
Feb 22, 2010
quoting blob007 "OMG!!!!! You dont even know the true story of the force unleashed! Starkiller isnt dead because in the final mission you can choose if you want to fight the emperor or Darth Vader, if you pick the emperor then you die at the end but if you pick Darth Vader you kill him and become the emperor's apprentice! Simple!"

just for the record, Your "true story" you have such a fetish for in this is the light side ending where starkiller is eligidly perished. That is the accepted ending to the story, as in thats the ending to the story that is official in lucas' eyes as the real ending published in books they conceal those at evil diabolical places known as libraries. They generally have words grouped together known as sentences, In america they are read from left to right from top to bottom


Jan 11, 2009
411911 said:
As you've all seen if you played the light side, Starkiller looked like he died in the final moments in the game.However if you think about it, all he really did was block the emperor's lighting attack. Also his body wasn't burnt to a crisp, which would normally happen if you were electrocuted a lot. Either

1) the Starkiller in the trailer is a clone who's started to uncover the original Starkiller's memories.

2)They tried to clone him but the original regained his senses and broke out or the cloning tube.

3)the sequel takes place before the final battle on the Death Star which would make sense. or

4)they start you off where the Emperor and Vader are leaving his corpse for the Storm troopers to clean up. Starkiller is just passed out and regains his senses and escapes the Death Star in some manner that lands him smack dab in the middle of an arena.

Take note that you could choose to fight the Emperor or Darth Vader in the first game, so its needless to say they wouldn't throw in the third choice, whatever that may be.

My thoughts:

1) & 2): As some have said, I think that cloning would be a cop-out. There has to be another reason why the guy is still around. To those saying that the idea of cloning is just stupid, remember, the stormtroopers were clones. They were not just clones of Jango Fett, either. There were other templates used for stormtrooper clones, as well. Remember the story mode in Battlefront 2? Also, when Palpatine returned from the dead (in the Expanded Universe), he used clones of himself, even though they deteriorated quickly, thanks to some insider sabotage. Okay, enough of that.

3): Impossible. As others have said, if this took place in the past, he wouldn't have memories of Juno asking if she would ever see him again, not to mention Yoda being somehow involved. I believe you discredited this yourself, so, enough said.

4): This seems to be the most plausible. (Again) as some have stated, we never saw the blue light of the Force exiting his body after the battle, as with the Jedi defeated by Starkiller in the game. Then again, we never saw that happen in the movies, either. Not with Qui-Gon, not Darth Maul, or Dooku, the Jedi in Palpatine's office or those killed in the Temple or during the execution of Order 66, Obi-Wan, Yoda, or even Vader/Anakin. Not even Vader in the Dark Side ending of the game. The only one that that does happen to is Palpatine, in Return of the Jedi. Why? I dunno. What does it mean, and does it really matter? Don't know that, either, but it's kind of interesting, if you think about it.

Another suggestion about it actually being Proxy, masquerading as Starkiller, who gets defeated by the Emperor, well, uh, no. That mean that Juno professed her feelings with a kiss to Proxy, not Starkiller, and was worried about seeing a droid again. A prototype droid, sure, but a droid, nonetheless. Besides, don't you think she would know if Proxy took Galen's place? She is on the same ship, she's right there, after all, and she's proven that she's not just a dumb blonde. Read her info in the Databank. Plus, if it was Proxy, he would have reverted to his normal form after the Emperor beat him.

One last thing. Starkiller having a twin brother? Highly unlikely, going from the Databank info. Then again, it wasn't until Return of the Jedi in the original trilogy that we found out that Luke and Leia were twins. So, I suppose anything's possible.

I just hope that whatever story they come up with, it is at least somewhat believable. As a matter of fact, I'm hoping it's awesome, but I won't hold my breath. ;)


Feb 17, 2010
umm id just like to say that its not lukes job vader is still the chosen one darkside or not he is the one to restore the balance. lukes just there to facilitate vaders abrupt change from the dark side.


Mar 2, 2010
411911 said:
WOW! a lot of posts. Anyway the cloning thing I mentioned earlier. For one, Jango Fett had clones of him made, however they were made to obey orders and didn't exactly match Jango in skill. So if they cloned him, they could easily make it to where the clone wouldn't be as dangerous, and completely obedient. Also the cloning facility on Kamino(sp)is under the Empire's control after the Kaminos tried to build their own clone army(from star wars battlefront 2.) I also said that they TRIED to clone him, not that he was a clone. Also I agree, looking back now, that this game can't be before the first one.

NOTE: Any future insults WILL be deleted. I just put my thoughts down, you can add yours as well, but no one is going to criticize anyone on my board. Keep it clean.


Man I haven't been on here in so long I guess my account was deleted...Anyway Just want to point out if anyone has followed the story after episode 6 Palpatine successfully cloned himself before Vader made him do the one two shuffle into the reactor core thing in episode six. This was why he was able to come back to life over and over until he is finally beaten for good by Han, Luke, and I forget the name of the jedi that captured his essence/spirit/force energy...

So cloning is definitely a possibility...I just seriously hope its not what happens.

There are a few things I'd like to point out...*I give permission to put me on blast if you want*

1) Someone referred to the Yoda comment in Empire Strikes Back, where Obi Wan says "That boy is our last hope" and Yoda retorts "No...There is another". I like what you were saying here...but Obi Wan knew about both Luke and Leia. Because she is every bit as powerful 'mediclorically speaking' as Luke is...thus the whole 'Twin' complex. But that kind of makes me wonder why Obi Wan didn't already know this because Yoda shouldn't have had to point this out to him. So in the games perspective...it would make sense for Yoda to be referring to SK...My conflict with this is the fact that this has just recently been admitted by Lucas Arts as "Official Star Wars content"...so a movie from the 70s seeing this far into the future is unlikely [face_tongue]

2) Why do some people keep thinking the story is going to be from the darkside ending of the first? *Spoiler if you didn't beat the first* Darth Vader died...Making episodes 4-6 kind of impossible and Lucas Arts has already confirmed that this is a legit part of the story in the Star Wars we all know. So please understand the DLC where you go to Hoth and Tatooine are the end of the Darkside plot...I hope...haha

3) Proxy got owned on the frozen planet...can't remember what it was called right before the final conflict. I'm not talking how SK defeated him...it was more like C3PO in Empire Strikes Back.

4) No brothers...Seriously terrible idea. Oh snap...you killed Luke...and Han...and Chewy...but thats ok...they all have secret twins that will come and fight instead...*I know...Leia...but you get my point. We developed a relationship with SK...Lucas Arts isn't going to kill that at the snap of a finger. Besides...that is definitely Sam Witwer in that trailer...so its SK.

5) If he isn't in fact "dead" than I really hope whats circulating around here about him just escaping the Death Star isn't for real...I mean could you imagine being Vader and Palpatine trying to wrap your head around that...Thats just bad for business. If he is in fact alive I hope they'd at least throw his body in the garbage shoot and he just get picked up by some sort of 3rd party (Smugglers, merchants, slavers,garbage collectors)...I couldn't care who. I just don't like the idea of him having amnesia...because I hate to say it...we all know who he is and whats happened so I don't want to waste my time while SK tries to figure it out. This isn't KOTOR where we didn't have a clue the main character was Darth Revan until the climax of the game which was awesome. So they can't just re-create that. He definitely looks conflicted..So we know Yoda is talking to him and so is Vader. I like the idea that Vader keeps him alive...kind of...The whole letting go of what you fear could be the whole point of the three voices. I personally think the Voices implicate the "choices you will ultimately make". Vader says you are merely a shadow of your former self. This doesn't mean hes a clone...Remember he ended by fighting Vader and then Palpatine...Vader could be implying he is no longer who he was in the first game...whether this be the Jedi we saw him become at the end...or Vaders apprentice we knew him as when we began the journey. Yoda could be trying to bring the conflict out of him by telling him he needs to let go of everything he held on to and fight what the dark with the light. He also says you must find yourself...that doesn't necessarily mean he has to gain his lost memories...We all go through life and at times we want to find our purpose...Yoda could just be helping him find that purpose in the light. Than their is Juno...The serenity SK has...the peace inside him that would cause him to possibly turn to the darkside if she died.

So here are my thoughts...please leave me feedback...positive or negative.

^^^^Didn't notice the first post on this page....HAha...my first point about clones is exactly what you were mentioning...irony!


Mar 3, 2010
here is a complete erradication of the Clone theory, by the way.

if any of you knew anything about the star wars universe, you would know that Clones don't have the Midichlorians necessary to use force powers. if you cloned Galen Marek, his clone would be no more able to use the force than you, i, or your general issue clone/storm trooper. so clones are right out of the picture.

right, now that that's said, force users are able to go into a kind of hybernation mode, as you've seen with the scene where vader threw starkiller outside of the ship. remember, that vader stabbed starkiller through the spine, flung him around, breaking various bones, and even severing his spine at one spot, before flinging him into the vacuum of space. it is as before, someone stated that all the jedi go out in a show of light. it could be argued that the flash when the force lightning crashed between the emperor and Galen Marek was the flash of Galen's death. but i don't think so. the flash did not irradiate from him. so, logically, thinking Galen Marek is dead, darth vader, and the emperor have the storm troopers clean galen's body out of the throne room, and eject him into space, where Juno's ship later comes and picks him up, and saves him.

this is my hypothesis on the idea, however. there are so many ways this could have happened. the resurrection idea is plausible too, but there is a flaw in it. only a heavy use of the Dark Side could resurrect someone from the dead. no light sider could do it, thus ruling out the rebellion. the Dark side of the force is the only side of the force that deals with defying nature in the way Resurrection would do. remember in Episode III, the emperor was talking with Anakin about his sith mentor, who had the ability to save people, and bring people back from the dead. this is a significant factor in the ruling out that Galen Marek actually died, and was resurrected. no dark sider would logically resurrect a light sider for any reason.

now, as much as i beleive the Force is an intelligent omnipotent existance, much like GOD of earth, i do not think that the force itself would put so much energy into resurrecting a single being of light. but anything is possible in the world of Star wars. the force is capable of doing whatever it pleases, when it wills so. i suppose, if the force did resurrect Galen Marek, it would be a LOT like Jesus. Galen Marek was killed to protect his friends (symbolic of saving men from their sins) and arrises again (jesus's resurrection on easter)... but i don't think George Lucas is too crazy about making references to the bible. he's much more stuck on symbolizing world war 2 in everything star wars. (storm troopers, 501st division, enslavery and genocide of wookies, uniform templates, etcetera, need i go on?)

as for this taking place earlier in the timeline, as some others have said, it is completely impossible.

as for a brother, again, impossible. same face? same memories? same techniques? no.

i hope some of the stuff i've pointed out here is helpful. if you have any questions, email me at bad_dreams_good_nightmares55@yahoo.com


Mar 3, 2010
In my opinion, I agree with the idea that he was revived in some kind of way. If he would have escaped the Death Star and crashed in the arena, where could have he gotten two "IDENTICAL" lighsabers. Also, he looks older in the preview. I think some time passed before he decided to re-emerge, just like Kota. Whatever it is I hope they fixed the glitches from the first game and that it is longer.


Mar 2, 2010
tephlonx5 said:
here is a complete erradication of the Clone theory, by the way.

if any of you knew anything about the star wars universe, you would know that Clones don't have the Midichlorians necessary to use force powers. if you cloned Galen Marek, his clone would be no more able to use the force than you, i, or your general issue clone/storm trooper. so clones are right out of the picture.

So...Palpatine didn't clone himself? He didn't come back to life over and over? He was unable to use the force when he did come back?

Dang...I guess that was a different George Lucas book I was reading.

I'm with you...mostly...just make sure you aren't basing your rant on movies and games alone...when we all know "paper" was the first and "all knowing" source of all information that these movies and games came from.
Jan 2, 2008
I read somewhere that in this one luke and han and the rest will be in it so it taking place before the death star battle is no good

as for how he is still alive maybe vader and the emperor brought him back again for something and wiped his memory of what had happened in the past and part of the game is about juno and the others trying to find you and help you

I mean vader brought him back from the dead once


Prime Member
Sep 18, 2008
For all the people speculating on this game and the reason that Starkiller is still alive...STOP. Its obvious no one will know until the game is released and speculating about it won't help deal with the time it takes until it comes out. We are talking about the Force (so anything is possible) and the only thing we know for sure is that we all want to play this game. The trailer didn't show gameplay, so we don't even know that Starkiller is the playable character for this game. What if they throw every one a curve and make a new Jedi/Sith playable character? See?...speculating is pointless! Let's all agree that the trailer is intriguing and that we want to play this game!


Oct 31, 2008
The whole theory about clones not being able to use the Force is completely without merit. I don't know where you got your facts, but you really need to re-read some Star Wars material. Clones of Force Users have been shown to be unstable (i.e. Timothy Zahn's Joruus C'boath and Luuke Skywalker both grown from Spaarti cloning cylinders in his original EU trilogy) and stable (i.e. Emperor Palpatine Reborn Dark Empire comics).

NOW... for a theory that's actually based on some information out there for us to use:

The Starkiller that ended the original game... was a clone. How? If you read the novelization and the trade paperback based on TFU, after Starkiller is betrayed and killed by Vader early in the story, he awakens on the Empirical alive and in better shape than he was when he died. Bacta is the healing standard in Star Wars, but it doesn't heal scars that currently exist and have already healed, which the novel/tpb both state that Starkiller has many scars from his hard life training to be a Sith Apprentice. It's been several weeks/months since his 'death', plenty of time to grow a clone or activate an existing clone. Vader could well have had one prepared for this possibility all along. You finish the game with the clone of the original character without actually knowing it. In TFU2, you are playing the original Starkiller. There has been time for him to properly heal, but perhaps with the damage, he's not 100% mentally when he wakes up.

This might be a stretch, but I always wondered about the information in the novelization and tpb regarding Starkiller being in much better shape than he'd been in when he 'died' the first time. This is my theory, which I think is completely plausible and possible.


Oct 31, 2008
Of course, after watching the trailer for TFU2 again, both Vader's and Yoda's speeches give you the impression that its the same character that ended the first game who isn't dead, but is lost and confused.


Nov 11, 2009
I believe Vader says that he's "a shadow of his former self" because Starkiller is no longer aligned with the dark side, hence Vader would consider him weaker for embracing the light side. If you recall, in episode 3 Anakin (Vader) converts to the dark side because he thought the light side was weaker.

A clone idea doesn't make sense because in the trailer for the second one, Starkiller hears Juno voice. I clone wouldn't have heard that seeing how she said that as he free fell from the ship into the death star. We know all the events leading up to the end because we played them.

As for how he survived, the most logical explanation would be he was just knocked out after fighting the Emperor. I don't know who said this earlier but they're right starkiller didn't emit a flash of force when he supposedly died, which is a good sign that he didn't die.

As for the colosseum, My theory is starkiller could of been knocked out due to lack of strength after escaping the death star, i mean he did just have a go with Vader and the Emperor, not your everyday walk in the park. Because he was exhausted after the adrenaline left him slavers could of picked him up as he drifted in space. Do i see a bit of Gladiator in TFU future? Very possible.

All in all the character we see in the trailer is the same antagonist we played in the first one. I do see a strong possibility in playing the part of starkiller story thats happens along luke's and the gang.



Mar 9, 2010
I heard a rumour that the first force unleashed installment was Vaders force sight and thats why Starkiller is not yet dead.
Any takers??

Also, is this game going to be free roam?


Oct 16, 2006
i just wanted to put my opinion out there. in the book "The Force Unleashed" it didn't say he died. The video game didn't prove he died... BUT!!! If u remember correctly as the Rogue Shadow is flying away from the Death Star, there is an explosion at the Death Star from the Emperor and Marek's lightning. I don't know if the explosion killed Marek. I think it may have. Unlike most of you guys... i'm not really sure what is going on and i'm not gonna make reasoning out of it because quite frankly i have no idea what LucasArts is pulling out of their hats. all i know is I hope Yoda actually makes an appearance in this game and not just his voice.


Mar 9, 2010
So technically nothing that happened in the first game was real. and you will make every single choice with starkiller. I just dont know how they will do an intro to this game.
Sep 11, 2008
I have a theory, that makes sort of sense...

Maybe this game is set in the Star Wars afterlife sort of? Because both Yoda and Darth Vader where talking of their side's views on death, as far as I could tell. ('Learn to let go of everything, you must,' which I think is about what Yoda said, is about what he said to Anakin about Padme dying.)('You are a shadow of your former self' Vader/Anakin wouldn't believe in Yoda's view, and that makes sense.)

Reasons for My Idea
1. Juno's quote, which no clone idea could really make complete sense of both his remembrance, and obvious comfort at the same time, and which he would not have heard had he not have at least STARTED the Death Star level.

2. He didn't have the Sith armor that he had in the DLC of Hoth and Tatooine, which means he can't have killed Vader at the end.

3. In the Light Side Ending, he could have easily died. The explosion could have hid any flash of light quite effectively, while Palpatine, having had more experience than Galen, could have shielded himself from the blast.

Just a possibility, another idea, which makes next to no sense, is that Force Unleashed II takes place in the middle of the Death Star level somehow?? Both are just ideas, so please don't shoot them down TOO hard.[face_praying]


Apr 1, 2010
but the catch is, if its the original star killer than why is he evil again? in the first force unleashed, starkiller desides to be a good guy rather than bad, it dosent make alot of sense for him to be evil again, unless he just wakes up from some kind of force induced coma and is really upset he was left for dead or dumped out through the trash compactors,with this idea it also brings up another idea maybe Anakin Skywalker(Darth Vader) wasnt the so called chosen one the jedi shought, maybe its starkiller whose name by the way is Galen for all those who havent read the book. these are just my thoughts and speculations.
Sep 11, 2008
matt_m87 said:
but the catch is, if its the original star killer than why is he evil again? in the first force unleashed, starkiller desides to be a good guy rather than bad, it dosent make alot of sense for him to be evil again, unless he just wakes up from some kind of force induced coma and is really upset he was left for dead or dumped out through the trash compactors,with this idea it also brings up another idea maybe Anakin Skywalker(Darth Vader) wasnt the so called chosen one the jedi shought, maybe its starkiller whose name by the way is Galen for all those who havent read the book. these are just my thoughts and speculations.

How is he evil again?


Apr 1, 2010
mistake on my part i ment to put "evil" in quotes.lol just because he looks angry dosnet necissarilly mean he has to be bad,mistake on my part.lol

But honestly for FU2 it would be a good idea to make the game free roaming, and allow you too make the choices yourself throught the process of the game as you progress. Since after all in the 1st game you start off as a misguided kid twisted to believe in the dark side and grow to be more understanding after he finds out what happened.

And with the now adding of the wise and very old jedi master yoda, it is quite clearly that they can be going more indepth with the star wars history,but if you think about it and idea i dont think ive read mentioned is this. What if in the second game they allow you to take off at the end of the first one bringing new lite to the game, after all he didnt have the nice show of the light shooting out of his chest after the explosion when he blocked the emperors lightning, so he may not have been dead after all and he was left for dead and shot into space, and the second game is about him regaining concoiusness and trying to be ruinited with Juno,who we all know he is inlove with and trying to find out his purpose.

After all whose not to say weve all been wrong to a certain degree in thinking Vader/Anakin was the chosen one,with the installments of the Force Unleashed games we see a side of the star wars universe that not many people thought about in the time period takin place between episodes 3 and 4,and how the rebellion comes to be, all in all Galen needs to be reuniited his freinds i doubtt it was his time to end in the first FU i think he has more to contribute to the rebellion as of right now.

These are just my speculations leave feed back.;)
Sep 11, 2008
That IS a good theory, but I just can't believe that Galen would have lived in the end. Mostly because there could have been a flash of light during the explosion.

Kazdan Paratus and Shaak Ti, though light shot from both when they died, it was the exact moment of their death, not when the mortal blow was given. For example, Paratus had time to say a final sentence, and Master Ti had time to fall backward into the Saarlac before she died. (Said so in the book.)


Apr 1, 2010
That is true, i myself dont get how he can be alive,since after all they did say he was dead both in the book and the game, but whatever the reason the brought him back they better make it good and lengthen the game alot more.lol...besides i also think the 2 lightsaber thing is kinda gay.
Sep 11, 2008
I hope that it will have more customization of the character, such as style and type of lightsaber, such as double-bladed, or twin lightsabers and such.


Apr 1, 2010
yeah same here,it would give the game a more unique feel for the player as well as making it more of an enjoyable game.


Apr 3, 2010
I think the starkiller in the preview is like an echo. Like an aftermath of the impact starkiller had.
The force showing how important he was
Jan 12, 2010
ok that shit bout the clones is just down right retarded and makes for bad story telling. the whole point behind starkiller is that he and the force are crazy in-tune so im sure it goes a little deeper then a god dam clone

o and if ur gona clone a badass like starkiller y the fuck just make one... thats y it makes for such bad story


Apr 5, 2010
okay, time to wrap up this jedi and sith give out light when they die thing. it's not true, it's a coinsidence! there are explainations for everytime it happens!

when palpatine dies: when he fell down the shaft, he hit an ENEGRY CORE, spewing with electricity, while he was still using force lightning, causing an EXPLOSION!!! (no more, no less!!!)

when SK "died": when galen theoretically died, the combined energy of palpatine and galen's force power, along with the lightning caused an EXPLOSION!!!

when shaak ti died: galen happend to be using force lightning, this is where the light came from, the lighning.

see, and i'll bet you'll find logical explainations for the others, too!


Apr 5, 2010
i think it'll have SK in the rena at the beginning, then later on in the story, we find out how he survived.


Oct 16, 2006
actually in the book they just kind of said that his surroundings were starting to dim out it didn't actually say "And then Galen died" :] and in the game Vader says "He is dead" but what the hell does he know, he had just gotten his ass kicked, he probaly didn't know what planet he was on. lol. then later Kota says "He is stronger than we could ever imagine" (implying that Marek was one with the force) but he didn't see Marek after the explosion so he has no way of knowing. I guarantee FU2 starts off with him waking up and with the trademark Galen scowl laying waste inside of the Death Star.


Apr 7, 2010
miroku1989 said:
Maybe Yoda has something to do with it. When he was walking he heard Yoda's and Darth Vaders voices. But if I remember correctly, he never met Yoda.

Or it could be what Darth Vader did to him the first time he "died" that saved him(havent played in a while, so I forgot how it ended) but I remember when Vader had to "kill" Starkiller becuase Sidious found out. He bashed him against the walls, and sent him into space. He probably broke a bunch of bones, his lungs, and most likely his limbs. Whatever Vader did to him probably saved him.

There are many ways he could of lived, and if it has to do with clones, then I'm not buying #2, becuase that clone bullshit is really gay. I wouldn't want to Starkiller's clone, that would ruin it.

your a moron its only on PS3 , anyway , the clone idea isnt a bad idea what if vader and sidious wanted to re make him to strike against the empire makes a greate story... so GTFO
Apr 7, 2010
There are two options:

1 when you defeat darth vader the emperor revives you and you are his new darth vader.
2 starkiller did not die and maybe lost his memory and servs them and at the end hi regains it

That is what i think that is going to happen


Jan 13, 2008
yoda always said "the future, always in motion, it is...mmmmm yes...mine mine" or something like that.

maybe the first game was just a force vision that either vader or starkiller recieved.

would be nicer if this were true, rather then run around as a silly clone or a twin bro (which isnt likely since his mom died when he was young..hince why he was alone with his father on kash in the first place).
Mar 1, 2009
First off. The LIGHTSIDE ending is the Canon (official, Lucas recognised) ending. The DLC for the Force Unleashed is an expansion of what COULD have happened not what DID happen.

tephlonx5 said:
here is a complete erradication of the Clone theory, by the way.

if any of you knew anything about the star wars universe, you would know that Clones don't have the Midichlorians necessary to use force powers. if you cloned Galen Marek, his clone would be no more able to use the force than you, i, or your general issue clone/storm trooper. so clones are right out of the picture.

right, now that that's said, force users are able to go into a kind of hybernation mode, as you've seen with the scene where vader threw starkiller outside of the ship. remember, that vader stabbed starkiller through the spine, flung him around, breaking various bones, and even severing his spine at one spot, before flinging him into the vacuum of space. it is as before, someone stated that all the jedi go out in a show of light. it could be argued that the flash when the force lightning crashed between the emperor and Galen Marek was the flash of Galen's death. but i don't think so. the flash did not irradiate from him. so, logically, thinking Galen Marek is dead, darth vader, and the emperor have the storm troopers clean galen's body out of the throne room, and eject him into space, where Juno's ship later comes and picks him up, and saves him.

this is my hypothesis on the idea, however. there are so many ways this could have happened. the resurrection idea is plausible too, but there is a flaw in it. only a heavy use of the Dark Side could resurrect someone from the dead. no light sider could do it, thus ruling out the rebellion. the Dark side of the force is the only side of the force that deals with defying nature in the way Resurrection would do. remember in Episode III, the emperor was talking with Anakin about his sith mentor, who had the ability to save people, and bring people back from the dead. this is a significant factor in the ruling out that Galen Marek actually died, and was resurrected. no dark sider would logically resurrect a light sider for any reason.

now, as much as i beleive the Force is an intelligent omnipotent existance, much like GOD of earth, i do not think that the force itself would put so much energy into resurrecting a single being of light. but anything is possible in the world of Star wars. the force is capable of doing whatever it pleases, when it wills so. i suppose, if the force did resurrect Galen Marek, it would be a LOT like Jesus. Galen Marek was killed to protect his friends (symbolic of saving men from their sins) and arrises again (jesus's resurrection on easter)... but i don't think George Lucas is too crazy about making references to the bible. he's much more stuck on symbolizing world war 2 in everything star wars. (storm troopers, 501st division, enslavery and genocide of wookies, uniform templates, etcetera, need i go on?)

as for this taking place earlier in the timeline, as some others have said, it is completely impossible.

as for a brother, again, impossible. same face? same memories? same techniques? no.

Sorry mate but you can make clones that can use the force. Read the novels and you'll find that there are cloned Jedi capable of using the force Joruus C'Baoth and a clone of Luke Skywalker for example. Also the Force is not intelligent here’s Jacen Solos explanation of the Force from The Joiner King "The Force isn't a deity, Tenel Ka. It's not self conscious, and it isn’t capable of caring what happens to us. Its a flow. Its only will is to remove that which blocks it. When we facilitate that flow when we allow it to run through us to others, we're in harmony we're using the lightside [and the dark side?] Is when we block that flow and turn it to our own ends, we keep it from others. And when we release it too quickly, we turn it from a nurturing stream into destructive flood.". Also nowhere else is it mentioned in the ENTIRE Expanded Universe that Jedi hibernation could sustain you in the cold vacuum of space. If there is one name it and show proof.

Also it has not yet been established whether a lightsider can resurrect the dead. Just because Darth Plagious could do it doesn’t mean that it is solely a dark side technique. If you follow that logic telekinesis is also a dark side power. It has been established though that a HUGE concentration of Force energy can resurrect the dead (Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy)

I do agree with you about the brother. Completely impossible since the in-game "Databank" says that Starkillers parents had a "child". Even more proof of no other relative was that his mother is dead and if there was a brother Kento would have had him in the hut with Starkiller when Vader turned up.

I also agree with you about the earlier in the timeline thing. It is stupid because we hear in the trailer a quote from the last level so that completely rules it out. Unless the Death Star has monsters that eat Rancors for breakfast on board which I severely doubt.

The clone idea though is possible because we know through the Expanded Universe that they can imprint memories onto clones (read Vision of the Future if you don’t believe me). Although I don’t think that LucasArts would do that to the loyal fans.

Just my two cents worth...


Mar 27, 2010
I have a few suggestions.

1. Maybe the emperor put starkiller's body in like some sort of garbage disposal and realeased his body out the death star and some pirates found him and forced him to fight in a arena.
2. This could be after empire strikes back and he goes on to train luke further into the force because theres no way luke could become a jedi so quickly on dagobah it takes several years to become a jedi master.

those are my best answers couldnt think of nothing else.


Apr 13, 2010
It could be that the entire sequel is actually a continuation of the dark side ending. You've already got suggestions of this direction with the Ultimate Sith Edition of the game: All three of the expansion assume the dark side ending.

The dialog in the trailer for FU2 is consistent with this. "Accept the certainty that all is lost," "You are but a shadow of your former self," etc. Then Juno's voice snaps him out of it--Juno would have been the only one of his friends to survive the first game.

As for his appearance, consider the Jedi Temple mission for an explanation. Galen goes through that entire level believing that he is still a Jedi, but at the very end it becomes clear that he's deluding himself. My hypothesis is that this is the last level in the timeline of the game, and that by FU2, poor Galen has lost his mind.

Yoda at the end of the trailer: "Find yourself, you must."
Sep 11, 2008
DirectAnim said:
It could be that the entire sequel is actually a continuation of the dark side ending. You've already got suggestions of this direction with the Ultimate Sith Edition of the game: All three of the expansion assume the dark side ending.

The dialog in the trailer for FU2 is consistent with this. "Accept the certainty that all is lost," "You are but a shadow of your former self," etc. Then Juno's voice snaps him out of it--Juno would have been the only one of his friends to survive the first game.

As for his appearance, consider the Jedi Temple mission for an explanation. Galen goes through that entire level believing that he is still a Jedi, but at the very end it becomes clear that he's deluding himself. My hypothesis is that this is the last level in the timeline of the game, and that by FU2, poor Galen has lost his mind.

Yoda at the end of the trailer: "Find yourself, you must."

Good idea, except that Juno surviving the DS ending is even less likely than Galen surviving the LS ending.
(Palpatine brought her ship, with her in it, down on Galen. And he would have killed her even if she did survive, to increase Galen's Dark powers.)


Feb 25, 2008
i like the idea that yoda found him and finised his training not that there was much else(he only spent his teenage years hunting jedi). but for some reason went rogue.
and just sayin luke was the worst jedi in history
Apr 15, 2010
I really like this idea which makes a lot of sense. After the last star wars movie everything is pretty much up for grabs what if starkiller really doese restart the siths.
Apr 18, 2010
I think that after the emperor defeated starkiller, his stormtroopers took him away from the death star to some other ship that was close enough for yoda to sense him, yoda must of relized starkillers strength as a Jedi and used the force to create something that stoped vader and the emperor from sensing that starkiller was still alive. Then starkiller must of been revived by yoda and then starkiller escaped. The next game is probaly going to be about starkiller trying to control his evil emotions. And the retard who made up that cloning crap deserves to get kicked in the nuts by a kangaroo!


Feb 22, 2010
There is a book in the expanded universe, takes place roughly about kyle katarn era, so 20-30 years after ROTJ, The book is called "The last Command" Basically its about mara jade going batshit hunting down luke because the last thing she heard from palpatine was "Kill Luke Skywalker" and she is hearing it in her head over and over and over, you get the idea basically the main villian in that book is a -cloned- Sith named Ca'baoth or something like that i know im not spelling the name right but he was quite a ....force to be reckoned with no pun intended just lacked a more fitting expression
Sep 11, 2008
andyb9274 said:
okay, time to wrap up this jedi and sith give out light when they die thing. it's not true, it's a coinsidence! there are explainations for everytime it happens!

when palpatine dies: when he fell down the shaft, he hit an ENEGRY CORE, spewing with electricity, while he was still using force lightning, causing an EXPLOSION!!! (no more, no less!!!)

when SK "died": when galen theoretically died, the combined energy of palpatine and galen's force power, along with the lightning caused an EXPLOSION!!!

when shaak ti died: galen happend to be using force lightning, this is where the light came from, the lighning.

see, and i'll bet you'll find logical explainations for the others, too!


1. Shaak Ti died quite a bit after Galen STOPPED using Force Lightning.

2.Nobody, and nothing I've ever seen says that Palpatine created the force explosion with his death like Galen, Shaak, and Kazdan.

3.Galens explosion of light could easilly have happened DURING the explosion, not the cause of it.

4.It is not in any books, true. It is only used in Force Unleashed to convey a force users death.
Apr 22, 2010
Also nowhere else is it mentioned in the ENTIRE Expanded Universe that Jedi hibernation could sustain you in the cold vacuum of space. If there is one name it and show proof.

Actually in the expanded universe, the Book Specters of the Past, Luke is escaping from an exploding pirate base and the only way to get out is to do a cold jump from the airlock to a ship Mara Jade is on. He does this with out a vac suit and is in force hibernation while in the vacuum of space, with a small pocket of air from the air lock. It takes him about 10 sec to reach the ship.

A force user can put someone into Force hibernation, and the amount of time and distance Luke traveled is about the same as Starkiller. Vader probably placed in force hibernation right before the final slam into the view port.

Also it is possible that Starkiller placed himself into force hibernation right before the explosion at the end, since he had experienced it being used he could have practiced it to fake his death to escape.


Apr 7, 2008
It's possible that in the moments before he died he became one with the force like Qui gon jin, Obi wan, Yoda and Anikin. And if it's possible to become one with the force Im guessing the opposite must also be possible too.
Nov 14, 2009
Whatever the plot of the new game is, it will end with Starkiller dying, or at least nothing happening to the empire, or rebellion for that matter. Otherwise it wouldn't fit with the plot of the movies, and they can't and shouldn't try to change them. In the first game, the only reason the choice to kill Vader was thrown in was that it was a rather poor attempt to replicate the choice making in KOTOR I and II. I wouldn't be surprised if Starkiller even meets Luke, or is on the warpath of revenge- he was forced to kill his father, tricked by the empire, and drawn into the mess by the creation of the rebellion. However, I rather doubt this occurrence.
May 1, 2010
I did not believe that this direction was a good idea for the developers. i think they should have started a completely different project involving star wars, like a general grievous back story, events after episode 6, or just something more original. the story of TFU1 really carried the game, but undoubtedly that won't be the case this time.


Jun 10, 2009
The way I see it is (and if you've already posted something similar to what im about to say, im sorry.) Starkiller was knocked out by the blast, which also cause him to get amnesia. He's trying to remember what happened and more importantly who he is. The ultimate sith edition is most likely just an alternative. In the trailer you hear Yoda and Darth. Both are probably using the force to contact and turn him to their side of the force. But Starkiller does not know why he is hearing these people or who they are.
May 3, 2010
I read this from a website and dont get all thats stupid on me it says its his clone and it has his feelings and memories which makes no sense but thats what i got from it. here is what is stated Les Toiles Héroïques, a French blog, has scanned some news from Consoles magazine regarding The Force Unleashed II. Not only that, but this news has been translated by English-speaking forumers on American sites. So… read on if you dare!

Those who are more adept at translating than me (such as the fine folks at EUCantina) indicate that we have a clone on our hands by the name of Gaalen Marek. Some degrees of his memories and soul are in the new body, but are all?

Please keep in mind that, to the best of NJOE’s knowledge, this is not official LucasArts of LucasFilms Ltd. released information and is suspect until there is an official release
and to prove it heres the site. http://www.njoe.com/2010/04/28/the-force-unleashed-ii-spoilers/
May 3, 2010
I read this from a website and dont get all thats stupid on me it says its his clone and it has his feelings and memories which makes no sense but thats what i got from it. here is what is stated Les Toiles Héroïques, a French blog, has scanned some news from Consoles magazine regarding The Force Unleashed II. Not only that, but this news has been translated by English-speaking forumers on American sites. So… read on if you dare!

Those who are more adept at translating than me (such as the fine folks at EUCantina) indicate that we have a clone on our hands by the name of Gaalen Marek. Some degrees of his memories and soul are in the new body, but are all?

Please keep in mind that, to the best of NJOE’s knowledge, this is not official LucasArts of LucasFilms Ltd. released information and is suspect until there is an official release
and to prove it heres the site. http://www.njoe.com/2010/04/28/the-force-unleashed-ii-spoilers/