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Feb 6, 2009
I know, what gives this guy the right to go messing around with a comic book character. I've never heard of anything so shocking!!!!! I'm glad comics don't ever go off on tangents, change origins or tell stand-alone stories that don't fit with any particular storyline.


Original poster
X-Men Origins was shit and should basically not be acknowledged with any of the past or future X-Men films. This is very good news.


Jun 18, 2008
My translation... The production is lame, this is gonna suck and there is nothing my genius (Darren's) can do about it so....No sequel is planned.
Aug 31, 2009
Everyone stop complaining since all of the people here are going to fork over nine dollars to see this anyway. The bright side- it cant be any worse than wolverine origins. Gavin Hood did to Wolverine what Brett Ratner did to X-men 3. And he is calling it "The Wolverine" because the intro to all Wolverine comics gives a short backstory and at the end says "and he became The Wolverine". So with that this guy has so far stayed true to the comics. He acknowledged the other movies were garbage and is doing something about it.

Now we may get to see Wolverine actually be Wolverine instead of some loving father figure. As long as Hugh Jackman is still on I'm all for it and this is great news.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 15, 2002
Holy crap, let it die, X-Men 3 ruined the franchise, the Wolverine movie sucked, let the ****ing thing die, you've milked it to death, just put it down.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2009
how can people complain about this? man i hate fanboys. first of all the title shows me that its going to be a lot more serious. no adamantium bullets here folks. second of all it friggin aronofsky. he will do to wolvie what nolan is doing to batman.

i will not let it die. wolverine deserves a good movie done by a good director and this is it.


Jul 28, 2010
this sounds cool i like the idea of not puttin lame titles like,reverenge of the fallen,dark of the moon or whatever the name is,just the wolverine, and is great to know that production is letting Mr Darren do it it's way...
May 1, 2010
La cosa es así, como se te ocurre hacer una pelicula nueva que suestamente no esta conectada con los X-men y tampoco con origenes...y que **ño cree ese director que hace si precisamente quien le dio vida a los x-men fue nuestro pana wolverine, por dios se corre el riesgo que sea una cagada de pelicula.


May 26, 2008
Wow a wolverine flick directed by a director who can actually direct. Hopefully this one wont suck, and maybe logan will use less hair gel.


May 2, 2009
I just want comic book related movies to stay true to the actual comic book story when morphed into movie. I hope the movie stays true to Wolverine's character and to his story without getting all diluted by people wanting to add in more crap than is needed. I really can't wait to see how this turns out.


Dec 13, 2009
This has gotten ridiculous. Disney needs to just help Marvel buy these properties back. It's painfully obvious that these other studios have no clue what to do with them. Remakes of X-Men, Spider-Man, FF(rumored), and now Wolverine??? It hasn't even been 3 years since the last one. If this movie tanks, no one will ever pay to see Wolvie in a movie again.


Oct 26, 2010
I dunno, I see Hollywood just cashing in on the whole superhero thing to sell tickets instead of making decent movies.

Still... this guy has worked with HG before, and made The Wrestler so... maybe it wont be Hollywood rubbish and a good film instead.

I stick with the comics for good superhero stories though. Infinitaly better than the mindless crap the movies have become.
Oct 20, 2010

I don't know what you consider decent movies but I've absolutely been loving the super hero movies they have been dishing out. Some have been bad I admit but thats to be expected this is a new genre for movies directors and a tough one to do. The Hulk with Edward Norton I thought was amazing, X-men 2 was great the first not so much the third was pretty good to. The spiderman movies I thought were really good despite picking a horrible actor to play spiderman. Oh wait Spiderman 3 was horrible actually. Anyways like I said it's been hit and miss oh yea can't forget to mention punisher that was a great one.


Nov 15, 2007
Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it. Comic movies that stay true to the source material (or at least don't contradict it) do very well (ex. Spider-Man, X-2, Ironman, Dark Knight). Those that deviate a lot usually don't (Superman Returns, Batman & Robin, Wolverine). Just stick closely to the comics and you'll be ok.


Aug 21, 2005
Maybe they will stop being pansies about it and make it R and make it feel like a real Wolverine movie like when they made the game M


Sep 15, 2006
Thank god it won't be connected to that terrible nonsense called X-Men Origins. That was horrible.

A completely isolated Wolverine tale has so much potential for being awesome. They could set it in Japan, or a ton of other places, really.
Jun 19, 2009
Crappy titile, BUT excited to see that it's a stand alone film with no relation to that last train wreck of a film!


Feb 13, 2010
what? this is a bit strange... I was expecting a SEQUEL but whatever works. And that title sucks. It's too early to say much but I really cant imagine wolverine without hugh me that man IS wolverine.


Jul 3, 2008
Stop it with the Wolverine hype. Hes not even close to the best/most interesting X-man. Hes not even likeable. Just an ass really. I mean, hes better than Cyclops, but how hard is that!? They should do an X-Force or Morlocks movie or something. A different mutant team would allow for a whole host of different topics or scenarios that the X-Men don't get to experience.


Jun 12, 2008
I honestly don't see how they can build upon the last disaster of a film X-Men Origins: Wolverine. They destroyed this great character and any hope of future redemption in regards to film development. Fox should really bury this and concentrate on an Origin story for Magneto and Charles Xavier which is much more appealing to fans at this point. Wolverine needs to be put to rest, once and for all because God knows it's time.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
"I really cant imagine wolverine without hugh me that man IS wolverine."

Last time i looked Wolverine wasn't 6ft+, handsome or charming, worst casting ever. Wolverine is supposed to be angry and gritty, think Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven. HJ wasn't too bad in the first 10 mins that we see him in the first x-men movie but after that they lost the character completely
Sep 14, 2006
We can't take this for granted I mean seriously for all we know the director could mess the legacy that is Wolverine ALL up.


Prime Member
Aug 9, 2000
hugh was a decent portrayal, but certainly too tall - the whole hunching over to make him look shorter was a bit hokey. Whomever they choose needs to be in the 5'4 to 5'7 range and needs to be a bit more muscular. Wahlburg might be a good choice actually


Sep 7, 2009
I like Hugh Jackman as Wolvie, since he's been doing it, it's been good. If this movie can be dark, and action packed (like TDK, only more blood and RAGE) it could be amazing.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 23, 2005
Why do you people think it's a reboot? I remember certain episodes of X men where wolverine went off on his own for a few episodes..Does that mean the cartoon was rebooted mid-way as well? People get so angry and offended to easily


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 21, 2005
Why are people so concerned with his height? Who gives a shit. Jackman is still the best choice. He doesn't need to be 5'2" to look like Wolverine
Nov 20, 2010
Darren Aronofsky is the Quintessential Filmmaker of our time and is the most groundbreaking director since Stanley Kubrick. Stop your whining as we are all very lucky to have Aronofsky on board to direct a wolverine film. If your not familiar with his work it is all very dark, has a deep psychological element to it and highly cinematic. Pi, Requiem For a Dream, The Fountain, and The Wrestler. IF you havent seen any of these, I HIGHLY recommend them.



Prime Member
Jun 23, 2007
I think as long as its treated as a one-off, and it doesn't spend more than approximately two minutes covering wolvie's origin, this should be awesome.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
yea just dont screw it up, oh and its done by the guy who did all those movies that make you want to commit suicide at the end of the film, not expecting this one to be an upper


May 7, 2010
MAKE IT DARK.. lighthearted cheese sucks, Green Lantern looks light n cheesy.. Wolverine is a fucked up storyline.. make us know how it would feel to be tortured and experimented on and make the resulting revenge sweet and violent, please!
Dec 21, 2009
let us know what it feels to be the wolverine. alone,mad,vengeful,and wild.I guess Batista can take the lead. LOLs. he's an animal after all. hahaha.
Dec 21, 2009
let us know what it feels to be the wolverine. alone,mad,vengeful,and wild.I guess Batista can take the lead. LOLs. he's an animal after all. hahaha.


Jul 8, 2009
Can Sabertooth at least be blond and bulky like he was in the comics? I didn't mind Xmen but the movies after went straight down for me and after seeing the cast of the origins movie...never wanted to see it period. I'd say it's to bad Fox is allowed to make these things but if this guy's able to go in a different direction there might be hope. I'd like to see the bloody violent character I grew up with. The man was the symbol of rage...but only when he was mad.
Nov 24, 2010
I know he's cool and all but cmon, the xmen trilogy might as well have been wolverine only with how much screen time he got, then orignins, now another one. Dam, he's gonna end up having more movies than Harry Potter.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 19, 2008
Aronofsky is an odd choice, but he's had a pretty interesting career. I guess it was only a matter of time before Hollywood snatched him up for a block buster. Looking forward to what he does with this.
Mar 19, 2009
I hope Hugh Jackman doesn't play him. Come on, this is not cannon from the other films, but will feel no different if he's playing Wolverine. And don't even tell me that Hugh was chosen for his profile and acting, he's playing Wolverine only because the original choice was still in a late wrap up on MI:2. Dougrey Scott for Wolverine? Oh god, tells you their care for the source, that and the rude fan service cameos they make all the characters. No back story and then murdering them in 5 seconds all the time (boo hoo, they killed the Prof., oh wait, they killed every important villain to wolverine's past/other and more in 1-3 anyhow).

Another 6 ft tall guy, and he's more a pretty boy? Then the one that at least has a rugid face to link him to Wolverine is just the guy on the bench? Give another a chance. I like him as an actor else-wise, but Hugh is only half the Wolverine I knew at best. Talking in his un-gruff ordinary voice-tone most the time, being a scrawny tower on the first X-men, I knew any other guy could play him as the performance wasn't THAT special. Oh, but now that he's beefed up in 2/3, he's not just one good candidate, he's the ONLY one who can play him?

Come on, his profile makes it awkward alone. We don't fear the shorter Wild Cat, but the lungering bear now. And really, this one shows to be just a bear upon fighting. Training my ass, he gets his ass handed all the time in 1, just swiping away. Even if less in 2 and 3, its nothing spectacular with just looking like a slap fight. A game of impact or missing. Thats why it was better in the comic. It was bloody then, but then he had tricks up his sleeve from previous know how in fighting methods.

I wouldn't mind him playing him, but enough is enough with ignoring new actors that could give us the profile and fuller character of Wolverine as this bad animal he is. Wolvie in the movies is just too righteous without much anti in him, then amnesia bullets? Yeah, he's naked for fives seconds as depicted in comics, but whoopdie doo, doesn't remain like that for a large length of time and he's more a guy who someone stole his clothes from. Ooo, such an animal.

His height SHOULD be a complaint to a point because its not like he's 5"6" to 5"8", this guy towers over people that were the correct profile and height for the characters. And mind you the x-men ultimate and afterwords came after AND inspired by the films! x-men thought it was the first ever comic movie and removed so called "ridiculous" things that worked in other comic movies. Its been a while, so now little things should be important with Watchmen and other comics REALLY grabbing the glory .
Sep 5, 2010
Ok, i think hugh jackman did a fantastic job at being wolverine in all of the xmen movies, so to get someone else right now even though its not going with the movies, would make it suck


Aug 26, 2010
after the last three movies i dont understand why fox does not change. in order to capture the true wolverine the movie will need to be a rated R movie like the video game concept. most video game movies suck right but when they decided to make the uncaged edition for mature audince the game got a much higer rating than most movie games. and another thing for fox to have a good wolverine movie they need som better special effects come on its 2010 almos 2011
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