
IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Andrew0824 said:
IRMacGuyver said:
id has been good but hasn't produced a classic in nearly ten years.

I thought Doom 3 was a great game.
But would you consider it a classic that will last forever? I didn't play it but I don't feel the drive to. It wasn't even an origanal story. Plus don't they have duct tape on Mars? ;) [face_tongue]


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
IRMacGuyver said:
Andrew0824 said:
IRMacGuyver said:
id has been good but hasn't produced a classic in nearly ten years.

I thought Doom 3 was a great game.
But would you consider it a classic that will last forever? I didn't play it but I don't feel the drive to. It wasn't even an origanal story. Plus don't they have duct tape on Mars? ;) [face_tongue]

Well, I don't think anything will last forever. Not any videogames anyway. It wasn't an original story, but neither was Half-Life. In fact, the Half-Life story is a total rip-off from the original Doom story. Replace demons with aliens and it's the exact same story: Hubristic scientists open a portal into Hell(Doom)/another dimension(HL) and a lone soldier(Doom)/scientist(HL) has to set it right. A sinister scientist who is really a demon(Doom)/a sinister G-Man who is probably an alien (HL) is the bad guy. I mean it's basically identical.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
I never thought about HL like that since you're a scientist with coworkers not a lone marine but I can totally see where you're coming from now. Still not sure I totally agree though since if you study story telling you learn that there really aren't that many stories to tell in the first place. If you want to you can even say there hasn't been an original story in hundreds of years.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
God of War III demo, OMFG!!!!!!!!! Now I feel like punching people everyday till it comes out! It is phenomenal! Perfect!


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
lol that's an interesting proposal but I don't think it will make them put the game out any faster.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
IRMacGuyver said:
I never thought about HL like that since you're a scientist with coworkers not a lone marine but I can totally see where you're coming from now. Still not sure I totally agree though since if you study story telling you learn that there really aren't that many stories to tell in the first place. If you want to you can even say there hasn't been an original story in hundreds of years.

I don't know if I'd go that far. But video game stories are usually pretty low quality and rarely very original.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
IRMacGuyver said:
lol that's an interesting proposal but I don't think it will make them put the game out any faster.
It wasn't a proposal dude, I played the demo and it was pure glory!
That is why I feel like I want to go on a rampage, I can't contain my excitement.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
Because senseless war and war crimes don't contribute at all and so violence is the product of games. ;)


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Why is it that war crimes are treated more leniant than normal crimes? You kill 5 people you get put to death. You commit genocide and you get house arrest or something similar.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
IRMacGuyver said:
Why is it that war crimes are treated more leniant than normal crimes? You kill 5 people you get put to death. You commit genocide and you get house arrest or something similar.

Probably depends on the particular circumstances. The light sentences many Nazis got at Nuremberg were b/c the trials took place at the beginning of the cold war and the split b/t East and West was considered more important than WW2. Still most of the major war criminals got death or life sentences. It was just at the later trials for the those of lower rank where some ridiculously low sentences were handed out and usually they were let out early. Some were never tried at all b/c (mainly scientists) they were now in the US or Russia working for their former enemies.

Where would NASA have been without Werner Von Braun for example? He's a famous example but there was a US operation called [link=]Operation Paperclip [/link] to find the top Nazi scientists, some who were definite war criminals and get them working for the US in the Cold War. The Russians had a similar operation that was supposedly even more successful.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
War crimes don't get punished depending on the country's power.
Israel killed 10500 civilians, 55% children, when it invaded Lebanon the summer of 2006. Did they even get trialed for it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah right!
Their excuse "We warned them to evacuate and threw fliers everywhere" LMFAO!
Frankly I don't care that they died, I am racist and I admit it for years; they are all Shiite who died, and yes Israel did warn them but gave them like 1 hr to evacuate LOL.
They ****ing suck! They couldn't get that bastard Hassan Nasrallah so they destroyed everything out of desperation and still couldn't even get close to where he was.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Damn dude I don't even think BBC reported that many casualties. Usually they're pretty reliable.

It's crazy what Israel gets away with being one of the many infamous 51st states of the US. The funny thing is one of the main reasons we have interest in the place is that some christians think if they help jews rebuild King Solomon's temple it will be a sign that Revalations is starting. They send a lot of money that way.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Shoot presonaly I grew up very racist without even knowing it. To me the n word was just another name for black people and I didn't think it had a racist meaning. In a way I still don't but now I think it's one of those things where there's black people and then are ******s. I'll tell you what though all this Fort Hood stuff isn't helping racism very much.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
Andrew0824 said:
Ruhab said:
Frankly I don't care that they died, I am racist and I admit it for years.

Uhh joke, drunk posting, or a depressing revelation about a guy I like?
No bro, don't take it in a manner of literal racist, I will leave you with this sentence as a demo to what I will elaborate on.

It is way to long to explain, the demo is; I hate people who hate themselves and give no value to whom they lost and will loose in the future, if one hates themselves and their kids because they think they are cannon fodder for their leader who doesn't give a $#!+ about them, what have they left for me to care about.

I shall explain it in detail tonight when I get back from class. I need to go register for next quarter and pick up Assassin's Creed II, then go to class lol.

IR, I have a black roommate, he is the one playing DBZ all the time btw LOL; he explained the whole n word and why it really is degrading. That is also a little bit of a long story, but it is not at all how it is portrayed by the popular thought.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Damn and I was going to ask you how you liked the game. Not that I have the money to buy it.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
Forgive me time is eating at me quickly with my projects, I will elaborate tomorrow afternoon on both replies lol

About DBZ, well I can safely give an opinion on it as I do watch him and my other good friend play it.
They are really enjoying it. IGN as usual are @$$holes and don't know how to review a game. I would say it is a 7.5/10
They made the game's battles more epic proportioned and the graphics are great! Better than the Anime and of course with proper body proportions.

They did screw up the fights though and you can't execute combos that are like 200 hits anymore. But there are things that kind of make up for it. There are a lot more mechanics to the game and online is pretty good, except I think that people who leave the game should be penalized but that doesn't happen.
Music is catchy but corny.
A DBZ fan will really enjoy it. They play it all day!


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
Ruhab said:
Andrew0824 said:
Ruhab said:
Frankly I don't care that they died, I am racist and I admit it for years.

Uhh joke, drunk posting, or a depressing revelation about a guy I like?
No bro, don't take it in a manner of literal racist, I will leave you with this sentence as a demo to what I will elaborate on.

It is way to long to explain, the demo is; I hate people who hate themselves and give no value to whom they lost and will loose in the future, if one hates themselves and their kids because they think they are cannon fodder for their leader who doesn't give a $#!+ about them, what have they left for me to care about.

I shall explain it in detail tonight when I get back from class.

Don't worry about it. You don't owe me any explanation. I'm not very judgmental anyway. I still like you. :)


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
After watching the live boxing tonight, in a drunken stupor, I once again realize that Andrew is the absolute definition of the term "the shit."


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
negativecreep7 said:
After watching the live boxing tonight, in a drunken stupor, I once again realize that Andrew is the absolute definition of the term "the shit."


What boxing were you watching when you had this epiphany? I was watching football all day. Saints 10 - 0!!! [face_dancing]

IRMacGuyver said:
I never did get into boxing but I'm not much of a sports guy.

You don't need to be into sports to realize how awesome I am.


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
Ha ha. I forgot even making that post Saturday night. Anyway, I was watching the Super Middleweight tournament on Showtime. The bout in question was Mikkel Kessler vs. Andre Ward. Great, great fight. Last weekend I dropped $54.99 for Pacquiao/Cotto. YAY! the next two weekends there are some great, live boxing fights on HBO and Showtime. And no, I don't watch that UFC/MMA crap. Boxing is where it's at. [face_tongue]


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
I wish I lived somewhere that I could gamble more profesionally. I think I could be pretty good at it. But then it's one of those things that once you do it for a living it isn't fun any more because it's a very involved job.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
Andrew0824 said:
Don't worry about it. You don't owe me any explanation. I'm not very judgmental anyway. I still like you. :)
No, no, I still want to type it out; just haven't brought myself to and honestly forgot LOL!
It's not an explanation more like a long history that lead to a conclusion and it was when Israel attacked Lebanon in summer of 2006.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Have you seen Waltz with Bashir yet Ruhab?
Same **** different year. Personally I really enjoyed the film and thought it handled the subject matter very well.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
IRMacGuyver said:
Have you seen Waltz with Bashir yet Ruhab?
Same **** different year. Personally I really enjoyed the film and thought it handled the subject matter very well.
Nope it didn't dude, that movie is for another time.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
So where did you play the God of War demo? Or are you one of those forieng types that call cutscenes demos? I've been looking around for it but can't find any playable demos.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
You have to get the code from GameStop for reserving God of War III or buy the God of War collection for the PS3 which contains a code to download the demo. It is not available to download on PSN, only by redeeming a code enables you to download it.

And dude, come on, you think with all the games I've played I'd call a trailer a demo? [face_raised_brow]


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Well it's a foreign thing so I just wasn't sure. I think it's mostly Japanese though.

Heck I didn't know what an FMV was till I'd been getting PSN mags for like two years. Noone ever bothers to explain what Full Motion Video means to a "old man" raised on NES. My idea of an FMV was scrolling text. [face_tongue]


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
IRMacGuyver said:
Well it's a foreign thing so I just wasn't sure. I think it's mostly Japanese though.

Heck I didn't know what an FMV was till I'd been getting PSN mags for like two years. Noone ever bothers to explain what Full Motion Video means to a "old man" raised on NES. My idea of an FMV was scrolling text. [face_tongue]

My idea of a boss fight was, "you've been eaten by a grue". (again)



Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
Simon Templeman (the voice of Kain) is in Mass Effect 2. [link=]This video[/link] shows a bunch of the actors doing the voices. He's at the end, but they have some really big name talent in that game.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
lol right when I clicked reply a message poped up saying "mortanius is now online" on my PS3.


That's cool to hear he's still doing voice work. I'm always worried about voice talent in games. Some times even "good" actors just phone it in cause it's such an easy fast pay check. I saw some clips of the first game and the lipsync always seemed way off to me. Though in Blood Omen 2 the lipsync was way off when I was playing. Not sure if it was my copy or the game though.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
IRMacGuyver said:
lol right when I clicked reply a message poped up saying "mortanius is now online" on my PS3.


That's cool to hear he's still doing voice work. I'm always worried about voice talent in games. Some times even "good" actors just phone it in cause it's such an easy fast pay check. I saw some clips of the first game and the lipsync always seemed way off to me. Though in Blood Omen 2 the lipsync was way off when I was playing. Not sure if it was my copy or the game though.

He does do great work. He had a really small part in the first KOTOR game as a guard in a ship when you're in prison, but immediately I knew it was him by the voice. Even though the part was small, he did a great job with it. Very menacing.

Him and the guy who does Raziel, whose name I know but can't think of right now, are my favorite voice actors.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
negativecreep7 said:
Michael Bell.

Michael Bell, right. My memory sucks.

OK, everyone it is that time again. Time for me to tell you your futures. But this time it's going to be a little different. You tell me your sins (not all of them, I don't want to hear how you masturbated thinking about your big sister when you were 12). Just your most prominent sins. If you can't figure out a name for them, just describe it/them. Try to pick just one or two of your most common sins, though if you have something really awful, you can put that in too.

And what will I do in return? I will tell you what circle of hell you will suffer in for eternity and what punishment you will endure for all time. Sure you could read The Inferno on your own (not the same as the videogame w/the same name) but why when I've already done it for you? So come on, let's hear those sins. And be honest. If you're embarrased, get a temp new username.



Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
Notnicecreep7 said:
As an atheist, I do not believe in sins. I do, however, believe in morals.

Just b/c you don't believe in sin doesn't mean you don't know what they are. Atheism wasn't really a sin in Dante's time b/c it didn't exist.

Besides, the loving God of Christianity doesn't give you a pass because you're an atheist. Now tell me your sins so I can determine where His blessed mercy will send you to suffer for eternity.

If not, I'll just have to stick you in the 6th Circle with the heretics I guess, where you will lie in your tomb, which happens to be on fire, forever. One of the less picturesque punishments, but traditional I guess.



Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
Title: IR not supposed to be here
Registered: Jan 01
Posts: 23,825

I regect your reality and substatute my own

Um, I think that was what that guy was talking about. I believe that, anyway.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
negativecreep7 said:
Title: IR not supposed to be here
Registered: Jan 01
Posts: 23,825

I regect your reality and substatute my own

Um, I think that was what that guy was talking about. I believe that, anyway.

And he was pretending to be you? Oh, that's got to be a sin in itself. I'll have to check.