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Sep 21, 2008
Mark my words: This is going to be the best Wolverine movie ever. And maybe even one of the best comic movies, high up on the list with The Dark Knight.
Jul 1, 2010
Oh Yeah cant wait...gonna be a better movie, Wolverine needs to kick ass and look good doin it, wit a lot of extra body parts


Prime Member
May 4, 2001
Hugh Jackman is fine as Wolverine. Just give him a good script and a great director. Darren Aronofsky will be the true deciding factor here. I haven't seen Pi yet, but I will check it out now. All the screw ups and leaked footage of the first film aside, if Fox would have made the first movie anything like the game, it would have been freakin' awesome. It would have ideally been rated R, but could have still been a better movie overall even with a PG rating if they had a better script/director the first time around. It is rare that a game is better than a movie, but this was one of those cases. Wolverine's rage in the game was palpable and he was vicious. The opening cut scene was perfect. The whole movie should have been just like that and the Senteniel fight in the air too. I pray we get that kind of stuff in the new movie.


Nov 25, 2009
I think I'm gonna punch marvel in the face, too much non-canon work coming from them... Just stop rejigging everything!! lets have a bit of the marvel universe we love shine through, the avengers will mean nothing by the time it comes out if everything BUT them is broken... and they already broke the hulk before making the avengers... f*ckers
Jan 4, 2010
I think they should have waited longer to dish out another wolverine movie; like making a joke about someone who recently died, this is too soon.
Nov 30, 2010
Lets face it, Darren Aronofsky is the best thing that could happen to Wolverine. Look at his track record. All of the X-Men movies were complete s***. X-Men Origins: Wolverine being the worst. Hugh Jackman is perfect for the, but it's time to start from scratch. He's had his chance, and he took part in every theatrical crap taken on our favorite band of mutants.


Dec 1, 2010
This may have been said (I didn't have time to read all the comments) but is anyone else tired of the Wolverine movies!? I mean, the X-Men have so many cool characters, why not focus on someone else already? I know, I know, they are doing First Class, but still, this is the second movie to be mainly about Wolverine. I know a lot of people love Wolverine the most, but come on!
Dec 26, 2008
Aronofsky is great, and I really think he can finally do justice to the character. This movie should be rated R just so it can be as close to the character of Wolverine as possible. We need to see a side of Wolverine in films that we've only seen in comics. And as much as excellently as I think Hugh Jackman played Wolverine, all these bandwagon Wolverine film fans need to see that side of their favorite character as well. Origins should have been this, it wasn't, it was blasphemy, and Aronofsky has the chance to do right by the character and by the fans.


May 30, 2010
I think it's funny how quick people are to dis the old XMen movies, I'd like to see them make anything better.
Dec 2, 2010
Holla- it sounds like there actually thinking bout this out of the box for once with wolveys movie witch is good considering that he's the original anti-hero-hero and his movies and the general character development needs to be some out of the box thinking-holla


Aug 20, 2008
wolverine is a easy movie if you want to do it cheap use the recent weapon X series as a outline if you want to go for gold scrap the whole origin movie and do the actual weapon X story and aim for a R rating think big hair gritty 1970's era technology show the actual dead pool, you must have the doctor i think its doctor conelius or something but if yoiu want to do a movie that stands alone by it self and is to heavy to top lol do DAYS OF THE FUTURE PAST where he was the last X men to survive the sentinels mutant masscre of the X-men or go crazy and do the old man logan series where he's a old man that doesn't use his claws anymore npot gonna go into detail read the series it's ggggggggggggggreat


Feb 16, 2008
What is up with Marvel overhauling every single movie they have done so far!...Spiderman reboot, X-men First class, Incredible Hulk, Avengers (well the casting don't link with some of the other movies other then Ironman and Thor) and now The Wolverine! Its like they have no direction in the story or image they want to create. Make them better with better sequels and don't just scrap them and make new unrelated ones, thats just giving up in my eyes!


Nov 7, 2010
I personally enjoyed X-Men Origins:Wolverine, many critics felt that it couldn't get pass its X-men Franchise (The Last Stand, actually) cliche story line. But the overall dark, gritty, hopelessness that it portrayed was brilliant. The Wolverine, even though it will be a stand alone film, it does continue off the deleted scene of Wolverine in a Japan bar. So I'm very hopeful and look forward to see Wolverine in more badassery that the character deserves.
Dec 5, 2010
OK as a comic book other then Batman Wolverine was always my favorite comic. They butchered the first movie everything was wrong from the get go. They should of used the book Origin & went from there. Not only was the time line messed up but Logan got his butt kicked in every scene. I mean the man met Earnest Hemingway & was a bootlegger during probation. They is SOOO much to tell yet they didn't care once again to get it right.

This next one should suck just as bad.


Sep 7, 2009
It will work if they do the story in Japan. Bring up the Silver Samurai...

That way it would be unconnected but have a good ground to tell a great story.


Jan 28, 2009
For the love of god, just let Aronovsky do his own thing. The more distance you put between this movie and Xmen origins the better.


Oct 6, 2008
I'm sorry, but am I the only one who thinks Wolverine has been run into the ground? Seriously all three of the X-men movies were basically about him and then they felt the need to make an origin story and now they're making another one? He's eventually going to go the way of Spiderman a ton of games are going to be made about him and they'll all start to blend together so you don't know where one starts and another ends.
Sep 30, 2010
@ corcor89 I completely agree with you and I am a huge Wolverine fan (the comics version not movie) Hopefully they will let his character rest a while after this one.
And I am sorry but to anyone who thinks the Wolverine Origins movie was any good is a total idiot and should never post their opinions on cinema again. But that is jut my opinion.
Sep 1, 2010
Hell yeah!!!! All the other X Men movies suck, and Aronofsky is a a fucking great Director. Most of his films are amazing. So I say yes, he should have complete creative control.
Dec 9, 2010
Maybe if the sharpest claws in the comic book universe could produce some blood, we'd be heading in the right direction. Limbs flying would be a plus as well because anything that's not an impale strike would result in a lost limb.
Dec 11, 2010
interesting...should be a pretty cool, since i've just realized that when wolverine was in the X-Men movies his potential was held back greatly by Xavier telling him to calm the hell down everytime he was gonna go ape s*** on some guy's ass.
Nov 16, 2010
truthfully seeing wolverine go ape shit on a guy's ass is definitely something I would not want to see but whatever floats your boat.
Dec 16, 2010
Why not call it 'Weapon-X', do the whole 'Dark Knight' thing, although that would of been the origin story which they already messed up, I'm still owned a violent wolverine origin story Marvel!

This should be good though, Darren Aronofsky and the Japanese setting would be cool, I vote 'Old Man Logan' film for the next one.
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