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Nov 9, 2008
ok enough with ur gtfo's
race really shouldn't even come into play in this situation
wat question should come into play is
Is she sexy enough to make us buy a blu ray player just to see her in that sexy outfit?
now before u answer think about her ASS
I am for sure rooting for beyonce


Feb 26, 2008
First of all I agree that Wonder Women is at the bottom of the barrel as far as comic book adaptations come. I think with the election of a new president Beyonce can stop questioning wither or not the world is ready for a black Wonder Women. What the world is not ready for is her totally messing up this movie with her horrible acting.


Nov 11, 2008
No I hope Beyonce is not Wonder Woman It would be like seeing ice cube play James bond or Captain America. besides she's not a very good actress.
Aug 23, 2008
yes, just give her the damn role so i don't even have to think about whether i'll see this junk or not. catwoman 2? how about elektra 2?
Aug 1, 2008
a black wonder woman would be cool and could work great but this bitch is not an actor. I hate when celebs get all this money and then they think that because they have a pretty face that they can do it all. unless its a comedy and a short cute cameo they just ruin movies. shut up beyonce
Nov 11, 2008
.some just dont want her to mess up the role

i really think she would make a great wonder woman .
But i dont think her voice is built for a role like that
ps. that booty is boomin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


May 19, 2007
i wouldnt have her as my first pick...or second, third or fourth...but if she did end up as wonder woman i cant be to mad cuz there are alot worse picks...she is one of the hottest chicks in hollywood but i do agree that she isnt that good of an actress...hopefully they are able to find a different pick then this


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
many great actresses have passed on the role, if she wants it, let her have it. and she would look great in the costume.


Aug 29, 2006
Thats gotta be the dumbest idea I have ever heard. Remember the lame attempt at Catwoman? Well Halle Berry is at least an actual actress and that was super lame. This just makes no sense with the character, who has all kinds of connections to ancient Greece. Beyonce does not really look Greek to me.

We should also cast Tom Cruise as Jesse Owens, and Jackie Chan as Ghandi while we are at it. See how many people complain.
Jun 1, 2007
Trying to take a classic character like wonder woman and adding a ethnic angle to it would be a disaster. Much like Superman or Batman you have to be true to the source material. Now lets look at the last two female superhero movies..catwoman and elektra...both were horrible. Third Ms. Knowles is no actress by any stretch of the imagination. I have an idea lets get an actress that looks like the comic book version of wonder woman, get a great director and make sure the story is thats what DC comics needs to do!!!!
May 12, 2008
Sorry B, even I can't even back that one up, I'd probably like ya as some esle but not Wonder women. I wouldn't even bootleg that movie with you in it


Prime Member
Aug 14, 2008
to evilxslayerx1 there already was a black catwoman in teh batman tv series,"erther kit" back in the 70's and she smacked it and became famous for that role. So halle being catwoman and black wasnt teh problem just taht the film sucked big! but back to beyonce its no on all fronts for all reasons. Wonder woman is not black. Catherine zeta jones was rumoured for teh part about 10 years ago but shes too old now. Anyway who cares it will be crap anyway regardless.
Nov 12, 2008
Now i must say i don't think Beyonce is right for the part
but that is bull to say a black women can't play wonder women
hell White folks play ever one all the time look at the dbz moive and Akira why are they not Asian ???



Apr 2, 2006
Clearly her comments on how unemotional she thinks a super hero movie should be shows she proabably shouldn't take the role.

I'm ok with some super hero roles changing cultural backgrounds. For example. A British Emma Frost would be awesome to me. I like the black Nick Fury. Works. I think that the whole black woman power thing fits with wonder woman. That strength that is associated with black women fits. However, Wonder Woman's look is iconic.

In this case I really don't think it would work. When people would see a black wonder woman, it wouldn't be the wonder woman they all know. Terrible idea.
Nov 11, 2008
Well dont get me wrong Beyonce is a gorgeous woman and a very talented actress, she's got all the works, but I clearly cannot see her as a Wonderwoman.


Oct 1, 2005
I would throw up...literally void the contents of my stomach through my mouth. She's a terrible actress, and she has nowhere near the ability, nor the gravitas to pull off Wonder Woman. Pick up a WW comic...the character is almost Shakespearian, and I guarantee that Beyonce FRAKKIN' Knowles cannot pull that off.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2008
They should kill the colour thing all together and just make it black and white, that way all the people who still give a crap about this long dead comic will feel at home....back in the fifties.
Sep 12, 2008
Beyonce is a good actress and shes got the looks but i dont think shes good for Wonder Woman from D.C. although she could play Wasp from Marvel Comics she could be good for that.... at least i think.... and she could be in the Avengers movie...


Jul 22, 2008
No I don't think Beyonce would make a good WonderWomen ... Maybe Megan Fox from Transformers, She may be young But she's hot.
(Tessa from Minnesota)


Prime Member
Oct 14, 2008
Wow she's a bigger douche bag than I thought, it can't act and she wants to play a star role in a blockbuster. I might actually prefer Lil' Kim as wonder woman since she's more grounded than Beyonce.


Jul 27, 2008
What is it with all these singers all of a sudden wanting to do movies even though barely any of them are any good including beyonce.She has only did musicals and the parts where she didn't she was singing,wow.Anyways Wonder Woman is an Amazonian so instead of a white or black or asian actress being wonderwoman,stay true to it and let a latina be wonder woman.That's like the street fighter chun li,asain actress.Everybody's trying to go different with this whole new race and change thing and all but come on.It's like if a white person played the role of a person that was asian or african descent.It doesn't work and doesn't fit.They need to stay true to character.That's like spiderman being played by a bodybuilder or the penguin being played by a 7 footer.I'm tired of people always trying for the well it's never been done before and it'll be the first this or the first that.Some things there shouldn't be firsts of everything.Yes first white guy,don't hear that too often,if at all.First senior citizen,first 4 footer to be in the NBA,first black,first asian.Enough already with the firsts and instead of going for firsts,just try to make whatever you're doing good rather than getting attention because of just your first.I mean if it hasn't been done before,okay great.But instead of just saying I'm the first this or that and then just all about that and nothing but being the first,then it gets to a point where you go enough.Also who the hell does beyonce think she is,a good actress.Seriously,she mostly played musicals and was in movies where she was a singer.That's like a nascar driver driving cars in a movie or being a limo driver or something like that.I would much rather the role go to a latina actress and stay true to Wonder Woman and all then go for another first.And if out of all black actresses that could possibly be wonder woman,how the hell does beyonce even qualify or much less even be an option.What's next really.Stay true to the characters is what it should be about not making another first unless it'll work and fit the character.Anyways,if the jsutice league and wonder woman cast is going the way it might be going then it's going to have some problems.Unless in some way whoever plays wonder woman fits the caharacter and could be seen as wonder woman then it would work.Just don't try to cast any star or any big name star just cause they want the role or because they're a big name star though they don't really fit the character.


May 20, 2008
this would be one of the worst casting moves ever! she can't act and gets annoying, she's nice to look at but should never be casted for such a big role, it would totally destroy the wonder woman franchise.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 2, 2008
First of all I get the idea none of the people posting here actually follow the wonder woman character. Or the comic for that matter. If you actually read the comic you would know that there are black amazons. In fact Diana calls Phillipus her SISTER. So a black wonder woman would work and would not be going outside of the mythology at all. Also Diana lost the right to be wonder woman once and she was replaced by Artemis. This was set up by Dianas mother who in a vision saw her daughter die so to protect her she stripped her of the WW title. Having said that I believe they should find someone taller and probably with more white features. One thing I always thought that was weird about superman was that he's an alien but he looks like a white guy and ALL the other Kryptonians were white. ??? Superman would probably look like Dean Cain. Someone who's race you couldn't really identify. Another thing to note is that in the new Superman story "New Krypton" you can clearly see black kryptonians fyling around. Waaay back when many superheroes were created this was a time when most could not imagine a black man as president but times have changed. I don't think race should be an issue anymore. Just find an actress who can bring some dignity to the character. And for GODs sake please give Lynda Carter at the very least a small role in the new film...IF it ever actually gets made!
Jun 11, 2008
We should give her a shot, I mean Favreu gave Robert Downey Jr. a shot and look how great Iron Man came out to be, dont judge a book by its cover
Nov 14, 2008
It dosen't matter if Wonder Woman is Black or White. Beyonce will never take enough acting classes to play a good Wonder Woman.She needs to stick to singing and designing clothes. Leave the acting to the talented professionals.
Sep 30, 2008
Ok everybody needs 2 STFU... Catwoman was black on the tv shows back in the day, race doesn't matter in thys situation...

1. Comic book writers didn't kreate ethnic characters back in the day, prolly bekuz it wouldn't sell...
2. Beyonce is a whole lot of woman

3. Catwoman was horrible, but not bekuz of Halle Berry... If Nicole Kidman decided 2 accept the role it would styll suck MAJOR...

4. even if u are prejudice, It's not rite that ethnic people don't have superheroes... CLEOPATRA was F%$^IN white in the movie, SHE WAS FROM AFRICA!!!

GO BEYONCE!!!! I hope u get the role!


Apr 13, 2009
dosnt matter if she is black white purple or green .. FIRST OF ALL... the woman needs to be 6 feet tall... SHE IS AN AMAZON!!! and beyonce is like 5'7... so just because she can fill out the costume she she be able to play the part HELLZ NO!!!.. if they cast a woman who is this short no matter who it is it will take away from the character.. besides beyonce CANT act... whats its going to be dry no feeling action flick .. please we have seen enough of those .. does any one remember Daredevil... you have to fill Linda Carter shoes .. and no mater what she will ALWAYS be WONDER WOMEN!!!
Feb 27, 2009
Yeah no.............Wonder Woman is Greek. If you're going to make a movie about a very iconic comic book character like Wonder Woman Hollywood sure as hell needs to respect the source material even a little (we know that's nearly impossible for them to do if at all).

They need to get an unknown actress to play the part who can actually act AND looks like Wonder Woman. Too bad they can't zap Lynda Carter with a youth ray or something because she is by far THE living embodiement of Wonder Woman. I hope she at least gets to play Hippolyta in the movie.

Please no Beyonce, no Jessica Biel, no Angelina Jolie. Let's get someone who looks good and can act and isn't some two bit high strung singer or actress that isn't even qualified to wear that uniform. Heaven help this movie. If and when it gets done I hope they do it right.....I'm not holding my breath.
Jul 11, 2009
Sweet friggin' jeebus we elect Obama and all of a sudden everyone wants to start "change"ing superheroes. What the hell? Wonder Woman is WHITE!!!!! There's no black alternate WW like with Ultimate Nick Fury or that time Punisher went through surgery, why, why, why? It's got to be the most retarded thing hollywood's come up with since Ratner is directing Conan!
Jan 26, 2010
In classical legend the Amazons were a tribe of warrior women. Their name is supposedly derived from Greek a-mazos, “without a breast,” because according to the legend they cut off their right breasts so as to be better able to shoot with a bow and arrow. This folk etymology, like most folk etymologies, is incorrect, but the Amazons of legend are not so completely different from the historical Amazons, who were also warriors. The historical Amazons were Scythians, an Iranian people renowned for their cavalry. The first Greeks to come into contact with the Iranians were the Ionians, who lived on the coast of Asia Minor and were constantly threatened by the Persians, the most important of the Iranian peoples. Amazon is the Ionian Greek form of the Iranian word ha-mazan, “fighting together.” The regular Greek form would be hamazon, but because the Ionians dropped their aitches like Cockneys, hamazon became amazon, the form taken into the other Greek dialects.

Seems to me, last I checked in on it, Amazons were neither Black nor White (heck, they were not even GREEK as someone on here claimed). As a matter course, Amazon people (you know, who live in the AMAZON) are for sure not white.
I don't much really care about the ethnicity of the actress who gets this role, but I would not want Beyonce to do this role: 1) she can't act (for Dream Girls she just had to sing!) and 2) she isn't tall enough and 3) She can't act (hello, Austin Powers and the Pink Panther???). Oh and 4)She just wants to be Diana Ross.
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