
Original poster
Astus_01 said:
Just finished ME1 again. Got the 'Asari Ally' Achievement right after Saren shot himself in the head. Was getting annoyed that it wasn't popping up lol.
I loved using Barrier at first and then the character model started going funky when I used it. Bits were missing and you could like see through Shep. I got upset. And lol, "Thank you saving us from Sovereign and the geth. We thank humanity for their sacrifice and grieve as you do for their losses. We will be ready for the Reapers." Then come next game, "Ah, yes, 'Reapers'"...We have dismissed that claim."
Oh, Mac Walters, why u lead writer nao?
Most of ME2's main plot was pretty bad. The good of the game comes from the sidequests and your interactions with Cerberus. Hopefully ME3 doesn't continue down that line. After DA2, I'm not sure bioware has it in them. Once they've dropped that standard RPG formula of theirs that, as they said: "felt like it was written by a bunch of old white guys", things haven't looked too good. Guess that's what happens when EA makes you want COD's audience.

powersp said:
Yeah I guess not lol.

I don't think the turian guy thing is bad writing. It's just politics is all. They ARE all politicians after all. They'll turn on ya faster 'n a rabid dog.

He's just being the typical politician in my mind. It's not bad writing imo.

Now Jack's romance plot? THAT'S bad writing.

Now there I go again! [face_beatup]

I'll stop. I'll stop.
He calls Jack's romance bad... while he's a firm Miranda supporter.



Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
I'm even more annoyed now that I can't confront Timmy about the all the crap Cerberus did in ME1. Never mind that they went from Alliance Black Ops branch that went rogue not too long before ME1 to super corporation in ME2 but all the shit with turning colonists into Husks, unleashing Rachni, the stuff with Kahoku and Akuze (especially if your Shep is a Sole Survivor). I know most of it gets hand waved in a single line from Miranda after Tali confronts her about, "It was Cerberus' Military Division looool!" but that's hardly enough of an answer. Timmy even says that he oversees all his running operations. How incompetent would he have to be if they were all 'rogue' or some such. They used that excuse with Jack being brought up but they did a lot worse to other people!

Yes, I'm a little late to the party. [face_tongue]


Original poster
Too hard to justify, and it would interfere with the new, bright image that they were trying to create for Cerberus. I also don't think they wanted the "**** you, Tim" dialogue interfering with the mission flow. It's not until the big climax that you can tell him where he can shove the smouldering remains of the collector station.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
And now we're back to fighting them in ME3, lol. I just wonder what the original plan for ME2 before they decided to glam it up.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
And now we're back to fighting them in ME3, lol. I just wonder what the original plan for ME2 before they decided to glam it up.


The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
It really is a problem, outside of you getting to crap on Cerberus to Jacob the moment he reveals it, he's WAY too patient and willing to listen to TIM the moment he meets him. He never even tries to confront the man on their atrocities, wasting them on "I slept with TIM for the job" Kelly Chambers, "I slept with TIM for the promotion because I gotta use what my dadda gave me" Miranda Lawson and "I slept with TIM because the Alliance sucks but now I regret it" Jacob Taylor.

Perhaps this is why I find the brash "I DON'T CARE THAT I HAVE NO EVIDENCE I SAW THE REAPERS IN MY DREAMS AND WE HAVE TO ACT, YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME I WAS RIGHT ON THAT OTHER THING I DREAMT UP IN MY MIND" Shepard of the first game so silly, because in the second game the dude/dudette is straight up "YOU'RE A MONSTER but I'm listening and willing to cooperate".


Original poster
Psh, it's all obvious once you think about it. ME3 was originally ME2. EA wanted a trilogy, so they scrapped together a giant sidequest, comprised mostly of smaller sidequests, to distract us and steal our money. It worked extremely well though. I had fun. <3


Original poster
As shallow of a game ME2 was, it had a very rich soul, a captivating atmosphere, lovely characterization, and an intriguing lore base with decent and unforced combat. As long as I have those and you don't screw everything else up too badly, I'm going to have fun.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
Many of Shepard's problems would be solved if he wore a camera on his helmet. Even if it didn't work and the signal was disrupted, it would still show that he's trying to capture some evidence. From there, he can show it to the Council or upload it to YouTube.
And yeah, Shepard being meek for 3/4 of his conversations with Timmy is annoying but like Raucous said, Bioware's sudden decision to paint them in a positive light couldn't allow for common sense.

The_Raucous_Messiah said:
EA wanted a trilogy
Nah, the trilogy was conceived when Bioware was still independent. I think the last truly Bioware games (being made for the most part before they were absorbed) were ME and Origins. The only real EA influence for Origins is the terrible DLC and the hilarious marketing for the game (with Marilyn Manson screeching in the background and a trailer that is more reminiscent of DA2). Both games had big figures move on or take lesser roles in their sequels. Origins' Lead Director left Bioware when he became disillusioned and didn't agree with the direction DA2 was going in and ME's Lead Writer was demoted before being moved on to TOR.


The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
Yeah it seemed like they had a plan for a trilogy early on. And I could easily see the idea for the second game was to have Shepard not be able to work with the Alliance/Citadel and instead had to work in that cut-off section of the galaxy that's full or pirates/merc gangs and stuff.

Cerberus was just a group that they wanted to expand more on and perhaps somewhere down the line they decided to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and make Cerberus that other organization he worked for. The side-mission detail they gave Cerberus made them something to deal with more in the future, but would it have been so bad if they were a different organization all together instead of making a rogue black ops group become some incredible military faction (this is before they gained an army)? It's like "Boba Fett is really popular, let's make him a guy who survives death 3 times and lives past 100+ years of age while still bounty hunting".


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
The_Raucous_Messiah said:
Astus_01 said:
Just finished ME1 again. Got the 'Asari Ally' Achievement right after Saren shot himself in the head. Was getting annoyed that it wasn't popping up lol.
I loved using Barrier at first and then the character model started going funky when I used it. Bits were missing and you could like see through Shep. I got upset. And lol, "Thank you saving us from Sovereign and the geth. We thank humanity for their sacrifice and grieve as you do for their losses. We will be ready for the Reapers." Then come next game, "Ah, yes, 'Reapers'"...We have dismissed that claim."
Oh, Mac Walters, why u lead writer nao?
Most of ME2's main plot was pretty bad. The good of the game comes from the sidequests and your interactions with Cerberus. Hopefully ME3 doesn't continue down that line. After DA2, I'm not sure bioware has it in them. Once they've dropped that standard RPG formula of theirs that, as they said: "felt like it was written by a bunch of old white guys", things haven't looked too good. Guess that's what happens when EA makes you want COD's audience.

powersp said:
Yeah I guess not lol.

I don't think the turian guy thing is bad writing. It's just politics is all. They ARE all politicians after all. They'll turn on ya faster 'n a rabid dog.

He's just being the typical politician in my mind. It's not bad writing imo.

Now Jack's romance plot? THAT'S bad writing.

Now there I go again! [face_beatup]

I'll stop. I'll stop.
He calls Jack's romance bad... while he's a firm Miranda supporter.


Now that is flat out untrue lol! Miranda is in the middle of the ME pack for me in terms of characters. I think she is the best romance option in ME2 because it fits well with either paragon or renegade Shep. Tali and Jack don't in my mind, and Jack's is just straight up stupid. However, that doesn't make me a huge Miranda supporter in general though. I will sing the praises of Miri in COMBAT, yes, but as a character? She's OK imo.

In fact, Jack's easily the better CHARACTER in my mind. She's my second fav in ME2 behind Mordin. I just think her romance is completely retarded is all.

I forgot to say that BW said ME was gonna be a trilogy before the first game even released. So ME2/ME3 definitely not as "tacked on" as other sequels.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
That's happening to a lot of people, Powers. I did it above. It's just that some wonky things are happening with the boards in this bizarre transition period.

Yeah, I still think it would have been interesting if the Shadow Broker was the one who pulled Shep out rather than trying to sell him to The Collectors. He was a much more ambiguous figure and could be seen as neither good or bad while Cerberus was much more painted on the bad side.. There's even a mission in ME where we can choose to help him or not and that might have made for an interesting consequence in ME2.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Hmmm...you may have something there Astus. In fact I think that if he woulda nabbed Shep he'd just play highest bidder game. Cerberus, Collectors, Alliance...whoever pays the most.

OK...I GOTTA stay away from ALL threads here besides the CT.





Original poster
powersp said:
Now that is flat out untrue lol! Miranda is in the middle of the ME pack for me in terms of characters. I think she is the best romance option in ME2 because it fits well with either paragon or renegade Shep. Tali and Jack don't in my mind, and Jack's is just straight up stupid. However, that doesn't make me a huge Miranda supporter in general though. I will sing the praises of Miri in COMBAT, yes, but as a character? She's OK imo.

In fact, Jack's easily the better CHARACTER in my mind. She's my second fav in ME2 behind Mordin. I just think her romance is completely retarded is all.

I forgot to say that BW said ME was gonna be a trilogy before the first game even released. So ME2/ME3 definitely not as "tacked on" as other sequels.
I can see where you're coming from, with Miranda being a simple and generic enough character for anyone to get into, while lacking depth and personality. She's like a bowl of lightly sugared cornflakes that bitches at your crew for no reason.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Ohhh she's just needs a good rogering. Which my Shep(s) are more than willing to provide.[face_mischief]

She's OK. I was paragon my first run. I totally expected I was gonna have to shoot her in the face when I decided to blow up the station against TIM's wishes. She surprised me in a pleasant way there. I thought she was gonna be like the "evil Bond girl". You know the uber hottie Bond nails, but he ends up killing her because she's working for the bad guy. It was not so, and that was a pleasant surprise for me like I said. That was her saving grace for me as a character.

THAT SAID, all the daddy issues, and the whole I act like I think I'm a perfect know-it-all to cover up for my terribly low self esteem underneath that false exterior?

Meh. So all in all she's OK for me. Maybe JUST above OK.

I would still LOVE to play a game of quarters off dat ass though. Better than a table, eh lol? [face_tongue]


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Oh hell I saved the station...well a few times let's say lol. That was just my very first go at ME2.

I have JUST A FEW files for ME3 carry over...[face_whistling]

I have paragons that saved it, renegades that blew it up, etc. Name it lol.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
I hate Shep's justification for saving the base, lol. They should have allowed a Renegade type of justification for blowing up the base. Something like it being possible that it contained Reaper tech or being able to throw Timmy's abysmal record in his face (Derelict reaper etc.)
lol, spoilers are gonna start coming out right and left in the coming weeks. Best bunker down.

Oh, and just started my ME2 playthroughs. Reminded how much I miss the Charm/Intimidate options from the original. Now it's just Charm = Good and Intimidate = Bad for the most part whereas in ME you could choose a Paragon decision (ie returning Samesh's wife to him) and achieve it via Charm or Intimidate. If you had that mission in ME2, it would be likely that Charm would result in returning the body and Intimidate would result in them eating the body.
I did lol at the Charm option when you're talking to the Elcor to help the Quarian on Omega, "You let him set his own prices, and I won't break your legs."


The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
You guys say these things as if most of the dialogue and order of the missions wasn't already leaked, along with consecquences for your decisions that may kill/save friends/entire races.

Don't worry so much, people here are nice enough to put spoiler tags on threads or black-out spoilers for you so you don't have to be a shut in.


Original poster
I'd be all for saving the base if I didn't have to give it to TIM. I mean, a structure built for housing and breading a reaper? There's no way you could pass up that kind of potential information on your enemy, no matter how many people got turned into breast milk. There's just no way I could give it to TIM.



Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
He gets brought back to life by the Nazareth Project tho. An Australian oversaw the whole thing too. I swear.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Astus_01 said:
I hate Shep's justification for saving the base, lol. They should have allowed a Renegade type of justification for blowing up the base. Something like it being possible that it contained Reaper tech or being able to throw Timmy's abysmal record in his face (Derelict reaper etc.)
lol, spoilers are gonna start coming out right and left in the coming weeks. Best bunker down.

Oh, and just started my ME2 playthroughs. Reminded how much I miss the Charm/Intimidate options from the original. Now it's just Charm = Good and Intimidate = Bad for the most part whereas in ME you could choose a Paragon decision (ie returning Samesh's wife to him) and achieve it via Charm or Intimidate. If you had that mission in ME2, it would be likely that Charm would result in returning the body and Intimidate would result in them eating the body.

That's a good point about the Charm/Int thing. I forgot that's how that went in the first ME. I am glad in ME2 they were not actual skills that needed leveling like in ME though.

That said, par/ren has always felt like basically good/bad in ME to me. That's BOTH games too. I know BW has always tried to SAY that's not how it is. Well people say A LOT of things that aren't true, and it sure never felt that way to me when I played no matter how many times they say it.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
No, I agree that that it's essentially good/bad when it boils down to it but sometimes you can do the right thing and be a bitch about it and likewise make a difficult and bad decision but be nice or apologetic about it. I guess it isn't as flexible in ME as I might make it sound but you are still given more options than in the sequel for the most part. I suppose only so many lines of dialogue can be recorded.

Oh, and I like Miranda too. Though it's mostly for the VA, lol.


The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
In the demo, the choices really weren't like that, it fit more in literally the idea of what Bioware has been preaching. Paragon is "we'll get it done but I'm not giving up my morals or decency" and Renegade is "I'm impatient and we can't wait let's get it done no matter the cost", each choice now is like "See, this is what I was saying not we should group up" vs. "YOU ****ERS SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO ME NOW SHUT UP AND FIGHT WITH NO FEAR". It's like they're trying to justify their claims.

Perhaps that means they will also have all your choices actually have consequences that you can gauge past an e-mail! [face_silly]


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Astus_01 said:
No, I agree that that it's essentially good/bad when it boils down to it but sometimes you can do the right thing and be a bitch about it and likewise make a difficult and bad decision but be nice or apologetic about it. I guess it isn't as flexible in ME as I might make it sound but you are still given more options than in the sequel for the most part. I suppose only so many lines of dialogue can be recorded.

Oh, and I like Miranda too. Though it's mostly for the VA, lol.

Yes, you are right. That Samesh thing brings back memories now lol.

par/ren = good/bad in both

Charm/Int = Good/bad in ME2, but not always so in ME. ME did a better job with that now that you've reminded me of how it worked there.

And how the HELL could I forget about ma girl Yvonne. Yes! She's a "Miranda Factor" for me too. Can't believe I forgot to mention that.


Original poster

Who wants to be a gent and upload this?


Spectre Wolf
Nov 10, 2006

So I'm kinda in Skyrim quest overload mode here. I can't see the Galaxy Map because every single system is highlighted with a quest or two. Shouldn't have talked to everyone before accessing it...


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
wolf_raptor5526 said:

So I'm kinda in Skyrim quest overload mode here. I can't see the Galaxy Map because every single system is highlighted with a quest or two. Shouldn't have talked to everyone before accessing it...

Yeah the map is a bit of a cluster f***. Can't see the damn cluster you're trying to get to under all the "flags" lol.
May 23, 2002
powersp said:
wolf_raptor5526 said:

So I'm kinda in Skyrim quest overload mode here. I can't see the Galaxy Map because every single system is highlighted with a quest or two. Shouldn't have talked to everyone before accessing it...

Yeah the map is a bit of a cluster ****. Can't see the damn cluster you're trying to get to under all the "flags" lol.

lololol sounds like fun.

Hey, does anybody know where to track the weather balloons carrying early Mass Effect 3 copies? I can't find it anywhere on the main site.


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
The_Raucous_Messiah said:

Who wants to be a gent and upload this?

It's an icon for the new boards, which you can upload yourself via your MyIGN profile.

It's too large and the background color is off, and therefore it breaks when I try to upload it here. However, I made it compatible with the current boards and uploaded that version for you to use while you're here. [link=http://boards.ign.com/UserPages/Icons.aspx?icon=130072&IsUser=false]Here you go.[/link]

I need to make myself a new icon. I've been on this one for almost two and a half years. Maybe I'll do something Mass Effect-related since ME3 is coming out.


Original poster
Robbie922004 said:
It's an icon for the new boards, which you can upload yourself via your MyIGN profile.

It's too large and the background color is off, and therefore it breaks when I try to upload it here. However, I made it compatible with the current boards and uploaded that version for you to use while you're here. [link=http://boards.ign.com/UserPages/Icons.aspx?icon=130072&IsUser=false]Here you go.[/link]

I need to make myself a new icon. I've been on this one for almost two and a half years. Maybe I'll do something Mass Effect-related since ME3 is coming out.
Forgot there was a size difference between the icons here and on the new boards. Thanks for handling it. ME themed icons are mandatory until release.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Idk, I thought last night's episode was very good.

You guys realize that's the FIRST ME3 trailer I've even seen lol? Anyway, I take it that was Ashley standing next to Shep there before the fighting started? I hadn't seen her yet, but I remember a lot of back and forth about her "new" look. Idk, looks to me like she just finally let her hair down. Not that big of a deal to me.

Now...here's to hoping she's let that hair down far enough for a Miri/Ash threesome in ME3!:)


Spectre Wolf
Nov 10, 2006
Hm, she does look nice in ME3. I'm kind of regretting killing her off in my canon save.

I still use my GHWT guitar for RB3. I bought the bundle so I could use the drums, but I still really hate the RB guitars.

Also I still haven't seen any kind of ME3 trailer. The only ME3-related content I want to see before game release is the reviews.


The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
Is it really so bad that Ash has her hair down now (even though in combat we've been lead to believe that not only will she have her hair tied up in battle but you have the option to force a helmet on her as well)? It's practically armageddon, military restrictions of off-duty officers isn't going to be that high and out in the field will end up being pretty insignificant in the end.