
Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
Does anyone understand curling?  I'm watching it on the Olympics and it really seems almost exactly like shuffleboard to me, except for the 2 "sweepers" who act like janitors on speed.

Basically though this is shuffleboard on ice.  A game the elderly play on cruise ships.  What's the next Olympic sport?  Texas Hold 'Em?


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
No I don't and it seems to be the only thing on when I get home at night. At least it's over now.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
I'm just droping in to say I'm still alive. Not sure if you'll even check this but thought I'd let you know. OMG I just realized I didn't tell any of my family yet.... anyway I was stuck in a hotel on top of a hill with all roads out shut down so I couldn't get back to my house. The convention and hotel worked out a deal and managed to let things keep going for a few more hours so that was nice of eceryone.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
IRMacGuyver said:
I'm just droping in to say I'm still alive. Not sure if you'll even check this but thought I'd let you know. OMG I just realized I didn't tell any of my family yet.... anyway I was stuck in a hotel on top of a hill with all roads out shut down so I couldn't get back to my house. The convention and hotel worked out a deal and managed to let things keep going for a few more hours so that was nice of eceryone.

Glad you're not dead! I didn't actually realize you were in any danger in the first place though.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
maybe you weren't around when I mentioned I live in Nashville... if I ever did say that here. But yeah massive flooding lots of damage. Hopefully they tear down the ruined Oprymills mall and rebuild Opryland theme park. There was actually a pretty serious dent in the economy from that place getting torn down. Business men stopped bringing their families when they had to come for conventions so they spent less money. Add to that the fact Tennessee is a Sales Tax state and money was lost by all. I've already posted one blog and will be adding some suplimentary ones in a day or two. check it out if you want


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001

It's just that the boards been so dead I took it out of my favorites. I saw you posted on the SH board so thought I'd check here. There's another update to my **** life in my blog. A tree got hit by lightning and broke in half in my back yard.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
Did the tree do any damage?

[blockquote]negativecreep7 posted:
Living my life, that's where!

... except just then when I posted.

'sup dude?
How man your reply wasn't that far after mine, I should check more often.

Life is insane at the moment, it has its sweet breezes now and then though. Got Married on May 25, and since then it has been a race to keep up with everything; funny and not funny all at once.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 19, 2008
No there wasn't any damage. That's why insurance wont pay for it. Plus my deductable is higher than it would cost anyway. You'd think they would pay for it anyway since letting it hang there and rot is even more dangerous but I just don't have any way to pay for it on my income.

You know you could always click the topic notification button. So you get an automattic email when someone posts in this thread.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
Yeah I know dude, I used to check everyday though but life is pretty rough right now and I don't have time for myself anymore. [face_plain]


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
So, you guys all seem...well.  Sort of.

You all seem like you're having troubles of some sort so you probably don't want to talk about pro football right now.

So I'll stick to college.  Looks as if LSU, if we win out, will probably go to the Sugar Bowl to play...well that will be interesting to see.  Possibly Ohio State.  Maybe Stanford?  Who can say.  We're ranked #5 in the BCS right now with only one loss, and that to #2 Auburn and we're coming off an impressive win over (formerly) #6 Alabama.  However, as you know, since both LSU and Auburn are in the SEC West, Auburn would have to lose both the Georgia next week and Alabama the week after that for LSU even to have a chance to play in the SEC Championship game.

And, as you all know, without the chance for that victory, we're not going to pass 4 undefeated teams to play in the National Championship. 

I don't know.  Maybe I shouldn't be talking about this.  I don't want to make you guys any more depressed, but sometimes you have to face hard facts.  And the fact is:  the Sugar Bowl is likely LSU's destination.  And that's only if we win out of course.  Only one tough game left, but it's our final opponent - Arkansas.  I think they're ranked around #14 or so now, but that's always a tough conference game.

Anyway, we've got plenty of young talent who will be back next year.  Really, this was supposed to be more of a rebuilding year and yet here we are, near the end of the season at #5, looking at a good chance at a very respectable BCS bowl, though very unlikely to be in the National Championship hunt, unless we get a lot of good luck from teams ahead of us losing.

...But, I think I know what we're all thinking right now, don't I? Exactly: 2007! We all remember that crazy year where a two loss LSU team leapfrogged 3 teams in the final BCS poll to end up in the national championship game against Ohio State where we stomped their asses and all was right with the world.  No one thought we could do it then, and yet we are in a very similar position to where we were then, see?

So, cheer up guys!  I really think we're in a win-win situation here.  Either we get a huge break and it's back to NC-land, or we at least get to play in the Sugar Bowl and crush some non-conference competition which is always fun. 

So don't let life get you down, ok? :)  And good luck with your marriages or deaths or whatever you were whining about.

LSU, LSU, LSU!!!!!  Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
I always love reading your witty posts, Drew.

Sorry, I'm not a football fan. It too bad, because I live literally two blocks from the U of M football stadium. I hate Saturdays on home games. Ann Arbor is a damned nightmare during those periods. Besides, I'm a Michigan State grad, so you know where my loyalty lies.

Me, I'm depressed because the baseball season is over. I went to five Tiger games this fall. And three of five were behind home plate. No, not the LSU Tigers, but the real tigers in Detroit. It's funny though, why would they name the team the Tigers. This, and I came to the conclusion that all of those wild, feral tigers... you know, that run around freely in Detroit, must definitely has something to do with it.

In summation: Life sucks because baseball is done until late March for my team. Oh well, at least I still have my other sport, boxing, to tide me over until the Spring. Damn, I miss baseball.

... I'm doing better than I have in at least a year and a half. No joke! Hope all is well in New Orleans.

Oh, oh, oh... funny story: when I moved to Ann Arbor last year, I got so sick of seeing the U of M logo emblazoned on EVERYTHING... so I did what anyone would do in my predicament, I purchased a State hat. I rock that shit everywhere in Ann Arbor. Piss on the Wolverines. [face_tongue]


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
The real tigers?! LSU football has been around since the 1890's!

Sorry about your Tigers though. But being from Detroit I can see why you're not a pro football fan, :^O I have a friend who lives near Detroit, but he's a Michigan State fan, not a Michigan fan. Maybe you two can hang out if he ever visits Ann Arbor. I'll tell him about you and you can both wear your MSU gear and piss off the locals!

I've heard Ann Arbor is a really nice and fun place to live. Actually my father's mother's family is from Michigan, but I've never been there. I'm sure I have some relatives up there, but I don't know who.

Anyway, glad to hear that you're doing well! Take care.



Jan 2, 2010
Well, I haven't played it, and probably wont but, check it out:

Is this a foreboding sign of a new Legacy of Kain or just homage to fans who feel some of their favorite characters have been forgotten? I think we all know Defiance ended on a note that would make a new "reboot" style game quite amazing. Imagine Kain rampaging with the complete Soul Reaver...


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
lichfiend said:
Well, I haven't played it, and probably wont but, check it out:

Is this a foreboding sign of a new Legacy of Kain or just homage to fans who feel some of their favorite characters have been forgotten? I think we all know Defiance ended on a note that would make a new "reboot" style game quite amazing. Imagine Kain rampaging with the complete Soul Reaver...

OMG is that horrible! Raziel with a chick's voice and Kain with some nerd's voice? WTF. Why not just show them having sex or something. It'd be less humiliating.

Thanks for shitting on the memory of the best characters of the best games you ever made Crystal Dynamics. Have you no pride at all? Of course you don't. I hope you all die of the plague.


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
The ONLY good thing: the trailer showed my two favorite video game characters again. Although... Raziel looked like a bitch rolling around like that all quick and fast, like. Fuck Crystal Dynamics.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
negativecreep7 said:
The ONLY good thing: the trailer showed my two favorite video game characters again. Although... Raziel looked like a bitch rolling around like that all quick and fast, like. Fuck Crystal Dynamics.

Yeah, the graphics did look really good. But that just made me think how cool a current gen LoK game would be. And we're not gonna get one. [face_angry]
Jan 16, 2011
Oh god its hard to believe. I thought everyone's forgotten about LoK, its been so many years. Thought I was the only one still in hopes of the series being revived. ^-^ Here to support the Legacy of Kain franchise hehehe. They really shouldnt have cancelled LoK 6th installmenet ¬_¬" Such great game with such a story driven effect...and they shelve it.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
LiaraRaziela91 said:
Oh god its hard to believe. I thought everyone's forgotten about LoK, its been so many years. Thought I was the only one still in hopes of the series being revived. ^-^ Here to support the Legacy of Kain franchise hehehe. They really shouldnt have cancelled LoK 6th installmenet ¬_¬" Such great game with such a story driven effect...and they shelve it.

I don't think they'll ever be another LOK game since the woman who wrote the stories and produced most of the games doesn't work at Crystal Dynamics anymore.

I really would like one last one to wrap things up. At the ending of BO2, you have Kain just about to create his army to take over Nosgoth. Kain's conquering of Nosgoth would make a hell of a game IMO.

And this time he'd do it right, so that the world wouldn't fall apart after a few thousand years.

Oh well. At least we can replay the ones we already have. Actually I suppose LOK fans were pretty lucky to get 5 games. Lot's of successful series don't get as many, and LOK was never a huge financial success. More like a labor of love, I think.

But games cost too much time and money to produce these days for producers to want to take a risk on smaller projects. I still think a lower budget LOK game, with a great story and gameplay, but maybe not great graphics, could sell enough copies to do well, if it cost something like $7 or $8 million to make. They wouldn't need to sell as many copies to make a profit.

It will almost certainly never happen though. At least not this generation. Maybe next gen?


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
Well, we've got a little life back on the LoK board after a looong dead spell.  How's about we get the CT going again?

Uh...anyone know a good joke?


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
LSU is back. Dominate is not even an appropriate word for our performance this year. We have destroyed every team we've played including like 4 or 5 ranked teams.

Now come Bama. #1 (us) v. #2 (them). Weekend after this. THE game of the 2011 NCAA football season. Do not miss it!