
Chicken Tetrazini
Dec 29, 2001
He really did play great in summer league. It's not the best gauge for judging a player, but he did show he could hit 3's, and had a good motor.

Really looking forward to Plumdawg

Chris Kaman/Henderson could get packaged as an 11million expiring to take a bad contract and a pick back.
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Chicken Tetrazini
Dec 29, 2001
I'd rather see 48 minutes of Mo/Aminu at the 3 rather than Dorrell Wright.

He's 29, we know what he is, we're not going to the playoffs, he needs to be a spot up shooter for a contender. He may as well go to the Spurs for the minimum.
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No Longer a Noob
Apr 16, 2013
Portland, OR
Dorell will find a home, he's been around a while. Wesley Matthews said he's never known an NBA player with so many friends on other teams as Dorell Wright. He's just kind of a dude everyone likes.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 16, 2013
Portland, OR
Neil Olshey was on the Lowe Post today. Some things I found interesting:

- The Nicolas Batum trade had nothing to do with Aldridge leaving. In fact, Aldridge knew of it and they had been shopping Batum around as early as May (they were trying to trade him to get into the draft, when that didn't work out, they decided to trade him for a high draft pick from last year in Vonleh that they felt was undervalued).
- Olshey seems to have a good plan for a rebuild. Every player he's brought in is on long-term deals with no player options or rookie deals, except Henderson, but it doesn't sound like Henderson is part of any long-term plan.
- He talked about surrounding Aminu with "shooters," then named all THREE shooters they have on the roster (Lillard, McCollum, and Leonard). So it sounds like Aminu probably won't play that much without McCollum and Leonard on the floor, possibly. Maybe a Lillard/McCollum/Aminu/Davis/Leonard lineup becomes the starting lineup, rather than Henderson or Plumlee being in there.
- There was a little nugget at the end that made me like Lillard more, assuming it's true. He said that Lillard sets the tone for everyone now, and got all these guys to come to Portland much earlier than they would have to start working. Apparently Lillard lives in Portland year-round.

This year is going to be rough from a basketball standpoint, but it's heartening to see that (so it seems, anyway), the whole organization is on the same page, from the owner down to the players.


Waste of $20
Mar 31, 2001
Lillard made his unannounced live rap debut last night at Holocene.

Pre-sale of tickets is tomorrow. I hope they significantly reduced prices. Might pick up some opening night/Aldridge return tixs if so.
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No Longer a Noob
Apr 2, 2007
Portland, OR
Lillard made his unannounced live rap debut last night at Holocene.

Pre-sale of tickets is tomorrow. I hope they significantly reduced prices. Might pick up some opening night/Aldridge return tixs if so.

I was gonna go but had to work
Glen Waco is pretty fucking great for this city and Vinnie Dewayne showed up too for a few songs


Waste of $20
Mar 31, 2001
Sounds like a slight logo revamp is in the works. Mostly getting rid of the big black square logo.

I bet the pinwheel is getting a circle logo which could be super dope, yo!


Waste of $20
Mar 31, 2001
With the news that CJ is going to be backup PG, do you think he should start at SG or come off the bench as backup PG/SG and start Crabbe at SG?



No Longer a Noob
Dec 24, 2011
With Crabbe knocking down shots the way he has been, I don't think he and Aminu is such a bad pairing after all. I was originally thinking that I didn't want to see Aminu on the court without CJ there next to him, but now that I'm seeing some of the other guys hit from range I don't see him as such a liability. Plus giving CJ as much control over the bench as possible should be good for his development as a combo guard.


Chicken Tetrazini
Dec 29, 2001
With the news that CJ is going to be backup PG, do you think he should start at SG or come off the bench as backup PG/SG and start Crabbe at SG?


I think they need CJ in the starting lineup. The team is just too limited offensively without him. You can sub him out early and then come back with him and Vonleh together and I like that.


Chicken Tetrazini
Dec 29, 2001
Well guys with all of our starters we were able to come back and defeat the Jazz scrubs.

Even though we got our ass handed to us by the Jazz bench for 3 quarters, I'm optimistic that we'll have a very nice offense. The defense though... oof.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 16, 2013
Portland, OR
Having not watched a second of preseason basketball, I wondered what it would be like. Aminu is probably like.. the only plus defender the Blazers have? It's good that he can guard 1-4, but it's not going to help if the other guys are Lillard, McCollum, Davis, and Leonard.

Sounds like they will have to choose basically between offensive and defensive lineups. They don't really have anyone who can do both (R.I.P. wesley matthews, one love)


Chicken Tetrazini
Dec 29, 2001
Well guys, if the 3s are falling, we're going to be competitive. The dough boys are a good tandem. I've coined CJ and Dame as, "2 Guns."

Damian Lillard is proving he's an NBA All-Star even without the top notch starting five.

Optimism has raised from 31 win team to 35 win team. We will see.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 2, 2007
Portland, OR
Do you guys follow Casey Holdah on Instagram
He keeps posting pictures of Noah Vonkeh grabbing Luis by the head and calling him "my son"
Fuck I love this new team


No Longer a Noob
Apr 2, 2007
Portland, OR
I haven't been able to watch more than 3 games this season, what are your guys thoughts?
The offense looks promising.
And CJ looks better than Dame on the defensive end.
Mostly I'm just hoping they don't get rid of Stotts in some hasty move, one of my favorite coaches on any level next to Mark Few.
I know [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/bathroomparty.4624755/']@BathroomParty[/URL] isnt a huge fan of Stotts


No Longer a Noob
Apr 16, 2013
Portland, OR
I haven't yet had time to actually sit down and watch a game. I've only caught glimpses.

I doubt Stotts gets fired, given that they're in a "rebuild" year anyway. It's not like they have expectations to meet. Maybe he gets fired in the offseason, who knows.

Then again, I absolutely didn't think Kevin McHale would get fired, either. soooo


No Longer a Noob
Apr 16, 2013
Portland, OR
Do you guys think trading C.J. McCollum for Victor Oladipo would work?

I'm still convinced that a Lillard/McCollum backcourt is not the way of the future. They will always get killed defensively. Conversely, both Elfrid Payton and Oladipo are negative offensive players for Orlando. Do you think both sides would benefit from such a trade? Payton still has the length to take on bigger players and hide McCollum. Oladipo could do the same for Lillard.

I haven't seen Oladipo play in a long time, though. I don't know how good he is anymore.


Waste of $20
Mar 31, 2001
Brought a similar deal up when Olidipo was first benched. Would absolutely do that trade.

EDIT: Idealy, CJ would be a super 6 to backup Dame at PG and an Olidipo-type at the SG, but iunno if Portland could move CJ back to the bench now after starting him this year.
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Chicken Tetrazini
Dec 29, 2001
I don't like it because I think CJ's iso game is among the elite in the NBA already and I don't see any outstanding characteristics out of Oladipo other than a high motor and athleticism.

I'd rather we build around Dame and CJ than try and ship one or the other off for better fitting parts... unless it was a total upgrade. Like if Milwaukee decided they need a scorer/point and were offering up Jabari... something like that.

I actually really like what we have, we just need like two stars to plug in haha.
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Sky might be fallin' but remember you can fly high
Jan 2, 2007
they are fun to watch. i love dame, too. he is the man
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MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
If we didn't blow so many leads earlier in the season, we would probably be fighting for the that fourth spot with the Clipps right now.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 16, 2013
Portland, OR
I wonder how much the NBA will really let them tell, though. There was a lot of shit going on with those teams that wasn't exactly PG-13. And Zach Randolph is still an active player. I can't imagine the Grizzlies would be too thrilled with the shit that would come out about him in a true expose.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 16, 2013
Portland, OR
I'd rather it be an HBO doc. ESPN has too many ties to the NBA, I'd fear it being kept on too tight a leash. A lot of the general public probably isn't prepared to hear the type of OG shit that really went down with those teams. Hide yo wife, hide yo kids.


Chicken Tetrazini
Dec 29, 2001
Great season guys, It's going to be quite a challenge getting over the next hump.
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2016
I am starting to sour on the Lillard/McCollum backcourt...and it is really making me sad. I don't want to trade either of them.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 16, 2013
Portland, OR
I've been saying trade McCollum since he first broke out. He's an awesome player, but never a guy who should be paired with Lillard. And the Blazers are committed to Lillard.