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Oct 15, 2010
Just felt like saying that this description:

OP said:
Black Metal:
Black Metal is a form of highly theatrical, dramatic, orchestrated metal that originated in Norway in the early nineties in reaction to the increasingly punk, street, non-theatrical bent of Death Metal. Black Metal Bands such as Dark Funeral, Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth integrate gloomy synthesizers, strings, and complex arrangements, sometimes going far enough to be called Progressive Metal. Mythology and religion are central to Black Metal, as most bands are vociferously anti-Christian, often grounding themselves in Nordic or Pagan beliefs. The story of the more outrageously violent and shocking early Black Metal bands such as Mayhem and Emperor can be read in Michael Moynihan's excellent, thoughtful book, Lords of Chaos.

Is a bunch of crap. Black metal became a genre on its own in the early nineties, but musically it had been present much earlier in bands such as Bathory and Celtic Frost. Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth are also exceptionally bad examples of black metal, and Lords of Chaos is a laughable piece of pseudo-journalism crafted by someone who obviously wanted to link the Norwegian black metal movement to his pathetic Laveyian beliefs.
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