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Mod with a Silly Hat
Dec 12, 2007
I really enjoyed Awakening... got a few chapters into Fates and it just didnt hold me. Dunno why. I haven't tried Echos yet. It sort of feels like.... they're flooding FE at this point. Awakening saved the series and now they wanna milk it for all its worth.
I can see why Nintendo would push it as it surpassed expectations and is making money. Striking while the iron is hot, essentially. However, there is the chance of going too where it drives people away or bolsters more negative reactions. Making Corrin the only new first party character as well as one of the final DLC for Smash was a mistake. That is an example where they were pushing FE too much, especially since it was a series well-covered already in the game. And while it was more successful than Awakening, Fates appears to much more love it/hate it, giving out a similar vibe with FFVII and FFVIII.


Certified Narutard
Jul 18, 2006
Long-time fans of the series generally hate Awakening in my experience. Their reaction to Fates is much more positive.


That Guy
Aug 11, 2007
Penn's Woods
I suppose I could be considered a long time fan. I started with (technically 7), but the first one to be localized in the US, the GBA one. All of Awakening just felt good to me. Fates kind of felt boring to play through. It felt like a chore to get through each chapter, until I eventually just quit.


too elite to be beat
Oct 2, 2004
I suppose I could be considered a long time fan. I started with (technically 7), but the first one to be localized in the US, the GBA one. All of Awakening just felt good to me. Fates kind of felt boring to play through. It felt like a chore to get through each chapter, until I eventually just quit.

I think that everyone who was introduced to the series via Awakening or Fates needs to play FE7 on the GBA. One of my favorite games of all time.

I named my pet turtle Hector, who I consider to be the most interesting character in the entire FE series.
Jun 27, 2010
What’s up?

Man, it’s been forever since I’ve seen this forum. After watching a Pewdiepie video about going through old forum posts it made me want to check this place out. I know that sounds super lame but whatever, I’m glad this board is still a thing, although it looks a bit dryer than what it has in the past, haha.

I have never played awakening but I’m missing my WiiU. I should have grabbed it from my mom when I moved.


That Guy
Aug 11, 2007
Penn's Woods
Yeah, I understand. Especially since I started school. It's been frustrating but I tell myself that when I'm done school, hopefully I'll be able to get a decent job and then I'll have more time to do the stuff I acutally wanna do. Like game [face_tongue]
Jun 27, 2010
-cries- I just graduated with my associates and I work at a call center job. I don’t know what I want to continue in...

College is fun though. I highly recommend the experience, but it isn’t for everyone.


Fierce Deity VIP
Feb 15, 2003
Tesoro Azul
Went on a Badlands trip with my girlfriend over the Fourth, car broke down in the middle of nowhere in Custer State Park and we had to wait 3+ hours for someone to come tow us to the nearest town. She was flooring it and it was going about 2 miles per hour... later found out that having the air conditioning on for such a long trip was putting too much stress on the car. We made it home in one piece though, after being stuck in South Dakota for a day longer than anticipated [face_tongue]

Also, lost (like, legit lost) my copy of Melee and can't find a used game store in the area that has it. Seems if anyone who owns Melee in this day and age isn't looking to sell it [face_tongue]

On the up side, there's a lot worse places to be broke down. Went to the black hills on vacation with my wife about 2 years ago and loved it.


Original poster
I finally picked up a new car Monday. Lost my Fit in Hurricane Harvey, went through an insanely bad process with State Farm (seriously, they fucking suck) and after two months I finally got everything settled with them and just went out and got the new one.

Had a horrible experience at the first dealership, which was the one I bought the Fit at years ago (they've always sucked, but I figured I could get a better deal keeping it within the same dealership). Left there pretty upset, got a call from another dealership way north of town, they confirmed they had what I was looking for (had to settle on all black interior, instead of grey, but I'm ok with settling on that) and after a couple hours if was all done.

Only had 10 miles on it when I got it. First time I've ever owned a car that I felt excited about.


Original poster
Did they give you what it was worth at the time or enough for a new car?
They gave me what it was worth at the time ($4,500); but that's about $3,500 more than I was expecting. Car was about 10 years old and only 15k when I got it. Biggest problem was it flooded out, they took about a week to tow it (all the while my clock on the rental through insurance was ticking even though I didn't have the rental because of the storm). Then when they towed it they told me I needed all these forms to surrender the car to them; turns out I didn't need the majority of them.

The kicker was that they sent my money to someone else. Took them a month to figure that all out. Went through the gauntlet and was about to go through a legal fun time over it but they managed to get the money back and send me mine.


Original poster
Anyone playing the DLC stuff in BotW? I haven't started yet.
Beat it. Went in buying into the whole "story expansion" and it's not really that. First part is pretty cheap feeling, but once you get beyond the limitation imposed on you and into the later stuff it feels like more of the same.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 24, 2006
United States
Just finished watching The Last Jedi at an early premier. I'll stay spoiler free, but I'd thought I'd give my initial thoughts before I get tainted by the reviews.

They really took this movie in a direction I had no idea was coming, for better or worse. I feel either people are going to love or hate this movie based on how much you buy the twists it presents. For the most part it worked for me. Even reading online theories and such there were some parts that legitimately surprised me. At times though it felt like they were trying too hard to pull the wool over fans eyes.

In particular some of the new force visions and powers seemed hokey and like borderline superpowers. Most of the characters including Luke, Kylo, and Rey were great, but Snoke was a massive disappointment. Still I can say there were several times people cheered in the audience and applauded to cool moments.

Overall I liked it, but The Last Jedi did feel like reading through the wild mass guessing section of TV Tropes. Most of it was good, some parts fantastic, but some parts made me go "...well... okay then.". Still with how unoriginal most movies are these days I'm fine with it having a few flaws along the way. If you're the kind of person who feel one or two bad scenes can ruin a movie however I can see (and understand) them hating it.

I feel like with the internet Star Wars is in kind of a no win situation. Either the plot has to be so far out there that it either alienates fans, or else 10,000 people on the Internet predicted it and call the movie a cash grab.
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Original poster
I just got back from The Last Jedi myself. Overall I enjoyed it, still like Empire more but this is probably somewhere right behind it..which isn't saying much because the prequels are LOL...

There's one scene, in the first half, that is just absolutely fucking stupid.


Original poster
Hate to do it but if I gotta get some +1s I guess I gotta
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