Aug 4, 2013
The replayability in Majora seems better for me because to me it had a better opening. I liked the first 3-day cycle as a deku since it really challenges the player instead of being stuck in a forest town and the deku tree. Majora also seems to get you into full-on action quicker than Ocarina since OOT only does that once you get the Master Sword or even as far as beating the forest temple. Also the reason why replayability is MM is better, and also the same reason why I like Majora's dungeons better is because the Water Temple is something that I dread and nobody ever mentions it. The Water Temple is so horribly and poorly made that it almost kills OOT replayability for me, and drags all the rest of the dungeons with it.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 3, 2010
Atmosphere - MM
Bosses - OOT (I'll give it to Ocarina of Time, the bosses are pretty awesome, as much as I love all 4 of the bosses in Majora's Mask)
Combat - MM
Difficulty - MM
Dungeons - MM
Economy - MM
Exploration - MM
Items - MM (Mainly because of the masks)
Item Originality - OOT
Lore - MM (Although most of the lore may not be canon, it's still fun to speculate about a lot of the things in the game)
Main Gimmick - MM
Minigames - MM
Music - MM (Stone Tower pls)
Overworld - MM (I prefer an overworld with things actually in it, thx)
Partner - MM
Sidequests - MM
Story - MM


Jan 9, 2005
Is that even a point of comparison? Ocarina of time didn't really have a gimmick. Unless you count the ocarina, but instruments are a recurring theme more than a gimmick
That item is referring to the child era/adult era gameplay device of OoT versus the repeating-three-days gameplay device of MM. They're the main gameplay devices that the two games are built around.
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Almost Not a Noob
Feb 2, 2012
Detroit Rock City
Going by the OP's format.

Best Gameplay - Majora's Mask
You had 4 different Links to play as and the only one I kinda didn't like was the Deku Scrub. I loved to roll around aimlessly as a Goron and swim around the Great Bay as a Zora. It also had the gameplay perks that OoT had.

Best Story - Majora's Mask
This game freaked me out with its story and atmosphere. It's seriously one of the most unsettling games I've ever played. Particularly, the fact that all of the lovable characters from OoT were going about their daily lives mostly unaware of the inevitable doom looming over them just took the kid-friendly out of my Nintendo game[face_worried] . (but I loved every minute of it.)

Best Soundtrack - Ocarina of Time
Simply because the songs were more memorable. Some have even become staples of the franchise. I also liked them more. (Although, Clock Town, Deku Palace, and Stone Tower Temple were pretty sweet.) Death Mountain, Kokiri Forest, Gerudo Valley, Hyrule Field, Zora's Domain, and the Forest Temple are my favorites.

Best Villain - Ocarina of Time
Gannondorf, in my humble opinion, is the best villain in any Legend of Zelda game (Girahim being a very close 2nd) and among the best villains in all gaming. He's persistent, powerful, and actually succeeds in his ultimate goal (Even by one of the official Zelda timelines, he wins against Link and rules Hyrule for even longer than 7 I've never seen any other villain do that. Majora didn't have much development and felt more like an evil beast rather than an entity with a purpose.

Best Replayability - Tie
Both are replayable for different reasons. Majora's Mask had the 3 Day mechanic, which enabled you to replay any dungeon you wished any time you liked, something that no other Zelda game can do. But, OoT's difficulty and the new Boss Rush mode in the 3DS version, makes me come back as well. They both win in this category.

Best Dungeons - Majora's Mask
What OoT had in quantity, MM had in quality. MM's dungeons were more fun than in OoT, partially due to the masks themselves. The bosses were even more fun. (especially Ghot.....yay for racing.) Although, OoT's dungeons were fun as well.

Best Sidequests - Majora's Mask
In a way, Majora's Mask was one big sidequest with a bunch of little sidequests within. These sometimes also revealed some sinister undertones that weren't in OoT. In particular, the Romani Ranch quests were a little unsettling. If I remember correctly, during or after the main Romani mission, Romani and her older sister talk about whether or not she can have some Chateau Romani (a presumably alcoholic beverage). Despite Romani clearly being underage, her sis says yes. As you leave the ranch afterwards the older sis says, "Goodbye.....see you tomorrow......ok?" while Romani says, "Goodbye!" clearly in a much more upbeat tone. Could she be giving Romani the alcohol so she can be numb during the coming disaster? How disturbingly brilliant!!!![face_silly]

Best Characters - Tie
Both games had memorable characters. I liked the cohesiveness of the Kokiri and Gorons in OoT and I loved the Zora Rock band in MM. (I would totally buy one of their albums btw. [face_tongue])

Majora's Mask wins my vote. But, OoT will also always remain a favorite. It really kinda makes me sad to compare them. It's like asking me which one of my future children I'll love more. (Even if one would be slightly creepy. :D)
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Oct 15, 2013
Ocarina of Time.

Atmosphere - OoT (everyone in MM seemed to be manic depressive awaiting their doomsday, lame...)
Bosses - OoT
Combat - OoT
Difficulty - MM
Dungeons - OoT
Economy - MM
Exploration - OoT
Items - OoT (You can pocess the Ocarina of Time but you never own Majora's Mask, just sayin')
Item Originality - OoT (if it weren't for the "masks" in OoT then what would have even sparked the idea of MM?)
Lore - OoT
Main Gimmick - MM (3 days, what a joke and a headache)
Minigames - MM
Music - OoT (respect the classics)
Overworld - OoT (you're in the land where Zelda is the princess of....and you're saving a zelda game....Only makes so much sense, I guess.)
Partner - OoT
Sidequests - MM
Story - OoT
Replay Value - OoT. (N64, Master Quest for GameCube, Downloadable for Wii, and released on 3DS. Nostalgia FTW)

Lets not forgot Save Game nonsense.
Obtaining the master sword for the first time; come on, no childish mask will ever beat that.
Hero of Time > Deku Scrub

oh, IMO also. ;)


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
Ocarina of Time.

Atmosphere - OoT (everyone in MM seemed to be manic depressive awaiting their doomsday, lame...)
Bosses - OoT
Combat - OoT
Difficulty - MM
Dungeons - OoT
Economy - MM
Exploration - OoT
Items - OoT (You can pocess the Ocarina of Time but you never own Majora's Mask, just sayin')
Item Originality - OoT (if it weren't for the "masks" in OoT then what would have even sparked the idea of MM?)
Lore - OoT
Main Gimmick - MM (3 days, what a joke and a headache)
Minigames - MM
Music - OoT (respect the classics)
Overworld - OoT (you're in the land where Zelda is the princess of....and you're saving a zelda game....Only makes so much sense, I guess.)
Partner - OoT
Sidequests - MM
Story - OoT
Replay Value - OoT. (N64, Master Quest for GameCube, Downloadable for Wii, and released on 3DS. Nostalgia FTW)

Lets not forgot Save Game nonsense.
Obtaining the master sword for the first time; come on, no childish mask will ever beat that.
Hero of Time > Deku Scrub

oh, IMO also. ;)

Good assessment IMO. Fantastic titles here really!


No Longer a Noob
Jun 9, 2010
I realize this is all opinion, but I think everyone anticipating doom is what makes Majora's Mask's atmosphere so superior to Ocarina of Time's. There's a sense of dread in the air regardless of who you talk to, and there really doesn't seem to be anything comparable in OoT.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
I realize this is all opinion, but I think everyone anticipating doom is what makes Majora's Mask's atmosphere so superior to Ocarina of Time's. There's a sense of dread in the air regardless of who you talk to, and there really doesn't seem to be anything comparable in OoT.

I do agree that Majora's Mask has the better atmosphere. A very huge aspect of the game, too!


No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2013
The only thing I'll give MM over OOT is its number and quality of sidequests, the cool day-night schedules and how they effected in-game events, and the Stone Tower Temple being better than any single dungeon in OOT, although the Spirit Temple in OoT gave it a run for its money. I also hated the save system in MM, but a lot of people do. I hated being forced, when I sat down to play, to finish a dungeon or area. It just sapped a bit of the fun in the game and converted it to stress. Overall, I found OOT's overworld and dungeons better, the game pacing better, and the story significantly better than MM. I got more immersed and felt more a part of the world in OOT than MM.
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No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
The only thing I'll give MM over OOT is its number and quality of sidequests, the cool day-night schedules and how they effected in-game events, and the Stone Tower Temple being better than any single dungeon in OOT, although the Spirit Temple in OoT gave it a run for its money. I also hated the save system in MM, but a lot of people do. I hated being forced, when I sat down to play, to finish a dungeon or area. It just sapped a bit of the fun in the game and converted it to stress. Overall, I found OOT's overworld and dungeons better, the game pacing better, and the story significantly better than MM. I got more immersed and felt more a part of the world in OOT than MM.

I have to ask - 49ers fan or just Kaepernick?


No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2013
The only thing I'll give MM over OOT is its number and quality of sidequests, the cool day-night schedules and how they effected in-game events, and the Stone Tower Temple being better than any single dungeon in OOT, although the Spirit Temple in OoT gave it a run for its money. I also hated the save system in MM, but a lot of people do. I hated being forced, when I sat down to play, to finish a dungeon or area. It just sapped a bit of the fun in the game and converted it to stress. Overall, I found OOT's overworld and dungeons better, the game pacing better, and the story significantly better than MM. I got more immersed and felt more a part of the world in OOT than MM.

I have to ask - 49ers fan or just Kaepernick?

Niners since however long I can remember. Kap isn't doing as well this year, mainly because the read option is dead/expected and the Niners are missing a lot of their receiving core.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
The only thing I'll give MM over OOT is its number and quality of sidequests, the cool day-night schedules and how they effected in-game events, and the Stone Tower Temple being better than any single dungeon in OOT, although the Spirit Temple in OoT gave it a run for its money. I also hated the save system in MM, but a lot of people do. I hated being forced, when I sat down to play, to finish a dungeon or area. It just sapped a bit of the fun in the game and converted it to stress. Overall, I found OOT's overworld and dungeons better, the game pacing better, and the story significantly better than MM. I got more immersed and felt more a part of the world in OOT than MM.

I have to ask - 49ers fan or just Kaepernick?

Niners since however long I can remember. Kap isn't doing as well this year, mainly because the read option is dead/expected and the Niners are missing a lot of their receiving core.

I see. I'm a big NFL follower so I was just wondering. Don't hate me please but I'm a Ravens fan haha


No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2013
I have to ask - 49ers fan or just Kaepernick?

Niners since however long I can remember. Kap isn't doing as well this year, mainly because the read option is dead/expected and the Niners are missing a lot of their receiving core.

I see. I'm a big NFL follower so I was just wondering. Don't hate me please but I'm a Ravens fan haha
Nice! I have Rice on my fantasy team but he's been struggling so I finally had to bench him this week. You guys got to fix your O line and get your running game turned on again!


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
Niners since however long I can remember. Kap isn't doing as well this year, mainly because the read option is dead/expected and the Niners are missing a lot of their receiving core.

I see. I'm a big NFL follower so I was just wondering. Don't hate me please but I'm a Ravens fan haha
Nice! I have Rice on my fantasy team but he's been struggling so I finally had to bench him this week. You guys got to fix your O line and get your running game turned on again!

Cool cool. Yes I hate when people accuse me of being a bandwagoner; I've been a Ravens fan since Steve McNair was QB. I'm pretty pumped for the Steelers matchup this weekend though. Good luck to you with the Titans!
Oct 21, 2013
In the end I can't decide. There are a lot of things MM does better than OoT but I guess Nostalgia makes biased and I equate them as equal. I understand that MM had a better story, characters, and villain. But the simplicity and familiarity of OoT can't be diminished either. Though I can never understand why people say Ganon was the better villain, Majora was unpredictable, cruel, and insane. Ganon was more of the old and by now I've rescued Zelda from him quite a few times, with the occasional odd villain thrown in that Nintendo refuses to expand on.

That's a good read, if you wish to find out more about MM.
Oct 22, 2013
Operation: Majora of Time. Combine both games with all new graphics and intense fighting style. Like the demo for the new 2014 Zelda trailer. After Hyrule is saved by our hero, Link travels back to Kokiri village where he meets Saria to tell him that Skull kid has ran far deep into woods. He only brings his sword, shield, Ocarina, and slingshot. Navi is in the Temple of Time btw or you could use her. Link goes after him with Epona, but is met by an obstacle along the way, fighting a King Gohma in a giant creepy forest liar. Navi gets taken away by some spiders (if you want to implement her) while young link finishes off King Gohma. This fighting scene would use Epona in a very different boss battle which would be cool in the woods with minimal space to move, while King Gohma is knocking down trees and shit. Link drops his slingshot in the woods during the fight. Then.. Disc 2, Majora's Mask relives what just happened and shows link exhausted in the woods not knowing where he is. Then he gets attacked and goes through all that. At the very end of MM Link's task is done.. or so we thought? Link goes in search of Navi and won't go back to Hyrule until he finds her. Which explains WW. Link, is also informed of Demise (SWS) who was the creator of the mask and was the spirit inside the mask... and leaves the question to Link.... who was Majora..... LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!! it probably won't though....... [face_praying]


No Longer a Noob
Jun 9, 2010
Operation: Majora of Time. Combine both games with all new graphics and intense fighting style. Like the demo for the new 2014 Zelda trailer. After Hyrule is saved by our hero, Link travels back to Kokiri village where he meets Saria to tell him that Skull kid has ran far deep into woods. He only brings his sword, shield, Ocarina, and slingshot. Navi is in the Temple of Time btw or you could use her. Link goes after him with Epona, but is met by an obstacle along the way, fighting a King Gohma in a giant creepy forest liar. Navi gets taken away by some spiders (if you want to implement her) while young link finishes off King Gohma. This fighting scene would use Epona in a very different boss battle which would be cool in the woods with minimal space to move, while King Gohma is knocking down trees and shit. Link drops his slingshot in the woods during the fight. Then.. Disc 2, Majora's Mask relives what just happened and shows link exhausted in the woods not knowing where he is. Then he gets attacked and goes through all that. At the very end of MM Link's task is done.. or so we thought? Link goes in search of Navi and won't go back to Hyrule until he finds her. Which explains WW. Link, is also informed of Demise (SWS) who was the creator of the mask and was the spirit inside the mask... and leaves the question to Link.... who was Majora..... LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!! it probably won't though....... [face_praying]
Oct 22, 2013
Operation: Majora of Time. Combine both games with all new graphics and intense fighting style. Like the demo for the new 2014 Zelda trailer. After Hyrule is saved by our hero, Link travels back to Kokiri village where he meets Saria to tell him that Skull kid has ran far deep into woods. He only brings his sword, shield, Ocarina, and slingshot. Navi is in the Temple of Time btw or you could use her. Link goes after him with Epona, but is met by an obstacle along the way, fighting a King Gohma in a giant creepy forest liar. Navi gets taken away by some spiders (if you want to implement her) while young link finishes off King Gohma. This fighting scene would use Epona in a very different boss battle which would be cool in the woods with minimal space to move, while King Gohma is knocking down trees and shit. Link drops his slingshot in the woods during the fight. Then.. Disc 2, Majora's Mask relives what just happened and shows link exhausted in the woods not knowing where he is. Then he gets attacked and goes through all that. At the very end of MM Link's task is done.. or so we thought? Link goes in search of Navi and won't go back to Hyrule until he finds her. Which explains WW. Link, is also informed of Demise (SWS) who was the creator of the mask and was the spirit inside the mask... and leaves the question to Link.... who was Majora..... LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!! it probably won't though....... [face_praying]
Combine both games into one. In SWS Demise is thought to be part of the "Tribe" that made majora's mask. Well you could say his spirit lived on in the mask or maybe not, we will never know. Link is informed of this and maybe the story continues from Major and plays a cycle into why Link never came home to Hyrule during Wind Waker. Just a thought.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 9, 2010
Operation: Majora of Time. Combine both games with all new graphics and intense fighting style. Like the demo for the new 2014 Zelda trailer. After Hyrule is saved by our hero, Link travels back to Kokiri village where he meets Saria to tell him that Skull kid has ran far deep into woods. He only brings his sword, shield, Ocarina, and slingshot. Navi is in the Temple of Time btw or you could use her. Link goes after him with Epona, but is met by an obstacle along the way, fighting a King Gohma in a giant creepy forest liar. Navi gets taken away by some spiders (if you want to implement her) while young link finishes off King Gohma. This fighting scene would use Epona in a very different boss battle which would be cool in the woods with minimal space to move, while King Gohma is knocking down trees and shit. Link drops his slingshot in the woods during the fight. Then.. Disc 2, Majora's Mask relives what just happened and shows link exhausted in the woods not knowing where he is. Then he gets attacked and goes through all that. At the very end of MM Link's task is done.. or so we thought? Link goes in search of Navi and won't go back to Hyrule until he finds her. Which explains WW. Link, is also informed of Demise (SWS) who was the creator of the mask and was the spirit inside the mask... and leaves the question to Link.... who was Majora..... LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!! it probably won't though....... [face_praying]
Combine both games into one. In SWS Demise is thought to be part of the "Tribe" that made majora's mask. Well you could say his spirit lived on in the mask or maybe not, we will never know. Link is informed of this and maybe the story continues from Major and plays a cycle into why Link never came home to Hyrule during Wind Waker. Just a thought.
Once again...what?

First off, when does this game take place? Is it after OoT? Before MM? After MM? When?

Secondly, what is SWS?

Thirdly, where in the world is Demise ever hinted to be related to Majora?

Fourth, what in the world does this have to do with Wind Waker? Hyrule was buried under the sea that entire time. And how would WW's Link even know about Majora or Demise?

Fifth, Wind Waker takes place in a completely different timeline from Majora's Mask. Majora's Mask takes place in the child timeline, and Wind Waker in the adult. The hero of time never encountered Majora in the Wind Waker timeline.
Oct 22, 2013
Combine both games into one. In SWS Demise is thought to be part of the "Tribe" that made majora's mask. Well you could say his spirit lived on in the mask or maybe not, we will never know. Link is informed of this and maybe the story continues from Major and plays a cycle into why Link never came home to Hyrule during Wind Waker. Just a thought.
Once again...what?

First off, when does this game take place? Is it after OoT? Before MM? After MM? When?

Secondly, what is SWS?

Thirdly, where in the world is Demise ever hinted to be related to Majora?

Fourth, what in the world does this have to do with Wind Waker? Hyrule was buried under the sea that entire time. And how would WW's Link even know about Majora or Demise?

Fifth, Wind Waker takes place in a completely different timeline from Majora's Mask. Majora's Mask takes place in the child timeline, and Wind Waker in the adult. The hero of time never encountered Majora in the Wind Waker timeline.
This game starts from OOT then continues onward into Majora's Mask, but I want like a smooth transition. SWS is skyward sword. The porter potty guy is in skyward sword saying "Maybe our path will cross again" which it does in Majora's Mask. That how I sorta link this games together, also with demise saying "Though this is not the end. My hate... never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end! I will rise again! Those like you... Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero... They are eternally bound to this curse. An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!" He broke free through a fissure in the earth with some demons. Which is hell I assume. He has been called "The source of all monsters" after all he is the original. I understand WW is in a different Timeline, however I have serious issues believing that even these writers know what they're doing. Which brings the adult timeline and child timeline real quick. One doesn't exist without the other. Temple of time is closed? Link goes on the live his life as a kid. Which could lead TWP into WW, idk. The failure Timeline makes sense, the adult and child doesn't.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 9, 2010
Combine both games into one. In SWS Demise is thought to be part of the "Tribe" that made majora's mask. Well you could say his spirit lived on in the mask or maybe not, we will never know. Link is informed of this and maybe the story continues from Major and plays a cycle into why Link never came home to Hyrule during Wind Waker. Just a thought.
Once again...what?

First off, when does this game take place? Is it after OoT? Before MM? After MM? When?

Secondly, what is SWS?

Thirdly, where in the world is Demise ever hinted to be related to Majora?

Fourth, what in the world does this have to do with Wind Waker? Hyrule was buried under the sea that entire time. And how would WW's Link even know about Majora or Demise?

Fifth, Wind Waker takes place in a completely different timeline from Majora's Mask. Majora's Mask takes place in the child timeline, and Wind Waker in the adult. The hero of time never encountered Majora in the Wind Waker timeline.
This game starts from OOT then continues onward into Majora's Mask, but I want like a smooth transition. SWS is skyward sword. The porter potty guy is in skyward sword saying "Maybe our path will cross again" which it does in Majora's Mask. That how I sorta link this games together, also with demise saying "Though this is not the end. My hate... never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end! I will rise again! Those like you... Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero... They are eternally bound to this curse. An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!" He broke free through a fissure in the earth with some demons. Which is hell I assume. He has been called "The source of all monsters" after all he is the original. I understand WW is in a different Timeline, however I have serious issues believing that even these writers know what they're doing. Which brings the adult timeline and child timeline real quick. One doesn't exist without the other. Temple of time is closed? Link goes on the live his life as a kid. Which could lead TWP into WW, idk. The failure Timeline makes sense, the adult and child doesn't.
It's at this point that I'm going to direct you to an English style guide for writing. Note how to write paragraphs and break apart various trains of thought.

So your game starts at the end of OoT, and then ends where MM begins? How would you make a game about that? The Quest for Navi or something? Doesn't exactly sound like we're accomplishing a lot.

Demise is supposed to be Ganon, or at least Demise is reincarnated as Ganon. Majora is completely unrelated.

And the timelines are fine as they are. I honestly would have preferred that Wind Waker be the final game in its portion of the timeline, as it's a pretty fitting conclusion to everything, but oh well. There's no reason to go back through and edit things once more so we can fit in a few more retcons to squeeze another game out. Leave things as are, there's no need to confuse fans more.
Oct 22, 2013
Once again...what?

First off, when does this game take place? Is it after OoT? Before MM? After MM? When?

Secondly, what is SWS?

Thirdly, where in the world is Demise ever hinted to be related to Majora?

Fourth, what in the world does this have to do with Wind Waker? Hyrule was buried under the sea that entire time. And how would WW's Link even know about Majora or Demise?

Fifth, Wind Waker takes place in a completely different timeline from Majora's Mask. Majora's Mask takes place in the child timeline, and Wind Waker in the adult. The hero of time never encountered Majora in the Wind Waker timeline.
This game starts from OOT then continues onward into Majora's Mask, but I want like a smooth transition. SWS is skyward sword. The porter potty guy is in skyward sword saying "Maybe our path will cross again" which it does in Majora's Mask. That how I sorta link this games together, also with demise saying "Though this is not the end. My hate... never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end! I will rise again! Those like you... Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero... They are eternally bound to this curse. An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!" He broke free through a fissure in the earth with some demons. Which is hell I assume. He has been called "The source of all monsters" after all he is the original. I understand WW is in a different Timeline, however I have serious issues believing that even these writers know what they're doing. Which brings the adult timeline and child timeline real quick. One doesn't exist without the other. Temple of time is closed? Link goes on the live his life as a kid. Which could lead TWP into WW, idk. The failure Timeline makes sense, the adult and child doesn't.
It's at this point that I'm going to direct you to an English style guide for writing. Note how to write paragraphs and break apart various trains of thought.

So your game starts at the end of OoT, and then ends where MM begins? How would you make a game about that? The Quest for Navi or something? Doesn't exactly sound like we're accomplishing a lot.

Demise is supposed to be Ganon, or at least Demise is reincarnated as Ganon. Majora is completely unrelated.

And the timelines are fine as they are. I honestly would have preferred that Wind Waker be the final game in its portion of the timeline, as it's a pretty fitting conclusion to everything, but oh well. There's no reason to go back through and edit things once more so we can fit in a few more retcons to squeeze another game out. Leave things as are, there's no need to confuse fans more.
English style writing… got it. The game starts at the beginning of OOT and ends at MM. That is was I intended by coalescing both games together as a whole. To combine the games together smoothly there would an intermediate quest in the lost woods facing some mini boss which would lead to the play of Majora’s Mask. In with the fact there could a more gripping back story showing Skull kid being neglected at the end of Ocarina of Time. So to summarize this information both games are merged as one. Link starts as child in OOT and ends in MM with a story linking both game together as well.

Majora is somewhat related to Demise if he (Demise) is the root of all evil. If Demise has power to distribute his evil what is not to say that placed some of his power within the mask? This can be looked at as Ganon and Phantom Ganon on a lower scale.

I like the timelines as well, but I just look at realistically and ask myself that if he is already a child then why have an adult? It is what it is and I guess that’s fine with me. I think for me I like seeing the games follow each other like OOT and Majora did. A lot can be done with those platforms or timeline rather.


Fierce Deity VIP
Feb 15, 2003
Tesoro Azul
My answer is the same answer I have replied to this same thread year after year.


While many overlook MM as being peculiar and overly complicated, to me, that is exactly what set it apart.


Majora's Mask was the sequel to OoT. Ocarina was an epic adventure in which link saved the world in a medieval supernatural world, and was heroic and emotional. But Majora's Mask took it a step further. After link saved Hyrule, he moved on to another world and was thrown into yet another adventure. This story built upon your emotional and nostalgic attachment to OoT and built on it. This in itself is what more Zelda game needs - the feeling of attachment and the sense of relation. That's just the story however, the gameplay is what truly set MM apart.


The gameplay revolved around a 3 day time system. MM took the song of time from OoT, and used it as a catalyst for the three day time system in MM. You had three days to save the world, and to do so you had to manipulate time with the song of time and move forward and backward as necessary to get done what needed to get done. That's just the basic shell of the concept however. Underneath you have this amazing world that is filled with things to do - people to meet, places to explore, NPCs, bosses, enemies, and friends. Every single person in this world has their own story and schedule that they were doing throughout these three days. How you interacted with these people changed the world around them as well as the people themselves. In order to accomplish certain things, you had to work things different ways and align the circumstances to make it happen. While by todays standards this may seem pretty simple with games like New Vegas and elder scrolls, at the time (N64) such a detailed game was a rare commodity. Majora's Mask helped pave way for such possibilities.


In addition, the world was dark, emotional, and real. The game starts off with link's best friend being missing, his horse being stolen, and him being cursed into a weak form with nothing to his name in a new world. This new world is doomed in 3 days, and has an ever approaching moon raining down destruction, closer and closer, throughout the 3 days. As if that weren't enough, the moon has the most evil, destructive face on it constantly reminding you it's apocalyptic intentions.


The game has a constant theme of death and loss at every turn. So many of those NPCs you interact with die or are dealing with death of some kind, all while being reminded that they are doomed, and they all seem to know it. While the world moves on and goes on with daily activities, many characters are creepily aware of their fate.

One of many examples, although often overlooked, is the Deku butler and his son. In the beginning of the game, you pass by a wooden statue after being cursed into a Deku scrub form. You notice how it looks eerily like you. Your deku form is one of three alternate forms in the game, which are all given to you by the souls of the dead of each form. The later forms, a Goron and a Zora, are obviously given to you by their dead counterparts. A dead Goron chief wanting to save his tribe, and a dead Deku Guitarist wanting to save his bride. Both responsibilities you rake on for them. But the deku form is less obvious about where it comes from. It isn't until later in the game that you speak to a random Deku NPC that lost his child and has not seen him, although he admits you look somewhat like him in your Deku form. Later, in the ending credits, you see the deku butler crouched in front of his dead son in statue form, weeping. As if to remind you of the ever constant theme Majora's Mask has to offer - not everyone can be saved and not everything can be fixed.







Oct 8, 2011
I only played mm in the last year and it is an amazing game that holds up to this day. It takes the oot formula and manages to improve upon it, which is a feat considering the already incredible quality of oot. I think the 3 day mechanic in mm is great too.

All that said, nothing beats oot in terms of pure nostalgia factor... Nothing.


Oct 22, 2010
I honestly cannot fathom anyone appreciating majoras mask above Oot. Even amongst my friends I have a friend who has beaten every Zelda game except majoras mask.

There's is one major awe inspiring factor about a Zelda game above all else, it's the mistique of the adventure, the explore and the acheive. I didn't want to explore majoras mask because it had a timer ruining my every step. Then the retread of the steps if you ran out of time and had to restart? What. Groundhog Day works in a platformer, not in a Zelda. In Oot I spent hours galloping on epona, running through the woods uninhibited as it should be!

People legitimately like majoras mask above Oot? You're not just being hipsters because Oot is arguable in popular opinion nintendogs best game of all time? Damn so confused
Oct 21, 2013
I still got a sense of adventure in MM and exploring wasn't ruined for me at the very least. The timer is a part of the game that I think gave the feeling of being rushed but that was only your paranoia.


I'm the menu sound you hear in RE2/CV
Oct 19, 2008
The timer wasn't that had an ocarina with the power of time. You could speed up time, slow it down, or simply reset it. You can get about three hours of play in by doing that, and honestly that's all you really need. Dungeons in Zelda rarely take over two, unless you're new to puzzles or Zelda. Anyway...I'm going to have to go with Majora's Mask as the better game.

Majora's Mask built off of that feeling of reward I got with winning Epona at the ranch in Ocarina of Time. Majora's Mask took all the subtle emotional moments from OoT, and made a dozen more of them to explore, but also made them that much harder to earn. Majora's Mask feels like a real world, with real people who have very real schedules that are doomed by a foreboding moon. I suppose there was a sense of sadness when you saw what may or may not have happened to Castletown, but you really never got to know them quite like you got to know the Termina folk, save for Malon and Darunia's Son I suppose.

Another aspect I liked about Majora's Mask was the villain. Ambiguous in nature, and of no relation to any previous villain, it was able to pierce into the heart of Skull Kid, and the rest of Termina in a way that not even Ganon could do. "I shall consume everything...!" It just allowed for the tragic world, and that seemed to be its only purpose from a gameplay and narrative standpoint.

As for Gameplay, I liked Majora's Mask so much better. You got to turn into four different forms with their own unique abilities, and this allowed for a variety of things to do. There's nothing quite like rolling around as a Goron (heck, Dillon's Rolling Western took this entire concept and made a game out of it), and swimming as a Zora. It allowed for new ways to explore, and go places you normally wouldn't be able to in other Zelda games.

Oh, and let's not forget the replay value. You don't even have to finish everything, and you can actually replay dungeons without starting a new file. I mean how cool is that?


Jan 1, 2014
I personally enjoyed OOT much more. To be honest, I couldn't even finish Majora's Mask. I disliked the 3 day time limit, and the constant repetition of going through dungeons and areas countless times in one session. I'm a VERY impatient gamer, and I like to sit back, and play games at my own speed. I felt as though I was in a constant state of stress whenever I played MM. But, to clarify, I'm not saying MM is a bad game. Quite the opposite, actually. I believe that all the aspects of the game that I disliked were still very clever and innovative. You don't see many games that have you re-living the same three days over and over again to save the world. It is also one of the most unique Zelda games out there. Still, I enjoyed Ocarina of Time much more, due to the classic structure, great environment and bosses, and fun yet predictable storyline.


Jul 9, 2013
Ok This Is Me. I Aqually Just Got A Copy Of The Rare Gold Holo Cart Version Of Majoras Mask Today At My Local Gamers Store And Im Gonna Get Ocarina Of Time Later Today And Havent Played Eather. I Have Played Some Of The 3DS version Of Ocarina OF Time But That Dosnt Count Ill Post My Thoughts When I COmplete Both Games. Right Now I Will Predict Ocarina Wait no major...... u no what i dont no what will be better BUT IM EXCITED TO PLAY GUYS!!!! once again ill post my opinion when i beat both. i have heard majoras mask is extreamly difficult let alone that 3 day time limit. its already in a way somewhat difficult without the time limit, so once again AGAIN XD ill decide my vote after i beat both First is ocarina of time since its before majoras mask and majora was a sequal ok ill tell my vote when i beat both BYE!!!!

Ben: You Met With A Terrible Fate, Haven't You?

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Almost Not a Noob
May 18, 2012
Can't make a decision. Hahaha. I just cannot. All I can say is that it's much more relevant to choose Majora's Mask for a majority of people who have replayed that amazing game enough times to understand the great depth.

I believe this might sound like an obvious vote for MM if I said the following obvious improvements of this amazing sequel: its items are more useful & better, dungeon design, sidequests, graphics, replay value, better challenge, amazing music that compliments its bizarre atmosphere, and the dark, meaningful themes that develop the game's narrative.


Hoodoo Operator
Feb 20, 2005
Universal Exports
Came in expecting epic post from link223. Delivered.

I honestly cannot fathom anyone appreciating majoras mask above Oot. Even amongst my friends I have a friend who has beaten every Zelda game except majoras mask.

There's is one major awe inspiring factor about a Zelda game above all else, it's the mistique of the adventure, the explore and the acheive. I didn't want to explore majoras mask because it had a timer ruining my every step. Then the retread of the steps if you ran out of time and had to restart? What. Groundhog Day works in a platformer, not in a Zelda. In Oot I spent hours galloping on epona, running through the woods uninhibited as it should be!

People legitimately like majoras mask above Oot? You're not just being hipsters because Oot is arguable in popular opinion nintendogs best game of all time? Damn so confused

Not only do I (and many others) prefer MM to OOT, I FAR prefer it. I wouldn't call it a hipster thing, it's more along the lines of what you expected and appreciated about the game. Overall I felt MM was more polished and... what's the word? Thought-provoking? I was far and away more enthralled by the story of MM than OOT. It felt more personal, I guess.


I peed in the pool
Jul 8, 2001
Lol people who don't understand MM. Clearly they only played it once.

MM is the best game in the series to replay. In terms of initial impressions, yes, OoT won out, especially since MM only had four dungeons so it felt awfully short and shallow. However, the more you play MM, the better it gets, because it isn't shallow, it is the deepest game in the series.

It's also the game with the most collectible shit in the series. 24 masks and a ton of heart pieces because of lack of dungeons.


Aug 3, 2014
Story: Ocarina of Time's was good, but Majora's Mask is way better. The Skull Kid's backstory and many of the characters are downright tragic. It's whimsical yet haunting nature is darker and scarier than anything in a survival horror game. We should not forget the mind-blowing plot twist in Ocarina of Time when Ganandorf tricks you into opening the sacred realm and you become an adult. What a change of events!
Gameplay: Evenly matched. Majora's Mask had transformation masks, but Ocarina of Time had better item integration in the overworld.
Items: Same as the above. Ocarina of time. MM has sweet masks though.
Exploration: One of the biggest, most important aspects of the Zelda series. Ocarina's overworld was very explorable after the Deku Tree. Lon Lon Ranch, Hyrule Town, Kakariko Village, all of Hyrule field, Gerudo Desert, and Lake Hylia were open for exploration purposes. With Majora's Mask, the world unfolds much more gradually, as you can only enter the swamp from the get go. Also, the clock greatly limits your ability to explore for long periods of time, but seeing the changes that take place in the world throughout the days was interesting and kept it fresh. In terms of exploration, the only game in the series that was worse than Majora's Mask is Skyward Sword. Ocarina wins.
Sidequests: My favorite part of any video game. Ocarina had awesome large-scale quests, such as the Biggoron's Sword and the 100 Gold Skultula's, but Majora's Mask's whole foundation was the sidequests. Also, there were more bottles to obtain and more heart pieces to find.
Music: Ocarina of time had a better music overall, but Majora's mask had some unique tunes and some downright depressing songs, like the Song of Healing and Oath to Order.
Graphics: Having been released two years later, Majora's Mask has more detailed character models and more enemies and people on screen. However, the part about the character models is somewhat invalid now that Ocarina of Time has been released for the 3DS.
Dungeons: Ocarina of Time all the way. The dungeons are very memorable and iconic for the series. Majora's Mask's weakest asset is the dungeons, because there were only 4 of them, and the clock system made them extremely difficult. The overall design was fine, though, and Ikana Castle remains one of my favorite mini-dungeons in the whole series.
Bosses: Ocarina of Time has super memorable, awesome bosses. The only bosses from MM that leave an impression are Ghot and Majora.
Villain: Again, evenly matched. Ganandorf is awesome in a straightforward, standard way. He also interacts with Link in the game. Majora, howver, was something else entirely. He's like a psychotic demon with a little backstory, and that's all you know of him.
Final Boss: Majora was really freaky and had a psychedelic, mysterious flair, but the ultimate showdown between Link and Ganandorf was pure final boss was epic. Ocarina wins.
Replay Value: Ocarina of Time has better long-term value, and is best played straight through, but Majora's Mask has better short-term replay, as you can rewind the time and redo literally everything in the game as you see fit. Playing MM straight through from the start is way hard.
Overall: These are my two favorite games of all time. Nothing else beats the story, music, and atmosphere of them. However, in spite of the few improvements in MM, Ocarina of Time is still my absolute favorite. This is one of the few sequences were the original game beats the sequel in spite of graphical enhancements.
Sep 7, 2003
Kakariko Village, New York
Lol people who don't understand MM. Clearly they only played it once.

MM is the best game in the series to replay. In terms of initial impressions, yes, OoT won out, especially since MM only had four dungeons so it felt awfully short and shallow. However, the more you play MM, the better it gets, because it isn't shallow, it is the deepest game in the series.

It's also the game with the most collectible shit in the series. 24 masks and a ton of heart pieces because of lack of dungeons.

And don't forget the Bomber's Notebook.

MM is clearly the king of side quests. This game, to me, is better than OoT but for all the wrong reasons. OoT is a better Zelda game, introducing more dungeons, featuring the traditional story for the first time in 3D, and allowing the gamer to play as Link while being a child or adult. MM is a better game in general, because it had more stuff to do, more areas to explore, more items, more gameplay mechanics and it was overall just more improved than OoT. So while MM is the better game on a general scale, OOT is a more fitting Zelda game. That's why OoT wins it for me. But MM is simply the greatest game in its own respect.

If you compare MM to TP or WW, I'll "sort of" contradict what I stated above. Although WW and TP featured the traditional story more than MM did, they did that in a poor manner. So despite their authentic stories, MM is still both a better game and better Zelda game. OoT was just that good, and really conveyed the true legend the best.
Aug 22, 2013
Best Gameplay - I think it's safe to say that the gameplay is pretty much the same, so it's a tie
Best Story - Majora's Mask. Definitely.
Best Villain - Majora's Mask. I just found Skull Kid as a unique villain.
Best Replayability - I'm gonna have to go with a tie here.
Best Dungeons - Ocarina of Time. Ocarina had very clever and fun dungeons, but I felt there were too many, actually. Majora's Mask also had fun dungeons, but there weren't many.
Best Sidequests - Majora's Mask. Do I even need to explain?
Best Characters- Majora's Mask. There were so many characters, each with a unique and different personality.

It's obvious I'm going with Majora's Mask here. I think it's just so much more unique than Ocarina.


The Return of Nubbiness
Aug 27, 2006
I just put MM ahead of OoT 58 to 57. You're welcome.

But seriously, I'm a huge OoT fanboy, so this is pretty huge. There's just so much to do in MM. Sidequests, sidequests everywhere. The field isn't big and boring, and every area is incredibly well thought out with lots of detail, NPCs, and problems to be solved. Not to mention the dark metaphorical themes which are some of the best in gaming history.

If this game were any darker, we'd have to send it to a mental institution.


Almost Not a Noob
May 21, 2008
Lol people who don't understand MM. Clearly they only played it once.

MM is the best game in the series to replay. In terms of initial impressions, yes, OoT won out, especially since MM only had four dungeons so it felt awfully short and shallow. However, the more you play MM, the better it gets, because it isn't shallow, it is the deepest game in the series.

It's also the game with the most collectible shit in the series. 24 masks and a ton of heart pieces because of lack of dungeons.

And don't forget the Bomber's Notebook.

MM is clearly the king of side quests. This game, to me, is better than OoT but for all the wrong reasons. OoT is a better Zelda game, introducing more dungeons, featuring the traditional story for the first time in 3D, and allowing the gamer to play as Link while being a child or adult. MM is a better game in general, because it had more stuff to do, more areas to explore, more items, more gameplay mechanics and it was overall just more improved than OoT. So while MM is the better game on a general scale, OOT is a more fitting Zelda game. That's why OoT wins it for me. But MM is simply the greatest game in its own respect.

If you compare MM to TP or WW, I'll "sort of" contradict what I stated above. Although WW and TP featured the traditional story more than MM did, they did that in a poor manner. So despite their authentic stories, MM is still both a better game and better Zelda game. OoT was just that good, and really conveyed the true legend the best.

What i've been saying for quite some time, now. Majora was a step forward. And honestly, even if you didn't like the game, it doesn't matter. I never finished it. But i could clearly see the obvious. It was true, pure progression in game design and development. The sidequests were phenomenally well-done. Hell, i haven't seen sidequests of that calibre SINCE Majora's Mask in the latest games.

Zelda's gotta get back on track with what Majora started.


Sep 13, 2014
I'm bringing back the most classic, intriguing clash between any two Zelda games: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask for the Nintendo 64. Both games have been very well-received and are considered to be among the best in The Legend of Zelda series. I love them both, and they're definitely some of favorites as well. Ocarina of Time hit shelves in 1998, and Majora's Mask came out in 2000. There's many different levels to compare them on in terms of their quality.

Here are some of my personal opinions:
Best Gameplay - Tie (OOT established amazing gameplay, but the masks in MM were also very fun)
Best Story - MM (I prefer the darker, more unique plot and themes the sequel had to offer)
Best Soundtrack - OOT (I also enjoy MM's soundtrack, but overall prefer the balance of OOT's)
Best Villain - OOT (Majora is a wickedly awesome villain; Ganondorf simply edges him out for me since he is actually human and serves better as the main antagonist for Link)
Best Replayability - OOT (I find OOT easier to replay considering its easy difficulty level)
Best Dungeons - OOT (Simply better in OOT since there are more, which means better selection too; not to say MM's dungeons were bad)
Best Sidequests - MM (MM takes the cake for better mini-games, side plots, and collectibles in my opinion)
Best Characters - MM (The characters felt more developed and interesting in MM, even though OOT was also memorable for characters)

My overall favorite is Ocarina of Time, by a little. I just prefer a more basic approach to my favorite video game series, but I still love Majora's Mask for being different yet equally entertaining. Both are true masterpieces in the gaming realm, and it's often debated as to which game is better. What is your favorite of the two? Explanations would be appreciated (and please no fighting - purely opinion-based topic).
my favorite zelda game of all time is and will always be majoras mask, followed by twilight princess and ocarina of time. it is so dark and beautiful. it speaks to me in so many ways.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2012
well the storyline and gameplay are different from one to the other but they are using same assits from ocarina of time to majora's mask and there are remakes on the 3ds
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No Longer a Noob
Feb 3, 2010
well graphics are to the be same of one of the other but playing game are different plus 3ds remake so conclusion being the are


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2012
I'm bringing back the most classic, intriguing clash between any two Zelda games: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask for the Nintendo 64. Both games have been very well-received and are considered to be among the best in The Legend of Zelda series. I love them both, and they're definitely some of favorites as well. Ocarina of Time hit shelves in 1998, and Majora's Mask came out in 2000. There's many different levels to compare them on in terms of their quality.

Here are some of my personal opinions:
Best Gameplay - Tie (OOT established amazing gameplay, but the masks in MM were also very fun)
Best Story - MM (I prefer the darker, more unique plot and themes the sequel had to offer)
Best Soundtrack - OOT (I also enjoy MM's soundtrack, but overall prefer the balance of OOT's)
Best Villain - OOT (Majora is a wickedly awesome villain; Ganondorf simply edges him out for me since he is actually human and serves better as the main antagonist for Link)
Best Replayability - OOT (I find OOT easier to replay considering its easy difficulty level)
Best Dungeons - OOT (Simply better in OOT since there are more, which means better selection too; not to say MM's dungeons were bad)
Best Sidequests - MM (MM takes the cake for better mini-games, side plots, and collectibles in my opinion)
Best Characters - MM (The characters felt more developed and interesting in MM, even though OOT was also memorable for characters)

My overall favorite is Ocarina of Time, by a little. I just prefer a more basic approach to my favorite video game series, but I still love Majora's Mask for being different yet equally entertaining. Both are true masterpieces in the gaming realm, and it's often debated as to which game is better. What is your favorite of the two? Explanations would be appreciated (and please no fighting - purely opinion-based topic).
my favorite zelda game of all time is and will always be majoras mask, followed by twilight princess and ocarina of time. it is so dark and beautiful. it speaks to me in so many ways.

you havent play the zelda games long enough or else you realise that ganon has 2 forms his false human form call ganondorf and his true form the monster ganon


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
I'm bringing back the most classic, intriguing clash between any two Zelda games: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask for the Nintendo 64. Both games have been very well-received and are considered to be among the best in The Legend of Zelda series. I love them both, and they're definitely some of favorites as well. Ocarina of Time hit shelves in 1998, and Majora's Mask came out in 2000. There's many different levels to compare them on in terms of their quality.

Here are some of my personal opinions:
Best Gameplay - Tie (OOT established amazing gameplay, but the masks in MM were also very fun)
Best Story - MM (I prefer the darker, more unique plot and themes the sequel had to offer)
Best Soundtrack - OOT (I also enjoy MM's soundtrack, but overall prefer the balance of OOT's)
Best Villain - OOT (Majora is a wickedly awesome villain; Ganondorf simply edges him out for me since he is actually human and serves better as the main antagonist for Link)
Best Replayability - OOT (I find OOT easier to replay considering its easy difficulty level)
Best Dungeons - OOT (Simply better in OOT since there are more, which means better selection too; not to say MM's dungeons were bad)
Best Sidequests - MM (MM takes the cake for better mini-games, side plots, and collectibles in my opinion)
Best Characters - MM (The characters felt more developed and interesting in MM, even though OOT was also memorable for characters)

My overall favorite is Ocarina of Time, by a little. I just prefer a more basic approach to my favorite video game series, but I still love Majora's Mask for being different yet equally entertaining. Both are true masterpieces in the gaming realm, and it's often debated as to which game is better. What is your favorite of the two? Explanations would be appreciated (and please no fighting - purely opinion-based topic).
my favorite zelda game of all time is and will always be majoras mask, followed by twilight princess and ocarina of time. it is so dark and beautiful. it speaks to me in so many ways.

you havent play the zelda games long enough or else you realise that ganon has 2 forms his false human form call ganondorf and his true form the monster ganon

I did realize Ganondorf has his monster form as well. But for the majority of Ocarina of Time, he takes the form of a human, and acts just like one - whereas with Majora, it's obvious the entire time that it's not human. Ganondorf is more relatable as a villain/person.