
Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
apg4104 said:
Is it weird that I'm not as excited for mass effect now than 9 months ago?
I'm the same way. Though it's probably because I've avoided media on it, I know I'll have a blast once it comes out.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
I've calmed my excitement, but I have a feeling once I play the demo it will be back up to ten. lol!


Original poster
Started DA[face_shock] up again. Sweet jesus silent warden > male Hawke.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
Anybody seen anything about this? I wonder what the DLC is.


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
The_Raucous_Messiah said:
Started DA[face_shock] up again. Sweet jesus silent warden > male Hawke.
I'm okay with Hawke. I just don't like everyone else in DAII.

And I think I'm done with both of the games for forever at this point. [face_tongue]


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
My excitement for ME3 is touching the ceiling at the moment. Hype is there all right.


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
Amalur is really, really good so far. The gameplay is fantastic. The world is vibrant and fun to explore. Combat is just a ton of fun, and the skill trees are awesome. Currently building a mage/rogue hybrid that uses Chakrams and Faeblades with some magic tossed in.

One of your main allies is voiced by John Cygan, better known as Canderous Ordo from KOTOR. I completely underestimated the qualty of the voice work in this game. The demo didn't show it off, but all the voice acting out of the intro has been great so far. I've run into some people who use Cullen/Anders' voice from Dragon Age. However, the primary antagonist is voiced by Jim Cummings. While he's a pretty good voice actor, I can't help but feel slightly less intimidated when the eveil overlord is voiced by Winnie the Pooh [face_tongue].

I'm really loving this game so far. I hate you all for not buying it :(


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Yeah! I mean ya can't hate on a guy that just shot that asswipe Saleon. It's like a get outta jail free card.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
I was like, 'Garrus, don't shoot.'
He's like, 'Buuuuuut Shepaaaaaaaard!!!!'
Then I shot Saleon instead.



The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
Robbie922004 said:
Amalur is really, really good so far. The gameplay is fantastic. The world is vibrant and fun to explore. Combat is just a ton of fun, and the skill trees are awesome. Currently building a mage/rogue hybrid that uses Chakrams and Faeblades with some magic tossed in.

One of your main allies is voiced by John Cygan, better known as Canderous Ordo from KOTOR. I completely underestimated the qualty of the voice work in this game. The demo didn't show it off, but all the voice acting out of the intro has been great so far. I've run into some people who use Cullen/Anders' voice from Dragon Age. However, the primary antagonist is voiced by Jim Cummings. While he's a pretty good voice actor, I can't help but feel slightly less intimidated when the eveil overlord is voiced by Winnie the Pooh [face_tongue].

I'm really loving this game so far. I hate you all for not buying it :(
Have you tried using the Ice Traps yet? Seriously, I could spend hours making just a line of those and destroying Threshers or Mountain Trolls by leading them over it.

Sorry power but I just gotta talk bout this game (in a place where sng-ign wont spam silly gifs). It's so fun to play and the combat styling is so expansive just based on how you want to do things. My main weapons are the Longbow and Daggers but I pull out Chakrams and Hammers frequently, but the spells! I'm 90% following the finesse/rogue class and any all of the rogue spells are amazing. The others look cool to but the rogue practically allows you to just toy with the opposing minions. Bosses are just as fun as well.

The atmosphere and vibrant colors really add to the experience, the music and just how fantasy everything is just feels uplifting. The Destiny thing really also allows you to make decisions on how you want to play. I'm going the Finesse path but might do the Finesse/Might hyrbid as well to just trump fools with the bow/ambush style. If you're doing the Finesse/Sorcery route, Robbie, you'll love Blink, my friend re-spec'd just for that move.

I also prefer the sneaking system in this game, though I wish there was more of a damage multiplier for shooting a charged arrow out of sneak.


Original poster
Playing skyrim
See bounty hunter running towards me
Start duking it out with the bounty hunter behind cover
suddenly my character turns 180 degrees
bounty hunter maces me to death
dragon and bounty hunter fight over my corpse

[face_plain] like I've never [face_plain] 'd before


Original poster
He killed me while I was immobile due tot he crazed thief interrupting me. Also, sure is moderation in here.


Original poster
The most inconvenient times. I don't think I've ever met him when I wasn't being chased down by something. It must be some clever method of trolling that Bethesda was behind.

Got a free pair of boots last time thought. Cool beans.
May 23, 2002
powersp said:
Don't believe the hype brah!

Without question, I will be buying Amalur. I'm with you on SSX and Mass Effect 3, time to carry my two stories from the very beginning on the latter. But I'm still on my online multiplayer with Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, SOCOM 4, FIFA 12 and Battlefield 3. Amalur will have to wait just a bit. My best friend is Aussie and games cost way too much over there. A new game can be over $100 dollars from the start. And their dollar is similar to ours. He has to pay so much. I'm an Amazon Prime member, and I get new games for like $39. At the store is always $64.16 with tax no matter what, why is it that in other countries the price varies so much?

On my paragon save, everyone is still alive except Kaiden, Wrex and maybe one other. On my Renegade I killed whoever I wanted in the suicide mission. Lol. Excitement is not an important factor for me. I know that ME3 will be very high on my top 100 games of all time list.

How in the world are we going to stop the Reapers? I for one think that Saren has some great points.



Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
Yeah, but he joined up voluntarily. But yeh, you just have to be, 'Oh hey, Reapers' and bam, you're indoctrinated. Still, he seemed to retain more function than the usual indoctrinated person so I think a big part of it was his own line of thinking.


The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
Well, when he figured out the Reaper cycle, he felt above and beyond obedience would be enough to save at least a few organics from annihilation. He may or may not have been suffering from some level of indoctrination at that point but still, dude had a somewhat logical reason to do what he was doing. Especially if he's in the Perseus Veil with a bunch of Heretics aiming their weapons at him to help in the decision process.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Astus_01 said:
Saren was stupid tho.

Nu-uh! Yur stupid![face_not_talking]

I with ya Kane on KoA. For me though it's SSX, then ME3, and then KoA sometime after I'm done with those two. I've heard a lot of good things about it though.


Spectre Wolf
Nov 10, 2006
Since I basically commented on half the front page threads, I might as well drop in here too. Hey all! I'll probably be around until I finish ME3 and get tired of talking about it.

SSX is on my wishlist, assuming it turns out to be a decent game. I haven't had a good snowboarding game since SSX On Tour...and even that wasn't as good as SSX 3.

Anyone snowboard in real life, by the way?


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I do not, but I agree that SSX3 was better than On Tour. Still liked it though.

Just two more weeks![face_dancing]

Then ME3 the next week![face_dancing][face_dancing]


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
Hey, wolf! Welcome. Try the cheese. Cheese for everyone!
Except Pwnerer because of reasons.

lol, just realised Anderson and Udina have something to say about each of the first three big missions (Feros, Noveria, Therum) if you visit the Citadel after you complete that respective world. It's pretty neat actually. Just had Udina go off at me for releasing the dancing lobster.


Spectre Wolf
Nov 10, 2006
Mm, cheese. I love cheese.

I'm realizing that Udina was probably the better choice for Ambassador at the end of ME1, but I went with Anderson initially and now it's stuck in the canon. What's the benefit to having Udina as ambassador? Or is there no real difference, like most of the choices?

Come to think of it, can anyone think of "grey area" choices, or choices that initially seemed easy to make but come back to bite you in the @$$ later? I can't think of a single time that my preference for sparing life led to someone coming back later to really cause me trouble.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
There is little difference really. Not in ME2 anyway. I had files with both on the Council.

Now that you mention it I can't think of any decisions I made that were like "That's not what I was expecting to happen as a result of me doing that."

I think the reason is while I would love that, many gamers would not. There would be a HUGE outcry from people bitching about how they made X decision only to have Y happen down the road as a result. A whole "what's the point of carrying over choices then?" armada would be born as a result I think lol.

Really your decisions in ME had little MEANINGFUL impact in ME2 at all. I'm hoping they were saving it all for ME3.[face_worried]
May 23, 2002
posnco said:
Well, when he figured out the Reaper cycle, he felt above and beyond obedience would be enough to save at least a few organics from annihilation. He may or may not have been suffering from some level of indoctrination at that point but still, dude had a somewhat logical reason to do what he was doing. Especially if he's in the Perseus Veil with a bunch of Heretics aiming their weapons at him to help in the decision process.

Genius is close to madness. Saren was actually highly intelligent. Indoctrination is not the same as insanity, because the Reapers can actually induce the delusions and hallucinations. They're not coming as symptoms of a mental illness. And they are not caused by traditional drugs. (I'm referring to street drugs in the real world) So it's interesting to look at the theory of what indoctrination must be like. But Saren was still there. Some of the things he believed in throughout his life were intact. And he had a great argument. Heck, he might have even saved the Turian race if he could find a female one to join him (I'm still waiting to see a female Turian, ^_^) I'm with you, posnco.

Power, man, SSX!!!!!!!! I can't wait. We'll probably end up playing KoA around the same time, lol.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I'ma go home and pop in some SSX 3! It's been FOREVER lol. I'm sure the graphics are brutal, but I don't care. I'm not a graphics whore.

May 23, 2002
powersp said:
I'ma go home and pop in some SSX 3! It's been FOREVER lol. I'm sure the graphics are brutal, but I don't care. I'm not a graphics whore.


I'm as whorish as graphics whores get. Ask anyone.


Original poster
I miss SSX3. I left a case full of my old GC games with one of my friends after I moved out. When I came back home to visit later, he told me he pawned them all.


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
I'm playing Jak 3 HD now. It actually looks pretty nice.

Getting Twisted Metal tomorrow. February has become nostalgia month, apparently.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
I already filled my 'Reported. [face_peace]" this week with Raucous. That would have been a perfect time to do it for Powers tho. :(
Spammer. [face_plain]


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
Just finished ME1 again. Got the 'Asari Ally' Achievement right after Saren shot himself in the head. Was getting annoyed that it wasn't popping up lol.
I loved using Barrier at first and then the character model started going funky when I used it. Bits were missing and you could like see through Shep. I got upset. And lol, "Thank you saving us from Sovereign and the geth. We thank humanity for their sacrifice and grieve as you do for their losses. We will be ready for the Reapers." Then come next game, "Ah, yes, 'Reapers'"...We have dismissed that claim."
Oh, Mac Walters, why u lead writer nao?


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Yeah I guess not lol.

I don't think the turian guy thing is bad writing. It's just politics is all. They ARE all politicians after all. They'll turn on ya faster 'n a rabid dog.

He's just being the typical politician in my mind. It's not bad writing imo.

Now Jack's romance plot? THAT'S bad writing.

Now there I go again! [face_beatup]

I'll stop. I'll stop.