Oct 4, 2007
competition is good and should progress the series to the next level. I haven't played the whole game for either just the demos but I enjoyed t hawk better. until next year!!!!!


May 31, 2007
ok everyone arguing about skate and thps: it IS ok for there to be sim skate games-any REAL skater has ALWAYS known that thps is an f-ing SIM, since the BEGINNING! Seriously! Its just that it hasnt innovated (substantially) since thps2 (or 3, with the added revert so that EVERYTHING could be connected) i loved tony hawk games, and always will, but skate has just brought out something different, not just a NOVELTY, like some jackasses think-or should i say "vulnerable donkeys". im sure most people can appreciate something fresh, that checks tony hawk. even if you dont like skate, i can almost guarantee those of you that dont, that NEXT years thps will be better than in the past, simply because of the competition skate has brought, so at least be happy for that. im not buying proving ground, i have Skate, and i will consider buying next years thps, based on the hope that competition will bring some freshness to the series-but i also already know that i will buy the next Skate game, because its not like it was flawless, and by the next episode, im sure it will be way better than it is already-hopefully Skate 2 will be to the present Skate game what thps2 was to thps1, but either way, it doesnt matter because both franchises do what they do well, even if thps is showing age, im glad there are sims and arcady games: there should be room for everything, except ignorant people who think all skaters are EMO! gimme a f*cking break dude, im not a WIGGER, NOR am i EMO, im just a f*cking skater and that vulnerable donkey dude is just the kind of idiotic person that wishes he could skate for real, and that gives skaters negative labels and a bad name in general simply because he is so pathetically envious. what a douche. write something back bro, its hilarious to see ignorance try to think originally.


Sep 17, 2004
I like how negatively IGN looks at games when they're not original enough. If a game is EXACTLY the same as a game they once gave a 9, it should still pull around a 9. Instead they cripple every single rating based on them being bored with the concept. Pretty amateur style of reviewing.
Jun 3, 2006
Re: "I like how negatively IGN looks at games when they're not original enough. If a game is EXACTLY the same as a game they once gave a 9, it should still pull around a 9. Instead they cripple every single rating based on them being bored with the concept. Pretty amateur style of reviewing.
Posted by: asmoron on October 18, 2007 13:59 PDT"

If it holds up, it'll get the same score. But if they're bored with the concept, then of course it's not going to get the same score. And for the people who say that the review is biased, well, what were you expecting? It's a review, for god's sake. You can't review something without injecting a little bias into it, unless you judge graphics by the number of pixels or something and gameplay based on some other numerical value.


Jan 14, 2003
Well, at least Lance Mountain finally made it into the game. I love that guy, and skated his Powell decks exclusively back in the Bones Brigade days. Had a couple of Cabs also.

A tried really hard to find something positive to say about this game - so there you have it.



Oct 15, 2007
I like how negatively IGN looks at games when they're not original enough. If a game is EXACTLY the same as a game they once gave a 9, it should still pull around a 9. Instead they cripple every single rating based on them being bored with the concept. Pretty amateur style of reviewing.
No it shouldn't receive a 9 again just because. I loved THPS 1 and 2,but by 9 i hope to see something new...not THPS with a new move and chars.. A sequel is supposed to be the next step on the ladder, and if your staying on one step for 8 years, then yea it shouldn't receive a 9. Sorry but if I'm shelling out 60 bucks a game, I'd like to get my money's worth, not an exact replica of the game I bought a few years back...with better graphics and pushing off walls.


Jul 7, 2006
I think ign were extremely nice giving this crap a 7.1. This game is crap only gamers play this, they lost the the real skaters to skate.

This game has been stale for the longest time and I only used to buy them to get my skating fix. Thank God for skate. This horrible excuse for a skate game will go down in flames.
Aug 21, 2007
I disagree with you Avenger324. Imagine if automobiles were still run by the same engines used in the 20's and 30's and automotive companies never changed things... We'd have to get out and crank our cars and they would be terribly inneficient and slow.

Now take that and apply it to video gaming. 9 years have passed and if you are great at THPS original, you can pick up this new game and after a few minutes, have it down pat as well... If Neversoft doesn't innovate and try to change the game, it will just get old and not be fun or fresh. That goes for any genre and any gaming branch. The only people who can release old crap and pretend it's brand new is Disney movies on DVD haha.


Aug 21, 2007
I disagree with you, tooMuchPetroleum. If automobiles were running the same engines, people wouldn't complain about them; they'd just use them and be thanful not to have to walk or to ride a bike.

TP is a great game, and it'll always be. Nowadays, people still love old cars and old games, when they are better than many new ones (MANY new cars and games suck A LOT). Just look at Wii Virtual Console; they sold around 8 million of old games in one year. Considering that less then 40% of Wii onwers have online connectivity, and that there are many cool games missing on the service, that's a huge success.

The review was a bit based on their feelings, as long term players of TP, but what about new users?

But I like when the game innovates. That's why I hate the 360 having all those shooters; they are pretty much the same, and play even better on PCs. Let's hope Activision starts doing something else besides updating TP for ever; they are a great company.


Aug 21, 2007
I disagree with you, tooMuchPetroleum. If automobiles were running the same engines, people wouldn't complain about them; they'd just use them and be thanful not to have to walk or to ride a bike.

TP is a great game, and it'll always be. Nowadays, people still love old cars and old games, when they are better than many new ones (MANY new cars and games suck A LOT). Just look at Wii Virtual Console; they sold around 8 million of old games in one year. Considering that less then 40% of Wii onwers have online connectivity, and that there are many cool games missing on the service, that's a huge success.

The review was a bit based on their feelings, as long term players of TP, but what about new users?

But I like when the game innovates. That's why I hate the 360 having all those shooters; they are pretty much the same, and play even better on PCs. Let's hope Activision starts doing something else besides updating TP for ever; they are a great company.


Aug 20, 2007
this series is done, i want it to die already, they dont hav the same passion for it anymore
May 27, 2003
THPS feels so old now, whatever people here say, THPS's makers didnt really do much to add to the gameplay. It just feels like every game they make feels the same with just new levels. I'd rather get Skate over this one. Speaking of old, those VC games on the wii you are talking about are classics but this one and the last 3 Tony Hawk game's arent. I bet you if they released THPS1 and 2 on xbox live marketplace it would still sell coz they were really good for their time, but THPS has lost its touch, its the same old game as before and nothing new, although some may think that keeping the aspects of what the game made great is a good thing, if you dont really add to it, thats as far as it will go. Having a story line and a very long career mode doesnt make a good skateboarding game, heck THPS1 and 2 never had those and yet alot of people played the hell out of those games. I stopped playing Tony Hawk games back when Tony Hawk's Underground came out, it just felt like I was playing the same old game and nothing new. To those new to the series I am pretty sure they will enjoy this game, but after a few more releases they will look for something new.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
IGN, you got a 404 when trying to view all comments from this article. Not like you'd look here, though.


Jul 13, 2007
After playing about 20 minutes of the skate demo i went out and bought it. after about 10 minutes of tony hawk i turned it off. skate i cant put down but tony hawk is just awful i hope skate finally puts the birdman to sleep


No Longer a Noob
Feb 17, 2001
When I see the commercials, I just get sick. I don't want to do crazy, over the top tricks. I want a skate simulator (like Skate).

If they realized that, Birdman's game might have some life left in it. Obviously, they're not going to do it. They're too far gone; this should be the last Hawk game unless they throw out everything but the controller and start a new. Take a page from the new guys or get out!


No Longer a Noob
Jun 27, 2005
BMWM3P said:
This game is crap only gamers play this, they lost the the real skaters to skate.

This game has been stale for the longest time and I only used to buy them to get my skating fix. Thank God for skate. This horrible excuse for a skate game will go down in flames.
aren't games supposed to be made for gamers...? im sorry that it's a game...but if youre not a gamer...i dont understand how you could have expected to enjoy it. the real skaters shouldn't be looking for games to get their skating fix, they need to look towards skating sims.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
"If automobiles were running the same engines, people wouldn't complain about them; they'd just use them and be thanful not to have to walk or to ride a bike."


wow, thats awesome. i think the point the entire Skate fanbase, and the review is arguing is that innovation is inherent to the fact that we are humans. there is ONE reason why we don't have the same engines in our cars that we did 80 years ago: progress is a fact of human life!
people weren't satisfied with crankstarting their cars only to go 15 miles per hour, so somebody INNOVATED something new, and went faster. Just like EA's team wasn't happy with playing a skate game that had more to do with button mashing/twitch reflexes and almost nothing to do with the fundamentals of skateboarding. So they created something new and fresh that makes the player either mimic actual skating or fail miserably.

the thought of living in your sedentary, and stagnant vision of the world gives me the heebie-jeebies


Mar 5, 2005
On the bright side, if all of our cars we indeed crank start all the horns would make that hilarious "awhoooogaaaa" noise.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2004
7.1 is higher than I expected it would get.

You body check people? I mean c'mon, thats so lame and childish. The TH series needs a major overhaul. THANK THE LORD Skate came out when it did to save us from the immature cheesiness the TH series has become. And why did they make everything so gray and bland? Is there no sun on the east coast or something?

Neversoft, swallow your pride and scrap the gameplay. Skate honors the artistry and physical expression of skateboarding. I suggest you do the same.



No Longer a Noob
Sep 27, 2003
Thank god for Skate?

What a load of BS. Thank god for the return of TH more like, a welcome return of a FUN skateboarding game rather than that horrible, horrible trash EA put out.
Aug 20, 2003
And of course a guy like Intera comes in and bashes Skate. Skate was meant to be realistic, which it is. TH is for if you want to jump like 20 feet with one ollie and do about 15 moves within one jump. Two way different games.
Nov 15, 2004
This is a truly terrible game, broken and old. The money grabbing miniscule tweakage is pathetic, the engine creaks its so decrepit.

If people keep buying this sort of recycled junk we're going to keep getting it!!! Well done EA for breaking the mould with SKATE.

Now THAT is a fresh, fun game that really captures the excitement and achievement of skateboarding...plus...what an atmosphere that city has!!


Jul 24, 2007
SKATE all the way baby!

Tony Hawks has had its day

Thank EA for an innovative control system that creates a truly challenging game play experience . long gone are the button smashing days of yore !!!

C-YA Mr Hawks !!!!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Neversofts problem is that they keep trying to milk a game out of the Tony Hawk franchise EVERY YEAR!...if they simply took 2-3 years between instalments this game franchise would actually still be as viable as it was is 1999.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Hell yea!!! skate is officially the best!
Tony Hawk has run his course, we all wanted something a bit more realistic and different.... and suprise, suprise Tony Hawks is exactly the same. Boring.
Whats the deal with the crap graphics?
Mar 18, 2006
*Skate performs Omnislash with all slashes at 9999 at Tony Hawk's Proving Ground*

*Tony Hawk's Proving Ground makes the ground shake and disappears*

*Skate dances to Victory fanfare*

Haha. I just knew Skate would win.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
meh... make skate for the PC! and make this for the PC! screw consoles!

I'm SICK of you saying skate is better! it's not even the same type of game anymore! They're practically in a different genre.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 26, 2007
I've played the demo and it's just like every other Tony Hawk game I've played. Why would people want to keep buying the same game after this many years is beyond me.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 26, 2007
I've played the demo and it's just like every other Tony Hawk game I've played. Why would people want to keep buying the same game after this many years is beyond me.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
u cannot compare two different games...

EA SKATE is a more of a realistic base game with all the real world content etc.

TONY HAWKS PROVING GROUNDS is how-ever just a group of crazy dudes (like the old tony hawk series)who wants to risk their lifes just to pull off Crazy STUNTS and have fun.

-thus, my final conclusion is:
but if we just take out all the unrealistic stuff and compare skating baseline - i have to agree its EA SKATE but if we are talking about a skating game overall real or unreal - u might want to consider PROVING GROUND.

both of theese games are fun but its down to you to decide for yourselves...


Aug 12, 2005
Who didn't see this score coming from a mile away?

At this point I seriously doubt that THPS will ever come out with a sequel good enough to make up for every other Tony Hawk catastrophe that succeeded Underground.

So in short, Tony Hawk Pro Skater had its day. All this talk about "true sequel"s to Underground... it's just not going to happen.

While THPS and Skate are two completely different games, I'd still prefer playing the new and innovative Skate instead of this rehashed mess.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
EA Skate has to be given a lot of credit for its ultimate realism but when you come to look at it...
its getting repeated (sort off) just magasine covers and stuff. On the other side you have Tony Hawks Proving Ground which just follows the normal theme of tony hawk series - which is butt kickin', thirst quenchin' and lip smackin' goals...plus theres variety and a proper story and you come become the real skater you want to be... Rigger, Hardcore or PRO. and lastly just so you know online is much fun when you have alot of people in a gameroom,.SKATE however offers only a maximum of 4 in a game...
wheres the fun? what if you have a skating gang that has 8 members or so..? both games offer a video editor... I gotta tell you - skates one is no match for the tony hawks one...

mr. war-gamer are u saying that tony hawk series of games are badly done?
maybe... you should give tony hawks proving grounds a good look before you critise it.(PS3 version is a different version and prior mistakes from the old series should be corrected) and by the way.. DEMO of THPG is the worst one ever so it would not help in any way...

lets talk about this thing EVERYONE...
Oct 22, 2007
i personally prefer the Tony Hawk games because of their more arcade style game play, skate was pointless to me because it was so realistic, i could do the same thing outside except itd be more fun becuz im actually doing it, not my animated character


Jan 14, 2003
Love-Strucked said:
On the other side you have Tony Hawks Proving Ground which just follows the normal theme of tony hawk series - which is butt kickin', thirst quenchin' and lip smackin' goals...

That's all hype that really says nothing about the game.

How about justifying Proving Ground's awesomeness with some facts or examples of goals in the game. Why is it fun?

I've played 10 TH games through to completion, so I know what to expect. It's just not fun anymore imho. EAs Skate itched the scratch I've had since THPS4, when they still had the sim cheat, and skaters bent their knees before popping ollies.

I'll admit that I would be playing PG right now if skate. wasn't produced. But from what I've read, seen, and played, it's a step backwards from P8.

If you are a skater in real life, its very difficult to enjoy TH after playing Skate, as it captures many subtleties of riding a skateboard. There is nothing subtle or authentic about the way TH games are built.

Furthermore - I think you *can* compare the two games. Neversoft has been bragging for the last couple of years that their mo-cap capabilities allow them to deliver realistic trick animations, and that the storyline captures the true culture of skating. When compared to Skate's achievements in those areas, the clear winner emerges.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
... Tony Hawks series is indeed getting repetetive but please stop comparing GBA/PS1/PS2 etc. formats of THPS or THUG to the PS3 version of THPG...
theres a big diff.
thats the only point im trying to make clear and finally, athack , if u want realism with EA skate im fine with that , i respect your opinion...
just dont compare the old CRAP version of TONY HAWK GAMES to the PS3 THPG version



Aug 27, 2006
thats the thing you have to compare THPG to THHUG because they represent different points in quality. on a technical stand point THUG is surprisningly more advanced and polished than THPG. i mean PG has so many little problems its crazy. cliping your hair cliping into your character. weird animations , challenge mechanics being broken. its really a poor game. i mean maybe if it was brought out last year sure it would "skate" pass with its poor quality but its pretty subpar


Aug 24, 2007
This gets a "7.5" on graphics, but Zach and Wiki gets an "8.5". Que?This gets a "7.5" on graphics, but Zach and Wiki gets an "8.5". Que?...
Posted by: surfingwithnopants

duh thats because its a PS3 and wii is underpowered think about it.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I would like to make a poll

... make up ur mind
and which one are u?
please tell me...


Apr 19, 2005
The Tony Hawk series has really been annoying me lately. Why do they feel the need to add all this unnecessary crap? Nail-the-trick, nail-the-grab, running, wall-planting, etc are all a bunch of bullshit excuses to make sequel after sequel. They are just trying too hard. And the graphics look awful, worse than project 8 somehow. I haven't truly enjoyed a Tony Hawk game since 3. 1-3 were all amazing games, and you know, they were all much simpler than this garbage they release now because all of the new stuff they add isn't what I call fun. Also, they really should give up on these stupid story modes and just give us levels again. Who the hell cares about story in a skating game? This year I'm sticking with skate, and just will continue to hope that Tony Hawk gets back on track. Although I doubt that will ever happen. Still, skate can't compete with the fun i had with TH 1-3. Neversoft needs to look back at what made their games fun.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
did u receive a xbox360 from that website?
it looks a bit scammy to me...

i want an xbox 360...


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 3, 2005
no wonder this board is rubbish, 70% of he posts are Skate. fanboys, telling us to buy skate, not TH
personnaly i prefer Skate, but i still enjoy TH, mainly because of its many options.
Jan 19, 2005
Love-Strucked said:
did u receive a xbox360 from that website?
it looks a bit scammy to me...

i want an xbox 360...

What do you think? Do you believe any one just gives 360's to any one who wants them? Why would any one do that? The offer is too good to believe, therefore it isn't real.
Apr 15, 2007
ok so theres been loads of agruement about it and most people seem to love skate i dont know why really because i dont have a 360 or ps3. But i though that this was a board for the tony hawks games and not a board to slam it so i have to say to all the SKATE fans just go on the SKATE board and bum EA not here

yeh i know i dont know how good or bad SKATE is but i know that THPG will out sell skate simply because it is on more formats. some familys cant afford high priced consoles and frankly i dont want one
Jan 19, 2005
No, no it doesn't work. You wouldn't know any way since you are posting this in order to earn one. You say it's real because then people might believe you. People don't give away 400 dollars wiorth of tehnology just like that kid. You want something you have to earn it