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Jun 20, 2009
I loved this game although speaking of the boss battles what I would like to see If they make another game with this engine is a more bushido blade style of fighting with the lightsabers where as one good blow with the saber should kill the person your fighting. and instead of a health bar just make the enemy much better at blocking. this would add much more strategy as opposed to just a hack n slash mechanic. Plus it sucks that you can hit a boss so many times with a lightsaber and have them not die. i love the timing animations but make the light saber duels a bit more exciting. Because as cool as the force is i think a classic light saber battle is way better.


May 29, 2010
Was talking to my friend who works at gamestation he went to a games show and he seen parts of the game that are not on it , also was reading a piece on the gaming industry on how games are made and then a game management finance advisor [ somthing like that job title may not be 100% but its close enough] will play through the game with the producers to see if there giving too much away. So infact some dlc is just bits or levels took away from the game to rake some more cash in and knowing lucas [ who is yet again releseing all the starwars movies in the cinama in 3d] would milk it a bit more because he loves milking bet he owns some cows. the dlc for the last tomb raider was just took off the game at the end. so next time you play a game and you feel that some of the story is missing it probly is, or just wait and in about six months there will be the ultimate editon or directors cut or even the bits that went missing and i found again edition. think back to the yoda bit [ a small bit] when you see him out side the cave its like a whole chunk of game is missing, star killer goes to .....[ forgot planet name dakabar or somthing] meets yoda who is just standing out side a cave offers a bit of deep advice to him no training or even fighting a huge swamp monster ,was so looking forward to fighting a swamp beast and all i did was move a few rocks.if i was starkiller i would of said hello little fella that was a bit deep you been smoking, it looked like they had done some training and fighting togeather and the cave was the cut seen at the end of the level after yoda thaught he was up to the task ahead, i liked gameplay it was slick looking and fast paced , cant get enough of throwing stormtroopers around. the force powers live up to the expectations of the first game.but i wanted more from the story what really got me on the first game and i would use the tirm EPIC for that one but this one will get nearly epic but a bit short of EPIC 7.5/10 story ,9 game play,9 graphics.
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