team's cruiser.

When you attempt to pilot a destroyer. OR even better, The enemy destroyer.

When the Ammo/Health droids give you poison supplies.

When you get killed by an unmanned turret.

When you've had the game since it came out, you still can't figure out just HOW to beat the training mission!

When you try go play SWBF2 on the Wii. (Wouldn't that be AWESOME?)

By the way, I'm new here!! *Rounds of roaring applause and and cheering*



Feb 22, 2008
When your allies designate you "Team Janitor."

When picking a faction, the it always says "FULL!!"

When you win an Oscar for "Worst performance in a video game EVER."



Feb 22, 2008
When your team doesn't DARE to use you as a shield.

When you're a Droideka and can't get out of ball mode.

When you throw a grenade and there's no one around.

When your team does better without you.

When online, your opponent's network adapter stops working and you STILL lose.

When your character stays home "Sick."

When you think that if you yell loud enough into the mic, Luke and Han will come save you... And you're the EMPIRE.

When you're a rebel, you get arrested by riot police, when you're CIS your circuits malfunction, when you're Clones, you get cloned as someone with no brain, when you're Empire, your helmet falls off and you win because you scared the enemy away with your face.
Jul 20, 2006
when you let your teammate push you off an edge in Deathstar and when you fall off deathstar in dark or jet trooper

I've done that to people before online
Jul 20, 2006
When you're in space running from missles, they follow you into the hangar and hit you even when you get out of your ship.


No Gimmicks Needed
Sep 10, 2003
when everyone online is running to get you just cause you keep force pushing them off the tower. :^O :^O :^O
im such a jerk. [face_blush]
May 25, 2007
u know u suck at BFII
1.when u do die by sidious
2.when u have never killed a jedi BFI(lucky for u they are easy in SWBFII)
3.when your team loses a match
4.when u get bantha fooder(unless u wanted to)
5.when u get traitor
6.when u get bantha fooder and traitor cause your team was sick and tired of you
7.when u lose as the heroes in the heroes vs villians match
8.when your the first to die



Feb 8, 2006
these all happened in bf1
when you try to kill a jedi on a swoop miss him and crash into the wall
when an aat falls on you when you spawn ya know how you can spawn before everyone i spawned before the vehicles and 1 landed on me
when your a droidieka and roll threw the water on kashykk and drown
when you get in a vehicle kicking the 1 guy out and 1/2 a second after it gets blown up by a seeking missle


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
You know U suck at BF2 when your me
You know U suck at BF2 when every time you spawn on hoth at an at-at you land under its foot ( a weird glitch that still happens,now even on Rhen vhar.

You know U suck at BF2 when you wonder why its not working and scream at it to the point that you project spit,only to realise the controller wasn't plugged in. ( also happened)

You know U suck at BF2 when you think your really good,make a glitchy fuzzy game vid of you sniping in bespin and hide the fact your a n00b with two zero's by placing some rap music over it.Then for your fantasy of being great to end by playing online. ( I admittedly did that without the rap though.)

You know U suck at BF2 when you start recognize names of AI people such as Thrak Farrelle and unit 187 then laugh that you recognize them from BF1 aswell.
Feb 24, 2009
I dunno if anyone posted this but i don't wanna look threw all 1,025 or whatever of posts,so yeah....... You know that you suck when you have to use invincibility and Ammo cheats when you first get the game.[face_tongue]
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