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No Longer a Noob
Feb 24, 2006
United States
It's a crying shame, but I think 2017 is going to go down as the year the Zelda Board died. :( If not officially then as the year it became irrelevant. I was hoping that Breath of the Wild would bring in some fresh blood and at least increase activity by a few posts. I suppose it actually did... for like a month. Shortly after it got worse, and even the OT struggled to have any lasting discussion.

All that's left here are a few nostalgic regs who have yet to move on, plus a few stray users who wander in and post once. I hope I'm wrong, but with no new Zelda game in sight I don't think anything is going to turn it around. There are simply not enough users left to sustain meaningful topics. Like, I've got a few ideas for threads, but it doesn't seem like it's worth the effort of writing if only 2 people are ever going to read it.

I don't know, let me know if I should post a few new topics and see if anyone has any interest. Or perhaps I've simply spent too much time here trying to relieve the past and it's time to move on. The IGN Zelda Board will always have a place in my heart as my first online forum and I've had many good years here with you guys. But perhaps it's time to find a different Zelda forum to post on. Anyone have any suggestions?


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
It's a crying shame, but I think 2017 is going to go down as the year the Zelda Board died. :( If not officially then as the year it became irrelevant. I was hoping that Breath of the Wild would bring in some fresh blood and at least increase activity by a few posts. I suppose it actually did... for like a month. Shortly after it got worse, and even the OT struggled to have any lasting discussion.

All that's left here are a few nostalgic regs who have yet to move on, plus a few stray users who wander in and post once. I hope I'm wrong, but with no new Zelda game in sight I don't think anything is going to turn it around. There are simply not enough users left to sustain meaningful topics. Like, I've got a few ideas for threads, but it doesn't seem like it's worth the effort of writing if only 2 people are ever going to read it.

I don't know, let me know if I should post a few new topics and see if anyone has any interest. Or perhaps I've simply spent too much time here trying to relieve the past and it's time to move on. The IGN Zelda Board will always have a place in my heart as my first online forum and I've had many good years here with you guys. But perhaps it's time to find a different Zelda forum to post on. Anyone have any suggestions?
I dunno man, I feel like every single thing that there is to talk about, has been talked about so many times. I barely even want to talk about BoTW because it all just devolves into the same shit.


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
Another user and I are the only ones still posting on the Fable forum, occasionally someone else stops by and sometimes it's weeks between posts. I hope the ZB won't end up like, but it looks like it might. :(


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
It's a crying shame, but I think 2017 is going to go down as the year the Zelda Board died. :( If not officially then as the year it became irrelevant. I was hoping that Breath of the Wild would bring in some fresh blood and at least increase activity by a few posts. I suppose it actually did... for like a month. Shortly after it got worse, and even the OT struggled to have any lasting discussion.

All that's left here are a few nostalgic regs who have yet to move on, plus a few stray users who wander in and post once. I hope I'm wrong, but with no new Zelda game in sight I don't think anything is going to turn it around. There are simply not enough users left to sustain meaningful topics. Like, I've got a few ideas for threads, but it doesn't seem like it's worth the effort of writing if only 2 people are ever going to read it.

I don't know, let me know if I should post a few new topics and see if anyone has any interest. Or perhaps I've simply spent too much time here trying to relieve the past and it's time to move on. The IGN Zelda Board will always have a place in my heart as my first online forum and I've had many good years here with you guys. But perhaps it's time to find a different Zelda forum to post on. Anyone have any suggestions?
IGN has been like this for years. I think it's the fact the people who grew up on here in the older times on IGN has moved on. For some like me who is soon approaching ten years here, it's crazy how many people has come and go.

Happy new year to you all! I played Poker for the first time last night and I ended up winning much to my own surprise.

Should we keep this CT running or make a new one?


No Longer a Noob
Feb 24, 2006
United States
I actually do think there is a good deal to talk about for Breath of the Wild, I've seen some good stuff come up on other sites. The problem is that without new users you don't get any new perspectives to discuss. Case in point I can pretty much guess the timeline theories (or lack there of) for anyone left on this board.

I think a good part of why this board became so inactive may have to do with how social media evolved. If you think about it the Zelda board was in it's hayday in the years around 2004-2011. Around that time most gaming social media was just coming into existence and the only big gaming websites were the ones like IGN or Game Informer. If you wanted to talk about Zelda you were limited on where to go to do it.

Case in point the fan art threads here once had 30 or more pages. Back then there wasn't one good site to find lots of fan art. Now you can just go to Deviantart to find it all day, so the thread here became redundant. Same kind of thing happened with our play-throughs, fan fics, timeline theories, etc. You can find that stuff on Youtube, fan sites, etc.

Yeah I'm still going to pop in every now and then because why not? But as far as finding Zelda related stuff there are clearly greener pastures out there. Anyway onto a less bitter note happy 2018 everyone! I don't know why but that number seems really futuristic to me.

Yeah I know it's the present, but it now seems like this decade is fast approaching it's close. Back in say the year 2000 it felt like the years 2001-2015 were the near future, while anything beyond that was too far away to worry about. Now we're well past that. I guess I finally reached that age where I can look back and say "Wow, has it really been that long ago". [face_tongue]
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Almost Not a Noob
Jun 6, 2010
With Reddit and other major forums, why on earth would people come to an extremely hidden IGN forum? Besides whenever our posts show up on a google search for stuff, anyway.


King of TL;DR
Sep 21, 2005
With Reddit and other major forums, why on earth would people come to an extremely hidden IGN forum? Besides whenever our posts show up on a google search for stuff, anyway.
Indeed. I've mostly accepted this as the 2018 reality. The internet is so vast now. But I'll never forgot the smaller internet space where the ZB brought all the Zelda-loving nerds together.
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