Nov 20, 2007
"some familys cant afford high priced consoles and frankly i dont want one"

are you F***ing kidding? I can understand not being able to afford it but.... have you seen the graphics? the games? the capabilities? to say you don't want a 360 or other new age system is ridiculus... have fun with your super nintendo...


Nov 16, 2007
Dang, I want this game. But I'm going to buy a couple different titles before I buy this one.
Most likely this is going to be one of the last
games I get though.

This game looks pretty cool overall. I'm looking foward to playing other player online in this as


Dec 1, 2007
Tony Hawk´s Proving Ground Graphics: 7.5

EA Skate. Graphics: 7.5

Are you crazy? Proving Ground looks ridiculous compared to Skate.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 27, 2005
Tony Hawk´s Proving Ground Graphics: 7.5

EA Skate. Graphics: 7.5

Are you crazy? Proving Ground looks ridiculous compared to Skate.
and this is why numerical rating systems suck, well, at least one reason, and that is that theyre inconsistent.


Feb 9, 2008
I must admit, after playing both games and thoroughly getting into them, I definitely enjoyed SKATE more.

When THPS 2 came into my life, I thought it was the greatest skateboarding game this side of the galaxy, but that feeling left me as soon as I picked up THPS 3. The series has lost a lot of innovations and as a real life skateboarder, nailing 900 from rooftop to rooftop can only hold its appeal for so long. Sure the flatland tricks are amazing, the feats incredible, but that's just it, that's where the buck stops. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE can press X then O for a grab. It's not a difficult concept in the least.

SKATE on the other hand, is fresh and vibrant. The controls are spot on, the city is massive and free roaming, and the challenges don't require you to stay up all night performing 1080 quad heelflips to kickflip McTwists over the Empire State Building. It's not perfect, but flows better for someone seeking an interactive experience and not just a button mashing good time.

I've been playing both games online, and while THPG does excel in this area, SKATE shines as well. You won't find masses of 13 year olds stomping out a Grillion points through manuals and casper slides in SKATE, but you will find a more seasoned skater who can nail a particular line for any level you come across.

Overall, I'd have to go with SKATE for a feel good time that you and your buddies can enjoy no matter what mood you're in, but THPG for those moments when you just have to pull off a 900 over 30 cars set ablaze.


Nov 29, 2008
how many players is this online and did they give us back a speed stat? cuz in all the games before project 8 you had a stat for speed and you dont
Jan 3, 2002
worst tony hawk to date. i just started the thing and it wants me to get 1.5mill, 50k combo, and 4 insane hard! played 15mins and sold it.
Oct 8, 2009
Possibly the worst Tony Hawk game to date. I am and have always been a huge fan of the Tony Hawk franchise but this game is beyond bad. I have been trying to play through the story mode but buggy controls are preventing me from advancing. The game is poorly made and the graphics are hardly bearable.

Just compare it to Skate. Wait, there is no comparison.


Apr 24, 2010
this is one of thoes games where you are ether going to love the game or hate the game as for me i thought it was O.K. the story line is realy weak and the creat-a-skater has hardly any cosimation to it. the only thing to realy get from the game is the areas which even still hasnt lived up to some of the areas from past games in the franchise also the live version is weak and over-all pointless if you can posibly find someone who plays the game on live your next chalenge is dealing with all the 2 second freez ups making it hardly worth it if worth it at all...with that sayed there are some good ideas that the tony hawk franchise can build off of and if refinded could have true potential so dont be suprised to see that you cant do certian things till you do it in the story mode kida gameplay pop back up becuase i dont think its a bad idea. If i where a game developer i would want people to want to beat my story mode becuase the value is in that wile alot of vedio games now days are basing there game play for more online use and there realy isnt much story mode to those games in the first place so that could be a huge step in the right direction to having a true story line. When extream sprots games start getting that you can bet that there will be a big boom in the genre