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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Wolverine Title Announced[/link]
by Chris Tilly

Darren Aronofsky gave a brief update on the status of his Wolverine project at the weekend, revealing the title and explaining that it will be a standalone film.
[link=]Read Full Article[/link]
May 3, 2010
i personally think its too soon for a new wolverine storyline. We have already had 1 wolverine origins in the past 2 years, don't really want another. Don't quite understand how they are going to put across that it is stand alone also.

All i can say is, this film will be extremely risky so close to another series.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 26, 2005
*Clap Clap Clap*

Bravo. One shot sounds nice! Wolv movie should be rough and tough, unlike the melodramatic x-men. The more they move away from the series, the better.
May 17, 2008
it is a bit soon for a remake, but didnt marvel do this not so long ago with both of the Hulk movies, the 2nd may have been better than the first but it was still pretty weak.
Marvel should but some effort in for a change, with the 3rd remakes of spiderman and fantastic 4 on route and x-men starting again. give it a couple of weeks and they'll be re-making iron man again.

Just keep jackman away for christ sake.


Jul 28, 2005
wtf we have the 3 X-men films, then Wolverine which has a sequel being made I thought and now we have this new Wolverine remake. do we really need that much wolverine out there?


Feb 4, 2010
Very good news. Wolverine is an excellent character by himself. Much like Spiderman, Wolvie doesn't need to be part of a team or the overall Marvel universe to succeed.

It's good to have him in a standalone film and have audiences connect the dots between Wolvie's solo adventure and his time with the X-Men. Or audiences can just accept Wolvie for the awesome claw slashing hero he is and completely forget the X-Men and that horrid Origins flick....


Jan 13, 2010

Where does it state anywhere that it's a remake? It's its own film, in it's own universe (still contained inside the overall marvel universe, obviously)

Most likely this film will show the Weapon X project, and then go from there with Wolverine going solo. This isn't going to show James as a young child accidentally killing his family, we probably wont see him growing him up.

We may not even see Weapon X, it may just simply start with Wolverine in Japan running his nightclub. There's 100's of possibilities with Wolverine, his character has so much depth and is really fleshed out. Just because it doesn't say 'direct sequel' don't assume it's a remake or a reboot. You could make 20 Wolverine films and never make a direct sequel without running out of source material to make them all different.

Who knows, we may even see his son Prince, or it may be set in the future with him as a wanderer, more excepted in society, and helping some of the new mutants at Xaviers school (Like in Genext) We could see him going off with Gambit, he may have a run in with Deadpool and team up with him for a bit. We could see Jubilee helping him out, or Kitty Pride. All have appeared in previous films, but wouldn't need to be a direct sequel to any of them to explain Logan working with them.



Oct 3, 2005
are you people stupid??? it's NOT A REMAKE!! stand alone means that there will be no references to the other films, or sequences from it. it will be logan going to japan and doing what he think of it in comics terms as a one-shot. no sabretooth, no deadpool, just wolverine and a ton of samurai. and probably a joke about chopsticks.


Jul 22, 2010
Darren knows how to tell a story and if he is given free hands with the script, it's going to be awesome!


Mar 15, 2010
This is good news. It says that the studio knows they messed up with the last one, and are ready to make things right with Wolverine. Going to be awesome.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 14, 2008
"The feature will therefore be unconnected to both the X-Men movies and Gavin Hood's X-Men Origins: Wolverine."-

Except for the fact that, you know, Hugh Jackman is still Wolverine.


Jul 30, 2010
Ummm even though the actor is the same? That would appear to be connected to me.

Also Fox needs to work on the concept of building a larger universe instead of each movie having no effect on the next


Nov 30, 2009
So this essentially means ON TOP of first class this is ANOTHER reboot!?!?!?! What a waste of time, he already had his memory wiped and its the same damn actor so why the F would there EVER be any need to reboot???? The dumbasses who wrote this are clearly as smart as the dumbasses who thought a magneto movie made any sense LOL


Jun 13, 2008
yet another reboot? christ alive this is becoming a bit ridiculous.... the only thing that is saving this is the fact i think they have the perfect actor for the role, otherwise this would have died a long time ago, and if this one bombs too, then this really be put to bed permanently


Nov 15, 2010
It would be nice to see a rated R wolverine movie. But this movie is already going to better than the crappy first one anyways.


Jun 13, 2010
Wow you guys are other people have said a stand alone film does not mean that it is a remake it just means that the film will not carry over the story lines or characters from the first movie other then Wolverine. You guys seem like you want every movie that is made from the Marvel Universe to be connected together. That is so EXHAUSTING. I for one would be happy for a good Wolverine movie. So people calm down, this won't destroy continuity of any movie, it will just exist on it's own which to be honest with be a breathe of fresh air.
Dec 11, 2009
i think that's a great idea. a fresh take on a beloved hero, what's not to love. we've been disappointed before, but how about a little faith guys? the storyline seems to be a step in the right direction in that wolverines long history in japan stems from this story and is very influential in shaping him to be the wolverine we all know and love. reserve judgement til you see the finished product, thats what i say
Sep 2, 2008
This sounds like promising news. is it still taking place in Japan and is Wolverine still being played by Hugh Jackman?
Nov 4, 2010
it would be brilliant if it was truly stand alone, new wolverine, new characters and new story. I would love a complete reimagining, even from the comics.


Hip Hop Shinobi
Jun 9, 2003
That's VERY good news. While I have enjoyed the X-Men and Wolverine films, you have to be one to stomach the alterations to stories. The fact that this will not be tied to the other movies sounds VERY encouraging.


Hip Hop Shinobi
Jun 9, 2003
Also noticing that people cannot read. It's not a remake or reboot. It's stand alone story. Wolverine probably has more stand alone stories in his written history than most of the Marvel Universe. It makes sense.

What are people not getting?


Oct 2, 2010
I daresay they'll find some way to bung some reference to other godawful marvel universe movies in there somewhere. The studio will probably tack on some cringeful after credit sequence with Howard the Duck dropping some turdage on Xavier's empty chair...


Original poster
I think hes trying to do his own version of "Batman Begins" which is cool in my book as long as he brings back Hugh Jackman. I cant imagine anyone else playing the role at this point, he was simply born to be Wolverine !


Aug 15, 2008
If this is supposed to have no connection to any other X-Men related films, then why is Hugh Jackman still cast as Wolverine? I mean that's like casting Tom Welling as SuperMan & telling the public that it has no connection to Smallville.

I'm sorry to say, but this is a sequel as long as Jackman is attached to the film.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 15, 2008
Jesus, so many reboots and requels and unrelateds and whatnots.

Wiat at least 5 years before you start making plans to reboot. Spider-Man was way too popualr to reboot out of nowhere, same with X-Men.

When you have to decide between reboot and sequel, do NOT do a reboot.
Sep 21, 2004
they should have said this is a side story because i think thats what they mean!! its side stroy telling of his samurai days before anyone knew who wolverine was and that makes sense.

its not a remake or that its a side story. the Wolverine is a pretty lame name though.


Dec 8, 2009
I think this is a good decision considering how screwed up Origins was lol. Excited to see what happens i guess.


Oct 3, 2005
for you idiots who don't know the difference between a "stand-alone" movie and a "reboot, or remake" (like what your parents did after they had you)...
Anyone here watch Fringe? Okay..the main story is about the alternate universe, and how the fringe team is trying to stop them. the stand-alone episodes are about the team investigating cases that have nothing to do with the alternate universe.
X-Files is another great example: the main story is Mulder searching for his sister and trying to find out about the government and ufo's...the stand alone episodes are the ones that are over in an hour where mulder and scully investigate a werewolf or something. what that means, is that although wolverine has a main storyline (weapon x, etc) he does have other adventures which have NOTHING to do with the name wolverine, or weapon x, or the x-men!got that, morons!!?? anyone else not smart enough to get that!? SHEESH...learn how to read!!!


Sep 12, 2010
I think it's cool that Aronofsky gets to do his thing, but terrible or not you have to acknowledge the others happened.


Hip Hop Shinobi
Jun 9, 2003
theunit27 said:
for you idiots who don't know the difference between a "stand-alone" movie and a "reboot, or remake" (like what your parents did after they had you)...
Anyone here watch Fringe? Okay..the main story is about the alternate universe, and how the fringe team is trying to stop them. the stand-alone episodes are about the team investigating cases that have nothing to do with the alternate universe.
X-Files is another great example: the main story is Mulder searching for his sister and trying to find out about the government and ufo's...the stand alone episodes are the ones that are over in an hour where mulder and scully investigate a werewolf or something. what that means, is that although wolverine has a main storyline (weapon x, etc) he does have other adventures which have NOTHING to do with the name wolverine, or weapon x, or the x-men!got that, morons!!?? anyone else not smart enough to get that!? SHEESH...learn how to read!!!



Aug 15, 2008
AngiesBear said:

Where does it state anywhere that it's a remake? It's its own film, in it's own universe (still contained inside the overall marvel universe, obviously)

Most likely this film will show the Weapon X project, and then go from there with Wolverine going solo. This isn't going to show James as a young child accidentally killing his family, we probably wont see him growing him up.

We may not even see Weapon X, it may just simply start with Wolverine in Japan running his nightclub. There's 100's of possibilities with Wolverine, his character has so much depth and is really fleshed out. [hl=yellow]Just because it doesn't say 'direct sequel' don't assume it's a remake or a reboot. You could make 20 Wolverine films and never make a direct sequel without running out of source material to make them all different.[/hl]

Who knows, we may even see his son Prince, or it may be set in the future with him as a wanderer, more excepted in society, and helping some of the new mutants at Xaviers school (Like in Genext) We could see him going off with Gambit, he may have a run in with Deadpool and team up with him for a bit. We could see Jubilee helping him out, or Kitty Pride. All have appeared in previous films, but wouldn't need to be a direct sequel to any of them to explain Logan working with them.

Excellent point, after all look at the entire James Bond 007 movie collection, of the 22 or so films made, only 2 of them are a direct sequel to one another.
Jun 17, 2005
oh very interesting, probably a very good idea. I stopped comic collecting a while ago, but back in the 80's 90's they did a few of these standalone ideas.


Original poster
They want to "re-boot" the franchise so to speak thats ok with me. X-men Origins: Wolverine had several VERY disapointing elements... But I think they should either keep with the X-Men movie franchise continuity and consider Origins Non-Canon OR not use Hugh Jackman. Dont get me wrong , I love Hugh's wolverine , I just dont think he should be connected to two seperate lines of continuity unless they plan to intersect them with alternate dimension story lines which I find highly unlikely considering Fox's stance on a more grounded story line.


Jul 29, 2009
this does realiy confuse me i mean its like his story ( wolverine) its like it all made sence with xmen origins - end of his story is done nothing else to know , so why would you just add to the confusion with this it will just bring up more questions than anwser them


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 20, 2008
Ok so does this mean we won't see wolverine going to japan? I wanted to see silver samurai :(



Aug 30, 2007
Man, fuck Darren Aronofsky. What gives him the right to reboot wolverine? I was ok with the way it was. It never claimed to be the next Godfather, but it was a good summer blockbuster with a pretty solid story.
And the pretentious douchebag has just added 'the' to the title. The balls on some people.
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