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Aug 10, 2009
I would like to know also. I BUT WHY THE HANDHELD SYSTEMS????? Star Wars Battlefront Elite Squadron for DS AND PSP??????? why not xbox360 (which i have) or ps3????????


Jul 19, 2009
I have fought for this game so hard i want it, im in the begging and pleading stage, soon it will be the denial stage, just make it, I dont care who makes it as long as its good.


Aug 10, 2009
What do I think. i think They should just say if it is real or not. i think it is BECAUSE they made a psp and DS battlefront what about the major consoles


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Right this very instant the game is starting to be sufaced again :) there are apprerantly three companies that are trying to pick the game back up again, but due to one problem to antother it cant be completed because free radical is saying they still own the title rights :( Which i checked sadly they still do. The game could still come out but only under a different title, but that is very unlikly because starwars battlefront saga is so well known. It would be extremly easy to sell a starwars battlefront saga game as the 3rd.

Give it a week or two and i will be able to provide you with more information on this extremely exciting news to starwars fans everywhere.

I also have some more extremly exciting breaking news for Starwars Battlefront 2 PS2 players, I have now discovered how to mod the game, much like the pc game. Heres te link:


Jun 28, 2007
Right this very instant the game is starting to be sufaced again :) there are apprerantly three companies that are trying to pick the game back up again, but due to one problem to antother it cant be completed because free radical is saying they still own the title rights :( Which i checked sadly they still do. The game could still come out but only under a different title, but that is very unlikly because starwars battlefront saga is so well known. It would be extremly easy to sell a starwars battlefront saga game as the 3rd.

Give it a week or two and i will be able to provide you with more information on this extremely exciting news to starwars fans everywhere.
Sounds like you're full of sh!t.
Oct 4, 2005
Here is some newly discovered concept artwork and 3D models for SWBF 3 and 4 from a former Free Radical employee. Also if you look in his game portfolio you will see "CANCELLED" overlaid the Battlefront box art.

Oct 19, 2009
Just think about it starwars battlefront 1,2 made a alot of money. People enjoy playing them. This is not the issue about Haze who care's. But the Name starwar's Battlefront 3 people want to play. The company who get this game right's even they say it is dead cough cough I don't think so! The point is this will be a very good investment and the money for making this game. EA, BioWare you know you are
I am a nobody but for the starwars fan PLEASE make this happen. We need this game point blank! Enough Said.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 20, 2004
Sorry I'm kinda late to this party, this post has actually been a good thread. I'm with the majority that are pissed at SW BF 3 being cancelled. What's with the lack of star wars games this console cycle? We have lego star wars which is fun, and we have the steaming pile of the force unleashed. That's it.!@#$%^&*??

The source of the problem is Lucas Arts themselves. They haven't been in the games market for a few years. And they haven't developed a good game since the xwing series almost 12 years ago. Surely LA could have funded Free Radical to get bf 3 finished and onto store shelves. Free radical could have recovered from profit margin. That's not even getting into marketing and advertising revenue. So FR stated it was in trouble and LA just jettisoned them. What a crock. But recently the story has gotten better.........*dripping sarcasm* Pandemic picked the game up over the summer. Ok no problems they did the first two. Another huge issue arrises here....Pandemic is now owned by the evil empire of gaming known as EA............and they have never liked anything LA has been involved with. I don't have the link but Xplay stated during the week of Dec 1, 2009 that EA is closing Pandemic Studios !@#$%^&*????!!!! More BS thrown at gamers and SWBF fans. The status of SWBF 3 is currently unknown but I am presuming it officially KIA.

Damn you LA for letting this kinda crap happening. Don't even get me started on canning KOTOR 3 for a damnable MMO...........that's another topic for another time. Basically my main point is that LA is out of touch with gaming and what gamers want.


Mar 2, 2009
And with over half a year since the last comment on this article and no new news is surfaced, I'm truly and officially declaring Star Wars: Battlefront III dead. Rest in peace. Many are mourning this lost. Farewell.

/ \
| |
| R.I.P |
| SWBF3 |

Oct 17, 2008
There is still hope.....somebody found a listing for battlefront 3 on gamespy servers not too long ago. lets cross our fingers for this not being fake
Jul 19, 2010
I'm still playing SWBF2, played it just a few hours ago. I've never played it online and its my favorite game. But I knew once I got it that it could be a lot better. They rushed it (talking about PS2 version in particular), and I've been waiting for BF3 to fix what SWBF2 did wrong and expand on what it missed and left behind from SWBF1 for a long time.. SWBF3 would make me actually buy a console just to play it. In staying in the PS2 age until it comes to life. I hadn't seen this article before, it helped a lot. Now I'm a bit scared of what SWBF3 will be like after seeing the video everyone has and knowing it was sacrificed. It looked like the apex of SW video games in that video, its a huge task to actually do better.. Too many SW games are just dumb. LucasArts know SWBF is their best series, everyone wants it, they better be planning or doing something about it... Stupid Force Unleashed is the only thing they seem to care about......
Dec 16, 2010
it is rumored that spark unlimited is working with lucas arts on a project. Lucas arts said they are still yet to confirm that but In an interview with a spark unlimited employee he said " I can not confirm the title of the project at this time but we will be announcing the title in the first quarter of 2011" The employee also said that he can not confirm that they are working with lucas arts. But let me tell you if they were not working on swbf3 they would of denied its existance so this means we might be seeing this game being announced soon...


Sep 4, 2011
so is or isnt starwars battlefront 3 coming out

ive had and played every single starwars battlefront game and i am really hoping this one comes out please!!!!!!
May 5, 2009
Its sad that all this was going on. I'm a huge fan of Starwars Battlefront games and I think they had the right idea cause of the near limitless of ways to go about a battlefield to outer space. But the economy and not finding a buyer willing to put the investment into that company is just the core reasons amazing games like this that clearly all those people worked their butts off for won't see shelves anytime soon.
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