
Drink Master
Aug 27, 2006
R3make demo to be released this Thursday. I was expecting it to be Friday, the 20th. But apparently, it's Thursday.


Drink Master
Aug 27, 2006
OK, the demo was already released for the Xbox One, and I've naturally been playing it. I have observations, some of which may or may not be obvious, depending on if you'd been watching gameplay:

• Items are automatically put in your inventory.
• The Knife doesn't break, like in REmake 2
• You can't use the Knife as a means of getting away from a grappling Zombie
• Jill uses the Knife in a stabbing motion, as opposed to slashing. It'll take awhile for me to get used to that
• Mikhail already knows exactly who Jill is, unlike in the original game.
• The safe room theme is a throwback to the OG game.
• There's a version of the Mr. Raccoon challenge in the demo for RE Ambassadors. Find and destroy the twenty Mr. Charlie figurines. image.png
Finding some are quite easy, while others are a real pain in the ass. I'll find them, eventually. The challenge is only open to the 3rd of April, when the game is released.
• The map setup is just like the one in REmake 2. No transition needed.
• Jill has some sass. She mouths off to both Mikhail and Carlos.
• Carlos still hits on Jill, but not like how he did in the original

At this time, I haven't encountered Nemesis just yet. I imagine I will soon, though.


Drink Master
Aug 27, 2006
Well, Nemesis fucked me up pretty damn quick. And there's a new enemy that Nemesis creates, by grabbing a Zombie, and using its tentacles to put a Plaga-esque parasite on top of the Zombie's head. What that thing is, I've no idea, but the new enemy has a ranged tentacle attack. It also has a large mouth, and I'm trying to stay away from it. Don't want to know what it does.

Anyway, it doesn't look like the demo has Blue Herbs. I have no idea what that means for the game itself. Could mean nothing, since there are no venomous creatures in the demo.


Drink Master
Aug 27, 2006
Yeah, there's all kinds of fourth wall breaking. Posters for the game all over the place. You probably noticed posters for Alien and Terminator, too. Different names, but we all know they're Terminator and Alien posters.


I'm the menu sound you hear in RE2/CV
Oct 19, 2008
Wow, this place has really died...I haven't been here in a full year. The crap going on right now made me want to see how everyone is doing.

I'm doing okay myself!
I'm most active on my Steam account right now. Replaying Resident Evil 5...with a friend this time. The game is so much different when you have someone that isn't a silly AI assistant.

However, I found myself enjoying it more than I did initially. I still hate that it takes place during the day, but it does have a really good intensity feeling to it that kinda peters out once you learn what weapons work best and getting a good Co-op partner and good teamwork helps too.

I'm trying to go through the entire series again, on Steam at least. All I'm missing is Code Veronica, which I hope gets a remake as well, at the very least.

Anyway, hope you're all being safe! Never thought I'd live to see an actual viral outbreak on a global scale...yikes. Pretty surreal seeing something you only deal with in video games and movies happen in real life. I have so many friends and family in the healthcare system, and they're calling and messaging me on how bad it is, and it's sad.

Anyway, good news is I'm alive and came to say hi again! I'll pop in every once in awhile.

And I missed my dear DB!


Don't F*** with the Original!
Nov 1, 2002
Hey Joe! Been a while! How've you been?

doin ok. Hangin in there. How bout yourself?

So, how do you all feel about the character model changes, specifically? I know over on reddit there is a pretty big divide on old Jill and new Jill

Forget Jill, WTF is up with Carlos?

Hope everyone is staying safe. Can't believe what a chaotic world this has become.


Don't F*** with the Original!
Nov 1, 2002
Huh my old stomping grounds. Seems so much has changed.

S'up Boxman?

S'up Neko?

The Remakes are bringing back some of the old school crew. [face_cool]

I was reading some old threads with EbonTyrant and bryan
and laughing. I miss this place and people like you guys.


No longer a mod, and unable to edit your textz
May 23, 2003
Hi guys. Still lurking around here occasionally but it's been hard working from home and dealing with a 3 year old and having time for anything else. I haven't picked up RE3 yet, actually I'll probably finally play the demo tonight and I was kinda hesitant to pay $60 since it's shorter than RE2.

Anybody here planning on picking up the Trials of Mana remake? I played the original on the Switch recently. It's actually kind of hard but I liked it and I'm going to get the remaster.

Also, lol at any nerds who complain about not being able to see Jill's ass in the Remaster.


Aug 20, 2000
I've played through RE3R three times now; twice on Normal and once on Hardcore. Despite being shorter than RE2R and missing the Clock Tower and Park areas, I really enjoyed the game. I still have Nightmare and Inferno modes to complete as well as other challenges to get points to unlock the rest of the Shop's goodies.

Now I'm bouncing between Persona 5 Royal and Final Fantasy VII Remake (only have about an hour on that, just arrived today). Also, finally platinum'd God of War 2018 last night.


Drink Master
Aug 27, 2006
I like the new game, but was somewhat disappointed. It's shorter than the OG RE 3, and while its predecessor had copious Action, it still was Survival Horror. This version is, to an extent. But it's dangerously close to toeing the "RE" 4-6 line.

There are some throwbacks to the original game, and some new enemies. Well, I don't know if you can call Pale Heads new, since they were in Ghost Survivors. But I hate them. Hunter Gammas are a fucking nightmare. And Nikolai...he's a fucking monster. I thought Irons was bad, but Nikolai's much worse.

As for Jill's outfit, I see nothing wrong with the new look. A minor quibble would be her arms aren't covered, so she's still somewhat vulnerable to T or G-Virus infection. Other than that, the new look fits. Definitely an improvement over her looking like she's going out for a day in the park.

And speaking of G-Virus, I was let down we didn't get that RE3/2 crossover I was praying for. I get why it didn't happen on the PS1 game, but today's systems are a quantum leap forward. There's no reason we couldn't have Jill meet Leon and/or Claire, since they're doing their thing, as well. Hell, if Jill blew Irons away, I would've been stoked.


Aug 20, 2000
I was under the impression that RE2 took place during the time Jill was unconscious after Nemesis infected her. There'd be no way she'd see them because when she was awake they were either not in town yet, or had left already.


Drink Master
Aug 27, 2006
They changed the canon though, remember? In REmake 2, for instance, Leon and Claire vow to fight Umbrella together. That version of Leon would not almost callously tell Claire to leave him and Sherry, so she could search for her brother. And there's no way Wesker could get his hands on Sherry this time around, as we saw in Wesker's Report. So unless he wanted to let the world know he was still alive before he was ready to make his move, he's pretty much out of luck as far as the G-Virus is concerned. Since they changed the original canon, I was hoping there'd be a crossover. They could've made it work, if they wanted to.


Boobs out weigh a man's life.
May 16, 2001
S'up Boxman?

The Remakes are bringing back some of the old school crew. [face_cool]

I was reading some old threads with EbonTyrant and bryan
and laughing. I miss this place and people like you guys.

Whats up Joe how are things? I haven't been on the boards in general for like 3+ years. I really hate the way they are now. I miss the old Snowball days of the boards back in 2005 hell even back in 2012 when I was last active on the boards.


Drink Master
Aug 27, 2006
I just started playing Nightmare mode, and what the fuck is this?! Nemesis Zombies right off the bat?! And God damn, the description wasn't kidding when it said enemies were much more aggressive! Or that items were in completely different locations. Now I'm searching for the last two faux gems, and I don't want to search the damn Substation for them. I hate the Drain Deimos in this game! Yet I have a sinking feeling one of the gems is in the infested Substation. Which I just entered. Great. [face_plain]


Drink Master
Aug 27, 2006
Just completed another Hardcore run. Compared to Nightmare, Hardcore is a minor annoyance. Nothing to sneeze at, but still not nearly as difficult as Nightmare. But Nemesis Zombies off the bat, and several of them, at that. Zombies out the ass. Pale Heads as Nemesis Zombies. Key items now in very different locations. And Nemesis being far more dangerous and nimble than even in Hardcore. Thank God for infinite weapons, and those Hip Pouches and stat coins. I don't even want to look at Inferno yet!


Moderately Disturbed
Aug 7, 2001
I got the platinum last week after playing through it six times. It's definitely shorter than it should be. I like what they extended but disliked what they took out. The clock tower is pretty iconic for RE3. Also, Nemesis could have been done a lot better. Except for the initial city area, he doesn't even follow you around. When he does, it's just a chase sequence like something in Uncharted. Still liked it a lot, though.

They changed the canon though, remember? In REmake 2, for instance, Leon and Claire vow to fight Umbrella together. That version of Leon would not almost callously tell Claire to leave him and Sherry, so she could search for her brother. And there's no way Wesker could get his hands on Sherry this time around, as we saw in Wesker's Report. So unless he wanted to let the world know he was still alive before he was ready to make his move, he's pretty much out of luck as far as the G-Virus is concerned. Since they changed the original canon, I was hoping there'd be a crossover. They could've made it work, if they wanted to.
I think the timeline is supposed to be the same as ever. They did, however, imply that Nicholai was hired by Wesker.


Drink Master
Aug 27, 2006
The timeline is the same, but they could've changed it. That's the whole point. They could've done a lot differently, but didn't. Which is disappointing, given how they've been altering the canon, such as making Mikhail the leader of the UBCS, and Nikolai not being a Supervisor.

As for Nikolai (I hate Anglicized versions of Russian names,) there's no indication who he was working for. Is it possible Wesker was the client? Sure, but just because his client hired him to take out Umbrella doesn't mean it was Wesker.


Aug 20, 2000
I got my plat trophy last night as well as the last few unlockables. Overall I really liked RE3R, but it could have used a few more puzzles.
Apr 30, 2020
I got my plat trophy last night as well as the last few unlockables. Overall I really liked RE3R, but it could have used a few more puzzles.

I didn't beat RE2MAKE yet I need to continue but the pandemic is killing my schedule I have not used my xbox 1 or pc for 2 whole months


No Longer a Noob
Jan 17, 2001
What's up people it's been a while since my last post sadly it seems this place is slower than drunk snail these days.


Aug 20, 2000
What's up people it's been a while since my last post sadly it seems this place is slower than drunk snail these days.

Yeah, this place has been dead for years now; social media and a drop in game quality killed interest I think. I mean, RE3 remake came out not that long ago and you'd never know a new RE game came out due to lack of anyone talking about it. I don't recall RE2 remake getting much of a discussion going either.

Anyway, I'm doing fine for the most part. My brother bought an HTC Vive last week and I've been playing Half-Life Alyx; its incredible.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 17, 2001
I got tired of going through a laptop every two years so I bought a cheap one and am building a PC to edit on around a ryzen 3900x so I'm thinking about getting a VR headset but it will be a while before I get one. Thanks to buying an and graphics card I'm getting a second copy of re3 for free as well as monster Hunter world and a year of gamepass.


The Goat Whisperer
Nov 19, 2004
Hey guys,

I really haven't posted much on this board and don't really post on IGN in general anymore... but I'm doing some cleaning before a big move and getting rid of a bunch of action figures. Mainly RE4 and Dead Space. I don't know what the rules are about advertising, I've got one up on ebay so far. If anyone is interested, feel free to PM me.

Deleted member 119

Original poster
Thought I'd check back in here to share my thoughts on some October horror games.

(Before that, I also gotta say that R3make was a major disappointment coming off of RE7 and RE2make, and Capcom being 2-for-2 with RE remakes. RE3, sadly, is always destined to be an afterthought. On paper, a remake of RE3 really should be the ultimate RE game, and they just totally missed the mark here. It's a good, well-made game stripped of all context, but this just could have and should have been so much more. I played through it once and never had any desire to go back to it. What a shame.)

* Code Veronica X - Replayed for the first time in forever. The improved lighting in the HD remaster gives this game the atmosphere I felt it was missing originally. CVX still annoys me in a lot of ways, but I think I gained a little more appreciation for it than I used to have. It's not at the same level as RE1-3, but I don't think it's too far behind them either.

* Silent Hill: Homecoming - It's okay. I don't think it was "bad" or "trash", as I've heard over the years. I also didn't think it was as action-y or combat-heavy as I was led to believe (although the game is linear as fuck). I liken it to a band's Greatest Hits album, but where all the songs are performed by an average cover band. It tries so hard to check all of the boxes of SH1-3, but doesn't really do much to stand out on its own. It's competently made and totally fine, but unremarkable overall.

* REmake - Still the GOAT. Did a Chris run this year. Need to check out that Real Survival mode at some point down the road, maybe next year.

* Silent Hill: Downpour - Amber was right, this game is crazy underrated. It's a messy game in a lot of ways, but underneath all of that it's got a lot going for it. Really enjoyed exploring for secrets/side quests, and experiencing all of these little self-contained, unique ghost stories spread across the town. It's probably the best that the series has been with its exploration aspect and navigating the town of Silent Hill itself. I think it's the best of the post-SH3 games. @DarkBlood999 do you think The Evil Within games were inspired at all by this game in particular? Between the surreal otherworld sequences and just the overall vibe/design of this game's town, it feels in a weird way like a "missing link" between the original SH games and TEW1 and 2.

Going to check out Amnesia: Rebirth between now and Halloween. 🎃

Hope everyone is doing well. [face_peace]


Moderately Disturbed
Aug 7, 2001
* Silent Hill: Downpour - Amber was right, this game is crazy underrated. It's a messy game in a lot of ways, but underneath all of that it's got a lot going for it. Really enjoyed exploring for secrets/side quests, and experiencing all of these little self-contained, unique ghost stories spread across the town. It's probably the best that the series has been with its exploration aspect and navigating the town of Silent Hill itself. I think it's the best of the post-SH3 games. @DarkBlood999 do you think The Evil Within games were inspired at all by this game in particular? Between the surreal otherworld sequences and just the overall vibe/design of this game's town, it feels in a weird way like a "missing link" between the original SH games and TEW1 and 2.

Going to check out Amnesia: Rebirth between now and Halloween. 🎃

Hope everyone is doing well. [face_peace]
I'm not sure about being inspired by Downpour specifically, but I did feel like the games were inspired more by Silent Hill than anything else.

You still haven't done Real Survival in REmake? [face_tongue]

Deleted member 119

Original poster
I'm not sure about being inspired by Downpour specifically, but I did feel like the games were inspired more by Silent Hill than anything else.
It's weird, because TEW1 definitely has more of a psychological/supernatural-horror vibe than RE obviously, but I never really made a specific connection to Silent Hill because the first Evil Within is all over the place chapter-to-chapter. But the Union parts in TEW2 really felt like what a modern Silent Hill could be like, having not played Downpour at that point. I was surprised, though, about how much the Otherworld sequences in Downpour reminded me of TEW1, with all of the drastic environment shifts and roller-coaster-y chase sequences and set pieces. Like the part where you're walking across the hands of the giant clock, that felt very Evil Within-ish. There are aspects of Downpour that really differentiate it from the rest of the SH games, and I just found it really interesting that this game reminded me of TEW as I was playing it, but not in the same way that TEW2 reminded me of Silent Hill. [face_thinking]

You still haven't done Real Survival in REmake? [face_tongue]
I had forgotten this was even a thing in the original REmake and not something new in the remaster, it had been such a long time. Actually hadn't played REmake in a really long time before last year when I grabbed the Switch version, and I've gotten in a fresh Jill run and Chris run since then. To be honest I don't know why I never did it. I think way back then, the idea of doing special runs like knife-only, invisible enemies, speed runs and so on just didn't appeal to me at all, and I must have just written this mode off out of ignorance. It just unlocked after my last run, and I'm like, "Wow, this mode sounds really cool!" I guess that wasn't my reaction back in 2002. :^O

The RE2 remake is what actually got me thinking different about how I play RE games, if you can believe it. "Why would I ever want to do a no item box run?!" But I did do one for the achievement, and I got a lot out of it. It gave me even more appreciation for the game's design. When strategizing during a no item box run, things about where certain items were placed and when shortcuts would open up made a lot more sense knowing that the design of the game needed to account for a playthrough where item boxes weren't used. When I was younger and hardheaded and playing through these games originally, I wasn't thinking as much about strategy and planning. Little things like immediately unlocking every door when I get a new key, so I can discard it; I never used to play RE games that way, I would just unlock the first door and go through and explore that area and just deal with things as they'd come up. In the RE2 remake, during my replays I did a lot more thinking about how to get as much stuff done before lickers spawned in, or before Mr. X spawned in. In the past I'd just deal with the consequences, but on this last run of REmake I never went back the other way through the dog hallway, or through one of the hallways where hunters spawn. It's a more roundabout way of getting around the mansion, but saves ammo and health.

Long story short, the idea of items boxes not being interconnected sounded stupid and annoying back then, but I'd view as a fun challenge today. :)


Moderately Disturbed
Aug 7, 2001

I also think that the Laura monster from TEW reminded me of Silent Hill. But yeah, I thought there was a little Resident Evil inspiration, but that I got more of a Silent Hill vibe from the games. I was happy about that since we've had a lot more RE than SH, lol.

I did certain things like no save runs and knife only runs before it ever became part of earning platinum trophies. [face_tongue] I did that, too, of course. ;)


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
42,225 guessed right. Been a long time buddy....don't play much RE these days anymore.

I've been unemployed since mid March. We closed down the business in 2014.
Damn I know it was your plan to sell the business sad to hear you had to close.

I haven't posted here in forever myself. I quit getting alerts and two of the people I liked the most quit posting. I actually find it funny that I got an alert you posted here. Anyway I haven't worked since like march last year but I got denied unemployment.

Man I just got real scared. I was about to type out about the bombing in Nashville and suddenly my neighborhood lost power. I'm gonna check around and see what's going on.
Not sure if you remember I live close to Nashville. Close enough that I felt the ground shake Christmas morning. So shit's been crazy around here all year long.


Nothing will ever top REmake.
Yikes....sounds like you have it harder than me. Alot has changed in 6 yrs for sure.

Lost my mom last November and then my grandfather 3 months later. None of them died because of covid. But I lost 2 of the most important and influencial people in my lifetime. My grandpa made to 105!!

God bless his soul.

We moved out of Toronto and are now living in Barrie.

I wish you and your loved ones the best. [face_rose]


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
I hear you. My mom is pretty much the only thing I have left. A few years ago my grandmother died about 24 hours after I saw her and took her out to dinner one bad summer. I'd flown up there to get furniture for my sister in law's new how cause my brother was beating her while she was pregnant with their second kid. So she took the kids and left him. The break line broke on the truck while towing the furniture and that's when my dad called and said she passed away. Of course 3 days later I got the truck out of the shop and on the way to get the furniture back a woman ran a red light totaling the truck. I got stuck in New York for a month dealing with all the ramifications of that july 4th weekend. So then a few months later my brother up and dies with no medical reason found. No one wants to pay to bury him so he was cremated and they buried his urn with my grandma when we finally got around to burying her ashes next to grandpa. I think it was a little over a year later when my dad finally passed. If you recall he'd been paralyzed in a drunk driving accident and was in bad shape for the last 10 years of his life. So pretty much the only person left to help me is my mom. Oh and last summer my sister in law found out she has late stage breast cancer earlier this year so things are really ify on her survival chances. She's going through chemo and has a double mastectomy coming up soon.

I would not cope well with losing my mom right now. It's good to hear you're dealing okay.


Nothing will ever top REmake. really do have bad luck dude. I feel for you. #-o

Hope 2021 is better man.

Glad you're strong enough....cause most people wouldn't be able to handle all this trauma.

So...what are you currently playing? I'm sure you got another console since we spoke years ago. I got an Xbox One S roughly 3 yrs ago and then my wife bought me a PS4 (regular) last Xmas.

Hooked on Zombie Army 4 right now, Really fun, addictive game. Got Last of Us part 2 this Xmas but haven't played it yet. Man, what controversy that game brought up!! I thought Fallout 76 got bad

Anyways, hope to hear back. Sorry I'm not posting much....just checking in here and there. Still have lots of unpacking to do. [face_worried] We moved in mid December.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
So...what are you currently playing? I'm sure you got another console since we spoke years ago. I got an Xbox One S roughly 3 yrs ago and then my wife bought me a PS4 (regular) last Xmas.
I got a PS4 finally for Black Friday 2019. I actually got an N64 too. One of the conventions I work for gave it too me for a prize but then nobody won the prize so I kept it myself. I seriously gave away hundreds of dollars worth of prizes at that one. In the local convention community a lot of people try to do trivia contests. Me and my friend put a lot of work into ours. Collecting prizes and building a theme. One of the other guys, who is a professional bar trivia runner. Came to our panel and has since quit doing trivia panels at conventions cause he couldn't keep up with our level of audience hype. FYI Gamestop keeps a box in the back of clearance items set to a penny so they can donate stuff they can't sell to nonprofits. Toys R Us did as well. We get SO much stuff for free it's almost hard to give it all away. One time we were doing so much stupid shit we only got through 3 actual questions in an hour but the 120 people in the room had so much fun and got so many prizes nobody even noticed. Seriously we were at the fire marshal limit for the room cause we're kinda known in the community now for our prize packs and the fun we have.

Though to be fair about the "being strong" thing I've tried to kill myself a few times and ended up in the hospital for it. I'm just very tired of dealing with the same shit all the time with no place to go in life. I recently got diagnosed with sleep apnea and the doc thinks some of that being tired feeling might go away if I get a machine but I can't afford one, my insurance doesn't cover it, and for the first time in my experience the charities wont pay for it either, since I have insurance even though it wont pay for it.

I also got a Dreamcast from a friend who closed his game store to move to China. His wife divorced him and took their kid back home to China so he followed them. So now I have all the basics except SNES... well or Saturn and any of the XBoxes but I don't really want those. Though I don't have any games for the Dreamcast. I do have a friend that comes over some times and brings his games. He has games but no working console so it works out. He's way younger than me and is only just now getting into Dreamcast as a retro console so he's super surprised by it's capabilities and wasn't even aware of the VMU yet. So that was fun showing him some of the oddities of the system.

Currently I've been playing a LOT of Doom. Doom 3, Doom, Doom II. I had bought Doom 2016 used from Gamestop then found out they weren't even supposed to be selling them used cause the situation with the DLC codes. A big chunk of the advertised features on the box are DLC codes so Gamestop isn't supposed to sell stuff like that. However one of the people I get free stuff from just hooked me up with a code sheet out of a box someone had stolen the disc out of. It's really crazy playing Doom since I played it so long ago yet every once in a while I get like mental flashbacks to playing it in 1996 and remember exactly where the secrets are. One level really got me tripping cause I thought I hadn't ever gotten that far before cause I didn't remember several of the levels leading up to it but then BOOM memory overload. Though it MIGHT have been more 2006 or 7 when I played that last now that I think about it.

OH so anyway this just crossed my facebook feed and I thought it was a crazy coincidence we'd started talking again and then I came by this.
It's a Sonic themed indoor playground at a mall. Price is $30/hr but I assume that's Brazilian money which is worthless.



Original poster
That Sonic recreational activity thing looks kind a fun.

Good to see some mortals still exist. Man... I kind of missed the mid 2000's era. Internet wise of course.


A guy.
May 23, 2003
I would say 2008 was the peak but close enough.

Hi all. Been a loooong time. Nice to read these last few posts on this page.

@IRMacGuyver wow I’m sorry man. That’s a lot. Hang in there.

Work has been dead for me so I’ve just been raising the boy, playing music and games and watching lots of horror. We Are What We Are is a great slow burn and Blood Quantum is a really good zombie flick. Shudder has some really good stuff.

@TheBigG753 @DarkBlood999 SH Downpour had the best exploration and side quests. I loved exploring the town. Hopefully the new team takes the good and keeps some of that.

Hitman 3 is pretty great too. I wasn’t a huge fan of the last couple but they fixed a lot of the dumb stuff and the game just feels more streamlined and fun. Replaying Gow PS4 as well and am enjoying the combat much more the second time around.

@chris119 jealous about Half Life. Years ago I worked on some HTC phone campaigns and was always interested in the Vive.

I ate too much queso and buffalo chicken yesterday. Miss you guys.
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Moderately Disturbed
Aug 7, 2001

@TheBigG753 @DarkBlood999 SH Downpour had the best exploration and side quests. I loved exploring the town. Hopefully the new team takes the good and keeps some of that.
I'll believe in a new Silent Hill coming out when I see it. I've been disappointed for so long in that regard.

I actually just started investing. I opened a Roth IRA and put some money into a mutual fund. I really should have done it sooner but I had never looked into it, but a friend finally suggested it recently so I went for it.
Last edited:


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Good afternoon....anyone trolling around today? [face_tongue]
No I just popped in to finish a thread on the vesti and got sucked into a bunch of other stuff.

I need to be looking for a covid testing place near me. I have been really sick. Last tuesday night I got diarrhea for like 12 hours straight through Wednesday. Then Friday I spiked a temperature of 102.4. Temp is down right now but the diarrhea upset my hemorrhoid problem really bad so I'm still bleeding from that. Gonna go to my regular doctors when I get the covid okay and see if I need another surgery. This will be the third surgery since I was dumb enough to try driving as a career. I doubt you'll recall but I have a severe medical history with that sort of thing to the point that I had to have a hemorrhoidectomy and sphincterotomy when I was 20. For 15 years I was fine but then decided when I got fired from the last decent theatre in my area that I'd try out driving for a carrier. All that sitting really did a number on me and set me back to where I was 20 years ago with possibly needing surgery again on the other side. I doubt you want the details but they basically did the left side the first time so this time now the right side is what's screwed up.

What REALLY sucks though is now if I have this done, meaning I'll have had both sides done, it means I'll be at a 50% risk of permanent incontinence. Not to mention the EXTREME pain of recovery for that surgery. Since they have to use stitches to close up. It stretches and pulls at those stitches, not to mention they push in and out scraping along the inside, every time you go to the bathroom. It feels like taking a cheese grater to your ass for a month till the stitches dissolve. The first two weeks are impossible to handle without screaming and I could barely walk. I would lay face down on my bed and then crawl to the bathroom. Of course you can't take any pain meds for it though because all the good stuff causes constipation and would make it impossible to pass a stool without tearing the stitches.