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Almost Not a Noob
Jul 20, 2005
[link=]You know you suck when.....[/link]
You don't click on link (Don't worry,It's not Rickroll'd)


Jul 2, 2007
As soon as you spawn in a jedi wastes you

it happened to me on BF1 but it wasnt fair, stupid mace stood RIGHT AT the CP


Jul 2, 2007
you suck when...

when your playing as wampas, and you go out the back entrance, where that place is that has no people, and you keep running till you die because of leaving battlefield, then when you respawn, you think your in the "new, secret area"

when you try to get a cheat code to make aayla take her clothes off

when you try to capture the CP in the enemies capital ship

when your ship is damaged and you wait for the emergency ships to help

when you try to get into a space battle on BF1

when your team takes all the tanks before you can, and laughs at you, then when you try to get in the tanks, they throw you out
Mar 4, 2006
When you look at this board, and say the guy that posted before you is wierd, but then you get online and he PWNS j00...

You try to ride an AT-AT, and you fall off the head and get stomped...

You throw a grenade at a Rebel tank and shoot at it with a blaster rifle, and it turns out that it actually blows up...I had this happen and I didn't think it would work...

BTW I have killed Darth Vader in Battlefront 1 on bespin, with a grenade...then I fell off trying to see where he fell and died...
Mar 4, 2006
but you are not wierd baseballfan...I can't tell you that, I do not know you...but you'd probably PWN me...I only have an 11.5 kill ratio...that's when you knoow you suck...and if you've died over 750 times...


Feb 8, 2007
when your trooper dies of thirst on Kamino

When the birds on Kashyyyk kills you.

In the clone wars the wookies ask for help. They send you in and the wookies are like "perfect! now go to the other team." They win that battle.

You shoot at Jabba and he swallows you.

When you say i suck. The Team AI replies," You'll get better if you go on the other team."

That team Ai just recieved the public enemy award.


Feb 8, 2007
no i meant the ai that said go to the other team got public enemy and decoys are actually good so if your a decoy you can own and be one


Original poster
When you're playing CTF on Mos Eisley and the Jawas steal the flag and won't return it.
Aug 29, 2007
1. When you think the Thermal Grenade is a Shiny Red Gem

2. when you think that you can disable the Curiser Shield by Kamikaze your fighter onto it

3. when you ask a droid pliot for direction to their life Support system or Shield Generator while inside their Driod Curiser

4. when your Blaster pistol stay overheat for the rest of the battle


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
When you die when you have the invunerable cheat on.
actually thats possable (explosives)

-when you turn on invincability so you can walk to the fallen deathstar on hoth(my freind did this)

-when you get in a vehicle with no health

-when you set a mine and shoot it

-when you get in a rebel snowspeeder with a friend and take down an AT-At as an imperial

-when you choose an ewok in hunt

-when you get killed BY an ewok in hunt

-when you cant get passed a line in the sand after 8 tries

- when you splice into a vechicle and a enemy gets in it
Apr 22, 2007
When you try to kamikaze an AT AT on Hoth, when the enemy has just one soldier remaining, and die a hero only to realize your piece of **** snowspeeder explosion didn't even take away half the tiny, one pixel wide health bar the thing had left.
Apr 5, 2006
When you play with Heroes in Conquest OR AI, Get massive amount of kills, think you're teh gr8est playre in teh histri of SWBF, make a YouTube video with rap music, then play online and learn you suck.
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