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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Wonder Beyonce[/link]
by Chris Tilly

Soul star Beyoncé Knowles has announced her desire to play Wonder Woman in the long-mooted big-screen adaptation.
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Dec 15, 2000
No...just no. Nothing against Beyonce or even Sam Jackson, but they need to bring these characters to the screen as they were portrayed in the comics to keep some sort of continuity. It always bothered me that Michael Clark Duncan was cast as Kingpin in Daredevil too. Not that he didn't do a decent job, but it was probably more suited for someone else. If they want to create a new comic character for Beyonce, THEN bring her to the screen, fine. Wonder Woman is a classic character though, so they gotta bring her back as the fans remember her. Lets not freak out just because Obama got elected...


Aug 3, 2000
First of all, it isn't racist for someone who is a purist fan of the classic comics to have a problem with an ethnicity change (or any other deviation from the established lore). But that's an opinion that is best expressed with care.

I think Beyonce, who is an incredibly gifted singer (and is fine!), has moderately good acting talent. I did not enjoy her performances in Goldmember or The Pink Panther. She was good, however, in The Fighting Temptations and Dreamgirls. Based on that filmography, I'd have trouble imagining that she could do Wonder Woman without it coming off corny.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 25, 2007
Wow. The internet houses all you racist people doesn't it. She is a fine actress/singer and she would make a fine wonder woman.
Dec 3, 2007
i dont disagree that is doesnt immediately menn racism but like you said that opinion must be expressed better than woot did otherwise he leaves himself open to the same criticism that he tried to dole out,that being said im black and i would not want beyonce in the role either, he just needs to pick his words more carefully thats all.


Mar 30, 2007
Yea... Hmmm I can see it... just barely... I'm not much of a fan for the butch version of wonder woman anyways.. if they re-did her outfit and made it sexier it would work..


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I don't want to be part of the "race issue", but I don't know if a black wonder woman would feel right. Though if you're going to go with an African American, she certainly LOOKS like a black Wonder Woman. She's gorgeous, AND she looks like she could mess you up if she combat training. But it's Beyonce, so you know she doesn't. She might be too big of a celebrity to pull it off. I mean, Tobey Macquire and Christian Bale were pretty low key guys until they became Spiderman and Batman. Even Robert Downey Jr, although he's a big celeb, was coming back for a big role after having left the spotlight for so long. The only big celebrity who actually worked as a hero was Ed Norton as Bruce Banner imo - having a big celebrity headline your superhero film is the exception, rather than the rule.

And honestly, how good of an actress is she? Haven't most of her movie roles been diva soul singers anyway? Austin Powers, Dreamgirls, Pink Panther - not really what I'd call a stretch:) Still, maybe she has the chops to do something different and this could be her chance...


Aug 13, 2006
No offense, but to be true to the character and mythology of Wonder Woman, she would need to be white.

As for black women portraying white comic characters, we all remember Catwoman right? I still have nightmares about that crap.
Nov 14, 2003
I could see it working... but they'd have to retool her outfit design... quite a bit. It is a really ugly costume IMO. I think she could pull it off though, and no, I disagree, not all characters need to be white. They were nearly all white when they were made in the 30's and 40's, but they can be whatever now. And don't hate on Sam Jackson's character; the ultimate U Nick Fury is black and super badass, even moreso than the MU version in some ways.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I'd have to agree with Samolron. WONDER WOMAN is too iconic of a character to change to a black woman. I can forgive giving ROBIN to a black actor (which was floating around during the bad old days of batman film), but I can't see a black actress in the role of WONDER WOMAN. Just as I cannot see a white actress in the role of STORM.



Nov 10, 2008
Eh, my major complaints about Beyonce as Wonder Woman is that I don't think she's that good an actress.

Let me ask this though, if they made a Luke Cage movie and cast Matthew McConaughey as Luke Cage how would people respond?


Aug 1, 2007
Color doesn't really matter so much but there's a couple other problems.

1. Let's get someone who's a better actress. Beyonce is okay, but she has to have an ensemble cast to carry her. She's not ready to be a sole focal point of a movie. Let's not forget what Joel Schumacher taught us: Superhero movies work so much better when real actors play the role instead of just big names.

2. It really helps if Wonder Woman is a little more physically imposing than the average woman. That's the same problem with Megan Fox with the role. You don't need a woman who's as big as a man, just bigger than most women.


Apr 16, 2001
As a black man I feel the need to weight in on this. I don't think Beyonce works as Wonder Woman because the character background being so steeped in Greek mythology requires that the characters ethnic identity be held intact. Samuel L Jackson and Michael Clark Duncan do however work because their character backgrounds are not stemmed so much on ethnic or racial background but rather Nick Fury being a excellent combatant and natural born leader(Ultimate Fury is black and a soldier of bad ass proportions)and Kingpin having come up through the underworld of New York. However, Wonder woman being black makes as much sense as Black Panther being white. The ethnic background of those characters are very important to their identities. Their... I said it.


Closet **** sapiens
Apr 5, 2003
thejolson said:
Let me ask this though, if they made a Luke Cage movie and cast Matthew McConaughey as Luke Cage how would people respond?
Exactly what I was gonna say (though my example was Brad Pitt as Shaft [face_tongue]).

I don't know why, but I have no problem casting Sam Jackson as Nick Fury, but I was pissed off by the Will Smith as Cap rumor, and I'd be pissed of if they cast Beyonce as Wonder Woman. I think it has to do more with the choice of actor rather than the fact that they're black. Sam Jackson can play that kind of ultra-cool super spy that Nick Fury is, whereas Will Smith can only play Will Smith the Superhero, or Will Smith the Alien Hunter, etc. And all Beyonce's shown she'd be able to be is a super-sassy black soul singer with a lasso


Nov 10, 2008
Seriously I've never been impressed with her as an actress. And I agree with HavocTMA, Wonder Woman's background doesn't lend itself to a ethnicity change. You could make a bigger case for a black Superman before you could a black Wonder Woman.


Prime Member
Apr 1, 2007
this musnt happen!! i can see her doing the theme song too! also, changing the skin colour is the same as changing the character itself- for example, they had to create a new catwoman just for halle berry


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 5, 2007
"It's time for that, right?"


"I don't think Beyonce works as Wonder Woman because the character background being so steeped in Greek mythology requires that the characters ethnic identity be held intact. Samuel L Jackson and Michael Clark Duncan do however work because their character backgrounds are not stemmed so much on ethnic or racial background.....Wonder woman being black makes as much sense as Black Panther being white."

Exactly. Although I wouldnt mond seeinf her in the outfit I think an African-American Wonder Woman would be too big of a stretch.


Oct 23, 2008
people neeed to understand that these characters were created in a time when it would not be alright for a black hero! Hello the 1940s 50s 60s DC universe was segregated just like the real world plus most characters had to be white to sell. I dont see anything wrong with bringing different races into the mix,but i dont think Beyonce would be a good choice. Angela Bassett, Jessica Biel, or Eva Mendes, in my opinion are women who have the bodytype and acting chops to play the role.


Dr. OctoMom
Feb 6, 2001
there is nothing wrong with a black wonder woman, but the problem is Beyonce CAN NOT act, just ask Mike Myers why some of her scenes in Goldmember took upwards of 70 takes just to get a few lines of dialog.

If i had to choose a black wonder woman i would pick jada pinket, she's a much stronger female who CAN act and yet still holds an air of sexuality. Even Halle Berry might be better, she does at least have an Oscar, which doesn't stand for much these days but Monster's Ball was amazing


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
>>Wow. The internet houses all you racist
>>people doesn't it.
>>Posted by: siavm123

You totally miss the point, siavm123. It all comes down to how iconic the character is -- the more iconic, the less it can be changed by race. Would people care of Cyclops was played by a black actor? Probably not. But what about Wolverine? Or how about Superman? Or how about Thor? There are lots of fine actors to take those roles, but that's just not the point.

But why stop there? Let's replace STORM with a white actress. They say that there is a new A-TEAM being worked on. Maybe we can replace Mr T's character with Shilo Labouf while we're at it. There's a new Star Trek remake coming out -- perhaps they should replace Uhura with that Trinity chick from the Matrix movies instead. Screw Sulu -- lets replace him with Mario Lopez.

I know you said what you did.. you're just trying to insight people to an argument. Unfortunately, you're just out of touch with reality on this one.




Original poster
I'm sick of these rumors for racially changed super heroes. I'm not racist at all but I don't want to see characters that I love all of the sudden be changed to a different ethnicity. Just stick to the source material, that's what makes a great superhero movie.

And can someone over at DC please pay attention to what Marvel is doing and put out a decent movie. If it wasn't for Christopher Nolan and his Batman movies DC wouldn't have a single thing going for it. And even though the Batman movies are great, they don't lend themselves to crossovers like the current Marvel movies.

Deleted member 162

Original poster
My understanding was that Wonder Woman was a flagship character for DC, so why settle for anything less right? Beyonce, is a good actress but I just don't see her being good enough to make Princess Diana look right on screen. It would just look like one of her crappy music videos.
May 6, 2005
Vin Diesel as Luke Cage! Tom Cruise as Black Panther! Jessica Simpson as Storm! Keira Knightley as Lady Deathstrike! Seth Rogen as Silver Samurai! And Verne Troyer as Rhodey in Iron Man 2!

If you don't like all these picks, you must be racist! Or maybe you don't like them because it's completely contrary to the characters they're supposed to be portraying. I'm so sick of the "you must be racist" b-s that makes its way into these discussions. It's about being true to the source material (that existed for 60 years). Not about being racist. So just shut the hell up about it.


Prime Member
Sep 29, 2008
when fucking up catwoman wasn't enough, they'll come back for another try to rape another good dc character........

katherine macphee would be awesome for the role......


Aug 23, 2008
Maybe they could put a little spin on it.. the greeks did have blacks among them, albeit most were slaves, i think it could work. but Beyonce is really not a good actress.


Aug 27, 2006
I'm sorry, but that will not work. Wonder Woman is white. No, it's not racist, it's called respecting the source material. That just should not happen. And don't pull the Sam Jackson as Nick Fury card because Sam Jackson played ULTIMATE Nick Fury. In the Ultimate line of comics Nick Fury is black. That's why that works. Plus, Beyonce couldn't act her way out of a paper sack.
Oct 7, 2006
I can see her as wonder woman many because Beyonce is not DARK black she's Light skinned almost Hispanic of GREEK tan and last time I checked Wonder woman gets her origins from greek gods


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Well i'd really really really really really like to see beyonce in the wonder woman outfit. But for all the wrong reasons[face_blush] . But i don't think people would care much about a wonder woman movie unless someone of that calibur were to be cast as her.


Nov 19, 2007
Beyonce is whack and she should've kept her mouth shut. If she really wants to play a role where she has super abilities, she should first gain the very human ability to act like a real actor.

She's insane, and she's slowly walking into Kanye West land with that idea. They need to keep this wench off the silver screen! Mind you, she's got a lovely phatty... still doesn't mean i want to see her in Wonder Woman tights!! lol


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
In response to the guy a little earlier, Wonder woman is a dc flagship character in comic status only. And the fact that everyone knows her. She is not a big seller by any stretch of the imagination. Which is why no one would call it a travesty if her origin were reimagined a little. The dc trinity always felt like batman and superman as a duo and ww just tagging along. But a couple true to comics suggestions could be jeniffer lopez, monica bellucci or the best suggestion imo kat mcphee. I just think Joss whedon should've stuck with this project. Coulda made something special.
Jul 14, 2008
She can't act - nevermind the fact that she looks nothing like Wonder Woman.

Let's cast John Goodman as the next Batman, Tom Hanks as the next Blade.

May 9, 2005
Beyonce would not be a good Wonder Woman, and no offense it is not time for a black Wonder Woman, and there are plenty of better actresses who could play Wonder Woman.
May 22, 2008
Can't we look past the race card. True WW was always a white woman, but if the actress can portray the character accurately and give a great performance then I say go for it. Now to the topic at hand Beyonce...NO!!! You don't go from drama to superhero. Lets see her pull off some action roles and look believable then I might change my mind.
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