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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas Review[/link]
by Chris Roper

After months of delays, Rainbow Six: Vegas has finally descended onto the PlayStation 3. Ubisoft's tactical shooter has been out since late last year on the Xbox 360 and PC, while PlayStation fans have had to sit tight and hope that their version could stand up to the competition. Fortunately, the answer is by and large a resounding yes, with Ubisoft having delivered an online (and even single-player) experience that shouldn't be missed by strategic action fans. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Nov 20, 2006
WTF?????... AAnothr Fuckd ASs port from unib?!....What about Yahoogames ...they said it looked better on the ps3?!...NOT COOL


Sep 29, 2006
If you own the game for the 360 then there is no need for PS3 version. IMO, still it's nice to see more good games for the Playstation 3.


Nov 20, 2006
WHAT ABOUT LASTING APPEAl...............its the same on both consoles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHyy did the ps3 vesion got 8.5???????????????????????????????????????????????



Jun 27, 2007
Clearly the reviewers at IGN are PS3 haters or just 360 fanboys. They always find some BS reason to rate the PS3 games lower than 360 games. Lets not forget that the 360 had relatively crap games when it first released it wasn't till GOW came out that the 360 was actually pushed to greatness. I have all three next gen systems and think they are all great so lets be fair IGN.
Apr 7, 2006
"In some games it worked fine, while in others we heard multiple levels of echo and stuttering noises"

They must have never played an online game before


Aug 24, 2000
okay okay okay- so hold on. Last gen... every steaming pile of turd that came out on the PS2 was gold... and IGN was just fine. No bias whatsoever. Now... just about every game that released on both systems scores lower on PS3 and EVERY third party developer has said 20 times that the Sony machine is a BITCH to program for... but you think that's wrong and that IGN is just populated by Fanboys? In the PS3 section of IGN...? Where they have only PS3 reviewers...?

Okay then... thanks.


Sep 29, 2004
I agree with the commenter below about the "lasting appeal" rating. If anything the ps3 has more to offer in this area since it includes even more for the money; to get the same "package" on the 360 you'd be out $80.
Otherwise, it's great to see games that are basically the same on both systems finally. About time they learned how to port a title, gives me hope for their ps3 version of Assassin's Creed.


Apr 14, 2007
Well, I think it all depends on the people reviewing the games. The people who review the 360 games don't review the PS3 games. If that were the case, then maybe this would get the same rating as the 360 version. Maybe the Playstation guys are tougher on games than the 360 guys. I know there are some cases where one person reviews both systems' titles and they may give different ratings, but they give valid reasons and I have no problem with. The only thing that really matters to me is that it received the Editor's Choice Award, so I'll definitely pick this title up.
Jan 8, 2005
once again made up bullshit again on another ign review. lol the bare bones 360 version gets a 9.3 while the extra content loaded ps3 version gets a 8.7 lol. not to mention i used to own the 360 version a while back. both games look the exact damn same. Ign just wont allow a multiplatform game be above the 360 version. gta 4 was built first on the ps3 but watch ign find a way to make the 360 version like .1 better like the darkness was lol. im still trying to find a honest site that reviews games. even 1up said the ps3 version was the best version of rainbow six


Prime Member
Sep 13, 2006
Boohoo, it got 8.7. Cry me a river. I think all you retards are forgetting THIS GAME IS A YEAR OLD!!!


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 26, 2005
^^^^^^ Thank You, it might not be 1 year quite yet but its damn near close. Maybe if this was released for the PS3 when it was supposed to back at launch it would of got the same score as the 360. The visuals and the sound aren't as great as it was in the 360 version according to IGN.

8.0 Presentation
Slick presentation all around with great atmosphere, but limited server search options and sketchy 1080i support hold it back.

7.5 Graphics
It's an overall nice-looking title, though some textures and details here and there could be better.

8.5 Sound
Sound effects are awesome, but weird sound bugs crop up every now and then.

The whole 1080i thing, the sound bugs and the minor graphical issue lower the score a little. Big woopty doo the 360 scored a whopping .6 higher in the review and you people are gonna b*tch about that, get over it its almost a year old game and like I said if it came out when it was supposed to at launch it probably would have gotten a 9.3. Its atill a damn great game~o)


Aug 26, 2006
Why did the Ps3 version get a way shittier rating. Im not saying i wont buy it for PS3 its just why. This is bullshit. 360 always has better ratings for multiplatform games. IGN get your god dam act together 360 guys are rating way to fn high.


Aug 26, 2006
What the hell is going on here. IGN is so bias they only like 360. I love IGN but now there just beeing assholes. If the game was the same plus had some free stuff built in why does it get so shitty. Somethings going on 360 raters are rating way to fning high and PS3 get no good ratings. Whats next Halo 3 (which looks like halo 2) gets better than Killzone 2. For fuck sake get your fucking heads together ign.
Mar 20, 2007
well...maybe the IGN guys are on the take. You do notice that some of their reviews tend to be a little bit too "wine and roses" at times? ;)

I don't like Gamespot as much, but I find that the reviews on that site tend to be more balanced and fair. They don't have a review for the Ps3 Rainbox Six, but plenty few other sites have given this game a 9-ish score.

Let's also not forget that alot of developers still have gotten used to multi-core processing. So for all of the hardware advantage that might exist in the ps3, that point is moot if the designers can't quite figure out how to harness all of the processors.

Somehow these rules don't seem to apply to Hideo Kojima's team though, lol. ^_^
Jun 13, 2007
This is bull. I like how it's the SAME as xbox 360, like they claim, but the 360 version got a perfect 10 in lasting appeal but no, not the PS3! Just an 8.5 cause there is such a big difference. This whole thing is bull.
Jun 26, 2005
"One area that Rainbow Six: Vegas on the PlayStation 3 does fall a little short on when compared to the other versions is with regards to visuals. It's a nice looking game to be sure, but the whole thing doesn't look quite as sharp as it could. Colors are a little duller and there isn't as much use of certain effects, like bloom lighting and such. Some folks may appreciate that aspect to a certain degree, but beyond that it still doesn't look quite as nice as what we've seen previously. Some texture work isn't quite as sharp, and the characters aren't as detailed as what's found in the 360 release, especially in the faces. Weapons that have been dropped pop in and out of view as you approach and walk away when they're but a mere 50 feet or so away."

not so comparable guys, besides u guys cry and moan way too much. people over at gamespot say the same thing, that they are biased blah blah blah. simple fact is that while they are both comparable systems, 360 has been out longer has a bigger install base right now so its going to get the most attention right now dont believe me? then look at capcom i dont remember devil may cry ever being on xbox before hmmmm


Sep 2, 2006
just go buy the game. stop being fanboys. if the ps3 scored higher then what would all you ps3 fanboys say?


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
what the hell is wrong with you guys? the ps3 has only been on the market for 8 months or so. of course. the xbox 360 is getting all the hype and craze because its been out longer and has a bigger market then we do as of now. hey this game looks great, its a big hitter go out there and get it support the damn ps3 franchise and hold on to your balls fall and spring will be heaven for ps3 gamers!!
May 5, 2007
I do see the graphical difference but if the gameplay is so much similar, why would it get .6 points lower than the 360 version?
I just think IGN is biased with their reviews sometimes. If paid attention to 360 games usually have a .1 higher rating. .1! thats ridiculous lol, but o well its still a good game. Once the PS3 fills the need of ports it will show its power and thats the truth. But until then let the 360 have the spotlight because as of this moment it is a better all-around system.


Dec 5, 2006
360 is on top and has already won this gen. PS3 has screwed itself into a corner and will not regain it's #1 position until next gen. Quote me.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
my humble opinion.....

if 360 is such a blast, why the hell do we always find them trying to take ps3 down instead playing his console or posting in their own forums? XD

when some game in the future reduces 360 to ashes in the comparisson with ps3 (and that is going to happen, is a matter of maths), I won't go runnign to 360 posts and begin flaming.

See you in the battlefield ;)
Sep 13, 2006
I'm planning on buying this but don't have a head set...what is the preferred head set out there? and how much is it and where can i get one?


May 2, 2006
I said it before and ill say it again. IGN has lost its way. They are being very biased. I guess that there maybe reasons that they just want to show the 360 as better.

And Mr. Haltom1646 again dont be blinded by your decision to buy a 360. Its going to be good generation for gamers, just sit back and enjoy the games. but dont make absurd assumptions please.


Sep 5, 2005
The problem with this review is that, yet again, IGN seem to be purposefully looking for problems in this version where they were not so 'diligent' when reviewing the Xbox 360 version. For example:

"...some of the audio effects are used when they're not appropriate. For example, in more than one instance an enemy who was maybe 50 feet from us and out in the open sounded like he was way down a tunnel. His weapon would sound muffled and distanced, which is awesome when appropriate, but not when you're right next to him."

Yeah? So what? This kind of stuff happens in the Xbox 360 version too, what's your point? Oh... you're Xbox fanboys are you? Okay, forget I asked.


May 23, 2007
360 is on top and has already won this gen. PS3 has screwed itself into a corner and will not regain it's #1 position until next gen. Quote me.

I just quoted you, XBOX IS AT A STAND STILL WITH SALES, now you quote that. I have a 360 and before forza 2 came out my xbox was collecting dust and by the way, the wii is about to catch and pass the 360 in sales. Dont be mad because your mommy wont fork over the $600 for a real machine, tell her that a price drop is coming and you can can come back to the sony family, crybaby. Now as far as the game, it's ok but ubi sucks at porting games.
Oct 12, 2006
lol I was playing this at the Dam level last night attack/defend and when I went for cover I teleported across the map. It happened twice in pretty much the same spot, but thats all that i've seen wrong with it so far.

Finally, with this game out the PS3 will have smooth sailing to the exclusives like Lair, then Warhawk and Heavenly Sword, then to the big guns like Haze and Socom: Confrontation, and those will keep us occupied until MGS4 and Killzone 2. (Socom games NEVER get old)


Dec 5, 2006
Don't get me wrong folks, I own both 360 and PS3. How many times have I played my PS3 since buying it in Feb?

0 times.

How many times have I played my 360 in that time frame?

Almost every day.


Jun 28, 2007
I used to be a big 360 fan but after 2 crashes, damaged discs and horrible microsoft support I bought a PS3. The only down side has been waiting for the big titles to be released but that isn't much different than when 360 launched. Overall better console with cleaner and more crisp graphics.
Check out to get a better idea of the 360 and it's problems!


Prime Member
Nov 11, 2002
I don't know. It just seems to me that if you have this on 360 already, then there's no need to buy it on PS3. I'm glad Ubisoft finally made the PS3 edition similar to the 360 edition (their Playstation versions have always been worse, because they are mainly PC developers that have always had trouble with PS hardware), but they didn't add anything to justify why exactly this game was delayed so long.

So, unless your a die-hard R6 fan and unless you have not played the 360 version, this game isn't worth it. However, if you only have a PS3 and love the R6 franchise. Get the game, what the heck.



Nov 25, 2006
IGN is full of BS! i play this game last night for about an hour, and it is a very good game! my brother has the 360, and he thinks that both games look the same. So why the 8.7 for the PS3 game??? somebody was not happy with some of the sounds in the game. IGN need to get it together really quick!! I am losing much respect for the people who rate these games.


Dec 18, 2006
Doesn't anybody see the that every game that comes out on both consoles, even after having a year to polish, still score better on the 360. Why bother with ps3, it's a true waste of money. Every game taht came out for both system is always consistantly done better on 360. I don't own a ps3, and after everything I'm seeing, I'm probably not going to buy one. I've been a big playstation fan since the beginning but they truly have ruined this generation, hence the firing of the playstation prez/creator..


Mar 10, 2006

We all apriciate your Views but they dont not come to a good conclusion.

well first of all Oblivion turned out much much better on the ps3 but the ps3 scored below the 360 because the 360 version came out first.

The ps3 has just started its life span xbox 360 has had over 1 year and 2 months to get the graphics up to that standard , i must admit if the ps3 is roughly already at the standard of the 360 then lets face it the 360 is becoming an old relic (software wise).

now let me show the readers what you said "but they truly have ruined this generation, hence the firing of the playstation prez/creator" Prez wtf is prez and he didnt get fired he left but he is still going to help with the playstation 4, 5 and 6. Heres what you ment to say.....

"But they have truly ruined this Generation of the Playstation.

im not going to say the other part beacuse its BS.

Rainbow six vegas turned out great i like it and i hope it countinues its sucess.

P.S Its Preeeeeeety good that the global servers for resistance fall of man are up tommrow and rainbow six vegas comes out in europe tommrow WOO HOO :).
Jan 13, 2002
Good job Ubi, looks like I'll be getting the PS3 version. The extra content is a great plus. X360 users like the abuse. Microshafted


Prime Member
Jan 8, 2005
Awesome. This is a big game for me. I was originally going to get it for the 360 because the PS3 version seemed to be getting the shaft like many non-360 UbiSoft games these days. But I'm glad to see that that assessment is wrong. Give me the PS3 version.
Jun 28, 2007
I can't believe this. The ps3's version of nba 2k7 was better than the 360 but no, they gave it the exact same score. Now this game get 8.7, not a 9 but a 8.7 despite the fact that the ps3 version has more to offer. At this point i really don't care about ign rating, plenty of other sites gave this game a perfect score. And don't worry ps3 fans, a lot of games will be comming out pretty soon that will show these haters how awesome the ps3 really is.


Sep 2, 2006
this is the most fanboyish thread. either buy the game or not stop posting here about your complaints about the ps3 and its reviews. the rainbow six board doesnt need this junk.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 26, 2005
^^^^ Yep on a Fanboy scale of 1 - 10 this is 10. Its so sad how you guys are complaining about a review Its somone elses opinion. As long as you guys know that this isn't just some crappy port, its a great game and has about 20 multiplayer maps now included. Why can't you just play the game and enjoy it instead of b*tching about some guys reveiw? Its like unless games get rated a 9 by some guy who gets paid to review no ones ever happy. And big deal it didn't get the same rating as the 360, number one that version was released alomost a year ago and number two this is a totally different(PS3 reviewer I must add) person reviewing this. Just play the damn game and stop worring about someone elses opinion.


May 31, 2004
maybe if the ps3 fanboys would actually think before bitching, the gpu in the ps3 is not up to par with the 360's , even your magically cell processor cant do anything about that, ps3 just lacks a gpu as good as the 360's, expect all your ports to look a little bit worse then the 360 version


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
What's funny is the lasting appeal on the 360 is a 10..yet on ps3 an the hell? its the SAME game. If its fun its fun it'll last and yet somehow it lost points there. strange. still a kick ass game. GET IT.


Sep 25, 2005
ITSnot the GPU thats inferior on the PS3,its the tools. 360 has way more familiar programming logic, C#. Ps3 uses proprietary language nad None of the 3rd parties Sony isnt giving Developers enough support. And it sucks Sony needs toget off their buttts andsharethe info that they are using to make WArhawk and Hevenly Sword look so good graphically.
I expected R6 Vegas to be a disaster on Ps3,because its been delayed 10 times. Not good, not good at all. And theres no exclusive guns or modes for Ps3. Cant say Imnot disappointed. I think Ill keep my 360 version thanks. UBISOFT blew it. Then again UBISOFT sucks. What do you expect. It thought they were going to bring back the Multiple calsses fromLockdown. The Spy and medic and demo classes were the only thing good about Lockdown. This sucks.


Sep 2, 2006
as a poster has said before its been close to a year rainbow came out for 360. its overall appeal has gone done. just like if resistance came out for 360 now, the lasting appeal would be less because its been out for awhile. maybe the guy doesnt like shooters, maybe he has a 360, maybe he enjoys resistance more, ever think of that? its all personal opinion so please stop ranting.


Mar 14, 2007
i would have thought the lasting appeal would have gone up some considering some of us havent had a chance to get bored of it as my understanding of "lasting appeal" is described. And also and i quote "While Xbox 360 owners are able to purchase the Red and Black map packs for $10 a pop, all of that content is included right on the Blu-ray disc. This includes a couple new modes and a large handful of new maps, giving you some 20 maps to play on." considering its more bang for our buck but yet gets no extra points for content or at least leave it at the same score. obviously their bias. on the other ratings i understand a hit since it is a port and all, i wouldnt expect it to be as flawless.
Mar 2, 2005
HAHA...what a bunch of whiney bitches. This is the most hilarious thread I've ever seen. You do realize that this review is just one guy's opinion right? Just one single person. Who cares what he thinks?? Play the will either like it or you wont. Form your own damn opinion, and stop bitching about someone elses. So the PS3 scored lower than the 360 version. Does that mean the game is worse? Not necessarily... It's probably just the fact that 2 different people reviewed the different versions. 2 different people, 2 different opinions....its that simple. But the fact still remains, the PS3 version certainly isnt better than the 360 version...but by all means, it should be, because your PS3's are so damn powerful, and the 360 has nothing on your precious Sony system...right fanboys?? Now go trade your PS3's in for 360s, and then punch yourselves in the face a few times for being stupid enough to spend over 600 bucks on a system that really has nothing to offer. Oh yeah, and dont forget to pick up a copy of Rainbow Six Vegas for your new 360...because afterall, it's the best game out there, and it did score .6 higher than the PS3 version : )


Sep 2, 2006
well for those saying we got more maps without paying on the ps3. if its anything like the 360 online community dont worry. ull be playing the same 5-8 maps continuously.
May 5, 2007
ok Full Devil Jacket.....are you a joke? How can you be calling out sony fanboys when you seem to be one of the biggest 360 fanboys on earth?
If you actually were a smart guy you would no that the xbox 360 console fail rate is on of the worst. Also, porting a game to a PS3 is very hard because it is a far surperior system. The PS3 first party exclusives are the game to watch out for.
You are just an ignorant person I must say. How bout those 3 rings of death? I would know it happened to me and I swore never to buy a 360 again and so far I have not seen any problem with the PS3 console. Now I just have to give it time just like I gave the 360 time when it first came out and PS2 was destroying it.
Call me a sony fanboy if you want(I'm really not)I am just stating the facts