
IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Just me again.

And just a fun update: last Saturday I got food poisoning(or something) and spent 10 hours or so throwing up every hour or so and then had diarrhea on top of that.
I had called paramedics but after taking some of my own phenergan by the time they got there I was feeling better, my vitals were normal for me, and so I thought I'd be okay. About two hours after they left I started throwing up again and couldn't get enough pills in me to stop it. I should have gone to the hospital for a shot and IV but being that I don't have good insurance or a job I didn't feel like playing the game of requesting a indigency waiver. Usually the hospitals around here are good with doing that but the ambulance services are a bitch and try to only let you get a deferment not a full pardon and very few nonprofits focus on ambulance services. Plus I kept thinking, "screw it I'm more comfortable at home anyway and I don't want to risk exposure to corongo virus"

It's sad but there's really not much hospitals can do for you in cases of food poisoning.
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Don't F*** with the Original!
Nov 1, 2002
Hey all,

Best weekend of Football in the past 10 years! [face_dancing][face_dancing][face_dancing][face_dancing][face_applause][face_applause][face_applause][face_applause]
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Don't F*** with the Original!
Nov 1, 2002
Whats up Joe how are things? I haven't been on the boards in general for like 3+ years. I really hate the way they are now. I miss the old Snowball days of the boards back in 2005 hell even back in 2012 when I was last active on the boards.

Eh, doin okay. In a much better mood after Sat, that's for sure. [face_cool]
I miss them too. The whole redesign they did,blows. It's like they said "Ya know, IGN looks too good and too many people like it! That's no good. We have to take steps and fuck it up, do a bunch of updates of things no one wants and mess up all the old code." Everything is getting worse. It's still good to see you though. [face_peace]


No longer a mod, and unable to edit your textz
May 23, 2003
Hi. Um let’s see. I loved the RE2 remake, rage quit the RE3 remake, bought RE8 and it’s in my ever growing queue.
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Original poster
Coming in here feels like walking in an abandon building that was once filled with life, and pulling up that dusty chair up and sat down to have a nostalgic moment.

The IGN forum mainly here was one of my favorites online hangout that isn't Myspace. And Windows Messenger and ICQ. Gamefaqs forums can piss off to the next dimension of no return.


Nothing will ever top REmake.
Coming in here feels like walking in an abandon building that was once filled with life, and pulling up that dusty chair up and sat down to have a nostalgic moment.

The IGN forum mainly here was one of my favorites online hangout that isn't Myspace. And Windows Messenger and ICQ. Gamefaqs forums can piss off to the next dimension of no return.

I feel the same way buddy. I really miss coming in here and talking with my fellow gamers. Especially JOE, Surprise, Nader, Shawn, Greg and the list goes on......

Too many people to list and frankly it's been SO long that I've forgotten most of their names. #-o

Sometimes I wish I could hop into a DeLorean and go back to 2005 when all this started for me. Good times for sure that I deeply miss.

Well, hope to hear back from anyone (at this point !) [face_tongue]


Original poster
I missed me old PS2 Slim and PSOne. My PS3 finally died on me. Currently hunting for the PS2 Slim silver.


Original poster
Anyone ready for re4make?
Definitely. I’m tting it on Xbox Series.

I remembered when some folks here were ultra biased against Nintendo when the original was for the Cube lol

Good times.


Original poster
18 years ago, I’ll never forget it. The day when Resident Evil 4 first came out. Controversial, excitement, hatred. All there. After that spawns countless ports.

Now in 2023 a remake is upon us.

Despite how much time goes, I’m still a video gamer even after my mortal end. ‘til then, I am ready for another round. Will it exceed as my favorite remake of the original classic since… REmake?

After playing the demo, I feel the utmost confidence that it will.


Original poster
This is the first board when I entered in 2005 with this account.

It will be quite fitting that I will make this one my last.

You lots have been amazing, and stay awesome even at the darkest of times[face_peace]


No longer a mod, and unable to edit your textz
May 23, 2003
Had to find my way back here, my old link wasn’t bringing me here. Hi to everyone, part of the reason I’m on here is I’m supporting the Reddit blackout and it made me think about what I used before then.

Regarding RE3, I was having a hard time with the zombies in the power station. I should probably give it another chance since I have a steamdeck now and have been replaying 2 again on it.

Zonnex if you are still looking I saw a silver ps2 slim I think on DoubleJumpGames. Their site was down but you can probably ask on their socials / fb or Twitter.
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No longer a mod, and unable to edit your textz
May 23, 2003
A lone tumble weed rolls by…

On another note I went to the main IGN site…umm yeah. Couldn’t find anything and it looks awful.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 13, 2021
So I am just starting RE8 so far it’s ok I am not really happy with some of the enemies in there though feel definitely out of place in some ways more then RE4 enemy design


Don't F*** with the Original!
Nov 1, 2002
Hah, yeah. 2005-2010 RE board was prime. So many people I miss and hope are doing well, wherever they are in life.

I'd say 2004-2013.

I miss this place and some of the cool people who frequented here. Good to see you, Bahamut, Mecha, Gino, Phyllis , Gump, Mac and others I may have missed.


Aug 20, 2000
S'up, sluts?

I'd never have imagined how amazing RE4 would be if they actually treated it like a horror game, but the remake of RE4 is frickin incredible.


Original poster
S'up, sluts?

I'd never have imagined how amazing RE4 would be if they actually treated it like a horror game, but the remake of RE4 is frickin incredible.
You had hated both Nintendo and the direction in RE4 back then. But Remake4 is something I had wished it was back then.

Seriously. Look at Ashley for example. She was annoying in the original, but in Remake4 she was tolerable and she even helped out however she can without being an overpowered character.

Luis is also great. Still a gigalo, but by adding the fact that he was involved in the Nemesis program was a fantastic touch. Plus, best part of all the original failed, was the horror around. The ambient and atmosphere is finally better than the amusement park in the Original RE4.

I like original RE4, but Remake4 just surpass it. It is super rare that a reboot would fair better than the original.


Aug 20, 2000
Yup, I was never a fan of the original RE4 or Capcom's decision to turn the series into a shooter. I'm still not, but if future RE games play like the remakes of 2,3 and 4 I can accept that.

If anyone on Discord wants to get ahold of me I should be under nut0374.


Original poster
Capcom truly hates their audience to never re-release Resident Evil Outbreak 1 & 2 with current online support and continue on with 3.

But of course since we’re living in 2024, they HAVE to add pointless microtransactions and meaningless live service that is guarantee to lose more ‘cause why not. I swear companies are so out of touch!