
Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
Personally, I'm going for OoT. Not because I said a few times here and there that MM sucks, but I cannot get into the 3 day system. While I like MM, the 3 day system is the major flaw that kept me disinterested in finishing it.

OoT on the other hand, provides a beautiful story from start to finish, and can have the ability to go back and forth through time from childhood to adulthood to do certain tasks. That was actually more fun for me. Hell, the dungeons and temples were more fun and frustrating for me than in MM, where it was slightly easier.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2012
majora's mask is using same graphics, effects and characters as ocarina of time plus bit extra inhancements because it was 1st game to use the expansion pack on n64


May 17, 2014
i have to say that Oot is my personal favorite. I really love the idea of Majora's Mask, the gameplay is awesome! Replayability, Awesome! I love having a new Villain, characters are developed better that Oot, and there are many cool concepts especially involving time manipulation and the side quests were the greatest a Zelda game has ever had. However, despite it's great efforts waiting for time to pass and having to restart everything every three days and the saving mechanic and losing all of your items and a lack of dungeons in my opinion bring the game down greatly. I love the game, I am getting it on 3DS in February, however, some things about the game really bug me.


Dec 24, 2014
i have to say that Oot is my personal favorite. I really love the idea of Majora's Mask, the gameplay is awesome! Replayability, Awesome! I love having a new Villain, characters are developed better that Oot, and there are many cool concepts especially involving time manipulation and the side quests were the greatest a Zelda game has ever had. However, despite it's great efforts waiting for time to pass and having to restart everything every three days and the saving mechanic and losing all of your items and a lack of dungeons in my opinion bring the game down greatly. I love the game, I am getting it on 3DS in February, however, some things about the game really bug me.

One trip around Termina with the Goron mask right after dawn of the first day gets you every item you need. Just go in a circle, roll over the grass, and you've got full arrows, bombs and ruppes. Takes like 30 seconds. It's not that big a deal.
Dec 25, 2014
OOT was more amazing for me to play.
Seeing Lizalfos, Stalfos, an iron Knuckles translated to 3d were amazing. But seeing King Dodongo's, Gohma, and most importantly, Barba/Volvagia translated to the big screen was incredible. So was Shadow link.


Shame they did not save Shadow link for Ganon's tower and force you to use your sword, or at least have a Thunderbird before Ganon. But overall, Majora's mask did not appeal to the side of me that wanted to see all this stuff on a much more powerful system.

No game since has truly been such a visual upgrade as Ocarina was to LTTP.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 14, 2011
OOT I replayed so many time when I still had my N64 MM is okey but it really doesn't have any reply value
Jan 25, 2015
I know that I haven't played either games but I am torn with which game to get. But based on these responses, I'll have to go with MM because it took everything in OOT and rencarnated it into an awesome beast of a game. The 3 day system makes you care for the characters life's because you feel so bad about them possibly dying on your accord. MM is better.


Dec 24, 2014
I know that I haven't played either games but I am torn with which game to get. But based on these responses, I'll have to go with MM because it took everything in OOT and rencarnated it into an awesome beast of a game. The 3 day system makes you care for the characters life's because you feel so bad about them possibly dying on your accord. MM is better.

Majora's Mask is the better game, but that doesn't mean that Ocarina of Time isn't one of the greatest games of all time. Trust me on this, get them both, play Ocarina of Time first. You'll be happy you did.


No Longer a Noob
May 3, 2009
majora's mask is using same graphics, effects and characters as ocarina of time plus bit extra inhancements because it was 1st game to use the expansion pack on n64
Actually DK64 used it (expansion pack) for an entire year almost before MM even was released.
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Jan 29, 2007
OoT over Majora's Mask for me because OoT has:

- More core game content (i.e. more dungeons);
- A better overall soundtrack (in my view);
- More memorable primary antagonist (in my view); and
- More memorable moments in the context of the entire series (e.g. child to adult Link transformation, horseback riding, the ascent up the flights of stairs Ganon's Castle and so forth) in my view.
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The Return of Nubbiness
Aug 27, 2006
I'd just like to add that MM3D has pushed MM even further over the top of Ocarina of Time.

A non-combat focused style of 3D gameplay that is even more dependent on solving puzzles, doing sidequests, and platforming is a much better look for the Zelda series in the post-2D era.


No Longer a Noob
May 10, 2003
I'd just like to add that MM3D has pushed MM even further over the top of Ocarina of Time.

A non-combat focused style of 3D gameplay that is even more dependent on solving puzzles, doing sidequests, and platforming is a much better look for the Zelda series in the post-2D era.

You've almost perfectly described my problems with the game. Platforming, repetition (having to beat bosses multiple times, repeating steps for side quests) and various collectathons bring it down as a Zelda game, in my opinion. I play Zelda to fight enemies, explore caves and tackle dungeons, not to jump around like Mario or run errands just to enter ("unlock") the game's next dungeon. The older games, and more recently ALBW, didn't really have much of that (pre-dungeon fetch quests), and I love them for that precise reason. Exploration (Zelda 1, ALttP, OoT - for the most part) has always been more fun to me than jumping through hoops to open up the game's next area (I'm looking at you, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword).
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Almost Not a Noob
May 18, 2012
It's official. I am done calling OoT my favorite Zelda and overall game. After a recent replay today with MM3D (I already 100% the game) from the beginning up to before heading to the ocean with 10 hearts total so far, it has now been very clear to me why MM is a million times better than OoT. Yes, I said it! Why? Well, I realized before that the game's full of layered content but it seems like every playthrough I always get something new out of the experience. I am getting better and better at combining sidequests with main quests very efficiently. I already have 4 bottles with the Keaton Mask at the point where I stopped. It's like...everything I do reflects the characters.

For instance, if the thief stole the bomb bag, then the shop sells them at the curiosity shop. It's still an opportunity to get that bomb at a higher price. If the thief fails, then you get the all night mask. Examples like this justify that there's far more where everything in this game is connected with perfectionism. Plus, I always feel entertained by every second of the game. I'm always on the run. Getting busy! Collecting! Always involved! Things are structured well together from puzzles in dungeons and the items you use in the game. There's always so many layers within all aspects of this game.

Honestly...the game is so tightly packed and intelligently put together that...I really don't think any Zelda will ever surpass it. No game has at this point. The only way it's going to be surpassed is a game similar to MM, which is something that I am personally developing on paper that I plan on sharing to this board in the future. It's basically a sequel to MM where Young Link continues several years later in another environment. Masks return, a 4-day system is what I might aim for, the gameplay expands a great deal, etc. Here's what I have done so far:

Today, I vote MAJORA'S MASK. Sorry, OoT. You are now in my #2 spot:
Jan 26, 2014
OoT was the first game I ever beat besides Pokemon, so it'll always be my all time favorite game ever made, but MM is still very good. Also, OoT has a wider variety of glitches, making it more entertaining to speedrun, but that's not even an intended gameplay thing so...xD. But I'd give it to OoT just because I'm biased as hell towards it.


Jun 14, 2015
Having recently finished MM for the first time and played through OoT some million times, it is probably no shock that I will go for OoT.

Yes MM was unique, it was dark. But I wasnt any more immersed by MM than I was by OoT.

The overworld was just a means of getting from A to B in both games but I prefer OoT because it atleast looked more like some sort of natural terrain as opposed to flat north, west, south, east.

Dungeon wise the quantity beats the small level of quality MM held, by comparison to OoT. MM had much more build up and dungeons a bit more tricky. But it didnt revolutionize the formula.

Masks is just a substitute for items. Lets face it. Aquire A which does B. Cool concept though with transformations.

OoT wins on bosses however by a long shot(no pun intended). Though I liked many of the mini-bosses in MM. The only main boss I found interesting was Gyoht(?). The water temple boss. The others was too easy(1st and 2nd) or lacked mechanics, twinmold.

And villain. Skull kid you didnt fight, end of story. And MM itself was just a boring fight and a poorly designed boss. I would have prefered much more if the MM latched itself to a powerful character and we had fought against the powers represented by the mask. I mean its a mask. Why not have it fight Link as a mask on another being. Would have made a better boss fight.

Overall, MM might make for a somewhat emotional impression due to characters, story and an interesting time-mechanic. Also + for doing older bosses over, but again I didn't enjoy them as much as OoT ones. And many mini-bosses were the same. And the save-mechanic was a bit restricting, also side quests involved some waiting that I wished to skip. Especially when you have to do the same quests and events over if you missed something.

That MM is a better seems to me to be part wishful thinking due to the characters and that it broke the formula. That it was better just makes for a better story. Though I disagree that it is. But it seems those in house-majora speaks the loudest.

Also critical reception favored OoT far more. And that should say something. OoT was more epic, and I atleast favor epicness with quality rather than a less epic adventure that might hoover slightly above in terms of quality. OoT was more all-rounded.
Jun 9, 2015
I love both games, but I'm going to choose one

OOT: ocarina of time
MM: majoras mask

Gameplay: tie (both are the same)
Story: MM (I like the plot, unlike OOT)
Characters: OOT (OOT has sheik, nuff said)
Dungeons: OOT (two words, fire temple)
Bosses: OOT (comparison: 15/16 OOT bosses I like, 6/10 MM bosses I like)
Items: MM (three words: fierce diety mask)
Cutscenes: MM (we all cried once)
Atmosphere: MM (#2sad4me)
Overworld: OOT (MM's was boorrrrrrrrinngg)
Replay value: tie (nothing to say)
Overall: OOT: 5 points, MM: 5
Tiebreaker (fun factor): OOT (my one problem with MM is, F&@K THE 3 DAY TIME LIMIT, and OOT has none of that)

OOT wins


Aug 25, 2016
Majora's Mask is the better game between the two, but I find myself replaying Ocarina for some reason. I always value a game's replay-ability, so I would choose Ocarina of Time.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2019
I like Oot better, because it was easier. I like the games where you can explore the dungeons with no time limit, which is the theme in most of the games. MM was good, but that time limit had me sweating. It was so hard.