
Oct 24, 2009
Why does the sequel have to center around Jimmy? Look at GTA. Never has there been the same main character I would play a new Bully at a new school with new characters. Wouldn't you?
Oct 25, 2009
manhunt913 said:
My Bully 2 Idea
by. manhunt913

Chapter I: Student Groups and Charactors

Bully 2 would take place about 3 years later when Jimmy's a senior. Jimmy would still be in Bullworth Academy but, there would be all new student groups...

Emos [face_cry]: They wear trip pants with rips in them. They would wear a black Bullworth vest, also with rips in it. They will have black hair with some red and they will have cuts on their wrists. Jimmy will be able to bully them until they run and cut themselves.

Gangsters: They would wear jeans and wear red Bullworth vests with bling. The Gangsters will also be Bullies.

I can't think of any more groups, but the Preps, Nerds, Greasers and Jocks will still be in Bully 2. All the charactors will be the same.

Chapter II: Rating and Weapons

The game would be rated T for Teen. The weapons would be..

Super Slingshot 2.0: The SS2.0 would should from a farther away distance and would add a triple damage.

Camera: The new camera would have colored photos and could zoom in from farther away.

Poisen Gun: Used to kill plants. This weapon is great for pissing off prefects, teachers, and cops.

Edna's Cooking: Use this disgusting peice of Edna's cooking to make your enemies run away.

Skateboard: Use this board to ride or bang over your enemies head.

I can't think of anymore.

Chapter III: Bullworth

In Bullworth town you would still be able to buy clothes, get a hair cut, buy food and items, and get to the carnival.

In Bully 2, you will pass out later (Maybe around 4:00AM), have the ability to make out with every girl you give flowers or chocolates to, and play some missions as Gary and Pete.

That is my idea [face_idea] for Bully 2.

You are stupid and insolent. You are being stereotypical as well. Emo's? Cuts on wrists? Emo is a type of music, asshole. And Gangsters? You know nothing, my friend, nothing. You have many spelling and grammer mistakes which really PISSES me off! Besides these problems, I guess your idea is barely ok. It could work, but it's stupid. You didn't even put any story!



Oct 19, 2009
They should let us be able to feel the growth of Jimmy in which he is getting older and In that process, help us get to know what it feels to go to bullworth academy in the remaining years of jimmy's high school. Then they should make there be able to be more choices like being able to be the head of a certain clique. And make it sort of like an RPG action game where we can actually rule the school in the way we want to. And choices like to be able to either go all out and start a rampage in the school. Or going through with another plan.
Apr 27, 2009
there is going to be bully 2 sooner or later, probably later

hope its in high school cuz i dont want another gta in collage
Jun 9, 2008
Okay I Dont really ever do this but bullys the one thing I play sooo
First off it should just be sophmore year, but still a longer story.

Second dont add sex, drugs and violence I mean thats just highschool GTA and thats just stupid. Half the reason I like bully is cause its close to MY age so I can do things I wouldnt do in real life as my age.

Third add more maps maybe a big Island off the coast so you could get water vehicles and a rival school at the far end somewhere with a few clicks with it and more Hangouts.

Fourth getting choices and alternate ending to missions....the games boring when noene hates you and you dont have just one or two clicks as your buds. Then you could get clik members that your allied with to follow you simply by adding an action to the talk menu that says follow me, then you could lead a big group like up to ten of your allies and go have a big fight at the enemys hangouts. Also this could go vice versa and at random (but not too many times) youd just be around and then a cut scene where an ally runs up and say oh jimmy there attacking the observatory or something and then you could respond accordingly (not responding would make the enemys just hang out until you knock them all out and they might trash the place also. I like the driving Idea but it would be underage and raise the trouble meter. Also the cops have to be a little faster so the chase is a genuine chase or at least they dont get tired as fast.

Fifth Sports should be playable but as a choice and you would play other schools so dodgeball, wrestling, footbal and maybe something else would be cool.

Sixth you should be able to go in most of the buildings not just stores or hangouts like average houses but that would be "breaking and Entering" except for places your allowed to be like when a click likes you there mothers know you and you can go in there house.

Seventh a mission replay, it could just be random hammocks around town and school (not beds to individualize hammocks) where jimmy dozes off and you pick what mission to "dream about and replay"

Eighth and finally just add new missions, schools , people, prefects, classes, teachers, activities, clicks andything but still keep everything in the first games cus it was so great.

Dont think Im a bully freak cus I posted this just had to get my I deas out again I never do this kind of thing I reall only like Bully so ahm out.
Dec 4, 2009
Hi there i am a represenitive of Rockstar games.I am here to tell you about Bully Two.
The story will take place one year after the first game when Jimmy Hopkins is a sophmore at Bullworth but the player will not play as him but as a character the player creates.The story is very in-depth and you will have diologue choices.As far as the female students go there will be two to each clique and a few that don't belong to any clique you will not be able too just give them a gift but actually interact with them such as helping them with problems and taking them out on dates.Classes will be the same as the first but with a few more.The cliques will be the same as the first about with three new ones and im sorry to say that i can't tell you them.Gary will not return.The created player will be a freshman,and will interact with the cliques and Jimmy who is a sophmore as stated above,Pete will return but for a shortwhile.The game will be released around Q1 of 2010.If you have any questions please post them and i will answer to the best of my Abilities
Mar 22, 2009
Bully II
With Jimmy Hopkins trials of enduring Bullworths torments the story shifts to Gary who has been sent to a military school at the request of his parents. The story than follows Gary manipulating the students into becoming his army and conquering another school. However as the story goes on and the cliques slowly rebel against Gary, Gary must make a last stand against the growing power of students.
just a small interesting idea o.o
Dec 4, 2009
Yes i am a represenitive of Rockstar North who will be creating the game and i do have to be cautious but i can answer some questions
Dec 8, 2009
"Rockstar may have a sequel to Bully in the works. The Gaming Liberty reports that a recent interview with composer Shawn Lee hints at the title. Asked if he would work on future games, Lee responded, "Yes. It looks like I will be doing the soundtrack for Bully 2 in the not so distant future." He doesn't leave much room for interpretation there, but this news is still in rumor territory. Rockstar told Kotaku, "We do not comment on rumor and speculation."


Dec 13, 2009
They Could Do The First One In Gary's Point Of View And Him Getting Jimmy Expelled So That He Becomes The King Of The School


Dec 19, 2009
rockstarrep12, can you tell us when will you guys give us more informations about PS3 EXCLUSIVE AGENT and L.A.NOIRE ?
Please answer!!!


Dec 19, 2009
"The game will be released around Q1 of 2010" but no sreenshots and videos yet....
Are you sure??? maybe Q1 of 2011.....
Dec 2, 2009
LOL yea them are cool ideas, im new tho, i had some cool possible ideas like,A create your character feature, and puttin the friend and hang out type thing they did in gta iv,
Dec 2, 2009
rockstarrep12 said:
Yes i am a represenitive of Rockstar North who will be creating the game and i do have to be cautious but i can answer some questions
Thats cool im new to this ign thing, im excited about the create a character feature cause thats the one thing rockstar never did was that their games would be 100 times better. I mean saints row had the right idea but gta iv was way better with the physics,graphics and just alot more real. comment me back i wanted to throw in some creative ideas or listen to urs
Dec 31, 2009
if there is a bully 2 they should make it so that you can choose to be a nerd, jock, greaser, bully, or prep... I also think they should make it so that you start out at bullworth and do a mission and get expelled so that you start at a NEW school


Jan 15, 2010
.....more privileges....people you realize that if Jimmy Hopkins is in college, or in his senior year in high school, he would be able to drive and then Bully 2 would just be a complete copy of Grand Theft Auto, if rockstar did make a Bully 2 it would have to fit in with the old bully teenage tricks, and gta tricks.....so making bully 2 would have a lot of predicaments


Jan 19, 2010
hey i hear there will be a bully 2 and it said it
ill come out in 8 week but my dad work for bully he told me that it will come out in 3 week from this monday [hl=yellow][/hl]


Jan 31, 2010
great idea but u can create a guy or girl cuz ima girl i dont like being a guy lol and u can do every thing else like u said


Jan 31, 2010
i think your person punches the princible in the face the goes to juvie after resitsting arrest and u have the have good behavior to get out or u can be bad and get in more touble and wen u talk u can type anything and it will say and u live in bullworth but with 5 new map places to go u can be a guy or girl and do any kind of school activity or sport but if u be bad and gett coaught u go to juvie but idk just any idea
Feb 2, 2010
i think if they did make a bully 2 it should tell the story of how gary came about the school and show his storyup to the point where jimmy starts or just do it from when jimmy joins but how he managed to turn the school against jimmy hows that sound?
Jan 4, 2010
The the people who doesn't have a clique should be one and they get a new really strong leader who is stronger than russel or the prefects.


Mar 2, 2010
Most of these ideas suck. Basically you all just want to play the same game again?
No thanks.

New characters
New school
New story

No Jimmy, no Bullworth, no climbing up the social ladder storyline - everything needs to change except the gameplay.

Also, for the people who believed rockstarrep12, are you really that retarded?
R* don't just send some douche to IGN to tell us about a new game.
You're all a bunch of morons...



Mar 12, 2010
i agree i bit but there should be petey who's now older (say 22. now a teacher) should teach the new character how to be the next king of the school. and petey should remarc that jimmy moved and became a pro wrester but there should be social ladders still. and takin over cliques and cliques houses and new weapons no drivers ed the same things in bully 1 and ya.


Mar 14, 2010
The guy who made the soundtrack for the first bully said that he will be making another one for bully 2. Rockstar hasn't confirmed nor denied that they are making Bully 2. But I'm pretty sure Bully 2 will be here soon.


Mar 31, 2010
i like this idea and if we want and we have enough money we could by are own car or a proper moterbike not a scooter

i agree with the idea of moving to england but then a diffrent story line instead of that onen i think we need a bully 2 when jimmy is at school in his last 3 years and when his 16 he will be aloud to go on dates with adults :S i think it will be funny and he should be able at his last year to be head boy and be mayor !!!!
i think he should be able to take the lessons in what he choses to do not like maths or english something like flying lessons and when he leaves the school instead of endless summer ther should be like you are a adult and you can get a job and do what you like !!! i think that would be a good game.

and then bully 3 will carry on from him being an adult and he should move back from england to america and work as a teacher in bulworth and teach lessons also he would be aloud to drive and buy cars and actually have sex and do drugs [ if he wants ] there will be more missions and secret missions for the pupils at the school and you can go out on the street and just randomly kiss a woman if they like you , you can go back to there or your house you can get fired and re-hired.

and maybe in bully 4 you can get married and have kids but maybe not !!!! i think if there were a bully 4 you could become a police officer and handel guns and mybe it will turn out like grand theft auto lol



Mar 31, 2010
or instead of jimmys story it should be garrys story :D that would be realy good because at the end when jimmy gets garry expelled garry would go to enoughter school and we will be able to visit bullworth and maybe wreck bullworth completly and mybe jimmy would have to move to the school that garry is in and it will get kaotic that would be good


Mar 31, 2010
EVERYONE I HAVE JUST FOUND AN AMAZING GAME its like bully and grand theft auto in one but you are in the wild west and you got girls boys and guns you ride horses through wild west to fight in a civel war look at the rockstar games and there is a game called


it looks awsome everyone look its like bully and grand theft auto

Apr 4, 2010
there might be because the music creater of the first bully told us already because he deciced to make a future sound track to bully 2 so its like he already told us so there might


Apr 13, 2010
i think there will be a new bully becase

go to this web www.xbox360achievemets.org

and wright bully and it will say bully 2
May 14, 2009
fusionzz said:
i think there will be a new bully becase

go to this web www.xbox360achievemets.org

and wright bully and it will say bully 2

That's only because of the rumour. Why would they know before anyone else???

But I agree that R* haven't denied it. They simply say they don't comment on rumour and speculation, if they weren't making it why say that? Why not say there will never be another Bully??? The release from them was simply trying to dismiss the interview as "rumour" or "speculation" is them trying to rubbish the whole idea because it's secret.. Not sure why.

If it is to be released it wont be till after Red Dead Redemption has been released. Probably not until xmas at the earliest I rate.
Jan 31, 2009
thebrutallegend said:
i think if they did make a bully 2 it should tell the story of how gary came about the school and show his storyup to the point where jimmy starts or just do it from when jimmy joins but how he managed to turn the school against jimmy hows that sound?

Hey you bastard i made that same idea for R* two years ago on this thread.[face_shock][face_mischief]
Jan 31, 2009
skater4lifeNewYork said:
the only person i hate on ign is mysteryboy he always does stupid things and is always mean 2 people im sorry but in my oppion hes a ***

Oh my God i was cryin reading this it's hilarious. Mysteryboy being mean to people and stuff on a viediogame website. I was laughing so hard.
Jan 31, 2009
skater4lifeNewYork said:
i like that idea the last guy said and mystry gurl just because you like an idea dosent mean everybody else does

Blam MysteryGurl o my god dude. Some funny stuff.

Sorry about the triple post.
May 25, 2009
Why do people keep saying that Bully 2 will be like GTA? Why would Rockstar bother making a carbon copy of a game that is already successful and renowned around the world? If they were going to make a sequel they would have Jimmy in his final year, or having a second Semester or portraying the life of a different character at bullworth or maybe about Bullworth on the brink of shutting down or something, I dunno. But R* would certainly not create a copy of GTA where Jimmy drives cars and stuff, because then it would just takeaway the whole point of the game, It's called BULLY, which obviously has something to do with a School.
May 6, 2010
actually, it was said today that he has been leaked, and there will be a Bully 2!!
heres the link!

