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Nov 30, 2007
no fanboyism here please, but someone answer me why 360 is getting so many exlucive jrpgs? where is the flipping sony love? atleast make them multi!


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 1, 2005
Developing games for two consoles costs money, if a game goes multi-platform it's usually because they think it'll do well on both consoles. That and Microsoft has alot of money so they're able to pay for the console exclusives for at least a certain amount of time.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 23, 2001
I could care less how many JRPG's the 360 has, all of them are either complete garbage or just meh, so if that's the case the 360 can have them. I'd rather wait 5 years for one awesome RPG to come out on PS3 than have a bunch of worthless to mediocre crap to choose from on the 360.


Oct 17, 2007

Regardless of whether or not somebody takes a review score personally, video game journalism can be rather condemning. That's where the true frustration lies. BECAUSE the internet is full of people who are mindless and sheep-like, a score from a well-read and popular review site will (sadly) affect how much the game sells.

I'll go out and buy Tales no matter what the score. I read reviews to sift through opinion and find enough fact to discern whether or not I'll like something based on my own tastes. But often times, reviews (not so much at IGN) are biased due to the need for future coverage and exclusive content from popular game studios in order to draw in more readers...

Fortunately for Tales fans, we'll keep getting sequels no matter how this game sells in the states. And 8.2 is a great score. I've got no complaints with this review, but I do sympathize when fans get upset over the occasionally unjustified low score for a good game..
May 21, 2001
"I could care less how many JRPG's the 360 has, all of them are either complete garbage or just meh, so if that's the case the 360 can have them. I'd rather wait 5 years for one awesome RPG to come out on PS3 than have a bunch of worthless to mediocre crap to choose from on the 360."

I disagree, though flawed I loved Blue Dragon. Lost Odyssey was very fun and this Tales game, not to mention Infinite Undiscovery, Last Remnant, and Star Ocean 4 ALL look to be very good JRPG's. Not half assed in the least. I hate to admit it (because I am a huge JRPG fan and also thought that only the Playstation could do those well) but the 360 really is becoming a very decent RPG console. Take off the fanboy blinders and try playing these games without letting your obvious dislike for MS get in the way of what should be great games.


Jun 7, 2001
Looks good, good review, looks fun. Looking for a long JRPG to play but without the mind numbing turned based combat. Might pick this up.
Nov 3, 2005
"I could care less how many JRPG's the 360 has, all of them are either complete garbage or just meh, so if that's the case the 360 can have them. I'd rather wait 5 years for one awesome RPG to come out on PS3 than have a bunch of worthless to mediocre crap to choose from on the 360."

Lost Oddyssey, Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vespiera are neither garbage or even mediocre, all of them are really excellent games and easily better than any of the recent Final Fantasy games.

Infinite Undiscovery is also shaping up pretty well. The only "meh" JRPG's that have been released on the 360 thus far are Blue Dragon and Enchanted Arms, Blue Dragon was pretty good though, it's an enjoyable game if you're a fan of the genre. Not outstanding, but worth picking up. Enchanted Arms should be avoided like the plague, but still, your entire opinion appears to be revolving around two games, and I'd be willing to bet you haven't actually played ANY of these games on the 360 anyway.


Aug 24, 2008
@ replies to paladin5000: let's not feed the troll guys.

there's gonna be an rpg overload this fall... and about damn time too. with tales, disgaea 3, infinite undiscovery, fable 2, last remnant, ps3 release of eternal sonata and persona 4. and i'm probably missing more.

still trying to finish up lost odyssey before i pick up disgaea 3 and tales this week (the demo didn't really strike me, but i'm looking forward to the full game itself considering this review)... though, it looks like it's not gonna happen. then again, labor day weekend is coming up.


Feb 12, 2007

"Lost Oddyssey, Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vespiera are neither garbage or even mediocre, all of them are really excellent games and easily better than any of the recent Final Fantasy games."

No, they're not. They might not be "garbage" or "mediocre"; however, they're certainly not "really excellent games that are easily better than any of the recent FF games" either. Final Fantasy X review score = 9.5, Final Fantasy X-2's review score is 9.5, and FF XII's review score = 9.5. On the other hand, Eternal Sonata's review score = 8.3, Lost Odyssey's review score = 8.2, and Tales of Vesperia's review score = 8.2.

On a 10.0 review score with 10 being best, a score of 9.5 is much closer to perfection than an 8.3. And converted to a 100 point scale, it is 12 points higher than a score of 8.3. It is the difference between being a highly consistent "A" student as is Final Fantasy and a "B-" student as are all of the JRPGs on the 360 thus far.

People need to check their facts before they make these wild swooping comments like WinterSnowBlind.
May 14, 2007
I second the notion that Eternal Sonata was NOT an "excellent" game. My friends and I love RPGs and have played JRPGs for years upon years - Eternal Sonata is the first one we've played together that we decided to stop halfway through because we found it more boring than anything.


Mar 23, 2008
dude, the only poeple that talks about FFX, FF-2, FFXII are the poeple that never played final fantasy before that...because all the other final fantasy before that were good and became classic...none of those are that good. I've played and finish FFX, FFX-2 and FFXII and I can tell you that it isn't as good as Lost oddyssey, eternal sonata...and all the Tales game...and if this one is the same as the others then I'm not worried. To remember that FF games were rated as a last-gen games, right now the graphics would be rated a lot are now being rated a lot lower than before too, so you should go take a look on how many score over 9 on last-gen and how many there is now. I would say, 8 + is awesomely good...before a 9+ was the reviwer liked the game..not everyone


Apr 2, 2007
I'm a classic gamer (I had pong when it came out) and I LOVE turn based RPGs so naturally I thought that Lost Odyssey was an incredibly good game. Eternal Sonata I thought was so-so and I played the demo of tales of versperia and got 1/2 way through a fight before I deemed it garbage in my mind and quit and deleted it. The artwork was basic and graphically it is substandard. people talk about art direction alot and how it changes the feel of the games with the different styles but in my opinion it should look real, not like a cartoon. After all, that is really the idea behind improving the capabilities of the systems. I think this game will be a major dissapointment to us USA gamers.


Feb 12, 2007
When the PS3 version of FFXIII (which will be the best one) finally comes out, this gen like all previous gens will finally have its defining JRPG. But just as in all previous gens the ones that have been released so far are filler. That is why games like Eternal Sonata, Tales, etc. have received review scores comparable those received in previous gens by the like of Wild Arms, because they really don't do anything that wasn't done better on the PS2.

"dude, the only poeple that talks about FFX, FF-2, FFXII are the poeple that never played final fantasy before that...because all the other final fantasy before that were good and became classic...none of those are that good. I've played and finish FFX, FFX-2 and FFXII and I can tell you that it isn't as good as Lost oddyssey, eternal sonata...and all the Tales game...and if this one is the same as the others then I'm not worried. To remember that FF games were rated as a last-gen games, right now the graphics would be rated a lot are now being rated a lot lower than before too, so you should go take a look on how many score over 9 on last-gen and how many there is now. I would say, 8 + is awesomely good...before a 9+ was the reviwer liked the game..not everyone"


Feb 12, 2007
"yea he always does this. he cant accept the fact that the 360 collection has scored better than the ps3 collection. i remember he usd to use play mags score for heavenly sword (9.0 or somethin) bc it got such a bad metascore and ign score. then he would talk about how amazing play magazine was"

Play magazine is amazing. It is the direct offshoot of the greatest American video game magazine of all time DieHard Gamefan. They have a wealth of experience in both Japanese and American videogame journalism under the guidance of Dave Halverson and Nick Des Barres that extends back to the founding of the DieHard Gamers Club in the early nineties. Play gave Heavenly Sword a 10. They also gave Final Fantasy XII a 10 and listed it in the top five in their twenty greatest console rpgs of all time. Just posting that fact for the people that want to say that people only say that Final Fantasy is good because it is being played by reviewers that have never played it before. Final Fantasy just as good in 2008 as it was in 1997 and 1994. Whereas Tales and the like continue to play second fiddle.

If this game had received an 8.5 or higher, I would be saying that it is one of the best Tales games ever. However, an 8.2 means it doesn't even match up to Tales of Symphonia on the Gamecube yet its the equal of rpgs that 360 fans try to tout so often eg. Lost Odyssey.



Feb 7, 2001
This game seems interesting but I couldn't get through the demo. They should've considered starting it closer to the beginning of the game. There's so much going on with the combat when the characters are at level 20 and nothing is explained. I'm sure the actual game has a better learning curve.

Otherwise, since when are review scores absolutes for the quality of a game, particularly across time and consoles? I think Final Fantasy has to benefit from the prestige the series has. I've heard people say that they were disappointed in XII (which I have not played) and I've had people laugh at me when I say I liked X-2.


Feb 12, 2007
From Heather Campbell's review of Final Fantasy XII in Play Magazine.

"I don’t even know how to encapsulate the experience of FFXII into two pages. The title is so grand, so erudite, that I feel illiterate by comparison. It is so much greater than I. For the first time in my life of gaming, I really feel like I’ve gone on an adventure.

And I’ll add this: I’m embarrassed to love other Final Fantasy games. They seem so childish now, the plotlines straightforward and sophomoric. How can I invoke an unsoiled memory of Squall or Cloud when Basch is a thousand times the man they were? What Time Kompression or Midgar Plate or Sin can hold a candle to the narrative restraint of the story of Dalmasca? What other Final Fantasy game has begged, “Don’t finish me yet; I don’t want you to leave.”

For now, I’ll simply head back into Ivalice, and spend a few more hours trying to take in every detail of every shop, stall, texture and sound. I’ll try and read every word of text written for the game; I’ll devour every last piece of Yasumi Matsuno’s masterpiece. It’s the least I can do in the face of a game so great."


Prime Member
Apr 4, 2006
Ugh, this fanboy garbage always drives me nuts. Pick a sytem that has the games you like or buy both if you afford it and enjoy all the amazing games that we have today...regardless of which system you own.

Anyone who engages in blindly defending one system to the point that some of these fanboys do needs to take their head out of their "Baph" and get a life!


Jan 25, 2008
i've never played a Tales game, maybe this'll be a good start, there wouldn't happen to be a demo out for this game?


Sep 15, 2001

You should be able to pick up the demo of the game on XBL. I did it a while back but it should still be there.


Aug 25, 2008
Man, I've been reading these boards for 2 years now, I've never really wanted to comment on anything but I have to say this - Baph7772 what is wrong with you? Every Xbox story I read, your in the comments trolling away like mad. Why? Did your mum get balled by a Microsoft exec who never called her afterward? I get that you love Sony/hate the Xbox and thats fine, some people do, but why don't you stay in the PS3 section and talk about it there? This is a story about an Xbox exclusive game in the Xbox exclusive area of the site - there's no reason for you to click on it at all, its of no interest to you. Seriously man, I don't know if you're a 12 year old kid or a 40 year old 2-seats-on-a-plane loner, but whatever you are, you need to get a life and forget about the Xbox, your obsession just makes you look pathetic.


Apr 27, 2008
Baph, don't kid yourself.. people were disappointed with FF-X & Up.. period. 1 person's opinion doesn't equal thousands.. and the percentage of people who played the games were somewhat let down. Not to mention, why are you using magazines now? Use 1 thing.. So far, you've used:

Some magazine I have never heard of..

You try to twist everything you can to make the Playstation out on top when really? A lot of the games for it were mediocre. Sure, there we good games, but that doesn't mean the whole selection was unbeatable.

Now, if you would kindly leave the page as you've already been torn apart by others, I think people would appreciate it.. unless, you want PS3 pages to just be spammed out the ass with fanboy comments.. In fact, you comment more on the 360 than the PS3. So.. now I'm not entirely sure which one you like more.. Seems you're not enjoying the PS3 too much =(.


Apr 27, 2008
Yeah.. about 95% of all of baph's comments are on the 360, which leads me to believe he likes it more than the PS3.. >_>..
Jun 10, 2005
I really do like Tales of Versperia, i already played the Japanese Version and own it. I disagree with IGN's review though cause Famitsu gave it a 35 out of 40. For this game is a 9.5 without question and it is my favorite tales.



Feb 12, 2007
35 out of 40 doesn't equal 95. It's about an 88.9. Plus, Final Fantasy XII received a 40 from Famitsu. Only the sixth 40 in the magazine's history.


Feb 12, 2007
I do love my commenting.

"So.. now I'm not entirely sure which one you like more..."

Also, it's not surprising that you've never heard of Diehard Gamefan considering that you were probably four years old when it was having its glory days back in the nineties which means two things. 1.) People in your age group probably haven't heard of it. 2.) E-Storm and Nick Rox have more experience in reviewing games than most websites or any of the faddishly popular flash in the pan magazines of today.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
frickin lovin all the old japanese ps games on jap psn. anyone know what day new games get released each week ?


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 8, 2006
"Also, it's not surprising that you've never heard of Diehard Gamefan considering that you were probably four years old when it was having its glory days back in the nineties which means two things."

That's funny, I remember that contraversy that is discussed on the wiki site. Gamefan was a great mag.



Apr 27, 2008
But seriously baph, why cant you answer the question? Why are you always on 360 pages instead of PS3 pages? =/.. We already know no one likes you, not PS3 fans, nor 360 fans, nor Nintendo fans.. so really, why are you here?


Apr 27, 2008
FFX was good, immense storyline, good quality, but shitty characters imo lol

FFX-2 was totally only a T&A game.. it had its fun bits, but was mostly just for show, felt like Charlies Angels.

And FFXII was plain stupid.. anyone could agree on that.

And I own all of the titles by the way =/
Oct 30, 2007
I'm not sure why FF is the main subject here when this is suppose to be about Tales of Vesperia. But I'll add my 2 cents in anyway [face_tongue]

Final Fantasy X was amazing and the best FF game i've played to date. The story and voice acting was outstanding. To me FF X2 was crap and i didn't even bother finishing the game. Never played FF XII though.

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY I do plan on getting this game because i loved the Symphonia version on gamecube.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 21, 2002

I hope it comes in today (Tuesday)


Jun 11, 2005

I couldn't disagree with Rhoic anymore. I thought FF12 was the best thing to happen to the Final Fantasy series in a very long time. I haven't liked a FF as much since FF6 for SNES. Also, Vesperia looks great, assuming you like Tales games. I just wish they would of gotten with the times and got rid of the battle sequences and made it more like Final Fantasy 12 where you battle in the same area as you explore. But overall I think I'll be picking up Vesperia on 360 since there aren't many AAA JRPGs on nextgen systems(I don't count PS3 since, at the moment, it's a failure of a system).


Jan 25, 2008
after playing the demo yesterday, i was actually impressed, i've never played a Tales game and it actually had a pretty good battle system that didn't take too long to pick up.
and i agree with flashman in regards as to 'why' we keep referencing FF games, if its because of that Baph dude, thats all on u guys cuz u keep feeding his flames to retaliate back with nonsense.
and i also agree with dhvyse in that FF-12 was not as bad as Rhoic says it is, i actually liked the battle system that it introduced.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
dhvyse said:

I couldn't disagree with Rhoic anymore. I thought FF12 was the best thing to happen to the Final Fantasy series in a very long time. I haven't liked a FF as much since FF6 for SNES. Also, Vesperia looks great, assuming you like Tales games. I just wish they would of gotten with the times and got rid of the battle sequences and made it more like Final Fantasy 12 where you battle in the same area as you explore. But overall I think I'll be picking up Vesperia on 360 since there aren't many AAA JRPGs on nextgen systems(I don't count PS3 since, at the moment, it's a failure of a system).

Get with the times?FFXII Battles were inspired by an MMO,and was executed poorly.They should've made it more like a Tales game.


Apr 27, 2008
I also play Final Fantasy XI: Online.. and honestly? FFXI > FFXII period. FFXII was made to let those who were unfortunate to not play the MMO, have a taste of what it was like, and it was executed horribly.
Aug 26, 2008
Just ordered this game for free just like I've been doing for all my xbox games. If you're curious as to how I'm doing this check out the youtube video. You won't regret it.


Feb 12, 2007
Final Fantasy XII the best rpg on earth until Final Fantasy XIII is released. In no way should they have made the gameplay in XII like the gameplay in a Tales game. I enjoy being able to utilize and evolve all my characters to their fullest potential. Not being allowed to control just one while the badly programmed AI tries to control the rest.


Feb 12, 2007
Explain why Final Fantasy XII receive a perfect score from Play, the direct descendant of Diehard Gamefan, a perfect score from Famitsu -- the most prestigous gaming magazine in Japan, and a 95 and beat out Guitar Hero and Okami for Playstation 2 Game of the Year 2006 from IGN, Rhoic.

The only people that don't like XII are XBOX and Nintendo fans who try to put down the game because it was a PS2 exclusive.

And there still hasn't been a 360 JRPG yet released that even equals Persona 3: FES on PS2 which so far remains this year's Console RPG of the Year and will most likely finish up with a higher review score than Fable 2.

Also for all the good of its first week's sales in Japan, Tales only sold 10,000 copies there last week and the 360 once again only sold about half as many consoles as the PS3.

"FFX was good, immense storyline, good quality, but shitty characters imo lol"

X's characters were great.

"FFX-2 was totally only a T&A game.. it had its fun bits, but was mostly just for show, felt like Charlies Angels."

It still beat KOTOR for Play Magazine's RPG of the Year 2003. KOTOR wasn't even the runner-up that honor went to Xenosaga Episode 1. FFX-2 like FFX and FFXII received a 95 review score here at IGN as well.

"And FFXII was plain stupid.. anyone could agree on that."
See above.

I own all three as well. and Anthology, Origins, Chronology, VII, Tactics, and VIII.
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