May 27, 2009
As you've all seen if you played the light side, Starkiller looked like he died in the final moments in the game.However if you think about it, all he really did was block the emperor's lighting attack. Also his body wasn't burnt to a crisp, which would normally happen if you were electrocuted a lot. Either

1) the Starkiller in the trailer is a clone who's started to uncover the original Starkiller's memories.

2)They tried to clone him but the original regained his senses and broke out or the cloning tube.

3)the sequel takes place before the final battle on the Death Star which would make sense. or

4)they start you off where the Emperor and Vader are leaving his corpse for the Storm troopers to clean up. Starkiller is just passed out and regains his senses and escapes the Death Star in some manner that lands him smack dab in the middle of an arena.

Take note that you could choose to fight the Emperor or Darth Vader in the first game, so its needless to say they wouldn't throw in the third choice, whatever that may be.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Maybe he was just playing possum then he escaped in a tie fighter as soon as Vader turned his back.


Jun 3, 2009
Maybe Yoda has something to do with it. When he was walking he heard Yoda's and Darth Vaders voices. But if I remember correctly, he never met Yoda.

Or it could be what Darth Vader did to him the first time he "died" that saved him(havent played in a while, so I forgot how it ended) but I remember when Vader had to "kill" Starkiller becuase Sidious found out. He bashed him against the walls, and sent him into space. He probably broke a bunch of bones, his lungs, and most likely his limbs. Whatever Vader did to him probably saved him.

There are many ways he could of lived, and if it has to do with clones, then I'm not buying #2, becuase that clone bullshit is really gay. I wouldn't want to Starkiller's clone, that would ruin it.


Jan 1, 2010
As Luke Skywalker once said, there are many things about the power of the Force we don't know. Remember in Jedi Academy when Ragnos got resurrected? This is something similar, yet different.

I believe that Galen really did die, but somehow he came back to life thanks to the Force.
Dec 31, 2009
Thats retarted. It is taking place as if he would have succeded on the death star. If you played for the 360 and had the downloadable content it takes place as if he would have stopped darth vader and the empire. Thats the story line of the new one.

Why do you say clones? Where would that have come from. Dumb!!


Jan 1, 2010
I would think that perhaps, since Starkiller is such a powerful force entity, he was felt by Yoda, who recognized him as a true Jedi. Yoda was in the trailer, so maybe he had a part in this.

Either that, or the Force is actually intelligent, and revived him so he could restore balance to the force, which is complete bullcrap, since that's Lukes job.


Dec 16, 2009
XDNinja said:
I would think that perhaps, since Starkiller is such a powerful force entity, he was felt by Yoda, who recognized him as a true Jedi. Yoda was in the trailer, so maybe he had a part in this.

Either that, or the Force is actually intelligent, and revived him so he could restore balance to the force, which is complete bullcrap, since that's Lukes job.

correction: Anakins job[face_mischief]


Jan 4, 2010
It could be a brother since ,correct me if I'm wrong, they never mention the mother.

By the way here is a picture from IGN that shows a figure similer to this one.

Jan 5, 2010
ya but starkiller kicked his @ss 10 minutes before that i dont think vader will think about bringing him back again
Jan 6, 2010
No.3) wouldn't make sense cuz in the trailer...

- He held 2 BLUE lightsabers

- Juno's voice went through his head, where He met Juno starting from FU1, and only used a different colored lightsaber when He formed the rebellion.

So, yeah, awaiting the game like everyone else.


Jan 6, 2010
ok what i think is remember in the end of revenge of the sith where yoda told obi wan that qui gon found the path to immortality..this might be what happens to a jedi after he/she dies... how do they become blue ghosts and maybe this took time to where its the end of return of the jedi and vader and yoda are dead and are communicating with galen(starkiller)... just a thought!!!
Apr 29, 2008
The "if he killed Vader" storyline is the "Ultimate Sith Edition", moron. This is the official sequel. [face_rolling_eyes]
May 3, 2008
yeah but if you attack you attack vader again you live but you are the empores sith stalker so he could have gotten away some how


Dec 13, 2009
Good theories but unlikely. I doubt it has anything to do with cloning because the Empire would not want to clone someone who is capable of destrpoying them. And, since he was left on the Death Star when he died, the Rebels cant get a hand on him and, therefore, cannot clone him.
It is definately not before the events of the first one because he was a secret apprnetice. Darth Vader never let Starkiller leave the Executor until his first mission to hunt down Kota.

Obviously, i dont know anymore than anyone else here, but my theory is that if you notice in the first game, the Jedi that died (Paratus, Shaak Ti) released the Force from their bodies. But the ones that didn't die (Kota, Maris) didn't. When Starkiller "died", he never emitted a light from his body. So i think that was the key to why he didn't die. Well just have to wait to find out.


Prime Member
Dec 27, 2009
I'd say your last option is the most logical one, the emperor probably went to tend to vaders wounds, and Starkiller escaped the stormtroopers


Dec 24, 2008
gd ideas man out of the 4 "they start you off where the Emperor and Vader are leaving his corpse for the Storm troopers to clean up. Starkiller is just passed out and regains his senses and escapes the Death Star in some manner that lands him smack dab in the middle of an arena". is the one i think they should use in the game or somethink like that
Jan 12, 2010
ok this is what i think the new force unleashed game will be about:
1.starkiller isnt dead just knockouted or is revived somehow and escapes the deathstar. he doesnt go back to the rebellion because of his internal sith/jedi conflict; so he runs off.
2.kota senses hes still alive and him and juno go off to find him. which would explain why they arent in the movies.
3.either starkiller senses yoda or other way around. either way he hooks up with yoda which would explain his voice in the trailer. he is also still struggling with his connection and former training from his former master vader which is y he still hears his voice.
4. i think the game might actually span a few years (do to starkillers more mature apperance in the trailer). it may follow along side the original movies which would be cool. starkiller could kinda be like a behind the scenes type guy to luke and the gang.
5.also because vader and emperor get killed and luke reestablishes the jedi order, maybe starkiller will accept the darksid and reestablish the sith order. think about it...balance to the force means there has to be two equal and opposite...you cant have one without the other.


Jan 15, 2010
The theories of the Emperor and Vader just walking away and not sensing that Starkiller is actually playing possum just doesnt make sense to me. Obviously he was a serious threat to both the Sith Lords so why on earth would they just assume he is just dead. still, it is no doubt the best theory so far.
My idea is that, even though it never actually shows or states it, i believe the emperor aka Darth Sideous aka Darth Plagus' old apprentice, does have the power to heal and perhaps he might do something to that extent to try to recreate a lesser starkiller which is why he has 2 lightsabers and why Vader, in the trailer, states that he is "A shadow of his former self"
I really dont see many good theories. The clone idea is stupid, and the brother one makes no sense either. We never actually see or find out what happens to Kota, even though its safe to assume he dies, we still dont know how or when, so perhaps there is some major memory loss, that could be why when he hears Juno's voice asking if she will ever see him again, all the things surrounding him fall. Who Knows


Jun 20, 2006
doubled2838 said:
Thats retarted. It is taking place as if he would have succeded on the death star. If you played for the 360 and had the downloadable content it takes place as if he would have stopped darth vader and the empire. Thats the story line of the new one.

Why do you say clones? Where would that have come from. Dumb!!

That is dumb. I mean, it's not like the Empire controls some sort of facility that clones people for a living. What an absurd idea...


Nov 9, 2009
For any one who is so up tight about this game, don't worry, because I'm sure that at E3 2010 we will see gameplay and find out more of the story.
Dec 22, 2009
miroku1989 said:
Maybe Yoda has something to do with it. When he was walking he heard Yoda's and Darth Vaders voices. But if I remember correctly, he never met Yoda.

Or it could be what Darth Vader did to him the first time he "died" that saved him(havent played in a while, so I forgot how it ended) but I remember when Vader had to "kill" Starkiller becuase Sidious found out. He bashed him against the walls, and sent him into space. He probably broke a bunch of bones, his lungs, and most likely his limbs. Whatever Vader did to him probably saved him.

There are many ways he could of lived, and if it has to do with clones, then I'm not buying #2, becuase that clone bullshit is really gay. I wouldn't want to Starkiller's clone, that would ruin it.

i agree with you cloneing is crap
Nov 26, 2008
maybe vader still thinks starkiller can help so he helps him get away. that why you hear vader speaking in the trailer


Jan 18, 2010
is it possible that star killer was controlling the droid in the first game to kill emperor palpatine for him ? this is the droid that darth vader controlled using the force to let starkiller know of recent news. also the droid can create an exact image of him and hed be able to control him and use the force.

p.s. this is the droid that starkiller had controlled to kill him throughout his life

also a good storyline to this is that before the fight against the emperor starkiller runs away on a distant planet and juno thinks that the droid is star killer not knowing that he had fled. and then yoda and darthvader sense that he is still alive so they try to find and confront him.

last thing : whats with the arena and why is he fighting that beast/monster/alien thing that is in the pit in jabbas palace
Aug 16, 2008
Kaiju-Z said:
As Luke Skywalker once said, there are many things about the power of the Force we don't know. Remember in Jedi Academy when Ragnos got resurrected? This is something similar, yet different.

I believe that Galen really did die, but somehow he came back to life thanks to the Force.

Maybe he had to complete his destiney.


Dec 16, 2009
INF4MOU297 said:
is it possible that star killer was controlling the droid in the first game to kill emperor palpatine for him ? this is the droid that darth vader controlled using the force to let starkiller know of recent news. also the droid can create an exact image of him and hed be able to control him and use the force.

p.s. this is the droid that starkiller had controlled to kill him throughout his life

also a good storyline to this is that before the fight against the emperor starkiller runs away on a distant planet and juno thinks that the droid is star killer not knowing that he had fled. and then yoda and darthvader sense that he is still alive so they try to find and confront him.

last thing : whats with the arena and why is he fighting that beast/monster/alien thing that is in the pit in jabbas palace

dude... thats just dumb


Jan 31, 2010
Also remember in episode 3 when palpatine was talking to anakin about darth plagus, that he could stop people from death that may be the reason Galen is in the second game, must admit the guy that was talking about proxy (the droid) turning in to star killer, that's another gud reason :).
Feb 2, 2010
ok i have some ideas to what could of happened:

1:when darth vader "killed" starkiller and healed him,he felt something in the force that will harm starkiller so must of cloned him whilst galen was knocked out,hence why in the trailer he said "shadow of former self".

2:or maybe after sidious killed the original galen vader must went to go kill the clone galen and saw he was missing (obviously coz he broke out) and then vader tried to contact him through the force(for a reason which i cant think of lol).

3:sidious brought galen back to life (coz of the whole story of plagus) and he thought he could help him kill vader(which for that idea is vader became more powerful then sidious and tried to overthrow him, as anakin said in ep3)

4:lucas arts just wanted to make a game for money and really didnt care wtf they put in the game :D.


Jan 16, 2010
HELLO IGN COMMUNITY! It's Dallas here with my first comment ever in IGN.

Well...my theory for starkiller still being alive is this:

After he is killed, vader and palpatine are staring his corpse, and you can almost see some sadness in vaders face becuase he has worked so hard on training him. When palpatine leaves, vader retrieves the body and repairs starkiller like the las time, but this time he deletes all of he memories, so that he wouldn't remember his past life. And so vader puts him in a cryogenic chamber, or tank, or something (you get the idea)..and leaves starkiller there until the time is right to rivive him so they can kill the emperor.

And so a couple of years past and the rebellion is already formed, and the do uno of their first major attacks on a secret lab from the empire, the same lab where vader hid the sleepin dude. During the attack, starkiller awakes and dosen't understand wtf is happening and simply runs away. When Vader sees that starkiller is no longer there he start hunting down the rebels because he thinks they took starkiller. But really starkiller is all alone in the galaxy, with one hell of an hangover and an awful amnesia, so he doesn't even know who the hell he is.

after sometime of travelling and trying to start a new life, starkiller discovers that he has somo badass OMG force powers tries to master them and control them. Thats where the dreams and voices start. Because he start using his powers again, he begun having dreams and heard people he didn't know (Juno, Kota) become sort of crazy. He also begun really master his powers and made yoda and vader feel a very strong presence. Yoda and Vader talked in starkilers head, yoda to convince him to meet him and guide him, and vader who told him that he knew about his former self and that he could help him get his life back. Starkiller didn't wanted to hear any of them, he had this internal conflict because of the masters talking BS in his head, the only thing that intrigue him was the haunting voice of Juno.

Starkiller starts using his powers in a coluseum for living, being a modern gladiator. He gains the rspect of the ownwer of the arena, and the owner gives him a gisft of two lightsabers because he sees that starkiller has jedi powers.

And Starkiller fights in the arena, and is always tormented by the voices in his head....thats where our trailer starts :D

After that, the rebels led by kota and juno tracj him down, but so those vader....and i leave the rest of the story to the developers...

Hope you liked, sorry for any mistakes, i am not north american, i am from paraguay..

See ya later!


Feb 20, 2009
Luke was never meant to restore order to the force it was Vader who was meant to and who did Lucus said this in an interview for the SW3 ROS bonus content.
Feb 3, 2010
my thought is that after the ending we saw starkiller came to after being ko'd by the emperor and was too weak to fight them and was then sent to fight in some sort of imperial arena against beasts ( sort of like the geonosian arena in episode 2 )and due to his force abilities he was able to easily defeat them making for good entertainment for the spectators all the wile training to regain his strength and go find Juno and Kota and aid the rebellion or something like that.[face_cool] [hl=firebrick][/hl]


Prime Member
Dec 27, 2009
galens mother died early in his life, there was no brother, it was just kento and galen, the most likely scenario is he was knocked out by the sheer power of the fore lightning, so i'd say he found some way to escape. Furthermore it would be immpossible for him to rejoin the rebels for risk of exposing them, he will be on his own in this game i'd say.
Aug 9, 2007
cyme3 said:
It could be a brother since ,correct me if I'm wrong, they never mention the mother.

By the way here is a picture from IGN that shows a figure similer to this one.


Avtually his mother was killed a long time ago, if you have the database entry on his father, i believe, then it mentions her briefly and how she died defending the wookies.
Sep 30, 2009
Maybe starkiller had a twin brother and just for saftey his father sent him away to another plant or to be taken care of by yoda and maybe the brothers are linked by the force how bastilla was to revan in the old republic and he felt the presence of his brothers death and trained to take revenge and do his brothers destiny with yoda or starkiller got away from palpatine or played possum and got away any other way its still gonna be bad ass I mean I dont want a clone but if it has to be o well I think any other way as long as its better graphics more force powers more power crystals for saber and better camera work its gonna be bad a$$!!!!!
Oct 27, 2008
You know what would be awesome?

If Darth Vader and Palpatine keep his body in storage in the Death Star. But when the Rebels attack the Death Star, something happens and Starkiller somehow regains his senses and the first mission of the game is having to escape the Death Star before it explodes. Now a fugitive from the Empire, and seeing that his death rallied the Rebels, Starkiller goes into hiding and gets involved in underground rancor fighting for a living. Or perhaps it will be some sort of Jason Bourne scenario and he will have amnesia and will discover he has these powerful force powers and uses them to make a living without him knowing who he truly is, but is constantly tormented by the voices of Vader and Yoda in his head without him knowing who they are.

EDIT: WOW, I didn't read the entire topic and didn't realize someone had a very similar idea.

great minds think alike [face_mischief]
Nov 11, 2005
I just thought of something, maybe he does meet yoda, and the explanation would be because yoda in the films says Luke is not the only hope. I know is meant to say Leia, but in the movie is not specified is her, we just assumed she was. But also think the fact obi wan only thinks of Luke as hope, he doesn't meet starkiller so therefore he doesn't know that he might be another hope. Otherwise, if Leia had any force, he would have also noticed it. Sure, he didn't meet her either, but they were both on the death star and as a spirit he is watching. A bit crazy, but is not the first time they would do something like this.


May 27, 2009
WOW! a lot of posts. Anyway the cloning thing I mentioned earlier. For one, Jango Fett had clones of him made, however they were made to obey orders and didn't exactly match Jango in skill. So if they cloned him, they could easily make it to where the clone wouldn't be as dangerous, and completely obedient. Also the cloning facility on Kamino(sp)is under the Empire's control after the Kaminos tried to build their own clone army(from star wars battlefront 2.) I also said that they TRIED to clone him, not that he was a clone. Also I agree, looking back now, that this game can't be before the first one.

NOTE: Any future insults WILL be deleted. I just put my thoughts down, you can add yours as well, but no one is going to criticize anyone on my board. Keep it clean.
Aug 3, 2009
Perhaps his consciousness was blown out of him when he exploded. If you read the book that's how he survived getting stabbed and spaced, and how he survived the fall off the mountain on Corellia. Hey he has experience dying.
Feb 16, 2010
I have an idea? LOL you guys are all tards xD. they will surely just make up whatever to keep the $$$ flowing from this massively successful franchise. All of the reasons you have posted for starkiller's survival could potentially be valid, but it doesn't matter! LOL They can / will use any excuse to allow our favorite jedi assassin to enter into our console's for another 59.99$ ride.


May 27, 2009
IF that's all you have to say then why waste the time typing. This board is for those who actually want to figure out about how Starkiller is alive and not dead.


Feb 20, 2010
Maybe the emperor held back on starkiller and just gave him amnesia, and continuoed to train starkiller but the force somehow sensed he was a hope for the rebels and uncovered his jedi power. He never knew who sideous really was,to clear up the amnesia thing. So being led by the force,he ditches the emperor and escapes somehow. Being tortured by voices in his head,the force trailed away to Luke to help him on his journey. But then vader and yoda (and somehow,Juno) links to Starkiller with the force. As the force did, starkiller trails off to another (unkown) planet and gets picked up by the authorities and is sentenced to fight rancors with only lightsabers. Complicated, but possible. P.S. one of those lines needed to be switched around,sorry!


Feb 22, 2010
If you all remember. In the PC or XBOX version(Dont know which since I have neither) everytime a Jedi died, their body gave off a bright light and then they were dead. I dont know if in one of those versions that Starkiller's body gave off a light. But that is just one thing to keep in mind if anyone else wants to check. My opinion? I think that he lived somehow, and the Rouge Shadow came back the second after Vader and Sidious left. Who knows but we will all find out by the time the game comes out.


Jan 20, 2010
OMG!!!!! You dont even know the true story of the force unleashed! Starkiller isnt dead because in the final mission you can choose if you want to fight the emperor or Darth Vader, if you pick the emperor then you die at the end but if you pick Darth Vader you kill him and become the emperor's apprentice! Simple!
Feb 22, 2010
technically its annikins job, and he does so by chucking palpatine down the chasm, yeah i know i mispelled, who gives a crap


Feb 22, 2010
Well personally several other theories I have heard sound feesible.
A) cloning however possible sounds like complete crap and god forbid, lucasarts copping out like that
B) Brother? I really hope not but I can see something happening there however again a total cop out
C) The biggest hints I can see leading up to how he survived could be taken directly from Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. Palpatine was actually cluing the audience in about his own master, who had discovered how to control the very life energies of everything. So that being said and Starkiller (Galen Marec) being such a strong individual with the force and being so highly attuned to the force to be capable of this feat.

Now this is my own, Hey how about this kind of scenerio: We all know from Episode 4: A New Hope that the force binds us all and flows through everything so no matter what you have a connection to everyone, and Jedi have a tendancy to being able to read peoples mind, Maybe starkiller took the secrets of escaping death from palpatine at the last second before old cacklefarts new what hit him. How he escapes is open ended but the fact that he is virtually Godlike in comparison to other jedi and force sensetive characters in the star wars universe. Anyways how he escapes the death star or what ever happens, who knows, but he very well easily could have learned Reincarnation from Emperor Palpatine which is how we have a sequal Hopefully they have the gumption to at least give us the how in the near future and not save that for some lame ploy just to get consumers to purchase the game... at least i hope