
SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
I've been playing FFXII Zodiac Age a lot the past couple weeks- figured since I've put so much time into the game that I might as well go for the platinum trophy (coming from a person that normally doesn't care for getting them). Just completed Trial mode last night. Only thing I have left to do is to kill Yiazmat. Thank god for the fast forward function put into the ZA version, it will make things a hell of a lot faster.

After that I'll start re-playing Final Fantasy VI on my SNES Classic. I said elsewhere I was going to start two weekends ago, but changed my mind to platinum FFXII.


Yeah, it can get pretty dead around here. We've admitted to trying to strike up more conversation when we can, but you can't always force the issue.
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Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
Nice to see that kind of appreciation for RE3. I've always felt it was a bit under appreciated because of RE2, CVX and RE4 but it's amazing in its own right. I hope Capcom remakes it after RE2. I'm sure they will eventually.
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Jan 20, 2002
Locus of Control
I would be very surprised if it wasnt remade soon. The police station is done already in the RE2 remake so they dont have to retouch that part up for RE3.

I think my only issue with the game is some of the backtracking you have to do to get items for the train can be tedious. I think it gets overlooked since it only has one character compared to RE 1 and 2, but because of the randomization and different options you could pick during the cutscenes the game has some surprisingly high replay value. There's also the question of whether you fight Nemesis or flee.

Going on the second play through right now and about to enter the park. I managed to get the Infinite Bullets upgrade and used it on the mine thrower since I heard that the mines are heat seeking. Should be fun to test it out.


𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔫 𝔊𝔬𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔯
Apr 24, 2010
Still one of the best uses of a stalker in a videogame. Only Haunting Ground tops that aspect for me.

Also really like the versatility of the ammo powder. I generally prefer to level up my handgun bullets to the enhanced ammo, rather than crafting grenades and such. The starting handgun, with levelled up ammo is such a beast!

I didn’t mind the backtracking either, since at least they offer up a few more optional encounters to make things interesting. Plus, there is just something about wandering those back alleys, listening to both the howling wing, and moans of the undead, that I find really cool!

I’ll probably do another playthrough myself in a few weeks. It’s about that time where i’ll start my yearly playthrough of all the survival horror classics!


Jan 20, 2002
Locus of Control
I'd say the Pursuer from Dark Souls 2 ranks up there for me as far as unstoppable monsters go. Him or Nemesis would be my favorite.

Agreed on the ammo crafting. First time I ended up making a ton of freeze rounds but this run I'm trying to make enhanced ammo. I've already downed Nemesis so making more freeze rounds would be redundant at this point. Especially since I'm going to pick up some magnum rounds in the park shortly.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
Started playing Final Fantasy 6 again yesterday on SNES Classic. Picked up the game two years ago but played so sparingly that in two days of playing now that I already passed the point I got to initially.

Got to the town of Zozo, kept getting one shot by Fire 2 spells (sorry Edgar). Guess that'll happen when you do little to no level grinding. So I decided to grind to level 20 to give myself a better chance, we'll see how that goes tomorrow after I get home from work.


𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔫 𝔊𝔬𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔯
Apr 24, 2010
Auron just reminded me that I still really need to pick up a copy of Danganronpa 3. No idea why I haven’t done so already.[face_thinking]


𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔫 𝔊𝔬𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔯
Apr 24, 2010
I recall it coming out at a bad time, but that was like a year ago by now![face_tongue]

It will almost certainly be the last Vita game I buy at this point.[face_rose]


Mod with a Silly Hat
Dec 12, 2007
I watched the other games and spoiled myself, so I never played them. I then decided to play Dual Destinies and I enjoyed it. I did cheat and try evidence, fail, exit out of the game and retry so I would have a perfect health bar.

No regerts.


Mod with a Silly Hat
Dec 12, 2007
I watched the other games and spoiled myself, so I never played them. I then decided to play Dual Destinies and I enjoyed it. I did cheat and try evidence, fail, exit out of the game and retry so I would have a perfect health bar.

No regerts.


Jan 20, 2002
Locus of Control
Funny thing is I actually spoiled a little bit of Danganronpa 3 for myself, but it was a spoiler that increased my interest in the game. I dont know who dies or who is the murderer for any of the trials so I can still enjoy the game.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
Haven't turned on my PS4 since I platinum'd FFXII, but came to find out that you guys all liked it on PSN. Thanks guys! [face_hugs]

I'm ready to go with Soul Calibur 6 tomorrow morning! But in the meantime I'm gonna keep playing FFVI right now. I'm at the Cult of Kefka tower right now. Got my ass kicked for being underleveled so gonna grind and try again.
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Valar Morghulis
May 28, 2009
Been playing a ton of Dragon Quest and Breath of The Wild. Loving both
Haven't turned on my PS4 since platinum'd FFXII, but came to find out that you guys all liked it on PSN. Thanks guys! [face_hugs]

I'm ready to go with Soul Calibur 6 tomorrow morning! But in the meantime I'm gonna keep playing FFVI right now. At the Cult of Kefka tower right now. Got my ass kicked for being underleveled so gonna grind and try again.
Wow you get to play SCVI real early. I am jealous AF

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
Been playing a ton of Dragon Quest and Breath of The Wild. Loving both
Haven't turned on my PS4 since platinum'd FFXII, but came to find out that you guys all liked it on PSN. Thanks guys! [face_hugs]

I'm ready to go with Soul Calibur 6 tomorrow morning! But in the meantime I'm gonna keep playing FFVI right now. At the Cult of Kefka tower right now. Got my ass kicked for being underleveled so gonna grind and try again.
Wow you get to play SCVI real early. I am jealous AF

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
It's an open beta actually. Type in "Network Test" in the PS Store and you can download it now. But no one can start playing until 8AM Pacific tomorrow. Goes on until 8PM Pacific Sunday.
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SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
So uhhhh, Shadow the ultra badass ninja in FFVI.....he's dead. How the flippin' hell was I supposed to know to wait for him back on the floating continent??? Seems like the kind of person that would show up when you least expect it. Go to try and find him, then discover that I effed up. Goddammit this honestly makes me wanna play from scratch just to preserve him in the group, but I won't be replaying this game anytime soon.


Jan 20, 2002
Locus of Control
I love FFVI but it does seem like one of those games where you can screw yourself if youre not careful. I know I got stuck on the Floating Continent the first time I played the game because I was underleveled and had no healing or MP restoring items other than a few tents.

Just downloaded the SCVI beta although I dont know how much I'll get to play it. I'm making a hard push to get to gold rank in SFV these next few days, I managed to hit gold on a smurf account two days ago (CFN is Advent001 for those wondering) and probably had my most competitive battle lounge with mrg ever yesterday. Usually those sets result in me getting beaten from pillar to post but being able to clutch out a few victories gave me a huge confidence boost.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
Just like when I played the FF3 & FF4 remakes on Nintendo DS I quickly realized just how unforgiving the pre-3D FF games can be. There's pretty much been three occasions where I have gone into a new area vastly under-leveled and have been one-shot as a result. When that happens I go straight to level grinding. The Kefka Cult tower was the most frustrating because I got up to the third flight of stairs and nearly my entire team got one-shot by an earthquake. I made painstaking progress only to get wiped out in an instant. So I've responded by grinding MP for new spells and most available party members by almost twenty levels. :^O If I can't beat this tower next time I play then I won't have anybody to blame but myself hopefully.

Man, this Soul Calibur beta has been fluctuating for me in terms of emotions. I could get on a hot streak for about half an hour, then get decimated by frighteningly good players for 15-20 minutes straight. Most of those good players had decent to good connections, but a couple of them won because of a horrible connection. The only Taki I took on definitely knew the mechanics of the game in and out, but the connection was so bad I literally felt trapped. There is one character that I think everyone should worry about: Nightmare seems amazingly fast for having such a large weapon. In a skilled player's hands he can have very little openings and can be a real pain to deal with.

Ah well, in three weeks we'll have the full game at our disposal and I can stop feeling like a fool for not knowing Mitsu's full arsenal and new setups.
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Mod with a Silly Hat
Dec 12, 2007
The first full party in FFIV was very balanced. Good fighters with Cecil and Yang, white magic and decent fighter with Rosa, black magic and emergency healer with Rydia and good speed with Edward. Then the game is all 'Ha hah, fuck you and your balance' and throws 2 low level mages, a crappy spell caster with crap spells and no offense and a fighter who can't damage half the enemies in the next dungeon. Mt Ordeals? More like Mt Middle Finger.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
I'm just speaking the truth man. Everyone knows that DmC was largely a mistake. I say "largely" because I'm sure the game itself still had some good aspects to it. But Don'te as a character just doesn't work. You chose your name long ago not knowing what horror would befall your precious idol. Now you and Don'te are forever linked by association.

...But hey, I'm still better than Fate I bet. ~o)*

*Where you at Boob Boy?
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SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
You know, it's been quite a while since I've played the MMX games. I don't remember what issues X really had. Besides, I'm pretty sure Zero's had much bigger issues.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
Oh I stopped after X6. For me the series went downhill after X4. X5 was okay at best, but X6 story was lame and gameplay was kinda boring. X7 & X8 doing non-2D things turned me off to them.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
Well I completed Final Fantasy VI. Really fun game but definitely has that old school challenge that will cause some frustration. I was shocked by just how many playable characters there were to find- 14 in all. Honestly I'd say there was over saturation in that department since I pretty much kept to just seven of them...well, eight when Shadow was still around (R.I.P. Shadow :(). Was also surprised to see that Magicite & Espers were around before FFXII (huh, a Wikipedia search search yields that the Magicite term was around since FFII- well damn). Espers having such a key plot emphasis kind of made it special when you obtained their Magicite form, too bad the summons themselves were underwhelming from a strategy standpoint IMO- the one unique summon per turn limitation really hurt their potential.

Going back to the cast of characters, about 1/3 of them were successful in being interesting. Edgar & Sabin are my personal favorites- the bond they share as brothers and the struggles they've had to endure have made them so strong, and it reflects in how they play. Edgar's basic crossbow attack, especially early to mid game, is frickin' awesome, and Sabin with his Blitz skill is OP from start to finish. Locke, while being your typical thi- uh, treasure hunter, in terms of gameplay, shows amazing loyalty to those close to him. Really tragic to learn of what became of Rachel, but at least he was able to get closure. Cyan has a pretty cool Sword Tech Mechanic, although I ended up usually making him the physical attacker towards the end of the game. Terra seemed to be a bit too fixated on love- now of course this is due to what she discovered later, but aside from taking care of kids it seemed a bit out of place. Magical powerhouse of course, almost learned all of the spells in the game and just steamrolled through the end of the game. Setzer I made into my third magic caster along with Terra & Celes, and he had decent physical damage too- I never really tried his Slot skill though. Back story was kind of light TBH- he lost a friend and that's about it. Loves to gamble and ride around on airships, that's about it. Shadow I pretty much know nothing about since I didn't keep him around.

The rest of who is playable is pretty much ancillary in plot and gameplay: Gau (worthless), Strago, Relm, Mog, Umaro & Gogo. Strago does have knowledge in the origins of magic & magicite, but I just consider him a plot device for that point in the story.

Now the main antagonist: Kefka. I gotta say, from a personality standpoint...I was unimpressed. To me he just comes off like the other power hungry people from the same setting- he was just more malicious than others and was smarter about manipulating others (with a little luck in the beginning of course). Then in the end he just wants to destroy everything because he hates life- nothing he did or said before any of that gave any indication of wanting to end it all. I thought he would just want dominion over all. I dunno, maybe all that power went to his head and he ended up crazier than he was before. The best thing about the final boss was Dancing Mad- amazing music track.

I can see why so many people loved this game, although I'm not sure where I would rank it among other mainline FF games. I'll need some time to think about it.

Besides, while I was watching the credits go by UPS dropped off my copy of Megaman 11, so I'll likely be playing that later today.


Jan 20, 2002
Locus of Control
I like Kefka but I think that there's something wrong with the direction of his writing. Early on he's a coward and I feel that is what makes him so unlikable as a villain. Later on you have him defeating an army of Espers and doing other stuff that's supposed to make me take him seriously as a strong threat. I feel like the game should have picked a direction and stuck with it rather than trying to develop him into something else later on.

It reminds me of Wesker's character from RE a little bit. I thought he was great in the first one with the way he used manipulation and chicanery to achieve his goals, but when he became Superman in CV and 5 I found his efficacy as a villain took a serious hit.


Jan 20, 2002
Locus of Control
Nah, probably not going to get to it for awhile. Too engrossed in finishing the Damganronpa trilogy, can finally get back to it during my break from SFV.

This last case for D2 is fantastic by the way. Still got a ways to go and dont want to say too much for fear of spoilers but I think the pacing is structured much better than the last case for the first game, where I felt like it dragged at times during the second half.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
Gonna play it tomorrow after doing some laundry and cleaning out my room. Been a couple weeks since doing the latter.

Ah, I've gotta update my sig since Megaman is out now.
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SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008

Finally tried MM11 last night and again just now- art design looks damn awesome IMO. Started on Normal difficulty because I'm not doing easy mode. I'm an old man that completed MM2 during his early childhood for crying out loud haha. Anyway, the stage & enemy layouts will definitely give you a hard time- I didn't play the demo or watch any preview videos, but I heard from a few people that the Bounce man stage can be really frustrating so I tackled that first. Trial & error is the name of the game with the three stages I've played so far- gotta have a cool head and a steady hand to get through this stuff. Bosses in terms of design are okay so far- Bounce Man is lame, Block Man is meh, and Impact Man seems like a monster, although I've only fought him twice.

The controls seem fine, although there sometimes seems to be some delay. That might just be me though The Double Gear mechanic is pretty cool, although I don't use it terribly often as a personal challenge...for the time being. If I have a lot of trouble getting by without it then I'll start using it more (yes I'm stubborn [face_tongue]).

I'm equally enjoying the challenge of MM11 while getting frustrated by it. I'll likely dive back into it later tonight.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008

I take it back about the controls- they're sometimes unresponsive. I'll release a charge attack then go to jump only to not have the jump button register (I'm using a Pro Controller btw). I've had this happen several times now and it's cost me a few lives now. I don't know if this is a game issue or if something is wrong with my controller, but it's damn aggravating.


Mod with a Silly Hat
Dec 12, 2007
Abs is actually a big fan of Edward Sien- he won't take too kindly to that comment haha.
Well then maybe he could play a song to heal his wounds or put me to sleep because Edward is more like Edworst character in FFIV

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Oh yeah!? Well, yo...YOU are like ThatWorstSien. Yea. That's right.

Actually, that was uncalled for. I apologize.....whoever you are.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008

Gaiz, I've done it, I've done the impossible...........


I've only done the prologue, but goddamn what a fucking prologue! Shit was way flashier than what I was expecting. Character models look awesome on Switch too. The backgrounds have a lot of gloss to them, but even I can tell some aliasing was done to try to make everything look a bit better than it is.

Can't wait to see what chapter 1 has in store for me tomorrow. :D


Valar Morghulis
May 28, 2009
I really need to play Bayonetta 2 more than I have. Beaten the first more times than I can count but I've only done the first like five chapters of 2

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
^This happened again btw, but it was more of a troll. Kept going back to the beginning to check for more enemies and it never happened. Finally towards the end of Chapter 10 and it skipped from Verse 11 to 13.

Also, goddamn I suck at this game. I'm getting owned by every enemy now. I'm actually having to use healing items now I suck so bad. I'm extremely bad at dodging and get hit by everything. It's much harder to predict enemy movements I guess.

One more thing...FUCK SLOTH! FUCK EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM. He's cool as all hell but still FUCK HIM!