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Apr 27, 2008

1. I own a PS2, with over 30 games, so you contradict your entire comment..

2. All FF's receive close to perfect scores due to the fact that the franchise is just well known.. imagine if they rated a FF game a low score. How do you think that would make the fanbase feel?

3. Wrong again, Tales of Vesperia has already sold around over 200,000 copies, and over 100,000 360's in Japan, not to mention the 360's sales are sitting around 7k now, which is only 3k less than the PS3.

4. We're not comparing the PS2 here, but I know that the PS3 fails in all categories, so I cant blame you..

5. Famitsu is Japan related.. they gave Halo 3 almost a perfect score, do you approve? Persona 3 didn't exactly get a high score on IGN, so I don't know WHERE you got that.. but knowing you, you'll try and twist the Playstation to your favor by mentioning some consumer that said it was good hah. Oh look! Mass Effect is a WRPG, and it did BETTER than that JRPG.. something is a little wrong there =/. Anyways, there hasn't been 1 PS3 JRPG (rofl, because there really aren't any) that has done better than Persona 3 FES.

6. Final Fantasy XII sucked.. don't kid yourself. We know you bleed Playstation, but anyone with half a mind could agree that FFXII blew.

7. If 'Play' is so good, why is it not used for major reviews.. because I haven't seen that brand pop up anywhere lately.

8. I just love saying this; You fail.
Sep 22, 2007
Gamespot review also released. They are like the 5th reviewers to say its the best JRPG on the 360 so far. Or maybe its this year?


Apr 27, 2008
"Tales of Vesperia is the best game yet in the series, and a beautiful and entertaining RPG in its own right."

- Gamespot, 8.5/10



Prime Member
Nov 26, 2006

I Completely agree that FF12 was a big let down, I also agree that Baph files away at every Mag and gaming site till he finally sees the one review he can us to prove his point. But I have to disagree with you on Persona it was also noted as one of the best RPGs in recent years, and I believe it's lack of sells(compared to higher profile games) was do to the fact that ATLUS never makes a huge push to get coverage on there games. I also believe PLAY Mag is a great source for RPG reviews, the reason you no longer see there scores is because they stopped rating games. I find them to be very reliable, and aside from Joe's reviews in Game Informer they are the only ones that can sometimes sway me to or not to get a game. Sorry for the long post, but we both agree that Baph is a moron and should just do himself a favor and work a week or two then buy a XBOX360.


Apr 27, 2008
Oh and uhh Baph.. Castle Crashers is a RPG, and it scored a 9.. soooo.. seems the 360 already did score higher than Persona 3 FES.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
2coppers, what are you talking about? Most people who liked FF7 liked FF12. FF7 was amazing; it's more likely the FF8/FF9 crowd, and those you can yell at, as FF9 was okay but not great, and FF8 was crap, and FF8 kiddies believe it's the only one with good characters and music and plot and all that which it has none of.

I wouldn't mind playing this game, but I haven't played any other Tales game yet.


May 12, 2007
I played ES (Enternal Sonata) and it was a decent but way too cheesy in a Disney type of way. That game was aimed at young kids, and was down right annoying to play at times with the general feel of that game. Sure it sort of hit the spot for a RPG craving I had at the time, but after I beat it I felt bored and let down by how the story never picked up and how it stayed child-like to the bitter end. So does anyone know if it better than ES and not make you feel silly for playing a game geared for 10 yr olds?


Apr 27, 2008
That's like saying Too Human wasn't an RPG because it's combat was fast =/.. Castle Crashers has a ton of RPG elements to it.. things like leveling up from 1-99, obtaining over 40 different kinds of weapons, etc.
Jul 22, 2008
Bad Antix, I was a bit skeptical before I began to play Tales of Symphonia, on the Game Cube. It looked like a kid's game. But once I had a friend talk me into it, I was hooked. I beat that game about 4 times, and still complete pieces of the game that I didn't get to the previous times. It's one of the only games in my life that I ever finished (especially more than once). I like that it is not turn based, and that the story took interesting turns. I hardly noticed the "kiddie" graphics after a while. I have been very excited about Tales of Vesperia, and as soon as I get out of work, I'll be playing my copy!


Sep 3, 2007
lol to all the people who think lost oddesy or how ever the hell you spell it is a great game.Now im not saying tht it was bad it was just mediocre at best alot better thn blue dragon but not as good as alot of other jrpgs out there. It essentially like all the rpg cliches got together had a party and had a massive orgy and the result was the completly sub-par lost oddessy. as for eternal sonata havent played it so i cant say anything about it


Sep 3, 2007
whoa whoa whoa baph ff 12 was great and alll but not the greatest rpg on earth no where near in fact adn as much as your going to deny it final fantasy does not have the greatest rpg on earth, tht title imho belong to a three way tie super mario rpg, the shin megami tensei series, and the shadow heart series.


Aug 23, 2006
why are you guys bashing FF12 so much? it's not a great game but it's not terrible either. It had its ups and downs but its biggest let down is the story in my can have all these cool characters and weapons but without a story a game is nothing. That is what FF12 lacked but it took a different direction than what we're all used to.

On another note..I've never played a Tales game before but after reading all of your comments I think I'm going to give this game a chance. Someone in an earlier post said something about them avoiding it because it looked childish and that's what I always thought to. I'm going to give this game a chance but if I'm disappointed I'm going to be back here and flame all of you..haha jk. I'm sure I'll end up liking the game.
Aug 28, 2008
I picked this up today. I'm about five hours into it and I freakin' love it. It's like playing a cartoon (art-wise, not story-wise). It may not be edgy or controversial, but so far it seems tuned toward people who grew up playing SNES RPGs. The battle system is near-perfect, the voice acting is spot-on and it's really just all-around fun to play. Great game so far!


Sep 3, 2007
why are gamers so afraid of change i think tht the main reason alot of ff fans didnt like 12 because it was different. No wonder developers are afriad to make an original idea because it most likely wont sell(except in the case of portal but you think it would have sold as a stand alone game?).


May 12, 2007
@ Ed forced one

Wait a sec, I didn’t say that the graphics in E.S. were child like (it did bother me that no what whatever new equipment they got didn't change on the character i hope Tales isn't like that) or do I think that cell graphics are child like as a matter of fact I LIKE cell shaded games. If anyone played XIII, that was one of my fav shooters on the p2 and Xbox. What I meant was the general feel of E.S., was very child like… I’m thinking you didn’t play it b/c if you did you would know exactly what I mean. When I say Disney, I mean that in the words used and humor involed along with the story. I don’t play RPG’s for graphics I always play them for the story. So guys any other verdicts on this game?
Aug 28, 2008
@BadAntix like E.S. Not one of the best games I've played, but I enjoyed it for what it was worth.

Now, onto the matter of Tales of Vesperia disappointed.
Aug 28, 2008
@BadAntix: Yeah, Eternal Sonata kinda felt that way to me. When I look back on it, the core of the game was "child-like" in essence. The graphics were beautiful, though. There wasn't much adventuring you could do, and that sorta saddened me, but I did like E.S. Not one of the best games I've played, but I enjoyed it for what it was worth.

Now, onto the matter of Tales of Vesperia... I received my copy last night, and I tell you, I couldn't put the damn game down. I don't know how much it means coming from me, but this game is pure win. So far, the characters are charming, the graphics are gorgeous (although the environments could stand to be a bit more detailed), and the battle-system couldn't be any more fun than it is. From the minute I turned this game on and watched the opening sequence, I knew this one was gonna be somethin' special. So far, I'm honestly not disappointed.

(Sorry there were two posts, couldn't figure things out. First time posting on IGN.)


May 12, 2007
@ Yume

Yes E.S. was something I will never play again since I did beat it, but not just b/c I beat it but it fed my hunger for a RPG at the time I wanted one. It was a like you said “ok for what it was worth” it was nothing special and nothing great. Sort of like an old Honda civic nothing great but gave you what you needed at the time IE transportation….. and E.S.gave me, my RPG fix. Enough about that … I just wanted to know if Tales out-classed E.S.

Tales sounds like a keeper eh, and from what you said I think I’ll go pick it up tonight, but I think I will rent it first and not b/c I don’t trust your review but I burned threw E.S. in about a week and half.I’ve been told this game is going to be longer, but you just never know I might burn threw it in a rent or two. Or maybe after the first rent I’ll know if I want to buy it or not. I was pleased with the demo and that’s actually what gave me my RPG craving that originally led me to E.S. since it had similar combat instead of turn based. Thanks for your response! And don’t worry about double posting this is only my third post.
Aug 28, 2008
First off, thanks a bunch BadAntix, for making me feel welcome here. You didn't chop my head off for being a newbie (people on the internet can be VERY cruel these days).

Yeah, I perfectly understand your wish to rent it first. Eternal Sonata wasn't a long game, although Tales games in general are usually long in comparison. By the way, I thought Eternal Sonata's whole take on LIGHT and DARK during battle was pretty nice. But alas, I found E.S. to merely stand as a fill-in game until something better came around. And boy, something DID. I think I'll be clutching my 360 controller for awhile yet.

I read a review where the person said that Tales of Vesperia is what Tales of the Abyss SHOULD have been. I'm starting to believe that more and more as I progress through the game. Tales of the Abyss was by no means a bad game: It was wonderful. However, the big difference between Yuri (ToV) and Luke (ToA) is that Yuri is a much more likable guy right from the start of the game. Estelle gave me Colette (Tales of Symphonia) vibes when she first entered the scene, but she's got a spark of her own that I really, really like.

And about the battle-system: Yeah, there is button-mashing. But if all you DO is button-mash, there is no fun in that. The awesome thing about Tales is that you can mix it up with special techniques and feel like a bad-ass when all your flashy moves aren't just for show. I haven't given up on turn-based, but there's just so much enjoyment behind beating awkward-looking creatures to a bloody-pulp. And another note, Tales' currency isn't GOLD. No, my friend, it's GALD.

My apologies for this being so long. I wanted to express myself, and this is how I could do it.


May 12, 2007
I’m not going to go into detail with what it took to find this game, I don’t have a clue why I couldn’t find it anywhere here in Idaho, but I finally found it and I know I said I was only going to rent it but it was so hard to find that my only option was to buy it. And I must say this game worth a lot more than the 8.2 score IGN gave it. E.S. is no where near as good as this game and IGN gave it E.S. a 8.3, the only thing that is even similar is the graphics and that is it. So far I would give it a 8.8 or so. I’m very happy with my purchase as of yet.


Jun 11, 2005
The characters are so much more likable in this. While Estelle definitely gives off that Coletteness from symphonia, she at least has some reason to it, and its not just totally idealistic drivel and annoying hand gestures randomly without dialogue to accompany it. I did love symphonia btw but damn is Lloyd and Collete just the most simple and one-tracked minded characters around.

While i wish the score was a bit higher, it's really irrelevant, amazing game so far and I just see it getting better.
Apr 2, 2008
i was looking at purchasing a 360 for this game and infinite discovery seen as the ps3 hasn't really brought anything out of late that's worth buying, Also the fact that gears of war 2 is imminent. I went to get a 360 on the 29th and lone behold the game isn't actually out yet in the UK stupid Asian gays and there will make you wait a year for the same game.

Also fun times in the post before hand specifically the ranting about scores i'm abit curious how that actually presents a positive comment for gamers looking to buy the game.

One thing about the whole situation IGN is here to give there opinion on games, there not the best players in the world and there not the worst there hardcore gamers who have a pretty decent opinion and sometimes your going to agree with them and sometimes your not, just buy the game an find out for yourself whether it pwns or not simple, also i'm a ps3 fan boy but i want a 360 cause the best world to live in is both worlds.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 17, 2008
Lol, you childish idiots. There is no "right", "wrong" or "best game". Stupid critics don't dictate a damn thing. Personal preference is the largest variable known to mankind when it comes to entertainment, thus disabling the ability to have a solid global fact.

Baph, you're just about the saddest person I have ever met on the internet. I've seen flamers, trolls and what not in my day, and even they do respectful things now and then. There is simply nothing to respect about you, and that comes from an actual adult male (before you throw in some retarded comment that I wouldn't know because I wasn't born before the 90s). I hope that metacritic will post one day that you need to grow up, seeing as you take everything else they say as religion.

FF12, in my opinion was a good game, but in no way the best ever. It was too short, the story was balls and the gameplay got tedious. I felt like I was playing a console version of WoW, which is a very, very bad thing. I think Xenogears is still the best RPG ever, but someone else might think otherwise. I don't go sitting here yelling at him/her for not sharing my opinion. That's childish and retarded.

Get over it. Buy both systems and enjoy all the top games in the world. If you can't afford both, then at least be a respectful person and allow the ones that DO have the other console to enjoy their games. Don't hate on things just because you can't have it - we did that in kindergarten, and those times are long gone, I hope.
Sep 2, 2005
crucial gaeltanas, Xenogears is probably my favorite RPG as well. I'm about 12 hours into this game now and I gotta say its shaping up to be pretty epic, I'm liking it alot. Then again I'm a hardcore tales of fan so I like most of the tales games.


Jan 17, 2003
to be honest i really didnt like the demo of this game. but now that i've played roughly 8 hours into it, i've changed my mind about it. this is my first Tales game i've really got into and must say i'm enjoying it alot.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 21, 2002
Does anyone get vibration in their controllers during gameplay? The menu clearly shows that the game has vibration support with ON/OFF display. But throughout gameplay, I haven't gotten any vibration through the controller. I was thinking my game was defective.
Sep 1, 2008
this is one of the best RPGS yet, i'm enjoy the storyline and the battle system especially the FATAL STRIKE MOVE, i'm about 29 hours into the game.
Sep 2, 2005
About 20 hours in and gotta say, this game is extremely epic. I'm lovin the story almost as much as Symphonia (my favorite tales of game), and the main character is actually pretty likeable from the very beginning which is rare in a tales of game.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 21, 2002
About 20 hours in and gotta say, this game is extremely epic. I'm lovin the story almost as much as Symphonia (my favorite tales of game), and the main character is actually pretty likeable from the very beginning which is rare in a tales of game.

Do you get vibration during gameplay? I'm thinking my shit is defective since I've gotten 0 rumble from my controller since the start of the story.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 12, 2003
I'm about 5 hours in and I'm really loving this game as well. The characters are just well done and it there are certain parts that just grab you emotionally. Great game. I'd personally rate this a 9.

Honestly it's so hard to have so little time when I'm really enjoying both this and Infinite Undiscovery.


Original poster
Ok, so I just started playing the game last night. I was pretty tired so I could only play for 30 mins which didn't get me anywhere. One of my first fears it seems may be true for this game.

When you get new cloths or armor...It doesn't show visually on the character does it? I got some new armor for my main dude and it doesn't show. I was scared that since this game is cell shaded and probably uses a more primative 3d engine (even though it looks clean with the cell shading) that it doesn't incorporate what more realistic 3d games would do, swapping of characters outer shells for different configurations of clothing and armor.

I really hope that one of you guys tells me i'm wrong and that the armor and shit looks different as you progress in the game. In the current generation of would be a travesty to have what has been said (by many of fellow gamers) about Tales of Vesperia being a great RPG.


Nov 26, 2007
I'm a newcomer to the Tales series (I know, I should be beaten and crucified), but I have played every recent JRPG for the 360 (working through IU at the moment) as well as numerous ones counting back to my first RPGs (FF6 and Chrono Trigger) and I consider myself, like most people, at least somewhat experienced when it comes to the genre.

I have to say that I am very impressed with ToV. There isn't much I can complain about it. A great storyline; characters that I enjoy; a battle system that is easy to learn but difficult to master; deep replay-ability. I am usually a fan of the standard turn-based RPGs, and I wasn't real impressed with Eternal Sonata's conglomeration of the turn-base and the real time. But ToV is definitely an RPG that I can be excited about telling my friends about. And I haven't felt that way in a long time.


Cammy's Sex Slave
Mar 29, 2002
NojEsco said:
2coppers, what are you talking about? Most people who liked FF7 liked FF12. FF7 was amazing; it's more likely the FF8/FF9 crowd, and those you can yell at, as FF9 was okay but not great, and FF8 was crap, and FF8 kiddies believe it's the only one with good characters and music and plot and all that which it has none of.

I wouldn't mind playing this game, but I haven't played any other Tales game yet.

... I liked FF7, 8, 9 10 and 12... I have no kiddy group. I'm all alone :(

And I loved ToV and ToS.

Oh and whoever said that reviewers only give FF games good reviews because they are well known and they don't want the fanboys to get mad is an idiot. Just FYI.
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