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Jedi Knight
Sep 11, 2000
I never liked the KOTOR games. The pacing was too slow and it just didn't feel like "real" Star Wars to me.

That said, what you are complaining about is essential to game play.

If you could just hit a button and everything attacking you dies, that's not a challenge.

The reason you can knock the AT-ST down in the Quicktime event is because you've weakened it to a point where it's more easy to do that.

I agree the targeting is hard to be precise with, but you can get to the point where you are taking out the things you need to take out without too much fuss.

The platforming is a bit hit and miss, but it's workable.


Very Lazy
Dec 9, 2001
Go-Mer-Tonic said:
That said, what you are complaining about is essential to game play.

If you could just hit a button and everything attacking you dies, that's not a challenge.

The reason you can knock the AT-ST down in the Quicktime event is because you've weakened it to a point where it's more easy to do that.
That was my point in my first post. I knew right away there would be an issue with balance, and I was right. I don't feel like a badass unleashing the force unless it's a QTE.

As for the AT-ST, I never do damage in place where that would make sense. You can't attack its legs because the thing can cause shockwaves (which is BS game design). So I attack it's head. There's no part of this that makes sense. Are you telling me the AT-ST can resist force powers, but only until I slice enough holes in its armor?

All this anti-force crap is just a lame way to add difficulty without making a worth while combat system with well designed enemies and AI.

If this weren't a star wars game it would be getting 5s, 6s, maybe even 4s. Which is not uncommon. To non-star wars fans I can see where KOTOR would be maybe a 7 at best. (even if KOTOR is one of my favorite games)


Jedi Knight
Sep 11, 2000
I see what you mean but isn't every video game subject to balancing out the "realism" with "gameplay"?

To me it's the old saying, Superman without Kryptonite just isn't interesting.

To me this is an impressive tech demo that showcases some promising new features that will drive much better games to follow, but it's also a decent enough game with great artwork and an amazing (and relevant) story.

So far I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
Jul 17, 2005
I gave this game a 4.0 and let me explain why. When I first saw the demo for this game I thought awsome, I get to be a wrecking ball of force wielding fury. Then I played the demo which I thought was fun, then it happened. The camera has a mind of its own and I found myself dying to rather rediculious attacks. Trying to jump on top of stuff to get the sith powerups was less than tasking on my camera.

Then there's the lock on feature. Well its not really much of a feature at all. This game has lots of potential and its wasted on a lackluster camera design. I finally got to the end of the game on Sith Lord difficulty and lemme tell you, I seriously almost had a seizure from the piss poor camerawhen I was trying to kill the endless hordes of Storm Troopers.

I got this game a couple days ago and I will be returning it to my local Game Stop for a trade in towards a more worth while game.

Dont get me wrong though, the game overall is great but that greatness is severely overshadowed by a horrific combat camera.


Sep 26, 2008
This game was fun and had great features, but after a few levels in it all becomes very repetitive which isnt that horrible but in this case you start to feel like your doing the same level over and over again, but at same time there different levels, The bosses where way to easy and I beat this game in 4 hours Non stop playing and was on the hardest difficulty, i wish there was more to say but there isnt, But i do feel everyone should really check this game out, it is fun, just may get boring after a few levels in.. my rating for this game is a solid 8.0


Dec 31, 2004
Gomer, everything you've said, while true, is just an excuse. In a game about the Force being unleashed where you literally get to pull a Star Destroyer out of the sky (rather lame sequence though) you can't have enemies that are inexplicably immune to force powers. Challenge the player with more enemies, not stronger ones. It's just lazy design to say, "oh well, these enemies got...force repulsive shields!" Right, cause the existence of thsoe was ever hinted at in the movies.

There are so many lazy design choices like SoA said. QTE's are so dated. I don't know why there are still games that use them to this extent. The occaisional use is fine (see: Uncharted) but when you literally have to do 30-40 QTE's throughout a game it's really tiresome.

Everything you said SoA is exactly what I felt before this game came out, and now after beating it.


Jedi Knight
Sep 11, 2000
But they are good excuses. It would have been lazy of them to just make everyone fall before your greatness all the time. There wouldn't have been a game to it. No sense of satisfaction. You have to have enemies you need to think about differently or else you would just lightning everyone without thought.

Sure it's a give and take, but I'd rather be playing a game that engages my ability to think than one that just allows me to mash a button until the game is complete.

Personally I like the QTE. They are in place of a non interactive cut scene, and you have to do it right or you don't beat the baddie. To me that's more engaging and ultimately more rewarding than just watching a cut scene finishing move that has no user input.

My question is what would you have done instead?


Dec 31, 2004
No, they're not good excuses. Yes, there is a problem that the game would be to easy if you can blow through them. You're telling me the only way to get past that design hurdle is random enemies that, for no reason at all, are ridiculously strong and completely negate the whole purpose of the game?

Here's what I say. Make the enemies your standard fare of different types of storm troopers, but a lot of them. Then make the force use limited. You can blow countless to hell, but then once you use it you can't use it for a good amount of time. It would encourage smart usage of it, while at the same time giving you this ultimate power that could kill a massive amount of troops all at once.

Also At-St should be able to be killed in the same way. You can either A) slice their legs which would be an almost instant kill. The problem being that it SHOULD be hard to get that close. Or B) use the force from the distance to annihlate him instantly. Leaving you force-less for a period of time. AT-ST's should always be accompanied by legions of troops, forcing you to think about it carefully. Anything but make enemies that are infuratingly resistant to the very premise of the game.

As for QTE's, I would revise the system. Innovate lightsaber combat. Jedi have a "spidey sense" sort of ability right? Well implement that. When you enter combat mode, a close, zoomed in perhaps over the shoulder view or whatever. You see a ripple at the top of the screen saying "hey, he's about to attack from the top" and you have to jam the analog stick up. Or down. Kinda like the Star Wars arcade game when you fight Vader, but stremalined for modern games. It's a variation on QTE's, but one that is far more fluid and player driven. There is countless amounts of custimazation that could be made here. Perhaps harder enemies attack quicker and have smaller "ripples" making it harder to block. You could have a leveling system that makes blocking and attacking easier.

I fully believe the analog sticks are some of the most under utilized tools we have as gamers. So many games use the "left stick run, right stick camera" approach. When a game actually uses them innovatively there it's a huge success. Like sKate. Very simple, but very rewarding.

But that's just my little idea [face_tongue]
Jul 27, 2001
The best idea for combat would have been to place lightsaber control on the second thumbstick and then allow you to use the force powers the same way when need be.


Oct 1, 2007
i thought the game was satisfying in the way it told the story.... also the fact that the graphics where simply stunning


Sep 28, 2008
okay i just saw the preview for this game this morning, never even heard about it before. question- is it basicaly like the next game from the knights of the old republic? is it like old republic games? same concept, same gameplay, ect??


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Just as a side-topic...did anyone see Jar Jar frozen in carbonite on Imperial Controlled Kashyyk (sp)?


If not, he's hanging on the wall in the room before you find princess Leia. You can't miss the room, it has all the animal head's on the wall.


Sep 29, 2008
i played the demo for this game and was like, "HOLY SHIT! I LOVE THIS GAME I NEED IT!!" so i got it the next day and beat it in 8 hrs and 20min. you cant put it down! i know that i sound like a nerd but i dont care! i want to be a jedi now after this game i played through it twice already and did both endings. the vador one is better i think. i love the black lightsaber too. along with the sith armor u gain after beating vador for the second time.


Sep 15, 2008
The game is ok. Like the review said, I thought the boss battles were frustrating. The controls seemed sluggish to me, which was ultimately the game's downfall. I also think it was too short. I beat it in about 6hrs. It all just felt like God of War to me, but with Jedi. Nothing really deeply original or innovative. It just seemed like another generic Star Wars title.
Sep 6, 2008
this game is sooooooooooooooo broken(the ps3 version)!!! people buy it for xbox360 if u want it more polish and if u really want to enjoy it buy it for wii XD


Prime Member
Jul 17, 2008
This is the worst game ive ever played I think, especialy the part where you bring down the star destroyer with the force. If you like having fun DO NOT buy this game!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Not surprised by the score. Most of the games I think are great end up with 7.0 and up. Sure the game is not perfect, but I've had a great time playing it. Definitely an 8.5 in my book. Story and gameplay mean way more than amazing graphics.
My first apprehensions of the game being too easy have been allayed. The apprentice is powerful but there is still a definite challenge in mastering the combat. Experimenting with force combos still hasn't gotten old after several hours of playing. The targetting system has never become so much of a problem that it detracts from the game.
Some of the cutscene animations are less than stellar. I didn't care for the fixed camera during boss fights. While more cinematic it also had the effect of diminishing the immersion.
Overall it's a great game and a must have for my game library. I've enjoyed it more than DMC4 and maybe as much as Uncharted.


Aug 22, 2000
Before I say anything, I should say that I'm a tough critic when it comes to games--particularly Star Wars games. Having said that, I can't, for the life of me, figure out what the deal is with the negative reviews--am I playing the same game? The game I have is a blast. Honestly, this ranks right up there with KOTR and Jedi Academy in my book.

What's it got going for it? Well...

* Feels very much like Star Wars

* Engaging and fun gameplay. (To me; I've had none of the aforementioned difficulties in locking onto targets, wonky controls, etc.--this has, so far, played flawlessly, with smooth and intuitive controls.)

* Amazing graphics.

* Awesome sound.

* Engaging and interesting story (at least half way into the game) that actually feels like it should be in Star Wars (unlike many previous Star Wars games).

I could go on.

I'm happy that I actually tried to read between the lines of the bad reviews and got this anyway--and, man, was I ever apprehensive; handing over that $60 made me think, "I've got a bad feeling about this". But I was wrong. (Along with most of the reviews.) After the first few minutes I was happily surprised by a very fun and engaging game and one of the very few Star Wars games that actually feels like Star Wars.

Ignore the biased reviews--go out and, at least, rent it. Give it a shot. I've got to think that if a fairly pessimistic gamer like myself can love it, you'll most likely like it too.



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I buy whatevery games I want because I have an opinion and I am not a mindless robot who can't think for itself so it follows a reviewer's jaded opinion. Seriously people, stop fussing over someone else's FORM YOUR OWN FRICKIN OPINION!!


Oct 21, 2002
I don't know what's going on with this site lately but are you seriously going to give Brothers in Arms a higher rating than this game? I found this game far better than BinA. not that I don't agree with what was givin to this game, but Brothers in arms? come that game over rated or is it just me.


Oct 13, 2008
This game wasn't as good as i thought. Try to get it through gaming lagoon, its easier and quicker than any other method. If your lucky you can even get the free 20 points coupon every day!
Dec 5, 2007
I don't know why this game is getting hated on so bad. It deserves between at least an 8 - 8.5. There are a few issues with targerting, but it's not so bad where you hate the game. At first it does take some getting used to having all your different powers and abilities, but once you get the hang of everything, it's a very fun game. I'm on my second play through so far, and while the game is a bit short, there is some replay value if you wanna go back and get all the holocrons and costumes, or see a different ending. Plus again, it's fun blowing through legions of soldiers with your powers. Also, this guy obviously complains a lot because he mentions that later in the game some enemies are practically invincible. That's pure bull crap. While some do have shields to avoid being pushed or shocked by lightning, it's still not that hard to wreak havoc on them. Overall I think this review was a bit rushed and a little biased. If you haven't played this game yet, do so. It's definitly worth a look.
Jul 26, 2006
I found this game to be extremely frustrating, largely for most of the same reasons in the review. The force powers are cool, but there's never really a legit reason to be lifting thousand-pound rocks and all that; they don't allow you to feel clever when solving puzzles that need the force. There's always only the one path, which means you can't get creative, you just grab the glowing blue thing. The boss battles are simply ridiculous -- not an ounce of fun in any of them, only anger and frustration. A lot of the tougher enemies really suck, too, simply for the fact that since they don't seem to be phased by lightsaber hits, they constantly interrupt your attempts to execute a combo; meanwhile, regular attacks don't do enough damage to defeat them quickly, meaning you waste a lot of time and health. Also, i got really tired really fast of seeing baddies with swords or whatever blocking my lightsaber, as well as dudes with force fields that prevent me from lifting or electrocuting or pushing them. I'm sorry but that's just not right. The timing of enemy attacks is annoying, too -- one rocket takes you down, and the only reason you stop getting rocketed is because six explosions later you've been pushed around a corner. If they hit you once, you can guarantee they'll hit you 3 or 4 more times. Targeting objects to lift and throw is touchy, and as such never really finds an appropriate place in combat, because when you're hit you'll drop the object, and they take too long to pick up and move, so it's difficult, if not impossible, to throw stuff around in a fight. The level design is frustrating as well; it really feels like there's just too much stuff in almost all of them, and you can't do anything important or interesting with any of it. It all just gets in the way, most of the time. Loading screens for options menus is awful as well; I thought one of the points of these "next-gen" systems was to avoid crap like that. Also, I can't reiterate enough how frustrating the boss fights are. I've not beat it yet, so I don't know about the last few, but for the most part they suck. Your force powers, in general, are useless; they'll just block your lightning or push whenever you do it, and then blast you with some outlandish and overpowered attack when you're forced to move in close. The interactive cutscenes aren't that great either; I'm never sure if I should mash the button they light up, or just hit it once, or what, and while I'm watching the buttons, I miss the exciting action onscreen. All in all, I would say this game is a definite disappointment. They fail to utilize the force like it really ought to have been utilized, and the mechanics of the game itself are iffy at best. Hopefully the sequel will be better, now that they've learned what not to do. Too frustrating to really enjoy.
Oct 15, 2008
Let me just start by saying I am a HUGE Star Wars fan. This game is a must have for any Star Wars fan since there is a good plot and the storyline fills in the blanks between episodes 3 and 4. I was a little disappointed when I read the IGN review, but still bought the game. The complaints are legitemate, bad camera angles and targeting problems are my main gripes. The difficulty is also hard just on the normal setting, but at least the AI is good. However despite all it's flaws, the Force Unleashed is an awesome game!! Being Darth Vader's apprentice is an interesting role to play and puts you right in the thick of action around the galaxy the Empire has just conquered. Starkiller's force abilities and effects are incredible to watch and even more fun to execute. The graphics are beautiful and the various (and familiar) locations you visit are varied and well done. You can also customise your character's stats, abilities, costume, and lightsaber in cool ways. You even have a choice to make toward the end of the game that effects the outcome of the ending! Overall I really enjoyed this game and even though it didn't love up to all the hype made pre-release, it delivers the goods and should not disappoint true Star Wars fans! May the force be with you
Oct 16, 2008
I love stars wars as much as the next black guy. but thiss game was just a little better then sith 3. I love the total force control. but there are more bad. Stuff that shouldnt happen does and stuff that should happen dont. Like on the first mission the gap you have to jump, i feel 3 times and he'd a jedi. Another stupid mission is when you bring down the starship it just dont come down. I hated it. rent it don't buy it


Oct 19, 2008
I am disappointed that the game took only eight hours to beat, and I for one actually bought the game for $50. I wish the story mode was longer and more complex. Man, I should have rented it, the game isn't worth buying at all. Yeah, it was fun and all, but yet, the story mode sucked. It will probably never be touched again by me.


Jan 1, 2001
Picked it up for 40 bucks, aside from the technical issues and gameplay annoyances i really enjoyed it. I'm a big star wars fan,the story was fantastic, graphics were superb and once you get used to the clunky targetting the game play was great.


Prime Member
Mar 31, 2007
All right, being a ginormous (<word? shrug.) Star Wars fan I thought I would have picked the game up as soon as it hit shelves. Unfortunately, a lack of time and a surplus of school kept me from doing so and I grabbed the novelization and graphic novel instead. Although I enjoyed them, I found them somewhat bland and straightforward, and consequently formed low expectations for the game itself.

And then I bought the game. All I can say is wow. Not to say it's the best thing out there, as it does have its flaws (mostly those listed above), but for other nerds out there, the game offers up a dose of legit Star Wars lore. The lightsaber duels are as fast paced and graceful as something out of one of the prequels. The cinematics blend smoothly with gameplay and even are interactive in the spirit of 'heavenly sword' through 'boss-fight-button-press-finishing-moves.'

And of course, John Williams' hallmark music returns and is used effectively to provide appropriate moods, alongside completely original score as well.

In a nutshell, if you're into Star Wars definitely play it, probably buy it, at least rent it. It is your destiny.


Jan 4, 2007
they should make a sequel to the game, where u get to control darth vader for once. that would be pretty sweet.


Nov 19, 2008
I've been working up for Force Unleashed now for a day using, and already I've completed enough surveys to get this game free. Can't wait!
You guys should try it...
Aug 7, 2008
Anyone else think it's pathetic the way Palpatine and Vader are treated in this thing? I don't want to spoil anything, but come ON!


Prime Member
Jul 11, 2007
This was one of the worst games I've played in a while. This game has THE WORST CONTROL SCHEME EVER!

If I wasn't borrowing this game from a friend I probably would have smashed it with a baseball bat.


Jan 30, 2009
Even though I am a HUGE SW fan and I enjoyed this game a lot after waiting (quite impatiently) a long time in anticipation for it, I would have to agree with most of this article. I definitely wouldn't have given it that low of a score, probably an 8.5, but I agree that there could have been a lot more things done right in a game that had a lot of hype to live up to. One notable drawback the review did not mention was the fact that you cannot block and move at the same time. I was very disappointed by this, in addition to the fact that the only things you can dismember in this game with your lightsaber are mechanical-based characters like droids, vehicles, weapons, etc. and only on pre-rendered points (i.e., you only decapitate an astromech or gonk droid in the same way every time, no matter how you attack it with your saber). Not the best SW game out there, but by far not the worst; and definitely in the top ten. Haters out there that talk of repetitiveness: play Assassin's Creed and then come talk to me. If you're into Star Wars, definitely check it out at least once and give it a chance. It's an enjoyable game as long as you don't have attention-span problems or rage issues, and then you should probably put down the controller and find something better to do anyway. ;)


Feb 19, 2009
I completely agree with kaejor777... The game has its ups and downs and is definatley not the worst but is yet not the best.


Jul 17, 2008
I agree with everyone in the fact that the game had its ups and downs, but really I was disapointed with how fast it ended. It took me all of 8 hours or less to actually beat the story line. It seemed as though wow I just got this game and already beat it. Though I will say it did have a good storyline to it and it did keep me playing it for those 8 hours.
Oct 1, 2008
this is the best SW games i have ever played just beat it last night. it was great should have gotten a higher score i mean there are lots of combos and you can change your lightsaber color just the little things that make it sweet but w/e it was sick nasty


Prime Member
Oct 22, 2005
beat it a few days ago, it was OK. I loved the audio (especially the voice acting) and the story, those were its strengths. But, it went by too fast and had little replay value after getting both endings. Good thing I only rented it.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 1, 2003
So seriously, I am not a big Star Wars fan, watched all movies but really only like episode 3, but this game was so underrated. This game has a great story, awesome gameplay, it does have no real replay value, but I will play it again just to get all the outfits and lightsabers.


Feb 1, 2009
why did i buy this game,its pants,the DMM engine is rubbish and could easily be copied using older tech plus the gameplay boring and repetitive,jedi academy was superior to this toss,starwars geeks like it because there like stormtroopers,weak minded and easily influenced by the force(but its starwars,its got lightsabers)it could feature jesus wielding a friggin holy lightsabre it would still be crap,now wheres that reciept
Mar 28, 2009
I personally I'm a big fan of star wars and the score IGN gave which was a 7.3 or 7.5 would've been the same score i would give. The game was fun but it had its flaws.

one, the game was very short. i beat it the same day i bought it which was a 6hr run through and with really no replay value other than a harder difficulty and getting some clothes. thats a weak reason for replay value.

two, i thought the game was going to be an open sand box style of gameplay where your actions would dynamically determine your fate or ending of the game much more broader rather than the shallow linear two ending which was very easy to choose from since that decision is made prior to your fight with sidious. i would've preferred an open sand box style where the player travels from planet to planet completing main missions as well as several optional side missions in their own ways. for example, the story involved hunting down jedis. it would've been better if the player had to travel through different planets collecting intel on the location of the jedis he had to hunt down and finally piece together the information to locate and fight the jedis. in addition, side missions such as doing favors for vader or bounty hunters could've been added as well to get some goodies such as lightsaber color, clothes, hidden documentaries of the game, making of the games, etc and however, you handled each mission would determine your jedi or sith status. i was very disappointed with the linear path.

three, the character maris brood was very shallow and disappointing. i expected that maris brood was a darker character hell bent on revenge on vader and his followers. in addition, i expected that this characters background was going to be much deeper and involved in starkillers story. maris brood only appeared twice and her character was weak. i would've gave and made that character much more interesting background and important affects to starkillers personality that could determine his fate such as giving the players the chance to kill or let maris brood live.

four, the games technology hype of the DMM wasn't really expressed as I hoped it would be. for example, DMM is suppose to make objects react just like real life. however, in the game youre only really introduced to certain moments where DMM is expressed such as bending doors, blowing doors away, and using the force on objects with different weight. the game should've had way more DMM applications. the environment should've been at least 80% DMM so the environment could've felt real and using the force to destroy more things could've looked really amazing as you break away things.

fifth, the games button action is annoyingly unresponsive. there have been several times when i wanted to do a move and the character wont do it. it has been extremely annoying because i don't play the game by just button mashing. i actually execute several different jedi attacks and combos and it has worked for me very well when it does work but this game has been so annoying when it doesn't respond to what i want it to do. games like ninja gaiden, afro samurai, and devil may cry has amazing and precise response time to the buttons i press. unfortunately this game fails in that part. on a last note, the parry system is just terrible. the parry is so inaccurate i don't even know when to block because i would block right before the attack but the enemy would still hit me. i ended up dodging more then parry because of it.

six, the boss battles were unique and interesting but the annoying part of the game was the fact that sometimes the bosses would not get stunned by your attacks and they would be able to hit you even though your hitting them. its like their immune to the impact of your weapon. it happened to me several times and it was just stupid especially with kaztan paradus boss battle. unbelievably annoying.

finally, the game had some glitches (not too serious) but they were annoying.

So these are my complaints of the game. honestly, unless youre a star wars fan I could see you buying this game at full $65 price (although at this time that price wont be correct). but for the others, get it cheap or rent.
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