
Aug 20, 2000
Wonder if that means he'll be a schitzo like the clones of Jorus C'baoth and Luke Skywalker were in the Heir to the Empire trilogy.


Dec 22, 2009
Think of this simple reason : the Force isn't allmighty(by my opinion),but "A mighty ally it is." Sounds familiar ? No wonder... And there is the _Jedi healing trans_... :)


Dec 15, 2009
ya i think that he was just out of it. but wouldn't they just ship his body into space or burn his body. better not end with cybernetic implants


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Even do the Thread ended a while ago i thought i would give my opinion so you can tell me what you think.

1) Its not acctualy Galen that dies its realy a repaired Proxy!

a problem with that would be that i dont believe proxy has force powers...

2) We dont see it But Eclipse attacks and saves before they can properly make shaw he has died.

I know they aren't very good but of well.


May 12, 2010
what? proxy can defeat darth vader and hold his own against the emperor? i dont think so...
but heres an idea, remember how at the end the emperor said that darth vader was a broken shadow of his former self? just as darth vader says it to starkiller in the trailer? coincidence? maybe, since starkiller seems to have lost his robot arms etc, still, that might be covered. I think he was dead at the end of the good choice, as the emperor was saying "hes now stronger then ever" as a symbol. still you never know, looking forward to the game though,


A devote follower of Christ Jesus. John 3:16
Nov 18, 2004
heres a link to the article from this months gamepro:
May 15, 2010
Well I read in game informer that the first game might be a bad dream that Dartt vader is having....but I am not really sure how true that is.[face_monkey]
May 17, 2010
if you check out the main site they show Yoda's hide out so Yoda is involved and they say at the end he is more powerful now than ever also Leigha is still young so some one has to involve the rebellion they need ships and stuff there is still more Jedi missing like what happened to sheik ti's apprentice?
what about obi won if you buy the sith edition you get to fight him so he needs to be in it also what about his mother she must have been a Jedi where is she
i think Yoda brought him back and trains him then when he goes to fight Vader he crash lands and has to fight in the arena thus the entrance also where are the missing Jedi ? you can't tell me Luke skywalker is the only Jedi of that time what if they didn't know Luke took on Vader? there has to be others!
Nov 29, 2009
He's cloned in the second one.Read the new article.It says he's been cloned(I think in the planet where the clone troopers came from)And that the clone has the same memories as Starkiller and is looking for revenge against Darth Vadar and Sidious.
May 29, 2010
Maybe when Vader first found starkiller he made a backup clone that has been maturing in some sort of cloning tube and vader is now using that clone who may eventually regain the origional starkillers memory and leave vader.[face_thinking]
Jun 1, 2010
I'm new here, but my opinion is close to yours. Maybe Vader sensed Galen was still alive, took him prisoner, and, instead of killing him for good, he was sentenced to fight to the death in random arenas, for other's entertainment. Galen gets pissed off, and starts whipping out cans BS, with force powers, and starts kickin' ass, till he meets yoda, or vader, or that giant monster you see in the preview................


Jun 6, 2010
in the end of #1 wen galen tries to stop the emperors lightnin attack he goes "arhhh" wen he sed dat he probaly concentrated all his force powers but it overwhelms him {lik a robot} so he probaly knocked himself out den later when vader and the emperor is look at him the think hes dead but wen de emperor and vader go he gains conscious but gets amnesia so he thinks wtf am i doin here n runs away den he finds out he has force powers n tries to master dem by goin into arenas finally wen he masters den yoda and vader sense a strong connection in the force n vader finds out its galen but yoda dont known so they try n talk to him dis bring us to the trailer n the way he got his 2 lightsabers is from jaba because he can see that galen's got force powers well we will see wen the game comes out and all this is just a thought [face_thinking]

P.S. this is my first post :)
May 20, 2010
All the Jedi through the Real movies were able to astral Project after physical death. Maybe the sith are able to do some more concrete form of that. The jedi hold back the sith dont. just a cool idea


Prime Member
Jan 1, 2003
There are two options in explaining why his clone is basically Starkiller (all memories, etc.) Using other events from the Star Wars universe to explain this as well.

Now its been some time since Ive thought of this information so it could be off here or there (maybe completely but I think its correct)

1. After the Emperor is killed in Ep VI he has a bunch of clones and I believe his 'blue glowy' is able to then inhabit the body resulting in the Emperor being back (this was the secret to immortality). (Other events have suggested that dead Jedi/Sith could take over/influence others, now this could be wrong but I think Exar Kun was able to do this in a way, although I dont think he actually took over the body.) So it could be similar to this in that Starkiller is cloned and his 'blue glowy' than takes over his body resulting in Starkiller being knowledgable of all the events from FU.

It all depends if, by this time, the secret to eternal life is discovered or not. Perhaps this is how they do discover it and than later is used by the Emperor after the events of Ep VI.

2. Darth Vader has Starkiller cloned because he is powerful and wants his apprentice back. He believes that he wont have knowledge of what happened in FU and will able to corrupt him, etc back to his side. However from the cloning, memories of the original Starkiller are present and he puts them together piece by piece (perhaps has a vision of what happened while on Kamino and then freaks and breaks out) After breaking out he doesnt really know whats going on, discovers his powers (so you arent super strong at the start of the game, you unlock as you progress...) thats how he ends up in that arena, he doesnt know about his part with the Rebels or Empire, he just uses his powers to survive, make credits, etc.

This has also happened before where one of the clones, Alpha-02 "Spar", had memories of Jango Fetts and eventually became Mandalore the Resurrector. The normal clone troopers where made with less free will than that of the ARC troopers (Spar) so you would think that the Starkiller clone would also be made similar or even less controlled than that of the ARC troopers. This would allow the cloned Starkiller to know about the events/people in FU.

It could even be a mix of both, its a clone who inherited the memories of Starkiller and then Starkiller's blue glowy even shows up to guide him/explain things.

Im more certain #2 is correct with Star Wars cannon so its highly possible and if its #1 than its a good tie-in with future events in the Star Wars universe....
Nov 19, 2009
That makes a LOT of sense. To expand upon the Palpatine reference, the "bluey glowy" is his Force Presence. That is what you see when Obi-Wan or Anakin or Yoda appear in the movies.

As I understand it from Wookiepedia, Darth Vader cloned Starkiller in order to have a more obedient servant. However, the clone managed to regain his memories. This is probably due to some Force Vision or some such thing.
Jun 16, 2010
sadly for all u guys who didnt want starkiller to be a clone he is a clone created 6 months after the real one died. then he escaped and is lookin for juno to find out about the original starkiller


Aug 28, 2009
doubled2838 said:
Thats retarted. It is taking place as if he would have succeded on the death star. If you played for the 360 and had the downloadable content it takes place as if he would have stopped darth vader and the empire. Thats the story line of the new one.

Why do you say clones? Where would that have come from. Dumb!!
Really? when star wars had an entire army of clones and one clone is dumb? My friend you truly know nothing of the star wars universe.... I regret to inform you.
Nov 19, 2009
OK, I want to just throw this out there. I watched the demo of Force Unleashed II on X-Play and Haden Blackman (the guy who's in charge of the whole game and who created the story for both) said something really interesting.

I'm gonna go all Star Wars nerdy here, but in the book of the first game when Starkiller is "killed" by Vader on Palpatine's orders he is sent to Darth Vader's ship (the Empirical) for six months before he regains his senses.

Now in the demo Blackman specifically says two interesting things:

1). This game takes place 6 MONTHS AFTER the first game.

2). Starkiller meets General Kota early on and Kota doesn't believe that Vader "could clone someone that powerful".

In fact, Blackman says that in the game they specifically cast doubts about him being a clone.

Drawing from all of this, it is quite possible that Darth Vader whisks the Apprentice off to Kamino and tells him he's a clone to mess with him. After all, the Green Goblin pulls it off on Spider-Man in the comics, so why can't it happen in Star Wars?


Jun 24, 2010
I think that well you know how when jedis die there live on as spirits(there all blue). Well maybe starkillers spirit has taken one of the clones bodys as his own because his body was pretty much destroyed. Because i dont think that a clone would have the same memories as the original. Other wise all clone and stormtroopers would be exactly like jango fett.
Anyway thats what i think but i dont really care what happened because this game looks awsome anyway!
Jul 16, 2010
i don't believe the queer bag clone or brother thing. also starkiller couldn't have used the droid in the death star for several reasons
1. the droid died on corellia
2. if the droid(proxy) didn't die he would have transformed back to his regular droid self after defeat.
3. you can't clone a droid even if someone is controlling it


Jul 17, 2010
Someone earlier mentioned Yoda's quote about there being another, it is possible he was referring to Starkiller. Of course when these movies were written he was referring to Leia, however we now know Obi-wan was literally standing there when both twins were born so obviously he would know about Leia already, so since Yoda's quote was non-specific it can be tweaked. Since the website has Kota stating it's impossible to clone a Jedi but the expanded universe proves otherwise, it's possible that Starkiller is used as a test subject in an attempt to determine how to clone a force user successfully. The trailer wehere Starkiller ices a bunch of stormtroopers after Vader tell him he has no more use for him shows Vader walking into a room lined with vats holding human forms, so I'm almost positive Starkiller clones will play a part in the new story I just really hope you're playing as the original. As for Palpatine using the darkside technique to resurrect Starkiller, if he did it's a pretty safe bet it would have some pretty nasty side-effects, afterall it is a darkside technique which would help explain the memory loss, apparent bad attitude etc...
Aug 20, 2010
if you read the books, sidious cloned himself before he died, and solo/leia's son killed him for the second time, so cloning is not stupid nor imposable and that is where the idea came from.
Aug 20, 2010
my guess is that in the fight, starkiller's memory was whipped out, and the reason he was in a cloning tank was vader is trying to clone him as a scheme to take over the galaxy [face_peace]
Jan 7, 2011
In total honesty here is what i believe. galen Marek aka. Starkiller was just passed out cause the force explosion knocked him unconscious. and as soon as palpatine left the room, vader took his body to kamino to try to clone him to make a more obedient apprentice. But after many failed attempts he left galen in the cage for 13 days in isolation. Vader lied to Starkiller, telling him he was a clone, so that he might forget who he really is and totally serve vader again. cause after the events on corellia and rounding up the rebels vader wanted to make galen the perfect apprentice without corruption of his feelings for juno so that he could help vader destroy the rebels. The dark clone was the perfect clone..yes. But vader didnt reveal this to galen unless you chose the ds ending.
Dec 21, 2010
I am guessing Starkiller wasn't killed in the first place, but was nocked out cold and had Amnesia. Vader assumed Starkiller was dead, yet he did not check his pulse LOL :D


May 28, 2011
Jul 14, 2011
I believe Starkiller is a clone. In the unlockables there is a picture of Vader showing the Dark Clone Galen Marek's body. In the end there are actually two Starkiller's, but the Dark clone is waiting for his chance to strike back. I think Vader wanted to be captured so that Boba Fett and the Dark Clone could follow them to the hidden base on Dantooine. Maybe it's during this that the Death Star plans will be stolen and delivered to Princess Leia? It would be canon, with the Rebellion in shambles at the beginning of Episode 4. Maybe Starkiller is even the thief that was killed by Vader that was mentioned? I think he's a clone, and you'll have to fight the Dark Clone to try and save Juno in the third game.
Dec 23, 2011
i think that starkiller is a clone of the real star killer because in star wars the force unleashed 2 darth vader said that his visions were memories of a dead man and that they were a mistake in the cloning prossess


May 17, 2011
Dude, it's a clone, all the grey zombie clones are mistakes, and if you play the dark side ending on the Force Unleashed 2, then there's another clone that is perfect for Vader that kills you.[face_frustrated]


Jan 13, 2012
I have an idea about Starkiller,he passed out from the Emporer's lighting attack,then woke up in a cloning chamber on Kamino,and then let the clone distract Vader,and took a TIE Fighter to try to find Juno and the others.


Jan 13, 2012
The original Starkiller is at the Clone facility on Kamino so the Emperor is making clones of Starkiller to make a Jedi army to defeat the rebels.Some of the Starkiller clones have force powers and the others have lightsabers.
Jan 22, 2012
Thought I'd point something out. everyone has a plausible explanation, however, there is not enough proof on either side to confirm or deny the clone idea. my thinking though is if vader already had his perfect pet (Dark apprentice) then why bother with the starkiller you play as in tfu 2? Why go through all the trouble to convert him and corrupt him if vader already had a perfect clone? it doesn't make sense, so that's why i think the starkiller you play as is the real deal. Sure, he'd have 2x the muscle if they were both bad, but if the one you play as was just "another failed experiment" then the dark apprentice should theoretically have no problemo icing him. So thats why I think you play as the original stakiller :)


Nov 26, 2019
quoting blob007 "OMG!!!!! You dont even know the true story of the force unleashed! Starkiller isnt dead because in the final mission you can choose if you want to fight the emperor or Darth Vader, if you pick the emperor then you die at the end but if you pick Darth Vader you kill him and become the emperor's apprentice! Simple!"

just for the record, Your "true story" you have such a fetish for in this is the light side ending where starkiller is eligidly perished. That is the accepted ending to the story, as in thats the ending to the story that is official in lucas' eyes as the real ending published in books they conceal those at evil diabolical places known as libraries. They generally have words grouped together known as sentences, In america they are read from left to right from top to bottom[/QUOTE

I agree with you 100% do not doubt but one thing you did not mention is that the other ending in the second game was the "dark side ending" if you chose this dark side ending it would give you an animation of starkiller trying to stab Darth vader with his light saber and then abruptly be interrupted by another clone of him stabbing him resident evil style but not have the blue force light leave his body try and catch those facts also they did try and make the game longer there was a whole nother storyline of which all of you missed in whole force unleashed franchise there was a game mode where you could take over the rebel base HQ as starkiller and yes I did do my research I am fourteen I have played both games versions 1 and 2 I have played and beaten each several times on every mode I have unlocked every single lightsaber and light saber color I have upgraded each of his abilities to the max and I have puzzle pieced the whole story in my head and yes there is a limit to how powerful you can become using the force Darth Andeddu is a literal Sith God and don't cry and complain and say "Oh waah but its marvel its not really star wars" if it wasn't star wars then how come it came before actual "Star Wars".