
No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Spiny Empty/Pass vs Dry Bones Empty/Pass
Diddy Kong Smuggle 100/Pass vs Luigi Empty/Doubt 100
Bullet Bill Smuggle 100/Pass vs Petey Smuggle 100/Pass
Larry Empty/Doubt 100 vs Boomerang Bro Smuggle 100 Doubt 100
Lakitu Smuggle 32/Doubt 50 vs Blooper Smuggle 100/Pass
Koopa Empty/Pass vs Toadsworth Smuggle 100/Pass

Kinda in a rush here, as I won't be able to update til like late Saturday night. Hopefully I got the matchups right lmao
  1. Larry: Bank 575 Coins/Deposit 200 Coins
  2. Bullet Bill: Bank 600 Coins/Deposit 100 Coins
  3. Diddy Kong: Bank 620 Coins/Deposit 10 Coins
  4. Dry Bones: Bank 625 Coins/Deposit 0 Coins
  5. Lakitu: Bank 618 Coins/Deposit 132 Coins
  6. Koopa: Bank 585 Coins/Deposit 140 Coins
  7. Toadsworth: Bank 600 Coins/Deposit 100 Coins
  8. Luigi: Bank 750 Coins/Deposit 225 Coins
  9. Petey: Bank 350 Coins/Deposit 200 Coins
  10. Blooper: Bank 454 Coins/Deposit 296 Coins
  11. Spiny: Bank 600 Coins/Deposit 100 Coins
  12. Boomerang Bro:Bank 650 Coins/Deposit 0 Coins
  13. 1
  14. 7
  15. 5
  16. 9
  17. 4
  18. 8
  19. 3
  20. 10
  21. 2
  22. 12
  23. 6
  24. 11
Timestamp: 2012-06-15 22:37:13 UTC

1vs7, 5vs9, 4vs8, 3vs10, 2vs12, 6vs11.

Yes, I'm trying to make this confusing. (too lazy to fix, gotta go to work). Basically just keep in mind that I have an idea, that you be able to guess in that phase, you have to do good in challenges.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Bleh. Having bad luck with the computer today. This is the third time I've tried to update. First time it crashed, second time I pressed the "internet explorer" button that's oddly placed above my backspace key, and since Ign is on a permanent quick reply thing it didn't save my post... so I'm skipping the re-cap part. You guys should know the results of your match without me explaining it.

Larry Empty/Pass vs Toadsworth Smuggles 50/Doubt50
Lakitu Smuggles 100, Pass vs Petey Smuggle 100/Pass
Dry Bones Empty/Pass vs Luigi Empty/Pass
Diddy Kong – Smuggle 100/Doubt 100 vs Blooper Smuggle 100/Pass
Bullet Bill Empty/Pass vs Boomerang Bro Smuggle 100/Pass
Koopa Smuggle 100/Doubt 100 vs Spiny Empty/Doubt 100
  1. Larry: Bank 575 Coins/Deposit 225 Coins
  2. Bullet Bill: Bank 600 Coins/Deposit 100 Coins
  3. Diddy Kong: Bank 620 Coins/Deposit 110 Coins
  4. Dry Bones: Bank 625 Coins/Deposit 0 Coins
  5. Lakitu: Bank 518 Coins/Deposit 232 Coins
  6. Koopa: Bank 435 Coins/Deposit 140 Coins
  7. Toadsworth: Bank 525 Coins/Deposit 150 Coins
  8. Luigi: Bank 750 Coins/Deposit 225 Coins
  9. Petey: Bank 250 Coins/Deposit 300 Coins
  10. Blooper: Bank 354 Coins/Deposit 296 Coins
  11. Spiny: Bank 700 Coins/Deposit 150 Coins
  12. Boomerang Bro:Bank 550 Coins/Deposit 100 Coins
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 11
  4. 9
  5. 6
  6. 10
  7. 5
  8. 8
  9. 4
  10. 7
  11. 3
  12. 12
Timestamp: 2012-06-17 22:06:47 UTC
Larry vs Bullet Bill
Spiny vs Petey
Koopa vs Blooper
Lakitu vs LuigiD
ry Bones vs Toadsworth
Diddy vs Boomerang Bro


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
LarrySmuggle 100/Doubt 100 vs Bullet Bill Empty/Doubt 100
Spiny Empty/Doubt 100 vs Petey Smuggle 100/Pass
Koopa empty/pass vs Blooper Smuggle 100/Doubt 100
Lakitu Empty/Pass vs Luigi Smuggle 100/Doubt100
Dry Bones Empty/Pass vs Toadsworth Empty/Pass
Diddy Smuggle100/Doubt100 vs Boomerang Bro Empty/Doubt 100

Bullet Bill gets Larry's 100, and another 50 for being suspected.
Spiny Takes Petey's Smuggle of 100
Blooper Smuggles 100, gives 50 for suspecting Koopa
Luigi Smuggles 100, gives 50 for suspecting Lakitu
No round
Boomerang Bro get's Diddy's 100, another 50 for being suspected.
  1. Larry: Bank 425 Coins/Deposit 225 Coins
  2. Bullet Bill: Bank 700 Coins/Deposit 150 Coins
  3. Diddy Kong: Bank 470 Coins/Deposit 110 Coins
  4. Dry Bones: Bank 625 Coins/Deposit 0 Coins
  5. Lakitu: Bank 518 Coins/Deposit 282 Coins
  6. Koopa: Bank 435 Coins/Deposit 190 Coins
  7. Toadsworth: Bank 525 Coins/Deposit 150 Coins
  8. Luigi: Bank 600 Coins/Deposit 325 Coins
  9. Petey: Bank 150 Coins/Deposit 300 Coins
  10. Blooper: Bank 104 Coins/Deposit 396 Coins
  11. Spiny: Bank 800 Coins/Deposit 150 Coins
  12. Boomerang Bro:Bank 650 Coins/Deposit 150 Coins
  1. 8
  2. 4
  3. 9
  4. 10
  5. 3
  6. 11
  7. 6
  8. 7
  9. 5
  10. 12
  11. 1
  12. 2
Timestamp: 2012-06-19 03:38:41 UTC
Luigi vs Dry Bones, Petey vs Blooper, Diddy vs Spiny, Koopa vs Toadsworth, Lakitu vs Boomerang Bro, Larry vs Bullet Bill

This challenge will end soon... but there's just so much extra cash being left over right now. XD


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Luigi Empty/Pass vs Dry Bones Empty/Pass
Petey Empty/Pass vs Blooper Smuggle 100/Pass
Diddy Empty/Pass vs Spiny, Empty/Doubt100
Koopa Smuggle 100/Pass vs Toadsworth, Empty/Pass
Lakitu Empty/Pass vs Boomerang Bro, Smuggle 100/Doubt 100
Larry Smuggle 100/Doubt 100 vs Bullet Bill Empty/Pass
  1. Larry: Bank 275 Coins/Deposit 325 Coins
  2. Bullet Bill: Bank 700 Coins/Deposit 200 Coins
  3. Diddy Kong: Bank 470 Coins/Deposit 160 Coins
  4. Dry Bones: Bank 625 Coins/Deposit 0 Coins
  5. Lakitu: Bank 518 Coins/Deposit 332 Coins
  6. Koopa: Bank 335 Coins/Deposit 290 Coins
  7. Toadsworth: Bank 525 Coins/Deposit 150 Coins
  8. Luigi: Bank 600 Coins/Deposit 325 Coins
  9. Petey: Bank 150 Coins/Deposit 300 Coins
  10. Blooper: Bank 004 Coins/Deposit 496 Coins
  11. Spiny: Bank 750 Coins/Deposit 150 Coins
  12. Boomerang Bro:Bank 500 Coins/Deposit 250 Coins
There were 12 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
  1. 11
  2. 4
  3. 9
  4. 7
  5. 10
  6. 2
  7. 12
  8. 3
  9. 5
  10. 6
  11. 8
  12. 1
Timestamp: 2012-06-20 01:04:20 UTC
Spiny vs Dry Bones, Petey vs Toadsworth, Blooper vs Bullet Bill, Boomerang Bro vs Diddy Kong, Lakitu vs Koopa, Luigi vs Larry

Last Round, this challenge will tie into the next one though, I hate wasting coins.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Spiny Smuggle 100/Pass vs Dry Bones Empty/Pass
Petey Smuggle 100/Pass vs Toadsworth Smuggle 51/Pass
Blooper Smuggle 100/Pass vs Bullet Bill Smuggle 100/Pass
Boomerang Bro Smuggle 100/Doubt 100 vs Diddy Kong, Smuggle 100/Doubt 100
Lakitu Smuggle 100/Doubt 50 vs Koopa, Smuggle 100/Pass
Luigi Smuggle 100/Pass vs Larry Smuggle 100/Pass
  1. Larry: Bank 175 Coins/Deposit 425 Coins
  2. Bullet Bill: Bank 600 Coins/Deposit 300 Coins
  3. Diddy Kong: Bank 470 Coins/Deposit 160 Coins
  4. Dry Bones: Bank 625 Coins/Deposit 0 Coins
  5. Lakitu: Bank 468 Coins/Deposit 432 Coins
  6. Koopa: Bank 235 Coins/Deposit 440 Coins
  7. Toadsworth: Bank 474 Coins/Deposit 201 Coins
  8. Luigi: Bank 500 Coins/Deposit 425 Coins
  9. Petey: Bank 50 Coins/Deposit 400 Coins
  10. Blooper: Bank 000 Coins/Deposit 500 Coins
  11. Spiny: Bank 650 Coins/Deposit 250 Coins
  12. Boomerang Bro:Bank 500 Coins/Deposit 250 Coins
We'll do a copy of the game Grab Bag tomorrow, but if there is a Day/Time Period everyone is able to meet up here for an hour over the next 3 days... that would be great too. I wanna try a fast pace challenge when nobody knows who is who. My guess, is that it will be confusing, which sounds like fun, at least for me.

Sunday seems like the best day for me, though I might have to work since I did last Sunday, idk I'll find out tomorrow. While you guys hopefully discuss what time would be best for you, you can pick a spawn point to from choosing a number 1-12. (through PM obviously... list 3 for back up choices). You will be placed on the spawn point corresponding to the number you were given this challenge if I do not get a reply. If another character takes your current spawn point, you will switch with him.

In my head, spawns will be layed out
-X-X-X, but obviously more spaced out lmao. Spawn number 5 would be 2nd Row 2nd Column, which is a heated place for attention.

For the left over coins, I'll probably take half of everyone's coins in the bank, total it all up, divide by 12 and spread them out. So each character's starting amount for grab bag is half of their current bank, plus the average from everyone else's other half in their bank. I'll probably throw in another 100 coins just because I'm nice.
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No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
  1. Larry: Bank 87 Coins
  2. Bullet Bill: Bank 300 Coins
  3. Diddy Kong: Bank 235 Coins
  4. Dry Bones: Bank 313 Coins
  5. Lakitu: Bank 234 Coins
  6. Koopa: Bank 118 Coins
  7. Toadsworth: Bank 237 Coins
  8. Luigi: Bank 250 Coins
  9. Petey: Bank 25 Coins
  10. Blooper: Bank 000 Coins
  11. Spiny: Bank 325 Coins
  12. Boomerang Bro:Bank 250 Coins

To be nice, I'll up the amount distributed to 3000, so everyone gets 250! (So basically if you ended the game with less than 500 coins in the bank, you made another profit)

Larry: On Hand 337 Coins/Deposit 425 Coins
Bullet Bill: On Hand 550 Coins/Deposit 300 Coins
Diddy Kong: On Hand 485 Coins/Deposit 160 Coins
Dry Bones: On Hand 563 Coins/Deposit 0 Coins
Lakitu: On Hand 484 Coins/Deposit 432 Coins
Koopa: On Hand 368 Coins/Deposit 440 Coins
Toadsworth: On Hand 487 Coins/Deposit 201 Coins
Luigi: On Hand 500 Coins/Deposit 425 Coins
Petey: On Hand 275 Coins/Deposit 400 Coins
Blooper: On Hand 250 Coins/Deposit 500 Coins
Spiny: On Hand 575 Coins/Deposit 250 Coins
Boomerang Bro[face_shock]n Hand 500 Coins/Deposit 250 Coins

The 3 characters with the lowest amount of coins in their Deposit at the end of this game will have a random post of theirs quoted. Unfortunately I still have to get ready for work so I do not have the rules of the challenge up yet, though I can show you what it looks like.


If you're smart and can figure out the basis of the game on the following brief set of instructions, you may start now lmao.

-Each character has 6 Spaces to move per turn.
-You must move 6 spaces per turn.
-If you step on a Dash pad, you will keep sliding (not taking up movement) until you hit the Border, Stop Space, or a Spawn Space. You can still move your remaining spaces after.
-If you END your turn on a Spawn or Stop Space, you can choose to deposit up to 50 coins into your... Deposit.

Now for the... grab bag part.

-Once during your turn, you can use your magnet, at the point in time you use your magnet, you'll receive coins from other players. You can choose for this to go into your Bag, or into Deposit box. Here is a list of how this works.
3 Spaces away - 10 Coins Into Your Deposit Box, or plus another 5% of their coins into your Bag. (If they had 500 coins, you'd receive 35 Coins)
2 Spaces away - 25 Coins Into Your Deposit Box, or plus another 10% of coins into your Bag. (If they had 500 coins, you'd receive 75 Coins)
1 Space away - 50 Coins into Your Deposit Box, or plus another 15% of coins into your Bag. (If they had 500 coins, you'd receive 125 Coins.)

Keep in mind that you're stealing these coins from them. Movement will go in order of who sent their move in, so the sooner the better. There will be ways to help your priority or hurt other's in this Challenge, more on that later on.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Well, I've seen to have got the basic point out to most people. But honestly you guys should know by now that if I spent more time with the rules it wouldn't be much more helpful. I'll clarify some stuff though.
"On Hand" is basically what you have in your bag.
You leave this challenge with whatever is in your deposit.
Whatever is in your deposit, is safe.
Magnets can not be used while Sliding because of a dash pad.
Be sure to state if you want to deposit the 50 coins, and to state where you want the stolen coins to be placed
You do not have to "target" a player with a magnet, it will effect everyone within the spaces.
Think RPG "range" when I say 3 spaces, as it isn't a square, more of a plus sign.
Everything is rounded down when dealing with percentages. You can''t take .85 of a coin.

To keep you from pairing characters together, I have re-capped what happened randomly. Though if you pay close attention to the lines/do the math you can tell the order.

Petey stole 134 coins from Dry Bones
Boomerang Bro stole 50 Coins from Spiny, and 25 from Luigi.
Larry Deposited 50 Coins.
Koopa Deposited 50 Coins.
Blooper Deposited 50 Coins.
Luigi Deposited 50 Coins.
Bullet Bill stole 123 coins from Toadsworth
Diddy Stole 50 From Koopa
Spiny Stole 125 from Luigi.

Larry: On Hand 287 Coins/Deposit 475 Coins
Bullet Bill: On Hand 672 Coins/Deposit 300 Coins
Diddy Kong: On Hand 485 Coins/Deposit 210 Coins
Dry Bones: On Hand 429 Coins/Deposit 0 Coins
Lakitu: On Hand 484 Coins/Deposit 432 Coins
Koopa: On Hand 268 Coins/Deposit 390 Coins
Toadsworth: On Hand 364 Coins/Deposit 201 Coins
Luigi: On Hand 300 Coins/Deposit 475 Coins
Petey: On Hand 409 Coins/Deposit 400 Coins
Blooper: On Hand 200 Coins/Deposit 550 Coins
Spiny: On Hand 650 Coins/Deposit 250 Coins
Boomerang Bro: On Hand 500 Coins/Deposit 325 Coins

Answer ONE of these questions in this thread, and you can POST a character who will have low Priority in this round.(Will move last)

Name a Kart with over a 60 Drift Rating in Mario Kart Wii.
Name a Bike with over a 60 Mini-Turbo rating in Mario Kart Wii.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
I don't see a broken link. Well, hopefully you guys catch on by now that the only thing I change from the links is "Turn 1" to "Turn 2" So maybe the image just hates you. XD
You guys can always send me back up moves too, perfectly fine with that.

Spiny steals 25 coins from Luigi and Boomerang Bro, 10 Coins From Petey.
Bullet Bill steals 50 coins from Toadsworth. Deposits 50 Coins.
Koopa steals 50 coins from Diddy. Deposits 50 Coins.
Blooper Deposits 50 Coins.
Luigi steals 50 Coins From Petey. Deposits 50 Coins.
Petey steals 50 coins from Dry Bones
Diddy steals 25 Coins from Larry. Deposits 50 Coins.
Larry steals 25 Coins from Diddy.
Boomerang Bro steals 25 coinsfrom Spiny. Deposits 50 Coins.


Larry: On Hand 262 Coins/Deposit 500 Coins
Bullet Bill: On Hand 622 Coins/Deposit 400 Coins
Diddy Kong: On Hand 360 Coins/Deposit 285 Coins
Dry Bones: On Hand 379 Coins/Deposit 0 Coins
Lakitu: On Hand 484 Coins/Deposit 432 Coins
Koopa: On Hand 218 Coins/Deposit 490 Coins
Toadsworth: On Hand 314 Coins/Deposit 201 Coins
Luigi: On Hand 225 Coins/Deposit 575 Coins
Petey: On Hand 349 Coins/Deposit 450 Coins
Blooper: On Hand 150 Coins/Deposit 600 Coins
Spiny: On Hand 575 Coins/Deposit 360 Coins
Boomerang Bro: On Hand 425 Coins/Deposit 400 Coins
Answer ONE of these questions in this thread, and you can POST a USER who will have low Priority in this round.(Will move last)

Name a Kart with over a 60 Drift Rating in Mario Kart Wii.
Name a Bike with over a 60 Speed Rating in Mario Kart Wii.
Last edited:


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Luigi steals 50 coins from Petey. Deposits 50 Coins.
Blooper Deposits 50 Coins.
Koopa deposits 50 Coins.
Boomerang Bro steals 50 Coins from Toadsworth, 25 Coins from Bullet Bill.
Larry steals 10 coins from Diddy.
Bullet Bill steals 50 coins from Toadsworth.
Diddy Deposits 50 Coins.
Spiny Deposits 50 Coins.
Lakitu steals 75 coins from Koopa.

Turn 4

Larry: On Hand 262 Coins/Deposit 510 Coins
Bullet Bill: On Hand 597 Coins/Deposit 450 Coins
Diddy Kong: On Hand 300 Coins/Deposit 335 Coins
Dry Bones: On Hand 379 Coins/Deposit 0 Coins
Lakitu: On Hand 559 Coins/Deposit 432 Coins
Koopa: On Hand 93 Coins/Deposit 540 Coins
Toadsworth: On Hand 214 Coins/Deposit 201 Coins
Luigi: On Hand 175 Coins/Deposit 675 Coins
Petey: On Hand 299 Coins/Deposit 450 Coins
Blooper: On Hand 150 Coins/Deposit 600 Coins
Spiny: On Hand 525 Coins/Deposit 410 Coins
Boomerang Bro: On Hand 425 Coins/Deposit 475 Coins
I'm thinking 10 turns would be nice to have, but if things start running dry at after turn 7 I'll stop it there.

Answer this question, and you can post a character to have high priority this round, AND a user to have low priority.
Name a Kart with over a 60 Drift Rating in Mario Kart Wii.

Post your ranking of the following characters in this thread(top to bottom), and they'll receive the following to their deposits. You can use each character only once.
1st- +15, 2nd - +12, 3rd - +10
4th- +8, 5th- +6, 6th- +5
7th- +4, 8th- +3, 9th- +1
10th-12th, 0.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2010
Boomerang Bro +15
Larry + 12
Diddy + 10
Dry Bones + 8
Lakitu + 6
Koopa + 5
Toadsworth + 4
Luigi + 3
Petey + 1
The rest + 0.

Jettsetter, boomerang bro will have high priority while lakitu will have low priority.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Diddy steals 50 from Lakitu, deposits 50.
Lakitu steals 50 coins from Diddy.
Blooper Deposits 50.
Koopa steals 50 coins from Lakitu.L
arry Deposits 50 Coins.
Boomerang Bro steals 50 Coins from Toadsworth, 25 From Spiny.
Toadsworth steals 50 Coins from Spiny, 10 From Boomerang Bro
Lugi steals 139 coins from Bullet Bill.
Petey steals 50 coins from Spiny, 10 from Boomerang Bro
Spiny deposits 50 coins.

Turn 5

Larry: On Hand 212 Coins/Deposit 572 Coins
Bullet Bill: On Hand 458 Coins/Deposit 450 Coins
Diddy Kong: On Hand 200 Coins/Deposit 445 Coins
Dry Bones: On Hand 379 Coins/Deposit 8 Coins
Lakitu: On Hand 459 Coins/Deposit 488 Coins
Koopa: On Hand 93 Coins/Deposit 595 Coins
Toadsworth: On Hand 164 Coins/Deposit 265 Coins
Luigi: On Hand 314 Coins/Deposit 678 Coins
Petey: On Hand 299 Coins/Deposit 511 Coins
Blooper: On Hand 100 Coins/Deposit 650 Coins
Spiny: On Hand 350 Coins/Deposit 460 Coins
Boomerang Bro: On Hand 405 Coins/Deposit 565 Coins

Post and List the characters 1-12 for their priority this round. Multiple users can send in a list, I will calculate the average ranking to decide your priority.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
I said before that I'd like to see 10 turns with this because it's a bigger challenge, but I also wanted to find a time to get it all done at once so it doesn't waste time, but that never worked its way out. [face_tongue]

If it gets dry on turn 7 I'll stop it there. But the majority of characters still have plenty of on-hand coins, so 10 seems like a good number.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2010
1. Boomerang Bro
2. Larry
3. Bullet Bill
4. Diddy Kong
5. Dry Bones
6. Lakitu
7. Koopa
8. Toadsworth
9. Luigi
10. Petey
11. Blooper
12. Spiny
Last edited:


No Longer a Noob
Feb 1, 2010
1. Spiny
2. Blooper
3. Petey
4. Luigi
5. Toadsworth
6. Koopa
7. Lakitu
8. Dry Bones
9. Diddy Kong
10. Bullet Bill
11. Larry
12. Boomerang Bro
Dec 5, 2004
New York
1. Petey
2. Blooper
4. Boomerang Bro
5. Toadsworth
6. Koopa
7. Lakitu
8. Dry Bones
10. Bullet Bill
Diddy Kong
12. Luigi


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Bleh I want to send in my order. But I feel like someone is gonna take offense that I place them last cause I know who they are. I thought of just using the actual movement times as an order to post, but when showing my work it will kinda give away who's paired with who so that can't be an option either.. meh. I'll just use this post to advertise my latest concept for a future game. (I have nothing else to do until Survivor challenge starts lol)

So yeah, on that update where I forgot to post the image, it was because I got distracted on this. I don't want to take up too much space so I'll just sneak a bit of stats in, but you'll notice a number next to each character, that's their average rating. Some will be 4, and then others lower. You'll notice I based their rating on what a Mario Sport would base them on. When you see that someone has a 3/6 in speed, it's not really "50% speed", It's their current level of potential, with 6 being the highest.

This is also a multi-character selection present in this game. The amount you select? Up to how you want to play the game. These characters aren't glued to you, so if you don't like your selection you can always re-pick, but there can only be 1 of each character playing, so 5 people can't choose Mario. The characters are grouped into Major, Minor, and Common. When you select your characters, your goal is to add up their total-average potential to 10. So you can choose something like 5 Common characters who won't perform as well as people like Mario and Bowser, but you have numbers to your advantage.

Looking at the ratings, say if we're doing a Mario Kart race, your Acceleration for the Race will be based off say their Speed rating, while even something like your Defense will represent your Handling(turning). Even for challenges like "Let's Play A Game" where you slide around collecting spaces, having a high skill rating can grant you more special abilities like Long Jump or High Jump.

You'll be playing to earn points for yourself, not your character, so even though Goomba might not be that good, you can have 4 of his friends help you, and with 5 characters earning a smaller amount of Points, you might just make more points yourself.

So yeah, here are some of the characters. There are 50 to select from, but only 42 spots, as the rest (Like koopalings, who are hard to make unique stats for, are simply costumes)

Mario: 4 ------------- Luigi: 4
Power: 4.5/6 ----- Power: 4/6
Speed: 3.5/6 ----- Speed: 4/6
Defense: 4/6 ----- Defense: 3.5/6
Skill: 4/6 --------- Skill: 4.5/6

Donkey Kong: 4 -----------Diddy Kong: 4
Power: 5.5/6 -------------Power:4/6
Speed: 3/6 ---------------Speed: 5.5/6
Defense: 5/6 ------------ Defense: 2.5/6
Skill: 2.5/6 -------------- Skill: 4/6

Kamek: 3 ------------------- Hammer Bro(Fire Bro, Boomerang Bro): 3
Power: 2.5/5 ------------- Power: 4.5/5
Speed: 4/5 --------------- Speed: 2/5
Defense: 1.5/5 ---------- Defense: 4/5
Skill: 4/5 ----------------- Skill: 1.5/5

Petey Piranha: 3 ---------- King Boo: 3
Power: 5/5 ---------------- Power: 3.5/5
Speed: 1.5/5 ----------------- Speed: 2/5
Defense: 4/5 ------------ Defense: 1.5/5
Skill: 1.5/5 ---------------- Skill: 5/5

Toad(Toadsworth): 3 --- Toadette: 3
Power: 2.5/5 ------------ Power: 1.5/5
Speed: 4/5 -------------- Speed: 4.5/5
Defense: 2/5 ------------Defense: 1.5/5
Skill: 3.5/5 ------------- Skill: 4.5/5

Wendy(Larry,Lemmy,Iggy) ----- Ludwig(Morton, Roy)
Power: 3/5 ---------------------- Power: 3.5/5
Speed: 3/5 ------------------------ Speed: 2.5/5
Defense: 3/5 --------------------- Defense: 3.5/5
Skill: 3/5 ---------------------- Skill: 2.5/5

Boo: 2 ---------------- Dry Bones: 2
Power: .5/4 ---------- Power: 2/4
Speed: 3.5/4 --------- Speed: 1/4
Defense: .5/4 -------- Defense: 3/4
Skill: 3.5/4 ---------- Skill: 2/4

Koopa: 2 ------------- Paratroopa: 2
Power: 1/4 ---------- Power: .5/4
Speed: 1/4 --------- Speed: 1.5/4
Defense: 3.5/4 -------- Defense: 3/4
Skill: 2.5/4 ---------- Skill:3/4

Lakitu: 2 ------------- Blooper: 2
Power: 1/4 --------- Power: 1/4
Speed: 3/4 ----------- Speed: 3/4
Defense: .5/4 --------- Defense: 1/4
Skill: 3.5/4 ----------- Skill: 3/4

Bullet Bill: 2 ----------- Bob-omb: 2
Power: 2.5/4 --------- Power: 3.5/4
Speed: 3.5/4 ----------- Speed: 1/4
Defense: 1.5/4 --------- Defense: 1/4
Skill: .5/4 ----------- Skill: 2.5/4

2 Major – Average 5 Rating to both Characters
2 Major – 1 Common
1 Major – 2 Minor
1 Major – 1 Minor – 1 Common – 1.0 Higher Rating to 1 Character
1 Major – 3 Common
3 Minor – Average 4 Rating to One Character
2 Minor – 2 Common
1 Minor – 3 Common - 1.0 Higher Rating to 1 Character
5 Common
4 Common – Average 3 Rating to 2 Characters

So yeah, look forward to this.
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No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Priority - Since everything is divided by 3, the lowest total wins. But since Rssp's is a mirror of Mehdi's, those all equal up to 13, so it will be Yam's order that decides the priority.
1. Petey
2. Blooper
3. Larry

4. Boomerang Bro
5. Toadsworth
6. Koopa
7. Lakitu
8. Dry Bones
9. Spiny

10. Bullet Bill
11. Diddy Kong

12. Luigi

And since I am even more lazy, I am just going to post a shortened form of everyone's movements in the order they went themselves. Figure out for yourself if they worked or not.
L4, Magnet(Deposit), D2. - Petey
L3, R3, Deposit. - Blooper
U3, R3, Magnet(Deposit). - Larry
Back up – D4, R2, Deposit. - Larry
L2, U2 , Magnet(Deposit), D1, R1, Deposit. - Boomerang Bro
U1, L3, D1, R1, Deposit. – Toadsworth
L2, U2, R1, D1, Deposit. - Koopa
L1, U3, R1, D1, Deposit. - Lakitu
Magnet(Deposit) U1, D1, U1, D1, U1, D1. Deposit. - Spiny
D3, U3, Deposit. – Bullet Bill
U3, L1, Magnet(Deposit), U1, R1, Deposit. - Diddy
Back up – D4, U1, D1, Deposit)
U4, D2 Deposit. - Luigi

Turn 6

Larry: On Hand 202 Coins/Deposit 622 Coins
Bullet Bill: On Hand 358 Coins/Deposit 500 Coins
Diddy Kong: On Hand 150 Coins/Deposit 530 Coins
Dry Bones: On Hand 379 Coins/Deposit 8 Coins
Lakitu: On Hand 409 Coins/Deposit 538 Coins
Koopa: On Hand 18 Coins/Deposit 595 Coins
Toadsworth: On Hand 114 Coins/Deposit 315 Coins
Luigi: On Hand 264 Coins/Deposit 728 Coins
Petey: On Hand 274 Coins/Deposit 561 Coins
Blooper: On Hand 50 Coins/Deposit 700 Coins
Spiny: On Hand 275 Coins/Deposit 535 Coins
Boomerang Bro: On Hand 330 Coins/Deposit 665 Coins

I just realized that Blooper is benefiting off a misplaced Stop space.
Temptation: If Dry Bones doesn't move this round, you can take a lower Priority movement, and receive 50 of his on hand coins to your bag. If he does move, all you get is low priority if you take the temptation. Let me know if your character(s) want to take it via PM.



No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Diddy and Blooper take the temptation.

Toadsworth steals 25 coins from Spiny.
Petey steals 50 coins from Spiny, deposits 50.
Luigi steals 50 coins from Bullet Bill.
Boomerang Bro steals 50 coins from bullet Bill. Deposits 50 Coins.
Bullet Bill steals 50 coins from Boomerang bro, deposits 50 coins.
Larry deposits 50 coins.
Koopa deposits 18 coins.
Lakitu steals 0 Coins from Koopa.
Spiny steals 50 Coins from Toadsworth.D
iddy Deposits 50 coins.
Blooper deposits 50 Coins.

Turn 7
Larry: On Hand 202 Coins/Deposit 622 Coins[/B

Bullet Bill: On Hand 208 Coins/Deposit 600 CoinsENT]
NT=1][IENT=1]Diddy Kong: On Hand 150 Coins/Deposit 580 Coins[/INDE

Dry Bones: On Hand 279 Coins/Deposit 8 Coins[/dfgT]

Lakitu: On Hand 409 Coins/Deposit 538 Coins]

Koopa: On Hand 0 Coins/Deposit 613 Coins
Toadsworth: On Hand 64 Coins/Deposit 340 Coins
[INDB]Luigi: On Hand 264 Coins/Deposit 778 Coins[/BgdfgdfENT]

Petey: On Hand 224 Coins/Deposit 661 Coins[/

[IT=1]Blooper: On Hand 50 Coins/Deposit 750 Coins[T]

=1]Spiny: On Hand 200 Coins/Deposit 585 Coins

Boomerang Bro: On Hand 230 Coins/Deposit 765 Coins

[INDNT=1][INDE][IDENT=1]Everyone can send in their own priority list (Pm), but list it by users. You'll address the anonymous user as so in your list, and remember to include me as well. I will post the lists, but it will be anonymous who placed who first. (Though, it can be assumed that you wanna go first...) Your list should include 8 people with me in it, because kelz is the only one who has no characters left.[/BLOLDENT]

[INDENWHY=1]This is why I don't update late nights lmao. Quick reply messed up on me... tried fixing it and made it worse.

HOLY CRAP EVERYTIME I EDIT ALL OF THE MARK UP REDOES ITSELF. Or if it doesn't this time, it doesn't like that I'm trying to add the IMG code to post the picture... since those are the reasons I edited in the first place.

Lmao I can't even delete the /INDENT crap because it comes back every edit. Well, deleting some of it then giving up didn't help much.[/B][/INDENT]
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No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Anon(I'm guessing someone inactive...maybe, lance....or it could be an active person like sars/stryder...but my only three thoughts.)​
1. Crusher​
2. YAM​
3. VGM​
4. rssp​
5. tropic​
6. tai​
7. mystery​
8. Mehdi​
  1. ???
    2. Crusher
    3. Tai
    4. rssp
    5. tropic
    6. YAM
    7. VGM
    8. Mehdi

Tai: 14
Yam: 14
Rssp: 17
Trop: 18
VGM: 19
Anon: 20
Crush: 20
Mehdi: 25

Tie breaker was for who actually got their move in first.

The people who did not send in a priority was one that was too lazy to do so and was sure they would be placed last, one that didn't put a move in, one that used characters for their priority list, and one that already knew the lists so he left them alone.

Bullet Bill steals 50 from Boomerang Bro, deposits 50.
Boomerang Bro steals 50 from Bullet Bill.
Koopa steals 111 coins from Lakitu.
Larry deposists 50 Coins.
Spiny steals 50 coins from Toadsworth, Deposits 50.
Toadsworth steals 50 coins from Spiny.
Luigi steals 50 Coins from Bullet Bill
Lakitu Deposists 50 Ccoins.
Diddy steals 10 Coins from Lakitu, deposits 50.
Petey steals 50 from Spiny.
Blooper Deposits 50...

Turn 8

[B]Larry: On Hand 152 Coins/Deposit 672 Coins[/B]
[B]Bullet Bill: On Hand 58 Coins/Deposit 700 Coins[/B]
[B]Diddy Kong: On Hand 100 Coins/Deposit 640 Coins[/B]
[B]Dry Bones: On Hand 279 Coins/Deposit 8 Coins[/B]
[B]Lakitu: On Hand 238 Coins/Deposit 588 Coins[/B]
[B]Koopa: On Hand 111 Coins/Deposit 613 Coins[/B]
[B]Toadsworth: On Hand 14 Coins/Deposit 390 Coins[/B]
[B]Luigi: On Hand 264 Coins/Deposit 828 Coins[/B]
[B]Petey: On Hand 224 Coins/Deposit 711 Coins[/B]
[B]Blooper: On Hand 50 Coins/Deposit 750 Coins[/B]
[B]Spiny: On Hand 50 Coins/Deposit 685 Coins[/B]
[B]Boomerang Bro: On Hand 180 Coins/Deposit 815 Coins [/B]

[B]Take 100 coins from your Character's Leaderboard score, and add 50 coins into their bag.[/B]

[B]Everyone can also send 3 Puzzles to me on who to send to other Users. If the user isn't me, send me the answer to the puzzle. If you send me an impossible one... well I can't really do anything but yeah, don't.[/B]
[B]To make things specific, the puzzle will be to find a Main Series(console... 1-9) Mario Party minigame that matches the letters that you describe are in them. The maximum letters to the 3 puzzles is 12 letters. So you can use two puzzles where you have 5 Letters you have to match in it, but your third one has to be 2 letters, as 5+5+2 = 12.[/B]
[B]These puzzles will be sent out on the NEXT turn. The user must answer the puzzles before they can make a move. So yeah, if you really want to send me one(or more...), you can wait and hold it for the next update, but that's just asking for a puzzle back. =O[/B]

Okay screw this, I'm typing out the IMG code myself, and it seems to cancel everything out lmao. I'm way too lazy too do a extra few clicks to get it from photobucket myself because I hate that when you reply, it shows the code in action instead of the Mark up (So I can't change '7' to '8') Editing this probably multplied the bold code too so sorry.

But yeah, if you notice, it never accepts the first part of the IMG, and I doubt that the second part of it has a "/"... I think last update too I ended up posting the actual IMG link from photobucket and it didn't work lmao.

And no, I don't B every sentence by itself, I highlight what I want and press ctrl B. A part of this is that I'm doing the updates on a document now because I kept pressing the "Internet Explorer" button on my back up key board, which got rid of my entire updates lmao. Atleast you guys don't have the indents now. Jynx?
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No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Well, no temptations taken this round at all... must be the lack of bold text.

Lol, went to do the update, just to realize I'm still missing some people. Um, I won't be here for pretty much any time tomorrow because of Canada Day, I'm supposed to meet a friend at 2PM, then others later on, so if I wake up and the moves are sent in I'll finish the update, though I might be getting a haircut before, dunno. Other than that, I won't be back here to update until late again.

So yeah, now's a good time to take the temptations, as one of them really has no harm for you, just a slight amount of work. It's like if on of your problems in to find a minigame with the letters H,A,T,E, and an answer would be Hexagon Heat. You can make up to 3 problems, but the maximum amount of letters the 3 puzzles can combine up to is 12. So an an average of 4 per puzzle.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Yeah, there is more than one possible answer. You just have to name one as an example so I know it exists.

Which is why I'll say now that when people give me their answers,(questions too, I guess) list the Mario Party it came from so I don't go seraching forever to find where it came from.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Anyone see Mehdi around? Hahah this is the only time I'm moving for him.

Petey Deposits 50 Coins.
Toadsworth deposists 14 Coins.
Diddy steals 10 coins from Lakitu, deposits 50 coins.
Lakitu deposits 50 coins.
Boomerang bro stole 50 Coins from Bullet Bill.
Spiny Deposits 50 Coins.
Bullet Bill steals 25 coins from Boomerang Bro
Larry steals 50 Coins from Diddy.
Luigi deposits 50 coins.

Turn 9

Larry: On Hand 152 Coins/Deposit 722 Coins
Bullet Bill: On Hand 8 Coins/Deposit 725 Coins
Diddy Kong: On Hand 0 Coins/Deposit 700 Coins
Dry Bones: On Hand 279 Coins/Deposit 8 Coins
Lakitu: On Hand 178 Coins/Deposit 638 Coins
Koopa: On Hand 111 Coins/Deposit 613 Coins
Toadsworth: On Hand 00 Coins/Deposit 404 Coins
Luigi: On Hand 214 Coins/Deposit 878 Coins
Petey: On Hand 174 Coins/Deposit 761 Coins
Blooper: On Hand 00 Coins/Deposit 800 Coins
Spiny: On Hand 0 Coins/Deposit 735 Coins
Boomerang Bro: On Hand 155 Coins/Deposit 865 Coins

Well, turns out that there is a / on the end of the IMG, there goes my common sense in the past few updates. This one also confused the eff out of me because I had written what happened down on a document, and that creates a back up of itself (yay open office), because my computer shut down inbetween the time I noticed I was missing people for the update, and now. And of course the written recap of what happened wasn't in order so I had to go and double check everything...

Last 2 turns, let's just get this done fast because I've already wasted a lot of time on this. XD Most people are still in a race for Top 3, while the bottom 3 is slowly revealing itself.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Bleh, well he really caused a mess of an update for me (may not look like it) because he never let me know he was gone lmao. I had a hard time moving him because I had an idea of where everyone else was moved, because I like having moves pre-decided if I am moving the character lmao. I will continue to move Mehdi until Friday then, which this challenge should be over by then. He'll likely have last priority.

Larry Deposited 50 Coins
Diddy stole 50 coins from Larry.
Blooper steals 25 coins from Koopa.
Spiny steals 50 coins from Petey
Bullet Bill steals 50 coinsfrom Boomerang Bro.
Lakitu deposited 50 Coins.
Boomerang Bro Deposits 50 Coins.

Turn 10

Larry: On Hand 52 Coins/Deposit 772 Coins
Bullet Bill: On Hand 8 Coins/Deposit 775 Coins
Diddy Kong: On Hand 0 Coins/Deposit 750 Coins
Dry Bones: On Hand 279 Coins/Deposit 8 Coins
Lakitu: On Hand 128 Coins/Deposit 688 Coins
Koopa: On Hand 86 Coins/Deposit 613 Coins
Toadsworth: On Hand 00 Coins/Deposit 404 Coins
Luigi: On Hand 214 Coins/Deposit 878 Coins
Petey: On Hand 124 Coins/Deposit 761 Coins
Blooper: On Hand 00 Coins/Deposit 825 Coins
Spiny: On Hand 0 Coins/Deposit 785 Coins
Boomerang Bro: On Hand 55 Coins/Deposit 915 Coins

Alright, Top 3/Bottom 3 looks pretty much settled. I'm not gonna wait for everyone to move tomorrow, I was told that I work around 3 tomorrow, though that may change. When I get back, this challenge will be over!
So yeah, it may look like you got a lot of coins, but remember you only leave with what you have in your Deposit, and that everybody put down a payment of 300 coins during the start of Bid Poker... so Dry Bones, you'll be losing coins come time for the Leader Board, if you see this lmao.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Do we need a map update? I'll post the recap so you guys don't think I'm pulling the final standings out of my ass lmao. It also looks funnier without the Map update hahah.

Koopa Steals 0 Coins from Blooper, 0 Coins From Spiny.
Larry Steals 0 Coins from Blooper, 0 Coins From Spiny.
Petey deposits 50 coins.
Bullet Bill steals 50 coins from Luigi, deposits 8 coins.
Diddy steals 50 coins from Lakitu.
Spiny steals 50 coins from Petey
Blooper steals 50 coins from Larry.
Luigi deposits 50 coins.

Larry: On Hand 02 Coins/Deposit 772 Coins
Bullet Bill: On Hand 0 Coins/Deposit 833 Coins
Diddy Kong: On Hand 0 Coins/Deposit 800 Coins
Dry Bones: On Hand 279 Coins/Deposit 8 Coins
Lakitu: On Hand 78 Coins/Deposit 688 Coins
Koopa: On Hand 86 Coins/Deposit 613 Coins
Toadsworth: On Hand 00 Coins/Deposit 404 Coins
Luigi: On Hand 114 Coins/Deposit 928 Coins
Petey: On Hand 24 Coins/Deposit 811 Coins
Blooper: On Hand 00 Coins/Deposit 875 Coins
Spiny: On Hand 0 Coins/Deposit 835 Coins
Boomerang Bro: On Hand 55 Coins/Deposit 915 Coins

Left over coins: 638
For each character you reveal, you will get a portion of the leftover. (Be the only one to knock out characters, whole 638 coins to spread around your characters...)

Luigi, Boomerang Bro, and Blooper are safe from being guessed this round.

Dry Bones said:
Did anyone get a 503 error?
Toadsworth said:
I've been waiting for so long for it. My head might explode.

"Did ya upgrade your scanner ding dong?"

Koopa said:

1st- Koopa 2897 ----------------------- 7th- Blooper 2417
2nd- Luigi 2733 ------------------------8th- Lakitu 1977
3rd- Diddy Kong 2685 --------------- 9th- Petey Piranha 1961
4th- Spiny Beetle 2670 -------------- 10th- Toadsworth 1874
5th- Larry 2590 ---------------------- 11th- Bullet Bill 1834
6th- Boomerang Bro 2566 ---------- 12th- Dry Bones 1779

You also get 100 coins to spend freely to any character if you post.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 1, 2010
Crusher is Bullet Bill?
Crusher is Lakitu?
Diddy Kong is taiwanman0610?

BTW guys, I think Luigi is Mehdi.
I'm guessing that next round.
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No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Well, fair amount of characters have been knocked out already, and I'm still waiting for 2 more people to guess, so I'd be hoping that you didn't leave any clues to who you are, or if you did that nobody noticed.

Those who posted so far can send me a PM of what to do with 100 coins.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Well, I have no idea if Mehdi is even going to be back Friday, so I'm not gonna wait for him to send in his guesses. Plus, I can't afford to lose any more characters to pull off what I want to do. As if you guys know, there's only so many combinations left to be guessed, and it's only correct to assume that if we did another guessing round, it would likely be the Top 3 finishers that survive.

There's still the Second part of this game, too. Where you earn points towards yourself, not your characters, and you won't be hidden away.

That brings me to say yes, I am Diddy. My points will be given to Taiwanman, as he started this game with only 2 characters. Yam has a point about the mystery user winning this part of the game if he remains anonymous, with 3 characters left. Especially if I tell you guys that there are only 7 characters left, and that "Mr. ???" knocked out 3 of them himself this round.

Given the circumstances, Part 1 is over. The "winner"? I'm giving the secret user the chance to claim that title. In a best of 3 challenge of All vs Him, and by all, I mean the four of you, Yam, Tai, Tropic, and Mehdi. Common sense will tell you guys that you should have the advantage here, that is if you guys all work together nicely. There is value for being the "winner" of Part 1 though, but I can't award it to all 4 of you if you guys do overcome the mystery user, I will award it to the one that performed the best out of you 4.

The rest of the game will likely take place during PM. The Group that loses the first challenge will help decide the second one. I am organizing a huge "maze like" grid challenge, that will probably take place on 4 separate images lmao. It will be in the "dark" too, so lucky you. I wanted to do this challenge before, but I had no way to do it with myself playing, so you can thank Yam for that lol.

I'm assuming that Rssp and Crusher want their 100 coins for Posting to go towards their last character that was in the game lmao. Yam has 100 Coins + 20% that I'll give to his remaining guy, while Tropic has 20%, and Taiwan has 100 coins for posting, the anonymous user has 60% to spread around his characters, which he can PM me where to put what hahah.

~Revealed Characters
Koopa 2997 – rssp1
Diddy Kong 2685 – taiwanman0610
Larry 2590 – YoshiAndMario
Mario 2400 - mehdi2277
Donkey Kong 2206 – taiwanman0610
Dry Bones 1879 – CrusherMania1592
Toadsworth 1874 - tropicguin
Goomba 1393 - rssp1
Funky Kong 1342 – tropicguin
Kamek 1288 – YoshiAndMario
Paratroopa 1163 - rssp1
Toad 1066 – Mehdi2277
Peach 1030 - CrusherMania1592
Dixie Kong 802 - kelz_dunks4life
Ludwig 670 - CrusherMania1592
Toadette 455 - kelz_dunks4life
Iggy Koopa 352 – kelz_dunks4life

So yeah, you guys will see me either tomorrow, or Saturday with the next challenge.


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
Had a feeling I was gonna be out anyway. Totally not fair to be eliminated via the mystery player.

Don't bother with the coins. I'll just give them to Dry Bones since I was eliminated unfairly. :)


No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2010
Had a feeling I was gonna be out anyway. Totally not fair to be eliminated via the mystery player.

Don't bother with the coins. I'll just give them to Dry Bones since I was eliminated unfairly. :)
Staying a mystery the whole time was actually a plan mentioned in the OP. Vgm specifically gave the idea and tai would have never been guessed if I hadn't figured it out (well rssp could have later guessed it, since me and him were the only two likely players that were in a convo with tai about this game before it started).

Ideas on the mystery player include puff, sars, clammy, and savio. I also pmed savio, and if he is playing I wouldn't be surprised if he stayed silent (although I assumed the yellow icon clue meant sars and have been more ignoring savio).

And yes I'm back from my trip and will be as active as I was before. I was at a one week national youth government conference and debated on proposals for laws and stuff like that. Just got home.

And I think now is a time where we need to reveal characters if we ever want to touch the mystery player. I'm boomerang bro. I'd be dead if I didn't have an alliance with yam (since he figured it out a while back) plus I've been in the top 3 with boomerang bro for several rounds.
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2010
And I think now is a time where we need to reveal characters if we ever want to touch the mystery player. I'm boomerang bro. I'd be dead if I didn't have an alliance with yam (since he figured it out a while back) plus I've been in the top 3 with boomerang bro for several rounds.
Game has a part 2. One of my characters got eliminated very early and the important thing is to get as many coins as possible in part 1 (which early elimination hurts). Game hasn't ended for any of us yet.
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2010
Game has a part 2. One of my characters got eliminated very early and the important thing is to get as many coins as possible in part 1 (which early elimination hurts). Game hasn't ended for any of us yet.
You might wanna look at the elimination list...
Everyone who is completely eliminated is brought back in round 2. Round 1's main goal is to last long to collect a ton of coins which will be useful in round 2 where everyone comes back. You might wanna look at the rules...[face_tongue]


No Longer a Noob
Sep 10, 2006
Hahah I wouldn't say that it isn't fair to be eliminated by the mystery player, it was a strategy that I suggested.

Just coming in to let you guys know that I've gone camping, seeing how I wasn't here. I'll probably be back Monday night, so don't expect anything til then. Lot of things going on so it's just better to be out of the house lmao.