Apr 23, 2011
since i did my story mode (campaign) idea, im gonna do a multiplayer idea.
u can have a paintball war, food fight, u can have the hole challenges ( challenge friends in the hole), a prefects vs students thing, escape from the asylum(more challenging ordelies and u have too go in and free someone and get out without getting caught. rap battles( make up ur own rap), go cart races, bike races, a faction war, school breakdown( like complete mayhem from the first bully)pictures, take pictures of bad kids doing bad things, free roam, and more. the myths in story mode are at the same place, same time in the multiplayer, so u could investigate with your friends. also in the multiplayer u can play as any charecter or u could make one( u could also improve the charecters from the game in multiplayer).


Apr 30, 2011
Well my idea for bully like this here u no at tha end where gary nd jimmy a.k.a (you) and u talk to crabble snitch so ur mom is still with her boyfriend nd she move to another town nd ur on ur own the first mission of Bully 2 would be Gary Gone you go to gary's fueneral and garys dead think again he fakes his death where he goes to a rival school called Patterson Bay Private school where Gary has taken over but the factis gary calls his brother that looks exactly like him Gary's brother named Joshua enrolls at Bullworth and trys to take over inside while Gary takes over the other rivals school and new stuff new gangs come in You have the ability to join cliques such as basketball team football and other new stuff new weapons and 2 new chapters
Apr 30, 2011
2. Junior/16(jimmy needs to be older,he's 16 so he can take drivers ed.)
3. Weapons(no real guns cause that's too much like GTA) more stuff like d spud gun,plastic bb guns,shocking gum,rubber bands,sling shot,marbles,eggs,egg launcher,marbles,tacks or tacks to pop tires,pepper spray,fireworks,spray paint,dirty pictures(to distact people),more singns like(kick me,i stink,im dumb,i eat bugers)
4. Bigger Map (more towns,more places like stores)
5. Missions (longer,harder missions)
6. Sports(able to actully join sports teams,play in sport games,and play against other schools)
7.Places(able to go into d places u cant in d first Bully,porn shop,able to go into all d dorm rooms)
8. Bigger Dorm(boys dorm needs to b big as d girls dorm,has showers in d boys dorm)
9. Cell Phone(able to invite people places,invite girls to your room)
10. BETTER FIGTHS !!!(more ways to start fights,takin stuff from people dat they r carrying knowing they need it back,trippin people from behind or while your sitting down and they walk by or when they walk by)(bigger fights,like riots or group fights)
11. More Moves(more fightin moves)
12. Escaping(more ways to escape prefects,police,etc.,pushin random buttons,grettin a chance to escape every time)
13. Interactive Items(able to sitt down,watch tv,take showers,ear more type of foods,etc.
14. Cafe(more students in d cafe at a time,able to start food fights)
15. Relationshps(albe to have a girlfriend)
16. Classes(actually have real detention and able to have more classes,and able to pull pranks while your teacher is looking d othr way,able o get up and walk around classes)
17. Wardrobe(more clothse for each season,and have more types of skateboards,and have heelees shoes)
18. Vehicles(modern cars,dirt bikes,4 wheelers,bikes)
19. Snak Around(dres up as girls so you can go where girls can go,dress up as teachers so you can go where they can go)
20. Prom[face_love]

May 14, 2011
i agree with kaboom...to make things even better, you should create your own new character... make it a jock,prep,nerd etc. thats my opinion....


May 15, 2011
I reckon he should be in collage, he has his dorm room (that he can decorate),his parents house and there should be heaps of apartments or whatever that he can rent. He should be able to join sport teams and play in the games, go to practice and workout whenever. There should be a pool where he can swim and heaps of beaches. heaps of girls and you can acually talk everyone. drive cars and buy them. rollerblades. surfboards. skateboards. bikes. huge city with heaps of beaches and skate parks. choose your own subjects. he needs showers and food.
Jun 6, 2011
Almost all of these ideas are really stupid. If there is a Bully 2, why does it have to be about Jimmy? Why does it have to take place in the same school? Could you imagine how shitty it would be if GTA III, GTA VC and GTA SA all took place in the same Liberty City, with the same Claude?

Bully 2 should take place in England, no contest. The setting of the first Bully was New England, an area of the US with an elite academic reputation because of excellent colleges like Harvard and MIT. Both Harvard and MIT are located in the city of Cambridge, which is in turn named after Cambridge University, in England. Cambridge, MA borrowed its name from Cambridge University because it wanted to establish itself as a college town. There's no area in the US for a Bully game more suitable than New England, and having two games take place in the same general area is just weird, having them both take place at the same school is atrocious.

In my vision of the game, the geek clique would mainly stay the same. The jocks would remain also, however, they'd be more oriented around European football and not American, and the official title of the clique would be the 'hooligans' instead. Preps would be there as well, but instead of boxing their main sport would be tennis. Greasers would be gone, but taking their place would be two different cliques; teddy boys and mods. The teddy boys would adopt the attitude of the greasers, but would drive cars rather than riding bikes. The mods would have the vehicular attributes of the greasers, riding around in vespa scooters. In one of the beginning mod missions, the player would also unlock the ability to customize scooters. Instead of drop-outs, they would of course be punks, but would more or less stay the same as the last and most aggressive clique, and they would ride mopeds which are essentially motorized bikes, modifiable and superior to the mods scooters. A new clique would be the hippies, who are even less aggressive than the geeks and the first clique you do missions for. Other, smaller sub-cliques would also exist, like bullies, skater kids (who you do a few side missions for to earn the skateboard), and nazi punks (only referred to as 'racists'), who only exist as an enemy clique in some punk missions.

Like the first Bully game, each clique would have its own 'activities':
Hippies: hackysack, ultimate frisbee, skateboarding
Geeks: Video games, RC races
Teddy Boys: boxing, pool
Mods: scooter racing
Preps: tennis, golf, boating
Hooligans: football, rugby, boxing
Punks: moshing, moped races

I'm really hoping that Rockstar is planning on a Bully 2. I'm anticipating it even more than a GTA V at this point, as Bully had features that were unmatched in any GTA game, especially the small-town game world that actually felt immersive, instead of just rushing from convenience store to convenience store in a smashed up sports car.
Jun 13, 2011
i think for the second bully, you should make it a girl who is the bully. im a girl and im tierd of boys ruling the school. let a girl beat up jimmy. let every1 take drivers ed and do sports. please do this!!!
Jun 20, 2011
i like that idea but i dont think bullworth should turn against him in this i believe that bullworth should unite with jimmy in his fight against gary and his school. gary and his school vs. jimmy and bullworth. now that i think would be the best way to go


Jun 22, 2011
joelleboy said:
i like how you put it, they missed alot of things and my fantasy Bully 2 is a whole lot of work, but i would like it better this way...

*Make your own character(Voice too)
*Rated M for mature (Blood effects,curses,sexual themes,etc.
*More realistic-bruises & hurt mode(ex.when shot on the arm,he can't use it for awhile)
*College setting
*Great graphics/no cheats
*Cool secrets and unlockables
*More urban(clothing,slang,walk)
*More liberty(Sell drugs,no curfew,graffite)
*steal money,weapons,or vehicles
*Better weapons (crowbar,axe,firehose,skateboard,guns,etc.)
*More features-
~More classes(can actually BE in class. throw paperballs,spit through straw,disturb class.in other words,free-joy around class. have the choice of getting up and play around and in trouble. either leave the class or copy notes.pulling pranks while the teacher is about-face.)
~sit down or loutter
~No matter how much respect you have, there are other characters that can beat you
~More places on map (Same icons and health bar & wanted bar)
~No prefects-Security Guards
~Can escape Security Guards in different ways
~refuel car/fill bike tires
~abilities- (Open trucks from cars,recruit more than 4 people with you,allow one person ride on the bike pegs,work in stores and gas stations)
~hurt students in new ways- (throw garbage cans over their heads, trip them by walking behind them, smack them,take something from them--knowing they need it back so they call for a fight, push them by the waist when they are using the urinals,force them to drink more water than they want on the water fountain,make a bigger dorm room[allowing you to picklock into other student's bedrooms]
~wear girl wig to sneak into girl dorm room.
~while students take showers,you can change the temperature or the water(hot to cold,cold to hot)
~can take public transportation
~after you pass story mode, seasons still occur
~*Multiplayer- (Can load character from other saved games,players can freejoy around map like regular 1 player,players have the option to play freejoy as one screen[like san andreas] or split screen,also can join forces to bully kids and commit terror together.

I almost like everything in your list, however no offense but I think putting axes, crowbars, and guns into the game is a horrible idea. Remember, this isn't GTA, this is supposed to have a comedic setting. If Bully would suddenly turn into a game where you can kill people, it would ruin the whole atmosphere of the game.

So please stick to GTA if you want to kill people.

Also, (not referring to quoted post), Bully 2 shouldn't take place in Bullworth. It should take place in some other school.
Jul 14, 2007
I'm really losing hope , I mean it's been over 16 months since Shawn Lee said he was working on the soundtrack for Bully 2, yet there's nothing since then . Not even the Rockstar website says anything about Bully 2 . Even a teaser would make me keep hope and feel relief that it actually is in works, but there's NOTHING


Jul 9, 2011
Can't someone gain communication to Rockstar and find out for themselves i mean, i absolutley loved bully, but it was too short, and there was not so much to do, someone needs to find out for sure if there was a sequel, or at least a game based on the last one, PLEASE ROCKSTAR, DONT FORGET ABOUt BULLY


Jul 23, 2011
awsome man but this is my idea the game stars with jimmy and pete in dr cabblesnitch office drsays; jimmy your moms here mon;jimmy weare moving back to englan jimmy ; what mmom;thats right pack your bags pete buy jimmy im really worried immy; pete relaxed jimmys expelled pete; what about zoe jimmy; dont worry well keep in touch the game startsjimmy is in his school in england called uk academy he meets the pricipal master mckenzie jimmy sees that the students are nasty jim makes his 1 freind jak jimmy spends the month tortured that night hes talking with pete pete says jimmy things are going bad here pete tells him a rivaling school loosenburhg high school for the misconduct children he finds out gary is the king of that school and that zoe has left him for a gangster named jay jimmy hangs up and gets jak he tells jak he has to go to the usa jak uncle owns a salmon ship and jak knows how to sail they reach bullworth academy jak goes back to england and tells him to come back to the docks to get picked up any time he wants to go back to england jimmy sees johnny and trent fighting two emo kids from loosenburg johnny gets beating up jimmy scares the students away johnny seems deppressed and tells him that he broke up with lola but is happy to see a friend .jimmy goes up to the office to see dr crabbleesnithch talking to garys lawyer dr crabblesnithch is bein seued and might lose his positionjimmmy tells dr whats going on he says he might lose his position and loosenburhg high wants to destroy bullworth jimmy says that hell help him find a lawyer but wants to be rerigetered but the dorms are full because of all the townies that transerd jimmy says he will stay at his uncles house in loosenburgh jimmy leaves and finds out theres a good lawyer in looseenburgh once there he seees jay and zoe kissing jimmy is furios but before he can lola comes and tells zoe how can she cheeat on jimmy with jay lolla goes to jimmy and tells him shes changed and ask him if theyed liked tov go on a date jimmy can say yes or no jimmy gets the lawyer and the day ends with lola and jimmy holding hands.


Jul 26, 2011
i think someone should like set up an online petition to send to rockstar! i would do it myselbut i dont really have the know how, i mean ign could do it themselves. they could gain publicity for it and we would hopfully get a game in the works! just an idea sorry if its already being done, and i believe a rival school is the best idea imo and jimmy cant be too much older at all otherwise its just a carbon copy of gta


Jul 26, 2011
eminemfan100 said:
since i did my story mode (campaign) idea, im gonna do a multiplayer idea.
u can have a paintball war, food fight, u can have the hole challenges ( challenge friends in the hole), a prefects vs students thing, escape from the asylum(more challenging ordelies and u have too go in and free someone and get out without getting caught. rap battles( make up ur own rap), go cart races, bike races, a faction war, school breakdown( like complete mayhem from the first bully)pictures, take pictures of bad kids doing bad things, free roam, and more. the myths in story mode are at the same place, same time in the multiplayer, so u could investigate with your friends. also in the multiplayer u can play as any charecter or u could make one( u could also improve the charecters from the game in multiplayer).

DAMN! that sounds amazing! haha i mean those are some well fantastic ideas! i mean i think the story mode would still have to be a major part, like not one of the games that focus on multiplayer!
Oct 15, 2011
Maybe he will be done with high school since he rules the school then moves on to college and try's to rule the college school?
Oct 27, 2011
i like how you put it, they missed alot of things and my fantasy Bully 2 is a whole lot of work, but i would like it better this way...

*Make your own character(Voice too)
*Rated M for mature (Blood effects,curses,sexual themes,etc.
*More realistic-bruises & hurt mode(ex.when shot on the arm,he can't use it for awhile)
*College setting
*Great graphics/no cheats
*Cool secrets and unlockables
*More urban(clothing,slang,walk)
*More liberty(Sell drugs,no curfew,graffite)
*steal money,weapons,or vehicles
*Better weapons (crowbar,axe,firehose,skateboard,guns,etc.)
*More features-
~More classes(can actually BE in class. throw paperballs,spit through straw,disturb class.in other words,free-joy around class. have the choice of getting up and play around and in trouble. either leave the class or copy notes.pulling pranks while the teacher is about-face.)
~sit down or loutter
~No matter how much respect you have, there are other characters that can beat you
~More places on map (Same icons and health bar & wanted bar)
~No prefects-Security Guards
~Can escape Security Guards in different ways
~refuel car/fill bike tires
~abilities- (Open trucks from cars,recruit more than 4 people with you,allow one person ride on the bike pegs,work in stores and gas stations)
~hurt students in new ways- (throw garbage cans over their heads, trip them by walking behind them, smack them,take something from them--knowing they need it back so they call for a fight, push them by the waist when they are using the urinals,force them to drink more water than they want on the water fountain,make a bigger dorm room[allowing you to picklock into other student's bedrooms]
~wear girl wig to sneak into girl dorm room.
~while students take showers,you can change the temperature or the water(hot to cold,cold to hot)
~can take public transportation
~after you pass story mode, seasons still occur
~*Multiplayer- (Can load character from other saved games,players can freejoy around map like regular 1 player,players have the option to play freejoy as one screen[like san andreas] or split screen,also can join forces to bully kids and commit terror together.

-if bully 2 is goin to be like this . it will be the best game ever . but without the axes and guns though . cuz i dont want it turns to killing people . bully is just for bullying not killing .

Nov 4, 2011
ok, heres the deal....ive been repeating this game over and over since 2006....because truth be told its rlly good....obviously ive stopped. it gets boring playing a game over and over again and then your like "omg this game is so short, but had a great story, so wheres the sequel?" i get gamestop magazine by mail and in countless articles THIS YEAR, 2011!!!, i see the game bully in some top 10 amazing game list or how it made game history...u can check its a fact....but still rockstar has not made a sequel and if theyr making it its gonna be like top secret because they wont want us to know until theyr prepared...and who knows? based on all the graphics they have now on video game quality they could be almost ready considering apparently they just finished gta 5....bully was a great game and popular they cant leave it hanging...ive never heard a complaint about that game. theyve gotta make a sequel whether its in bullworth with gary and jimmy or not.
Feb 12, 2012
I know this post is old but i just was thinking about The Bully and was wondering if R* had/ was goin to make a Bully2. I think that if nd when they make a second one it should still be Bullsworth but it should be his senior year there. He should be able to be on the football team, wrasling team, basketball team, in the band, or what ever extracoriulor activity he wants to be in. It should be the same except three years in the future. There should be cuter girls and he should be able to go on dates with then and have "sex" with them. Of course they can't show the real thing. He she also be able to talk to the adult females too. He should be able to work on cars in shop class. He also should be able to pick his own classes. The map should be bigger and there should be a rival school that come and vandalize Bullsworth. He would have to caught and stop them as a side mission. Also get same pay back at their school. The new story line can be what ever R* decides but i think that Bullsworth should slowly be slipping out of his control and there is this new kid who is trying to pick up his peaces and take the school for himself. Oh and make it rated M so there can be more explicit things in it...i liked that idea who ever posted that. Also the idea of actually being in class and bullying people in new ways. He should have alot more freedom than he hade in the first Bully. He should be able to get a job too.

This is just one idea i had. It can also be a series where in The Bully 2 he is a 10th grader and they have two more Bullies after that were he is a junior in the third one then a senior in the forth one.
Feb 20, 2012
PS2 Bully is still being sold at Best Buy and Fry's. That tells you there was and still is major fans of the game. Been playing video games since pong and also work in the industry. A follow up to Bully on PS3 has been on the top of my wish list for a long time. I hope Rockstar pulls the trigger.


Mar 15, 2012
of course bully 2 will be released for the ps3,xbox 360 and pc.if they don't i will kick rock star's ass.look at my profile avatar you can see that i am angry with rockstar.
Dec 18, 2013
I have a very good idea for A sequel to a game that i loved very much, now remember the 1st godfather game where you play as a character who wasn't actually in the movies or books now here is the idea have it that the sequel is based about 3 or 4 years after the original and jimmy has went up in the pecking order and in the story you play as a new character who has moved to bullworth academy, and when he gets there the first few missions are based on the character trying to fit in and after the 4 mission you are out in the city and the character you play as meets gary smith antagonist from the first game well duh xD and because jimmy isn't able too keep an eye on everyone certain students at bullworth academy are making the protagonist characters life hell and from when he meets gary, gary pushes idea's into his head and twists the events of the first game and manipulates him and turns him against jimmy hopkins he introduces the protagonist too a outcast clique and through that you have too try and bring a revolt against jimmy because the character thinks that jimmy is corrupt because gary has twisted his view still trying too figure out other ideas one idea i had would be to add a thing called clique battles it is basically like a thing where you can take control of your clique sort of like the mechanics used in the rockstar make of the warriors game although to wins these fights it can end in being taken down by prefects or knocking out the rival clique.