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Grilled Cheese
Jan 21, 2004
The Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones FAQ

Most of the topics on the boards today are character choices. “Who should I use” “Should I use ____ over ____” so I’ve decided to follow in Brian’s footsteps and make an FAQ. Hopefully this will clear up any problems, and will help newbie’s to make character choices. It will follow pretty much the same format as Brian’s however it will follow Fire Emblem 8. Notice the sections are the same.

Section 1: Typical Fire Emblem Questions
Section 2: Characters
Section 3: Items
Section 4: Skills
Section 5: Secret Shop Locations
Section 6: Shop Lists
Section 7: Promotion Tree

Section 1: Typical Fire Emblem Questions

Most of the questions have been answered in Brian’s thread, so I will answer purely Sacred Stones questions.

Q: I’ve played Fire Emblem 7 to death; will this be too easy for me?

A: Simple answer, yes. If you choose to abuse the arena your characters will wipe the floor with the enemies, and the growth rates are considerably better than the FE7 counterparts. That’s not too say it’s not a great game. There are some fabulous additions and you will find it just as satisfying to play.

Q: What are skills? And how do I use them?

A: Skills are special character traits that only some classes benefit from. They range from perfect accuracy to one shot kills, and I will touch on them later. You do not need to “use” them as such as they kick in them selves.

Q: What are the Scared Twins, and how do I obtain them?

A: If you’ve played Fire Emblem 7, you would have experienced the “ultimate weapons” used to defeat the dragon in the end. (Unless you used the cheap Athos/Luna method ;)) Well Sacred stones is no different, with each house possessing 2 sacred weapons. You will be automatically be given the Sacred Twins when you liberate/join a noble house. All the Sacred Twins are S level weapons.

Q: I’ve been asked which “Path” I want to take, will I miss out on characters? Which path is easier?

A: You have a choice of Paths after chapter 8, and you can choose to continue the attack with Ephraim or travel with Eirika. Regardless of the choice, you will receive all the units you have gained so far if you choose Ephraim’s path, and you will receive Kyle and Forde if you choose to follow Eirika. You will get all characters eventually, no matter what path you take. Eirika’s route is generally considered easier.

Q: Help! I can’t see Merlinus, and I’m running out of item space!

A: Don’t Panic! Your Lords are your item storage in this game! Stand next to your Lord (depending on the path you took) and the option Supply will appear in green. After this, it’s just the simple option of using the Lords like Merlinus. Luckily they can move from the start of the game!

Q: What are Trainee’s and how do you use them? What do I use to promote them at level 10?

A: No matter what people say, the trainees become some of the most powerful units in the game. Not because of amazing growth rates but because, in theory, they are level one units with great base stats. The way trainees go, is from their starting class, to a regular base class to a promoted unit and it’s because of the starting class (journeyman, pupil, recruit) that they are so useful. They start with below average stats, but because of the 10 levels of growth they gain and then the promotion bonus, they start at level one with above average stats. They do not need a promotion item at level 10, and you can choose between 2 classes. After that they become like regular units.

Q: What are the new classes? Are there any new promotion items?

A: The new classes are Great knights, Mage knights, Rogues, Wyvern knights and Summoners. And Ranger has replaced Nomad Troopers. No new promotion items have been introduced however fell contracts have been thrown out and Thieves use Ocean seals. Also at promotion, units now have the choice of 2 units that they can promote into which gives the game more reply value.

Q: When i was attacking with my Wyvern knight from afar, the game glitched. Whats happened? Is this common?

A: I'm afraid it's quite a well known glitch. This occurs when you Pierce with a ranged spear and double attack (without killing the enemy). A similar glitch occurs if you activate Pierce and critical at the same time (while double attacking and failing to kill the enemy). To avoid this situation it would be advisable to switch off the pretty battle animation for your Wyvern Knights

Q: I've heard something about a level decreasing item called the Juna fruit... What is the Juna Fruit and how can I get one?

A: When used the Juna Fruit lowers a character's level by about 1-5 points. During this process their stats are unchanged, so you can level them up a bit more. Note than only characters above Level 9 can use it. Currently there is no known (and legitimate) way of obtaining one. (In Japan there was a download event, which enabled you to obtain the Juna Fruit, as well as the monster-slaying weapons.)

Q: Where do I find the Metis's Tome and what does it do?

A: It can be found in Chapter 15, hidden in the sand. Its general location is by the bones to the north east of the map. The Metis's Tome acts like the Afa's Drops in FE7. It gives a boosted 5% to all growth rates to the character who uses it.

Q: I've heard i can beef up my characters stats from secret shops. Where are they and what are prices like?

A: You can only buy them from the Secret Shops once you have finished your game. By accessing your cleared game file in Map mode, you can return to the World Map and re-enter the Secret Shops of Grado Keep, Jehanna Hall and Rausten Court. You can enter all three of them regardless of whether you visited them in the main story. Bear in mind that you still need a Member Card to enter the Secret Shops and that only Swiftsoles are not available for purchase. Prices are 8000 for stat boosters and 10000 for promotion items. It is advisable that you take a silver card along with you.

Section 2: Characters

(Characters are listed by the order you get them, the exception being the lords)

With many, many thanks to woolylambkin and Zalagren at GameFAQs and Hawkrider and Lyndis-Chan from our very own boards. Also Lots of thanks to Tiena.


Acquired in: You start with her in Chapter 1, Prologue.
Supports with: Ephraim, Forde, Innes, L'Arachel, Saleh, Seth, Tana
Starting Class: Lord
Promoted Class: Great Lord
Weapons: Swords
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 16 Str: 4 Skl: 8 Spd: 9 Def: 3 Res: 1 Luck: 5 Mov: 5 Con: 5
Growth Rates: HP 70% Pow 40% Skl 60% Spd 60% Luc 60% Def 30% Res 30%
Rating: 9.5

Sort of a mounted Swordmaster you could say. With a high skill, speed, and luck she'll be hitting often and with a lot of criticals. She should also be dodging a lot with the high speed and luck which makes up for her pretty crap defence and resistance. The only real downside is the fact that she's restricted to swords and her low strength which is not much of a problem considering her high chance for criticals.


Acquired in: Chapter 5x, 8
Supports with: Duessel, Eirika, Forde, Kyle, L'Arachel, Myrrh, Tana
Starting Class: Lord
Promoted Class: Great Lord
Weapons: Lances
Starting Stats: Level 4 – HP: 23 Str: 8 Skl: 9 Spd: 11 Def: 7 Res: 2 Luck: 8 Mov: 5 Con: 8
Growth Rates: HP 80% Pow 55% Skl 55% Spd 45% Luc 50% Def 35% Res 25%
Rating: 9.5

Not much to say here. Well balanced. Most likely maxing out strength, skill and speed. I suppose the only bad thing to say is resistance. However being a mounted unit his movement gives him advantage over mages. No surprises when he maxes 5 out of 7 stats. A good all rounder. Can’t put a foot wrong.


Acquired in: You start with him in Chapter 1, Prologue
Supports with: Cormag, Eirika, Franz, Garcia, Natasha
Starting Class: Paladin
Promoted Class: N/A
Weapons: Lances, Swords.
Starting Stats: Level 1 [Pre-Promo] - HP: 30 Str: 14 Skl: 13 Spd: 12 Def: 11 Res: 8 Luck: 13 Mov: 8 Con: 11
Growth Rates: HP 90% Pow 50% Skl 45% Spd 45% Luc 40% Def 30% Res 25%
Rating: 7.0

No before you start raving “7.0!!! How did that jeigan score above average! He should be at 4.0 or less!!” Check his growth rates. Pretty amazing I would say. 90 HP makes up for his low starting HP and only resistance really lets him down after that. Not a powerhouse like Ephraim, however not as crap as good old Marcus. Seth can be useful. But arena whore him, don’t let him steal your experience early on. Good luck also contributes to the *thumbs up* I’m giving Seth.


Acquired in: Chapter 1. Auto join
Supports with: Amelia, Forde, Gilliam, Natasha, Seth
Starting Class: Cavalier
Promoted Class: Paladin or Great knight
Weapons: Lances, Swords, Axes
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 21 Str: 8 Skl: 5 Spd: 8 Def: 6 Res: 1 Luck: 2 Mov: 7 Con: 9
Growth Rates: HP 80% Pow 40% Skl 40% Spd 50% Luc 40% Def 25% Res 20%
Rating: 7.5

Franz is one of the better cavaliers with more strength and speed than Forde but less skill. There are so many Paladin/Great knights in this game its down to personal Choice really. Franz is defiantly one of the better ones.


Acquired in: Chapter 1
Supports with: Franz, Garcia, Moulder, Neimi, Syrene
Starting Class: Knight
Promoted Class: General or Great knight
Weapons: Axes, Swords, Lances
Starting Stats: Level 4 - HP: 25 Str: 9 Skl: 6 Spd: 3 Def: 9 Res: 3 Luck: 3 Mov: 4 Con: 14
Growth Rates: HP 90% Pow 45% Skl 35% Spd 30% Luc 30% Def 55% Res 20%
Rating: 7.5

As usual with these fat knights, he is a tank. Skill, Speed and Luck growth rates are well, bad. But turn him into a general or great knight and you have a useful character that can use all weapons of the triangle and can rescue any enemies whilst taking little or no damage. Massive con, no real weakness but early on his speed makes him difficult to train.


Acquired in: Chapter 2
Supports with: Forde, Innes, Lute, Moulder, Syrene
Starting Class: Pegasus knight
Promoted Class: Wyvern knight or Falco knight
Weapons: Lances, Swords.
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 17 Str: 5 Skl: 7 Spd: 12 Def: 6 Res: 5 Luck: 4 Mov: 7 Con: 5
Growth Rates: HP 50% Pow 35% Skl 55% Spd 60% Luc 50% Def 20% Res 30%
Rating: 7.5

Not sure about her. Im pretty sure Falco knight is the way to go, and she is useful early on with high movement.I would suggest that you use Tana instead of her though. I advise that you train her so that she can run errands and pass through enemy lines to get special characters or items (i.e. Ewan) but not as an all out fighter. If you really want her as a fighter, go with Wyvern knight though as the extra con is essential for battle.


Acquired in: Chapter 2
Supports with: Colm, Gilliam, Syrene, Vanessa
Starting Class: Priest
Promoted Class: Bishop or Sage
Weapons: Light, anima and staves
Starting Stats: Level 3 - HP: 20 Mag: 4 Skl: 6 Spd: 9 Def: 2 Res: 5 Luck: 1 Mov: 5 Con: 9
Growth Rates: HP 70% Pow 40% Skl 50% Spd 40% Luc 20% Def 25% Res 25%
Rating: 7.0

Pretty decent, starts of with a high attack but low luck and high speed. Expect him to get hit more often than your other magic users. As a promote I would suggest Bishop as then at least he will be able to be useful for SOME battles. Even though his power growth isn’t great, he still somehow ends up having high attack for me. Great con for a magic user makes him a good fighter. Again, there are better units however he is a solid choice early on.


Acquired in: Chapter 2
Supports with: Amelia, Ewan, Garcia, Gerik, Lute
Starting Class: Journeyman
Promoted Class: Pirate/Fighter > Warrior/Berserker/Hero
Weapons: Axes, Bows
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 15 Str: 5 Skl: 2 Spd: 3 Def:3 Res: 0 Luck: 8 Mov: 4 Con: 8
Growth Rates: HP 70% Pow 50% Skl 35% Spd 30% Luc 40% Def 25% Res 20%
Rating: 8.0

Ross is just weird. Just when I think that I’ve gotten the hang of his growth rates he just pulls a surprise. Ross has awesome strength, decent HP and Massive luck. His speed and Skill are above mediocre and definitely not bad. Somehow he seems to fluctuate a lot. Once he got great speed but meh skill, vice versa on another. Maxed defence sometimes, crap defence on others. Anyway, training him is kind of difficult since he starts off frail but he is definitely usable once he reaches level 10. He also comes with a very handy light axe. For an upgrade you could either go any way to get a Warrior or go Pirate to Berserker. Best not to go with Hero as Gerik is a much better Hero.


Acquired in: Chapter 2
Supports with: Dozla, Gilliam, Neimi, Ross, Seth
Starting Class: Fighter
Promoted Class: Warrior or Hero
Weapons: Axes, Bows, Swords
Starting Stats: Level 4 - HP: 28 Str: 8 Skl: 7 Spd: 7 Def: 5 Res: 1 Luck: 3 Mov: 5 Con: 14
Growth Rates: HP 80% Pow 65% Skl 40% Spd 20% Luc 40% Def 25% Res 15%
Rating: 5.0

A 5.0 because I dislike fighters. Only stands out in HP and attack and his crap skill makes him Dart but bad. Do not make him a Hero. His skill is not high enough. Use his son, he is much better and surpasses his father. His defence is bad and he doesn’t have enough skill to dodge. He relies too much on HP and if you get screwed [unlikely but possible] He becomes useless.


Acquired in: Chapter 3
Supports with: Amelia, Artur, Colm, Garcia, Gilliam
Starting Class: Archer
Promoted Class: Sniper or Ranger
Weapons: Bows, Swords
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 18 Str: 4 Skl: 5 Spd: 6 Def: 3 Res: 2 Luck: 4 Mov: 5 Con: 5
Growth Rates: HP 55% Pow 45% Skl 50% Spd 60% Luc 50% Def 15% Res 35%
Rating: 8.0

I love Neimi, and use her every time. As with all Archers (remember Rebecca?) she’s hard to train due to her frailness, but stick with her and she makes a very potent Ranger. I dislike the sniper class in this game, as the skill is not very useful (she always hits anyway) and Rangers are just so much better. Train her in swords. And give her S in bows and she is likely to be one of your final 12 with Nighogg.


Acquired in: Chapter 3
Supports with: Kyle, Marisa, Moulder, Neimi, Rennac
Starting Class: Thief
Promoted Class: Assassin, Rogue
Weapons: Swords, lockpicks
Starting Stats: Level 2 - HP: 18 Str: 4 Skl: 4 Spd: 12 Def: 3 Res: 1 Luck: 8 Mov: 6 Con: 6
Growth Rates: HP 75% Pow 40% Skl 40% Spd 65% Luc 45% Def 25% Res 20%
Rating: 8.5

This guy has very high speed, like Matt from FE7, his attack growth is quite a bit better though, with slightly low skill. He is one of the most useful characters that you get and your only thief. Dodges everything and can do decent amounts of damage. For an upgrade I suggest Rogue because they are very useful. You get one more rogue in the game but he is absolute crap. Colm’s only weakness is his low attack which can be frustrating when levelling him up. A utility unit more than a fighter.


Acquired in: Chapter 4
Supports with: Cormag, Joshua, Lute, Neimi, Tethys
Starting Class: Monk
Promoted Class: Bishop or Sage
Weapons: Light, anima and staves
Starting Stats: Level 2 - HP: 19 Mag: 7 Skl: 6 Spd: 9 Def:2 Res: 6 Luck: 2 Mov: 5 Con: 6
Growth Rates: HP 55% Pow 50% Skl 50% Spd 40% Luc 25% Def 15% Res 22%
Rating: 8.0

He is extremely skilled and fast, unfortunately he is crap in both luck and defence. I just don't think he's as useful as Lute. As a promotion I would say that both are good, Sage if you want to make full use of his massive attack or Bishop if you want an all round good character. I suggest you use him against magic using/less accurate characters. Resistance is his strong point, however due to average speed, and very low defence he will not fare well against weapon users. Why oh why did they give him crap luck?!


Acquired in: Chapter 4
Supports with: Artur, Knoll, Kyle, Ross, Vanessa
Starting Class: Mage
Promoted Class: Sage or Mage knight
Weapons: Staves, Light, Anima
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 17 Str: 6 Skl: 6 Spd: 7 Def: 3 Res: 6 Luck: 8 Mov: 5 Con: 3
Growth Rates: HP 45% Pow 65% Skl 30% Spd 45% Luc 45% Def 15% Res 40%
Rating: 8.0

Woohoo! Look at that Power growth! One word for Lute and that is Powerhouse. Nice speed and luck and decent resistance and skill make her more useful than Artur IMO. Crap HP makes her vulnerable though but her speed will make up for that with a useful dodge rate. She may seem a liability early on but nothing will hit her later, and most things will go down in one shot. As an upgrade I say Sage definitely, Mage knight makes those awesome growth rates useless, but the con is nice.


Acquired in: Chapter 5
Supports with: Cormag, Franz, Joshua, Knoll, Seth
Starting Class: Cleric
Promoted Class: Bishop or Valkyrie
Weapons: Staves, Light
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 18 Str: 2 Skl: 4 Spd: 8 Def: 2 Res: 6 Luck: 6 Mov: 5 Con: 4
Growth Rates: HP 50% Pow 60% Skl 25% Spd 40% Luc 60% Def 15% Res 55%
Rating: 7.5

Weird one this one, great magic and luck make her a formidable fighter however with very little skill to her name she can be less than useful. Low con as well makes her unsuited for fighting. If you do use her, make sure she gets all your secret books and bodyrings otherwise these stats will let her down. Speed isn’t bad, Bishop if you want a fighter, Valkyrie if your looking for a healer. Slayer will come in handy for monsters later on.


Acquired in: Chapter 5
Supports with: Artur, Gerik, Innes, L'Arachel, Marisa, Natasha
Starting Class: Myrmidon
Promoted Class: Swordmaster or Assassin
Weapons: Swords, lockpicks
Starting Stats: Level 5 - HP: 24 Str: 8 Skl: 13 Spd: 14 Def: 5 Res: 4 Luck: 7 Mov:5 Con: 8
Growth Rates: HP 80% Pow 35% Skl 55% Spd 55% Luc 30% Def 20% Res 20%
Rating: 8.0

Debated this one. There are some die hard Marisa fans who think Josh sucks however there are some people who stand by him. Comparable to guy but with better strength he can be very useful. Better as a Swordmaster in my opinion as the crit boost will make up for his average luck. And you’re going to want criticals as he doesn’t always hit hard. Low defence and resistance do not matter though, as his dodge is off the scale, as with all swordmasters. Well worth using.


Acquired in: Chapter 5x, 8
Supports with: Ephrain, Eirika, Franz, Kyle, Vanesssa
Starting Class: Cavalier
Promoted Class: Great knight, Paladin
Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances
Starting Stats: Level 6 - HP: 24 Str: 7 Skl: 8 Spd: 8 Def: 8 Res: 2 Luck: 7 Mov: 7 Con: 9
Growth Rates: HP 85% Pow 40% Skl 50% Spd 45% Luc 35% Def 20% Res 25%
Rating: 7.0

Nothing great here. Nice HP however bad defence and strength isn’t great. Not better than his brother Franz. Sucks as a Great knight, and hasn’t really got potential for maxing those high caps. Make him a Paladin but if I were you, use Franz or Kyle.


Acquired in: Chapter 5x, 8
Supports with: Colm, Ephraim, Forde, Lute, Saleh
Starting Class: Cavalier
Promoted Class: Great knight or Paladin
Weapons: Swords, Lances, Axes
Starting Stats: Level 5 - HP: 25 Str: 9 Skl: 6 Spd: 7 Def: 9 Res: 1 Luck: 6 Mov: 7 Con: 10
Growth Rates: HP 90% Pow 50% Skl 40% Spd 40% Luc 20% Def 25% Res 20%

Meh luck and skill however lovely HP, and good strength. In my opinion he makes the best Great knight and will surpass Forde most times. No point making him a Paladin. Theres not enough skill growth to reach that high cap. Great con also, makes him a formidable unit. Skill can be increased with supports if you really miss it.


Acquired in: Chapter 9
Supports with: Cormag, Eirika, Ephraim, Innes, Marisa, Syrene
Starting Class: Pegasus knight
Promoted Class: Wyvern knight or Falco knight
Weapons: Lances, Swords
Starting Stats: Level 4 - HP: 20 Str: 8 Skl: 8 Spd: 12 Def: 7 Res: 7 Luck: 8 Mov: 7 Con: 5
Growth Rates: HP 65% Pow 45% Skl 40% Spd 65% Luc 60% Def 20% Res 25%
Rating: 9.0

The best flyer in my opinion. Looses out to Vanessa only in skill and Syrene in Resistance. Too good not to use really, and works well in a Link team. High movement makes her a great rescuer and she can hold her own in a fight. The promotion choice is yours really as she makes a great Falco knight. Depends whether you want piece, or if you’re looking to complete the triangles. I tend not to rely on skills too much, as they can be random and I never use the other 2 peg’s so the triangle doesn’t bother me. I choice Falco knight as I had Cormag as a Wyvern.


Acquired in: Chapter 9
Supports with: Duessel, Ewan, Franz, Neimi, Ross
Starting Class: Recruit
Promoted Class: Cavalier/Knight > Great knight, General or Paladin
Weapons: Lances, Swords, Axes
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 16 Str: 4 Skl: 3 Spd: 4 Def: 2 Res: 3 Luck: 6 Mov: 4 Con: 6
Growth Rates: HP 60% Pow 35% Skl 40% Spd 40% Luc 50% Def 30% Res 15%
Rating: 9.0

Strange. An amazing unit, with enough speed to double strike and high luck for criticals however her strength is not that high. Depending on which way you go, she can turn out very strange indeed. Give her the swiftsoles to solve that movement problem and she becomes one of, if not the best, weapon users in the game. A general that’s built like a swordmaster! Make sure you don’t loose her early on. Don’t make her a paladin, she only looses out in resistance and movement (solved with the soles) and her caps become less. Low defence makes her look like a bad general, but as she never gets hit. She doesn’t need defence.


Acquired in: Chapter 15Ek, 10Ep
Supports with: Amelia, Cormag, Ephrain, Knoll
Starting Class: Great knight
Promoted Class: N/A
Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances.
Starting Stats: Level 8 [Pre-Promo] - HP: 41 Str: 17 Skl: 12 Spd: 12 Def: 17 Res: 9 Luck: 8 Mov: 6 Con: 15
Growth Rates: HP 85% Pow 55% Skl 40% Spd 30% Luc 20% Def 45% Res 20%
Rating: 5.5

Not really worth it with all the other cavalier’s you’re going to be promoting later on. His growths aren’t bad yet his starting stats let him down. And he has no time for recovering those lost stats as he’s already level 8. Leave him behind.

Acquired in: Chapter 13Ek, 10Ep
Supports with: Artur, Duessel, Natasha, Seth, Tana
Starting Class: Wyvern Rider
Promoted Class: Wyvern knight or Wyvern Lord
Weapons: Lances, Swords
Starting Stats: Level 9 - HP: 29 Str: 13 Skl: 8 Spd: 10 Def: 12 Res: 1 Luck: 3 Mov: 7 Con: 11
Growth Rates: HP 85% Pow 55% Skl 40% Spd 45% Luc 35% Def 25% Res 15%
Rating: 8.5

If you’re looking for the high caps go Wyvern Lord. His good speed means pierce has more attacks to activate on though which makes him a formidable wyvern knight. Another choice this one, that could depend on your other characters. Tana is still better; however his good HP and Strength make him a great attacking unit. Con isn’t bad either which helps. I use him most times. Just keep him away from magic users. His crap resistance wont stand up to them.


Acquired in: Chapter 11
Supports with: Eirika, Ephraim, Dozla, Innes, Joshua, Rennac
Starting Class: Troubador
Promoted Class: Valkyrie or Mage knight
Weapons: Staves, anima, light
Starting Stats: Level 3 - HP: 18 Str: 6 Skl: 6 Spd: 10 Def: 5 Res: 8 Luck: 12 Mov:6 Con: 5
Growth Rates: HP 45% Pow 50% Skl 45% Spd 45% Luc 65% Def 15% Res 50%
Rating: 9.0

Very hard to screw over this one. With great all round growths accept Defence, and she should dodge quite a few of those blows. Choose the promotion depending on the magic your short of on your team; however her power makes her a great mage knight. The only reason L’arachel isn’t above a 9.0 is that her promotion choices don’t make potential of her growths, with low caps. Use her, or miss her at your peril.


Acquired in: Chapter 11
Supports with: Ewan, Garcia, L'Arachel, Myrrh, Rennac
Starting Class: Berserker
Promoted Class: N/A
Weapons: Axes
Starting Stats: Level 1 [Pre-Promo] - HP: 43 Str: 16 Skl: 11 Spd: 9 Def: 11 Res: 6 Luck: 6 Mov: 4 Con: 16
Growth Rates: HP 85% Pow 50% Skl 35% Spd 40% Luc 30% Def 30% Res 25%
Rating: 4.0

Can’t dodge, and has meh defence so he is only saved from being a 3.0 or less by his HP. His luck is also disappointing for a Berserker. Use Ross over him, and even Garcia if you have to have 2 big axe users.


Acquired in: Chapter 12
Supports with: Amelia, Dozla, Ross, Saleh, Tethys
Starting Class: Pupil
Promoted Class: Mage/Shaman > Sage, Druid or Summoner
Weapons: Staves, Light, Dark, Anima, Summons
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 15 Str: 3 Skl: 2 Spd: 5 Def: 0 Res: 3 Luck: 5 Mov: 4 Con: 5
Growth Rates: HP 50% Pow 45% Skl 40% Spd 35% Luc 15% Def 40% Res 50%
Rating: 9.0

I like Ewan, I like him a lot. Great potential with the 10 extra levels. Druids also take advantage of Ewan's high strength and give him a better speed boost and con boost than a anima mage would give. Summoners are nice but Ewan's summons don't match up to Knoll's and you're losing 2 points of strength. The anima magic also gives Ewan a few lighter tomes to wield compared to the heavy dark ones. I would choose a Druid for Ewan, as we have enough anima choices with Lute and L’arachel. The only good Dark magic user, and he can hold his own once he’s past the trainee stage.


Acquired in: Chapter 10Ek, 12Ep
Supports with: Colm, Gerik, Joshua, Tana, Tethys
Starting Class:Myrmidon
Promoted Class:Assassin or Swordmaster
Weapons:Swords, Lockpicks
Starting Stats: Level 5 - HP: 23 Str: 7 Skl: 12 Spd: 13 Def: 4 Res: 3 Luck: 9 Mov: 5 Con: 5
Growth Rates: HP 75% Pow 30% Skl 55% Spd 60% Luc 50% Def 15% Res 25%

Don’t want to say too much here, at risk of being flamed by Marisa Fanboys, naming no names. We all know how much Inune (oops!) loves her, and in some respects I can see why. Apart from her defensive stats shes well balanced and above average. Shes never going to be hit so she doesn’t need that Def and Res growth so we can ignore that. Swordmaster is the best option for the caps (she’ll hit Speed and skill probably) and con.


Acquired in: Chapter 10Ek, 13Ep
Supports with: Innes, Joshua, Marisa, Ross, Saleh, Tethys
Starting Class:Mercenary
Promoted Class: Hero or Ranger
Weapons: Swords, Axes, Bows
Starting Stats: Level 10 - HP: 32 Str: 14 Skl: 13 Spd: 13 Def: 10 Res: 4 Luck: 8 Mov: 5 Con: 11
Growth Rates: HP 90% Pow 45% Skl 40% Spd 30% Luc 30% Def 35% Res 25%

Wow. Just wow. This guy seems almost too perfect. The only Mercenary in the game, and in my opinion the only worthy Hero in the game. A higher strength cap and more speed, and he would be amazing. Great con, and HP is amazing. In 3 words? Better than Raven.


Acquired in: Chapter 10Ek, 13Ep
Supports with: Artur, Ewan, Gerik, Marisa, Rennac
Starting Class: Dancer
Promoted Class: N/A
Weapons: Dancing. Gives a unit another go.
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 18 Str: 1 Skl: 2 Spd: 12 Def: 5 Res: 4 Luck: 10 Mov: 5 Con: 5
Growth Rates: HP 85% Pow 5% Skl 10% Spd 70% Luc 80% Def 30% Res 75%
Rating: 8.5

Nothing really to say here. She’s the only dancer in the game, so if you want one, you have to use her. I advise you do, as they are extremely helpful. If she was terrible, yet still the only dancer it would be a shame. But luckily she doesn’t suck. And makes a great member of your team. Also supports Gerik.


Acquired in: Chapter 14
Supports with: Colm, Dozla, L'Arachel, Tethys
Starting Class: Rogue
Promoted Class: N/A
Weapons: Swords, Lockpicks
Starting Stats: Level 1 [Pre-Promo] - HP: 26 Str: 8 Skl: 11 Spd: 15 Def: 8 Res: 3 Luck: 5 Mov: 6 Con: 7
Growth Rates: HP 65% Pow 25% Skl 45% Spd 60% Luc 25% Def 25% Res 30%
Rating: 6.0

Whew you don’t really want to be using him. Colm is far better, in everyway. Get him for the members card, but then leave him on the bench so to say. If you didn’t use Colm and you need a Rogue, he’s going to have to do but he is defiantly second choice.


Acquired in: Chapter 15
Supports with: Duessel, Lute, Natasha
Starting Class: Shaman
Promoted Class: Summoner or Druid
Weapons: Dark, Summons, Anima, Staves
Starting Stats: Level 10 - HP: 21 Str: 12 Skl: 9 Spd: 8 Def: 2 Res: 10 Luck: 0 Mov: 5 Con: 7
Growth Rates: HP 70% Pow 50% Skl 40% Spd 35% Luc 20% Def 10% Res 45%
Rating: 6.5

Whew, not sure what to say. Good summons, better than Ewan’s however his luck is… well not very good lets say. If you want to use him for his summons, keep him back a healer. He isn’t really made for fighting though that HP growth is quite nice. If you didn’t keep a character back, he’s the ideal choice for Metis Tome as you get him on the same chapter.


Acquired in: Chapter 12Ek, 15Ep
Supports with: Eirika, Ewan, Gerik, Myrrh
Starting Class: Sage
Promoted Class: N/A
Weapons: Anima, Light, Staves
Starting Stats: Level 4 [Pre-Promo] - HP: 32 Str:16 Skl: 18 Spd: 15 Def: 10 Res: 15 Luck: 11 Mov: 6 Con: 8
Growth Rates: HP 50% Pow 30% Skl 25% Spd 40% Luc 40% Def 30% Res 40%
Rating: 6.5

Not really bad, yet not really good. He’s average. But above average. His stats are all well balanced yet I don’t really see the need for him if you used Lute. He is quite hard to keep alive. Due to his low HP and lack of amazing dodging skill’s and his Pow growth is terrible for a sage. Leave him.


Acquired in: Chapter 10Ek, 15Ep
Supports with: Eirika, Gerik, Joshua, L'Arachel, Tana, Vanessa
Starting Class: Sniper
Promoted Class: N/A
Weapons: Bows
Starting Stats: Level 4 [Pre-Promo] - HP: 29 Str: 15 Skl: 13 Spd: 15 Def: 11 Res: 9 Luck: 15 Mov: 6 Con: 9
Growth Rates: HP 70% Pow 40% Skl 40% Spd 45% Luc 45% Def 20% Res 25%
Rating: 7.0

Well he’s beaten at everything by Neimi apart from resistance and con and Neimi’s speed makes up for both of those. He’s really not worth it however his supports can be handy boosting some great units.


Acquired in: Chapter 16
Supports with: Dozla, Ephraim, Saleh
Starting Class: Manakete
Promoted Class: N/A
Weapons: Dragonstone (50 uses only)
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 15 Str: 13 Skl: 1 Spd: 5 Def: 2 Res: 7 Luck: 3 Mov: 5 Con: 5
Growth Rates: HP 130% Pow 90% Skl 85% Spd 65% Luc 30% Def 150% Res 30%
Rating: 8.5

Yup, I’m not joking, those are her actual growth rates. Now you’re asking why she only gets 8.5. Well the answer is her weapon, which not can only be used 50 times, and cannot be replaced, or repaired. This takes Myrrh down from the top spot as you have to use her conservatively. You would be crazy not to use her of course, however its not advisable to use her until Chapter 18, 19 and 20 to save that dragonstone.


Acquired in: Chapter 17
Supports with: Kyle, Gilliam, Moulder, Tana, Vanessa
Starting Class: Falco knight
Promoted Class: N/A
Weapons: Lances, Swords
Starting Stats: Level 1 [Pre-Promo] - HP: 27 Str: 10 Skl: 13 Spd: 15 Def: 8 Res: 10 Luck: 12 Mov: 8 Con: 7
Growth Rates: HP 70 Pow 40 Skl 50 Spd 60 Luc 30 Def 20 Res 50
Rating: 7.0

Comes too late to be of any real use however she is better than Vanessa, and can be the last Falco knight in the triangle. Better starting stats, or not being a Pre – Promo would make her pretty useful due to her resistance. She could be used as a magic killer.

Section 3: Items

With thanks to Chris Castiglione at GameFAQ’s

Sword ------ Level -- Range -- Weight -- Might -- Hit -- Critical
Rapier ------ Prf ----- 1 ----- 05 ------ 07 ---- 095 ----- 10
Sieglinde --- Prf ----- 1 ----- 09 ------ 16 ---- 090 ----- 00
Iron Sword --- E ------ 1 ----- 05 ------ 05 ---- 090 ----- 00
Slim Sword --- E ------ 1 ----- 02 ------ 03 ---- 100 ----- 05
Shadowkiller - E ------ 1 ----- 05 ------ 05 ---- 090 ----- 05
Steel Sword -- D ------ 1 ----- 10 ------ 08 ---- 075 ----- 00
Iron Blade --- D ------ 1 ----- 12 ------ 09 ---- 070 ----- 00
Poison Sword - D ------ 1 ----- 06 ------ 03 ---- 070 ----- 00
Zanbato ------ D ------ 1 ----- 11 ------ 06 ---- 085 ----- 00
Shamshir ----- D ------ 1 ----- 05 ------ 08 ---- 075 ----- 35
Armor Slayer - D ------ 1 ----- 11 ------ 08 ---- 080 ----- 00
Steel Blade -- C ------ 1 ----- 14 ------ 11 ---- 065 ----- 00
Killing Edge - C ------ 1 ----- 07 ------ 09 ---- 075 ----- 30
Wyrmslayer --- C ------ 1 ----- 05 ------ 08 ---- 075 ----- 00
Lancereaver -- C ------ 1 ----- 09 ------ 09 ---- 075 ----- 05
Light Brand -- C ----- 1-2 ---- 09 ------ 09 ---- 070 ----- 00
Wind Sword --- B ----- 1-2 ---- 09 ------ 09 ---- 070 ----- 00
Brave Sword -- B ------ 1 ----- 12 ------ 09 ---- 075 ----- 00
Silver Sword - A ------ 1 ----- 08 ------ 13 ---- 080 ----- 00
Silver Blade - A ------ 1 ----- 13 ------ 14 ---- 060 ----- 00
Rune Sword --- A ----- 1-2 ---- 11 ------ 12 ---- 065 ----- 00
Audhulma ----- S ------ 1 ----- 09 ------ 18 ---- 085 ----- 00

Lance -------- Level -- Range -- Weight -- Might -- Hit -- Critical
Reginleif ---- Prf ----- 1 ----- 08 ------ 10 ---- 080 ----- 10
Siegmund ----- Prf ----- 1 ----- 11 ------ 17 ---- 080 ----- 00
Iron Lance --- E ------ 1 ----- 08 ------ 07 ---- 080 ----- 00
Slim Lance --- E ------ 1 ----- 04 ------ 04 ---- 085 ----- 05
Javelin ------ E ----- 1-2 ---- 11 ------ 06 ---- 065 ----- 00
Bright Lance - E ------ 1 ----- 08 ------ 07 ---- 080 ----- 05
Toxic Lance -- E ------ 1 ----- 08 ------ 04 ---- 065 ----- 00
Heavy Spear -- D ------ 1 ----- 14 ------ 09 ---- 070 ----- 00
Steel Lance -- D ------ 1 ----- 13 ------ 10 ---- 070 ----- 00
Horseslayer -- D ------ 1 ----- 13 ------ 07 ---- 070 ----- 00
Short Spear -- C ----- 1-2 ---- 12 ------ 09 ---- 060 ----- 00
Killer Lance - C ------ 1 ----- 09 ------ 10 ---- 070 ----- 30
Axereaver ---- C ------ 1 ----- 11 ------ 10 ---- 070 ----- 05
Dragonspear -- C ------ 1 ----- 08 ------ 10 ---- 070 ----- 00
Spear -------- B ----- 1-2 ---- 10 ------ 12 ---- 070 ----- 05
Brave Lance -- B ------ 1 ----- 14 ------ 10 ---- 070 ----- 00
Silver Lance - A ------ 1 ----- 10 ------ 14 ---- 075 ----- 00
Vidofnir ----- S ------ 1 ----- 11 ------ 15 ---- 085 ----- 00

Axe -------- Level -- Range -- Weight -- Might -- Hit -- Critical
Iron Axe ----- E ------ 1 ----- 10 ------ 08 ---- 075 ----- 00
Steel Axe ---- E ------ 1 ----- 15 ------ 11 ---- 065 ----- 00
Devil Axe ---- E ------ 1 ----- 18 ------ 18 ---- 055 ----- 00
Hand Axe ----- E ----- 1-2 ---- 12 ------ 07 ---- 060 ----- 00
Hatchet ------ E ----- 1-2 ---- 05 ------ 04 ---- 085 ----- 00
Fiendcleaver - E ------ 1 ----- 10 ------ 08 ---- 075 ----- 05
Poison Axe --- D ------ 1 ----- 10 ------ 04 ---- 060 ----- 00
Halberd ------ D ------ 1 ----- 15 ------ 10 ---- 060 ----- 00
Hammer ------- D ------ 1 ----- 15 ------ 10 ---- 055 ----- 00
Killer Axe --- C ------ 1 ----- 11 ------ 11 ---- 065 ----- 30
Swordreaver -- C ------ 1 ----- 13 ------ 11 ---- 065 ----- 05
Swordslayer -- C ------ 1 ----- 13 ------ 11 ---- 080 ----- 05
Dragon Axe --- C ------ 1 ----- 11 ------ 12 ---- 060 ----- 00
Brave Axe ---- B ------ 1 ----- 16 ------ 10 ---- 065 ----- 00
Battle Axe --- B ------ 1 ----- 15 ------ 13 ---- 060 ----- 05
Tomahawk ----- A ----- 1-2 ---- 14 ------ 13 ---- 065 ----- 00
Silver Axe --- A ------ 1 ----- 12 ------ 15 ---- 070 ----- 00
Garm --------- S ------ 1 ----- 13 ------ 20 ---- 075 ----- 00

Bow --------- Level -- Range -- Weight -- Might -- Hit -- Critical
Iron Bow ------ E ------ 2 ----- 05 ------ 06 ---- 085 ----- 00
Ballista ------ E ---- 3-10 ---- 20 ------ 08 ---- 060 ----- 00
Iron Ballista - E ---- 3-15 ---- 20 ------ 13 ---- 060 ----- 00
KillrBallista - E ---- 3-10 ---- 20 ------ 12 ---- 065 ----- 10
Beacon Bow ---- E ------ 2 ----- 05 ------ 06 ---- 085 ----- 05
Short Bow ----- D ------ 2 ----- 03 ------ 05 ---- 085 ----- 10
Long Bow ------ D ---- 2-3 ----- 10 ------ 05 ---- 065 ----- 00
Steel Bow ----- D ------ 2 ----- 09 ------ 09 ---- 070 ----- 00
Poison Bow ---- D ------ 2 ----- 05 ------ 04 ---- 065 ----- 00
Killer Bow ---- C ------ 2 ----- 07 ------ 09 ---- 075 ----- 30
Brave Bow ----- B ------ 2 ----- 12 ------ 10 ---- 070 ----- 00
Silver Bow ---- A ------ 2 ----- 06 ------ 13 ---- 075 ----- 00
Nidhogg ------- S ------ 2 ----- 07 ------ 18 ---- 080 ----- 00

Anima Tome - Level -- Range -- Weight -- Might -- Hit -- Critical
Fire --------- E ----- 1-2 ---- 04 ------ 05 ---- 090 ----- 00
Thunder ------ D ----- 1-2 ---- 06 ------ 08 ---- 080 ----- 05
Elfire ------- C ----- 1-2 ---- 10 ------ 10 ---- 085 ----- 00
Bolting ------ B ----- 3-10 --- 20 ------ 12 ---- 060 ----- 00
Alacalibur --- B ----- 1-2 ---- 02 ------ 08 ---- 085 ----- 00
Fimbulvetr --- A ----- 1-2 ---- 12 ------ 13 ---- 080 ----- 00
Dummy -------- S ----- 1-2 ---- 11 ------ 14 ---- 085 ----- 05
Excalibur ---- S ----- 1-2 ---- 13 ------ 18 ---- 090 ----- 10

Light Tome - Level -- Range -- Weight -- Might -- Hit -- Critical
Lightning ---- E ----- 1-2 ---- 06 ------ 04 ---- 095 ----- 05
Shine -------- D ----- 1-2 ---- 08 ------ 06 ---- 090 ----- 08
Divine ------- C ----- 1-2 ---- 12 ------ 08 ---- 085 ----- 10
Dummy -------- B ----- 1-2 ---- 10 ------ 06 ---- 085 ----- 00
Purge -------- B ----- 3-10 --- 20 ------ 10 ---- 075 ----- 05
Aura --------- A ----- 1-2 ---- 15 ------ 12 ---- 085 ----- 15

Dark Tome -- Level -- Range -- Weight -- Might -- Hit -- Critical
Flux --------- D ----- 1-2 ---- 08 ------ 07 ---- 080 ----- 00
Luna --------- C ----- 1-2 ---- 12 ------ 00 ---- 050 ----- 10
Nosferatu ---- C ----- 1-2 ---- 14 ------ 10 ---- 070 ----- 00
Fenrir ------- A ----- 1-2 ---- 18 ------ 15 ---- 070 ----- 00
Naglfar ------ S ----- 1-2 ---- 18 ------ 25 ---- 095 ----- 00
Gleipnir ----- S ----- 1-2 ---- 20 ------ 23 ---- 080 ----- 00

Promotion Items
The Promotion Items, and where to find them. This is non essential really as you can buy them in secret shops. Save money with these.

Hero's Crest
1. Ch 10 Eirika's Route. Held by Gerik
2. Ch 10 Ephraim's Route. Inside a village
3. Ch 12 Ephraim's Route. Held by Gerik
4. Ch 14 Eirika's Route. Held by a Myrmidon
5. Ch 16. Held by a Hero/Warrior

Knight's Crest
1. Ch 7 Held by boss
2. Ch 10 Ephraim's Route. By saving Duessel's knights
3. Ch 13 Eirika's Route .Held by boss
4. Ch 14 Ephraim's Route. held by Vigarde
5. Ch 16 Found in chest

Orion's Bolt
1. Ch 6 By saving all the civilians

Elysian Whip
1. Ch 8 Found in a chest
2. Ch 10 Ephraim's Route. Held by Cormag
3. Ch 13 Eirika's Route. Held by Cormag

Guiding Ring
1. Ch 5 By saving all the villages
2. Ch 10 Eirika's Route. Held by boss
3. Ch 12 Ephraim's Route. Held by a Shaman
4. Ch 14 Eirika's Route. Found in a chest
5. Ch 14 Ephraim's Route. Found in a chest
6. Ch 15 Steal from a Shaman
7. Ch 17 Held by a Mage

Master Seal
1. Ch 15 Inside a village
2. Final Found in a chest

Ocean Seal
Ch 9 Eirika's Route. Held by a Pirate
Ch 9 Ephraim's Route. Found in a chest

Promotion Items for Eirika and Ephraim
Lunar Brace Ch 16 (if you choose not to Class-Change Eirika)
Solar Brace Ch 16 (if you choose not to Class-Change Ephraim)

Section 4: Skills


Click on it for the larger picture.

Section 5: Secret shop locations

Secret Shops are shops throughout several chapters that allow you to get several cool items, and they function just like normal shops. Just a bit pricier. They even sell some promotion items to promote your characters, and some of the best weapons in the game. In order to use these shops, you must find their secret location, and the character at the location must have a Member's Card. The Members card can be stolen from Rennac in Chapter 14, or you can recruit him to get it. Once you have it, all you have to do is go to the location and the option ''Secret'' will pop up. On these pictures, look for the moving unit (the unit that does not look likes its standing still)

With thanks to Tiena.

Chapter 14 Eirika’s Route


Chapter 14 Ephraim’s Route


Chapter 19
In this one, the red square is the secret shop for Ephraim’s Route and the Light blue square relates to Eirika’s Route.


And to help with the Desert items in Chapter 15 Scorched Sands.


Section 6: Shop Lists

Theses are the shop lists. I have made them into Excel Spreadsheets so they are easier to read. I have also made this topic more 56k friendly but posting several shops in each picture.


W only = World Map only
B only = Battle only

Ide, Serafew, Port Kiris

Caer Pelyn, Jehanna Hall, Bethroen

Taizel, Narube

Rausten Court

Secret Shops.
Here are the secret shop lists. The items that are world map only can only be accessed after the game.

Jehanna Hall Chap 14 Eirika

Grado Keep Chap 14 Ephraim

Rausten Court

Section 7: Promotion Tree

Thanks to meatwadn for finding this for me.


Section 8: Super Trainees

At some point during your game your going to be looking for other stuff to do apart from the main quest. Sacred stones is better than Fire Emblem 7 is this respect as there are random encounters and the Tower and Ruins. There is also the class of "Super Trainee" to play around with. Here is a guide to making your very own super trainee.

With thanks to Hawkrider who showed me how to do this.

To obtain this, you need to have beated both Eirika's and Ephraims paths. Meaning you can use them from your 3rd playthrough onwards.

Making a Super Trainee

When Ross reaches Level 10, this screen will appear after the battle. He will have an automatic promotion. You can choose the paths. The 3rd time you play (unless you chose the same path) You will also have the option of the trainees starting class again. In Ross's case - Journeyman.

Select Journeyman

Now Ross will be a level 1 Journeyman again, however this time he won't promote automactically at level 10 but will need a promotion item. In Ross's case, a Hero Crest. A Master seal will also work for all 3.

Again, select Journeyman.

And there we have it. Ross can't level up anymore as he acts just like a promoted unit. Super Journeyman is actually pretty bad however Ewans Super trainee class is worth it.

Super trainee's act just like promoted units, with caps above 20 and an ability. Journeyman gets a +15% critical bonus, Recruit also gets a +15% critical bonus and the Pupil gets to use Light and Dark magic (in addition to Anima magic).

God this took ages [face_tired] Please dont flame me for anything thats written here. I don't feel up for it...

If you see any mistakes. Tell me. Anything to add email me on

Thanks. .Morning-Star. [face_peace]

A big thanks to Eliwood for helping me completing some of the character guides

Originally posted: Prototype909

The Fire Emblem – Path of Radiance FAQ

This is the same as the other FAQ’s (Done by Brian and Morning respectively). This FAQ will just be a simple guide to the characters, weapon information and skills in Path of Radiance.

I - Frequently Asked Questions

II - Character Guide

III - Character recruitment

IV- Weapon guide, Items

V - Skills

VI – Map info (Desert item locations)

I – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does this games difficulty hold up to Fire Emblem 7 and 8’s difficulty?

A: Path of Radiance should be a enjoyable experience for people who have played Fire Emblem 7 and 8, though it probably won’t be as tough for those who have beaten HHM in Fire Emblem 7 it still presents a challenge in its own right while not being too hard so for new players who were introduced to the series by Fire Emblem 8.

Q: I hear that the arena and Tower of Valni are not in Path of Radiance. Is this true?

A: Yes it is true that there are no arena’s in Path of Radiance, nor is the Tower of Valni. However instead of that we now have bonus experience which will be rewarded at the end of each mission. This makes the game much easier and safer than the having to risk your units in the arena.

Q: What are these Laguz units and how do they fight?

A: The Laguz are a new unit in Fire Emblem, they are essentially humanoids who transform into different animals, which are cats, tigers, ravens, hawks and dragons. The all have very strong stats and growths which are added upon when they transform. But there is a catch. Laguz units each have a gauge which must fill up before they transform, when not transformed they are unable to fight and are defenseless.

Q: I keep trying to fight the Black Knight but I can’t even damage him. What’s up with this?

A: Frankly it is impossible to beat the Black Knight until a certain story event allows other wise. The best thing you can do if you see the Black Knight is run; none of your units will stand a chance against him.

Q: What are skills in this game?

A: Skills in Path of Radiance are given to a unit when you get a skill scroll which will have a name like “Gamble” or “Occult”. These scrolls give units special abilities that activate in battles. They can give significant advantages. Other skills make you gain more exp in a battle.

Q: What level do units promote?

A: Units can promote as soon as they hit level 10 with the help of a master seal. This is not recommended though as they will miss out on stat gains. Also units auto promote once they get 100 more experience points at level 20.

Q: Ike, Volke and Sothe are all level 20 but they won’t promote, why is this happening?

A: Ike and Volke promote as a result of story events so make sure they are level 20 as soon as possible. As for Sothe he bluntly never promotes in Path of Radiance.

Q: I removed a skill and I can’t find the scroll, where is it?

A: Once a skill is removed it is gone forever. This is very important when you are giving an occult scroll to someone since they are rare.

Q: What do Supports do?

A: Supports are between two units, they are three conversations with three different levels; C, B and A. The supports grant bonuses between the two units when they are within 3 spaces of each other. C has the weakest bonus and A is the strongest. Unlike previous Fire Emblems instead of having a conversation after a select number of turns after the units are next to each other, supports in this game trigger after a select number of battles in which the two units are present together.

Q: Are Marth and Roy in this game?

A: No.

II - Character Guide

ClassRanger --> Lord
Skill Points - 20/20
Master Skill: Aether
Growth Rates
HP: 75% Speed: 55%
Strength: 50% Defense: 40%
Magic: 20% Resistance: 40%
Skill: 50% Luck: 35%
Base Stats
Level: 1
HP: 19 Speed: 7
Strength: 5 Defense: 5
Magic: 1 Resistance: 0
Skill: 6 Luck: 6
Stat Caps
HP: 60 Speed: 28
Strength: 26 Defense: 24
Magic: 20 Resistance: 22
Skill: 27 Luck: 40
Titania, Oscar, Soren, Lethe, Reyson, Ranulf, Elincia
Rating 10/10
My impressions
Ike is one of the best lords in Fire Emblem history, ranking up there with Hector of Fire Emblem 7 and Sigurd of Fire Emblem 4. His growth is superb and he is likely to max strength, speed and skill and come close to capping everything else (Luck aside). This coupled with his Occult skill Aether which is the strongest skill in the game and his ultimate weapon Ragnell which is the strongest weapon in the game (It also has infinite uses and a ranged attack). This makes him unstoppable at higher levels. They sure gave you a beast of a main character in Path of Radiance.

Counter - 10
Skill Points - 10/20
Master Skill: Sol
Growth Rates
HP: 80% Speed: 50%
Strength: 45% Defense: 40%
Magic: 25% Resistance: 45%
Skill: 60% Luck: 45%
Base Stats
Level: 1
HP: 33 Speed: 14
Strength: 12 Defense: 11
Magic: 4 Resistance: 7
Skill: 13 Luck: 11
Stat Caps
HP: 60 Speed: 27
Strength: 25 Defense: 27
Magic: 20 Resistance: 26
Skill: 26 Luck: 40
Ike, Boyd, Rhys, Mist
Rating 7.5/10
My impressions
Titania is the Jeigan or starting promoted unit of Path of Radiance. Though far superior to previous Jeigans and on par with Jeigans like Seth she still suffers from the same problems that other Jeigans face, namely poor growth and hogging experience early on. However Titania can be properly used half way through the game where she will no longer hog your experience. She also is useful for guarding and transporting units early on, or being used as a meat shield.

ClassFighter --> Warrior
Tempest - 5
Skill Points - 15/20
Master Skill: Colossus
Growth Rates
HP: 75% Speed: 45%
Strength: 60% Defense: 25%
Magic: 5% Resistance: 25%
Skill: 50% Luck: 35%
Base Stats
Level: 2
HP: 30 Speed: 6
Strength: 7 Defense: 5
Magic: 0 Resistance: 0
Skill: 4 Luck: 4
Stat Caps
HP: 60 Speed: 27
Strength: 30 Defense: 25
Magic: 20 Resistance: 20
Skill: 28 Luck: 40
Supports Titania, Mist, Brom, Ulki
Rating 8/10
My impressions
As the only warrior in Path of Radiance Boyd does his job of filling the high damage early on part of your team. However he suffers from dreadfully low Defense and Resistance. So it would be best to load him up on healing items. His skill is okay but with some of the less accurate axes he will hardly ever get in a hit. He also can dodge well enough to make up for his defense but don't take it for granted, one wrong move and Boyd is toast.

ClassLance Knight --> Paladin
Skill Points - 15/15
Master Skill: Sol
Growth Rates
HP: 55% Speed: 45%
Strength: 45% Defense: 35%
Magic: 20% Resistance: 30%
Skill: 50% Luck: 30%
Base Stats
Level: 3
HP: 26 Speed: 7
Strength: 6 Defense: 8
Magic: 1 Resistance: 0
Skill: 6 Luck: 5
Stat Caps
HP: 60 Speed: 27
Strength: 26 Defense: 27
Magic: 20 Resistance: 25
Skill: 26 Luck: 40
Supports Ike, Kieran, Tanith, Janaff
Rating 9/10
My impressions
Oscar is probably the best of the Paladin candidates in Path of Radiance as he is well rounded in almost every stat. He also starts out using lances making him your only unit with that weapon ability for quite awhile. He starts out with very well rounded base stats and those are reinforced by his growths. Oscar is suited for almost any job whether it’s guarding your weaker units or being on the front line fighting. I recommend replacing Titania with him once Oscar reaches higher levels.

Class Priest --> Bishop
Serenity - 5
Skill Points - 15/20
Master Skill: Flare
Growth Rates
HP: 40% Speed: 40%
Strength: 5% Defense: 25%
Magic: 60% Resistance: 55%
Skill: 50% Luck: 50%
Base Stats
Level: 4
HP: 20 Speed: 4
Strength: 0 Defense: 0
Magic: 8 Resistance: 12
Skill: 7 Luck: 6
Stat Caps
HP: 60 Speed: 25
Strength: 15 Defense: 20
Magic: 29 Resistance: 30
Skill: 22 Luck: 40
Supports Titania, Mia, Rolf, Kieran, Ulki
Rating 7/10
My impressions
Rhys is the only light magic user on your team as well as the only priest and to put it bluntly he isn't too great. Though his growths are good and staff ability is useful early on he has trouble using the heavier and stronger Light magic due to the weight of the tomes. His resistance is great though making him great magic bait. His magic, skill and speed are all great though making him able to fight on the front lines later in the game, though with that low defense it’s a gamble.

Class Sniper
Provoke - 5
Skill Points - 20/25
Master Skill: Deadeye
Growth Rates
HP: 75% Speed: 65%
Strength: 65% Defense: 50%
Magic: 20% Resistance: 40%
Skill: 70% Luck: 35%
Base Stats
Level: 1
HP: 32 Speed: 13
Strength: 9 Defense: 9
Magic: 6 Resistance: 6
Skill: 15 Luck: 9
Stat Caps
HP: 60 Speed: 28
Strength: 25 Defense: 25
Magic: 20 Resistance: 23
Skill: 30 Luck: 40
Supports Gatrie, Rolf, Janaff
Rating 6/10
My impressions
Shinon starts out promoted as a Sniper, though he has stats comparable to a low level archer. His growths are good enough but he leaves your team for about half the game and when he comes back he's the same as when he left. And by then if you had decided to use Rolf he would way beyond Shinon. Also it’s a real pain getting Shinon back on your team. Early on he is a great asset, but later on all of your other units should have left him behind in the dust stat wise.

Class Knight --> General
Skill Points - 20/20
Master Skill: Luna
Growth Rates
HP: 80% Speed: 25%
Strength: 55% Defense: 60%
Magic: 5% Resistance: 30%
Skill: 55% Luck: 25%
Base Stats
Level: 9
HP: 31 Speed: 5
Strength: 12 Defense: 14
Magic: 0 Resistance: 0
Skill: 6 Luck: 5
Stat Caps
HP: 60 Speed: 24
Strength: 29 Defense: 30
Magic: 20 Resistance: 25
Skill: 27 Luck: 40
Supports Shinon, Ilyana, Marcia, Astrid
Rating 8/10
My impressions
Gatrie is the first of three generals to join your team. He starts out unpromoted but at level nine, this however does not hinder him in any way stat wise. Though like Shinon he leaves your team at chapter seven he joins back up much earlier leaving him more time to level up. And if you decide to do that you will not be disappointed. Gatrie is a walking tank with high defense, strength and skill. His resistance is pretty high for a knight but what really hurts him is his speed. If you want a character to take very little damage but still dish out a bunch Gatrie is for you.

Class Mage --> Sage
Adept - 10
Skill Points - 10/20
Master Skill: Flare
Growth Rates
HP: 45% Speed: 40%
Strength: 5% Defense: 15%
Magic: 60% Resistance: 55%
Skill: 55% Luck: 30%
Base Stats
Level: 1
HP: 18 Speed: 8
Strength: 0 Defense: 2
Magic: 6 Resistance: 7
Skill: 8 Luck: 5
Stat Caps
HP: 60 Speed: 28
Strength: 15 Defense: 20
Magic: 30 Resistance: 28
Skill: 28 Luck: 40
Supports Ike, Stefan
Rating 10/10
My impressions
Here we have the unit who is probably the undisputed best mage in Path of Radiance. With his high magic, skill and resistance he will be perfect early on for taking out knights and other mages. He suffers from low HP so it wouldn't be a bad idea to give him an HP boosting item. Early on he is quite hard to raise so I would also recommend giving him bonus experience. Once Soren gets going and his magic starts to sky rocket he a magic tank and will take down most enemies with one or two blows. However try to keep him under guard as his defense sucks.

Class Myrmidon --> Swordmaster
Vantage - 10
Skill Points - 10/20
Master Skill: Astra
Growth Rates
HP: 50% Speed: 60%
Strength: 40% Defense: 20%
Magic: 30% Resistance: 25%
Skill: 45% Luck: 45%
Base Stats
Level: 6
HP: 21 Speed: 13
Strength: 7 Defense: 7
Magic: 0 Resistance: 2
Skill: 10 Luck: 6
Stat Caps
HP: 60 Speed: 30
Strength: 22 Defense: 22
Magic: 20 Resistance: 25
Skill: 29 Luck: 40
Supports Rhys, Ilyana, Largo
Rating 8/10
My impressions
Mia is probably the best myrmidon/sword master in Path of Radiance. Her skill vantage makes her one of your most useful units right off the bat as well as her high speed growth which ensures her to double attack with ease. Her strength isn't bad so she has the potential to reach that cap. She suffers from low resistance and defense but she should dodge most of the attacks that come at her so there isn't any real need to worry, Mia is definitely a front line fighter.

Class Mage --> Sage
Shade - 5
Skill Points - 15/20
Master Skill: Flare
Growth Rates
HP: 45% Speed: 30%
Strength: 25% Defense: 15%
Magic: 50% Resistance: 50%
Skill: 45% Luck: 45%
Base Stats
Level: 6
HP: 20 Speed: 9
Strength: 1 Defense: 3
Magic: 8 Resistance: 10
Skill: 10 Luck: 6
Stat Caps
HP: 60 Speed: 28
Strength: 15 Defense: 20
Magic: 30 Resistance: 28
Skill: 28 Luck: 40
Supports Gatrie, Mia, Mordecai, Zihark, Lucia
Rating 7/10
My impressions
The second mage you get, and she isn't that great. Her stats are mediocre (Though not so bad that she is a terrible unit). Soren outclasses her in almost everything making him a better unit. And since you get him earlier than her and have probably already leveled him up at this point there really is no need to use her at all.

Class Archer --> Sniper
Skill Points - 20/20
Master Skill: Deadeye
Growth Rates
HP: 60% Speed: 50%
Strength: 40% Defense: 30%
Magic: 20% Resistance: 25%
Skill: 45% Luck: 40%
Base Stats
Level: 1
HP: 18 Speed: 6
Strength: 5 Defense: 6
Magic: 0 Resistance: 2
Skill: 8 Luck: 4
Stat Caps
HP: 60 Speed: 28
Strength: 25 Defense: 25
Magic: 20 Resistance: 23
Skill: 30 Luck: 40
Supports Rhys, Shinon, Mist, Marcia, Tauroneo
Rating 8/10
My impressions
The better of the two archers Rolf may not look like much but he is one of the better units in PoR. He comes at level one though so you should chuck your bonus exp at him until he is able to fight. His growths aren't as good as Shinons but he is able to level up more making him have the chance to get more stat gains thus becoming a better unit with more potential.

Class Cleric --> Valkyrie
Miracle - 5
Skill Points - 15/20
Master Skill: Sol
Growth Rates
HP: 50% Speed: 40%
Strength: 35% Defense: 15%
Jun 6, 2005
This post is left to prevent the thread from auto locking. Please don't spam the thread, use the CT for that. Feel free to post any questions/suggestions/additions to the thread though. [face_peace]


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I don't know if Star was going to make one of these, but here is the link to the stone glitch thread:

[link=]My FE glitch mini-FAQ[/link]


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Just make Tethys Dance and in one turn you can kill the entombed boss in Valni which always gives you atleast 50 exp. I had all my units (including tethys) up to the max level in about 1 or 2 hours. With people who have 5 move you need to use a ranged weapon.

~faster way to level up before you beat the game


Almost Not a Noob
May 25, 2005

Acquired in: Chapter 10Ek, 13Ep
Supports with: Innes, Joshua, Marisa, Ross, Saleh, Tethys
Starting Class:Mercenary
Promoted Class: Hero or Ranger
Weapons: Swords, Axes, Bows
Starting Stats: Level 10 - HP: 32 Str: 14 Skl: 13 Spd: 13 Def: 10 Res: 4 Luck: 8 Mov: 5 Con: 11
Growth Rates: HP 90% Pow 45% Skl 40% Spd 30% Luc 30% Def 35% Res 25%

Wow. Just wow. This guy seems almost too perfect. The only Mercenary in the game, and in my opinion the only worthy Hero in the game. A higher strength cap and more speed, and he would be amazing. Great con, and HP is amazing. In 3 words? Better than Raven.

[face_dancing] Morningstar luvs me.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011

Restore any item to new condition.

Use the Control Enemy glitch to have a monster with a flashing green "spoils" item in its inventory take the item you want restored from Supply. After making sure that your item is on the bottom of the list and is flashing green as if it were spoils, kill that monster. The monster will drop your item, however it will be totally new.This trick can also be used on gorgon eggs, but the first item on the list will dissapear, and you must trade with them again after they hatch to regain the item. This glitch can even restore the Dragonstone.

from gamefaqs


The TotA whore
Sep 11, 2002
[blockquote][link=].Morning-Star.[/link] posted on 10/2/05 5:06am
Write your own FAQ's then sworddestroyer and hhafiz. I couldn't care less if you disagree with my ratings.
Hey hey, maybe you had a much better time with her than I did. I didn't mean for my comment to be hostile or anything, so just chill, k? [face_raised_brow] [face_peace]
Jun 6, 2005
Well I think I can leave safe in the knowledge that I left my mark here. Im not going to make an attention whore topic saying im leaving. It's pointless, plus there are enough spam PoR topics to be doing with.
Reasons for leaving include not owning PoR, being addicted to myspace. Damn mypsace. And just being bored with the entire thing now. Bye to those who read this [face_hugs]

The people worthy of a mention in my leaving, uh, post [face_tongue] are: Bass, n1, Ninja, Raven, Zero Hero, Hater, Hawk & Cog, Sain, Lyndis, meat, Sam, Sosken, Inune, Smiley, Blink and Tiger (Il check back if he ever gets the awards up)


Upon reading through this, i recognise the fact that I am an attention whore, or I needn't have made a post to say im leaving. Screw it. "READ THIS!!!1!!!1!"
Aug 13, 2005
I think it was Ninja's. I can't tell you how ofter people have said goodbye and never left. However, you do not seem like the type of person who would do that. If you leave, goodbye, I'll miss you. If you're not, See you next week.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
>> I think it was Ninja's. I can't tell you how ofter people have said goodbye and never left. However, you do not seem like the type of person who would do that. If you leave, goodbye, I'll miss you. If you're not, See you next week.<<

bad boy [face_shame_on_you]

and what are blabing about star i hope u´re not for real [face_mischief], .......... who cares u still got MSN [face_tongue]
Dec 18, 2004
I'm new to this board and I thought I'd post this in the FAQ instead a thread. So here goes...

Right after I beat Eirika's tale I thought I'd start Ephraim's tale. I don't know what happened but my units are now moving at a strange rate on the battle field. Sometimes they move normal, sometimes fast, sometimes fast then normal. On the Options menu, it's set to normal. I was wondering if this is a well known problem and if it's fixable. Any help is appreciated...


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
When the units move,do you push a the button? thats probaly the cause,units move fast when you have the a button pushed.
Dec 18, 2004
I don't think so...but maybe I'm pressing the A button too long? I'll check it out, I'm playing now. If that's the case I suppose I'll WUL you.

EDIT: No, I'm only tapping it and it goes too fast. I hope water didn't get in the buttons... [face_worried]

EDIT: No, I tried pressing the A button for the whole movement and they traveled faster than the speed they usually went. So I'm guessing it's a glitch with the settings.
Nov 3, 2002
you mean when you just dierct them to a different point of the map and sometimes they go fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes a mix of both?

dont worry about it. that happens to me in FE7. it wont hurt anything.



Dec 14, 2005
Help!!!! I can't get past Level 3 in the Tower of Valni. After I defeat the Boss on Level 3 I get kicked out of the Tower. The option to continue to Level 4 does not appear. How do I continue onto Level 4? Thankx - larry


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
larrygrey said:
Help!!!! I can't get past Level 3 in the Tower of Valni. After I defeat the Boss on Level 3 I get kicked out of the Tower. The option to continue to Level 4 does not appear. How do I continue onto Level 4? Thankx - larry

In order to get to the 4th floor, You to progress deeper into the game, such as completing more chapters.
Jul 21, 2005
hmm i think u need to get further and who did u pick eirika or empraim? (i lost my fe8 so pissed off) i like eirika for the fact that the story is kinda easier and more fun like when u find out joshua is a prynce brinzy plz get on msn i need big help with 26x i beat it but lost pent nd louise but saved it in empty file so yeah


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I bring everybody out of his attack range, then he will summon some guys...Kill them off with weaker units then swarm him. I finish him off in one turn.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
He is the easyest boss in the whole game...I found the first boss harder.

What difficulty are you on?


Well, I fail.
Jul 7, 2005

Second turn, MURK HIM.



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
^^To add^^

He summons some monsters on his first turn so they might get in your way. Kill them with weaker units.


Dec 28, 2004
Q: What are the Scared Twins, and how do I obtain them?

Yeah, what are the Scared Twins? Buddha and Nintendo?
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