Aug 23, 2010
I cannot wait to pick up this game. It looks very appealing to me as I miss the old star wars games. This just takes it to a whole new level!


Dec 13, 2009
it totally piece of junk.....its frame rate is lower even on my GTS250..4GB ram....its a waste..i cant even change my graphic details in that.....
Nov 13, 2010
this game is fucking sweet. you guys dont know shit. oh my god. the graphics dont look like a human being. holy crap. its the end of the world. look at games like oblivion and fallout. their graphics are not very good either. but those games are some of the best games to have ever been made.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
if they're mad because nothing changed then why would they give call of duty a 8.5 ?? or god of war 3 a 9. something .


Prime Member
Jul 30, 2009
As someone who was a big fan of the first game I am finding it hard to pick out any flaws with this impressive and involving sequal. I find it hard to understand the "passable" rating that it has been given.If you are a Star Wars fan I find this rating staggering at best considering how polished and accessible the game actually is.

It is so much faster and the combat has improved greatly, the levels are beautifully realised and the characters look amazing. I was proud to dawn my Sith Stalker armor once again.

The story is nicely realised with us continuing on from the first game and re visiting some familiar faces along the way (I would hardly call teh story "Shoe Horned" as the review states).

All in all this is an awesome game, well worth the wait and the money and the rating should have been up at 8.5 not 6.5. It is entry level reviews like that which can hinder a games popularity. *sigh*
Jun 9, 2010
awesome game i think it really is an improvement from the first one im still laughing when troopers loses arms and legs. def for fans.
Jun 9, 2010
weird, if u work out the average of the 5 ratings given for presentation, graphics etc it gives u 7.4... where does 6.5 comes from?
Nov 24, 2010
Unfortunately, I have to agree with this review. Like the author, I too am a die hard Star Wars fan. I really enjoyed the first game and thought that LFL was finally on the right path to video game glory. However, this game left a bad taste in my mouth. It left me feeling like LFL pumped out this game with gimmicks just to sell another title (ie. the 'appearance' of Yoda and Boba Fett). With the short game play, the lack of bosses, and a much simpler power development system, the game felt cheap. Even the boss battle with Vader was weak compared to the first game. All the beating up you do on Vader and he doesn't even show any damage, unlike the first game where his suit shows progressive damage as the battle moves forward. Yeah, I pre-ordered this title because of the first game and was very disappointed. This game was truly lacking development.


Sep 29, 2005
There better be loads of free DLC coming soon. It should be illegal to charge $60 for 4 hours of mediocre game play.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 15, 2006
Star Wars nerd my ass. You are just another IGN 'writer' who cannot write. This game, while short, was excellent and to say it has no replay factor is to say that Prince Charles doesn't have ridiculously large ears. Bad review...again...
Sep 4, 2008
Less than 6 hours on Normal....?? I would say less than 4 hours on Normal. This was interesting but not worth $59.99 or the roughly $10 to rent at Blockbuster. Wish I could get my money back from the Blockbuster rental and rent it for $2 from Redbox and turn it back in the same night after beating it.
Dec 19, 2010
Hey I completely and totally respect your professional opinion but it is just that; YOUR opinion. I personally don't intend to sound hostile or any bit agressive it's just that so many people including some of my friends live by other people's opinions and not their own, it's like: "just because your man from IGN thinks its not the best game out there I won't play it." They don't give it a chance so they can form their own opinion and not live by another person's views. They don't try it for themselves, if everybody took on a critic's more often then not, overly critical view of almost everything any bit entertaining than the world of games developers and movie companies would suffer drastically...
Jan 10, 2011
I personally found TFU2 to be an absolute disappointment all the way around, save for a few more (admittedly cool) force powers such as rage and mind control. I didn't find the playing experience as good in TFU2 as TFU1, probably because I have the Wii system and in TFU1, you actually controlled the lightsaber movements, but in TFU2, all you have to do is repeatedly press the A button to fight. Plus, the no map thing in TFU2 got really irritating, especially during the part aboard the Salvation where you have to navigate through the laser beam rooms.

The biggest disappointment was how short TFU2 is. It only takes place in three different settings (Kamino in the beginning and the end, the Palace, and the Salvation). Quite frankly, TFU2 was so short that it could have simply been an add-on to TFU1.

Also, I liked TFU1 as much for its compelling story as I did for the game play. The story in TFU1 was interesting and fit very well in to the entire Star Wars saga, as well as answered a question I always had about Empire Strikes Back: if the Sith only come in pairs, why was Vader so eager to turn Luke to the dark side, when doing so surely would have meant the end of Vader? TFU 1 answers that question in a very compelling way.

TFU2's story line, basically, is that Starkiller's clone fights a lot of bad guys because he's desperate to get into Juno Eclipse's pants. THAT'S IT!!!! THAT'S THE STORY!!!!!! Unlike its predecessor, the (light side) ending of TFU 2 pretty much goes nowhere (actually, I liked the dark side ending a lot better) and doesn't provide any sort of insight in to the main Star Wars saga at all.

All in all, I felt ripped off by TFU2. I'm sorry I ever bought it. I should have just blown the $60 at Atlantic City.


Jan 18, 2011
it was a HUGE dissapiontment and i hope they dont embarass themselves again and make a third one


Sep 4, 2009
TFU can be finished up in a few DLC levels.but this is LA,and they most likely will make a 3rd game,talk about milking a franchise........
Feb 7, 2011
I agree 100% with the view of DennyRasher about how people form their opinions about a game based on reviews here and i think its ridiculous. I have played many games which i thought were cool but when i read the reviews they say basically say they sucked. They complain about some stuff which, really in my opinion isnt worth complaining about. I think sometimes the crap they talk might not even be their own opinion but an opinion they are paid to have. This guy is complaining about how easy the game was...ON NORMAL for crying out loud. If he were a real gamer he would have set the difficulty to hard. I did that from the start when i realised that it was a bit easy and that made it more enjoyablel for me.


Feb 9, 2011
What game are you talking about ???
SW-TFU2 ??
Let me remember, hmmmmmmm, yeah, i played it once and gave the disc to my dog to peeee on it !!!!


Aug 1, 2010
I have to completely disagree with: "The voice acting is also great in general." Starkiller and Kota were utterly rubbish. They were so bad it was funny.
And without spoiling anything, why was the "light" ending the good side ending. It was more like the "idiotic" ending. He won't escape...


May 15, 2010
im gonna get to the point,RENT THIS GAME, took me 5 hrs to beat on normal,but it was fun, if u wanna blow 60 bucks get fallout new vegas or a cod game, at least with those u get ur money's worth
Sep 2, 2010
I don't consider reviews to be my bread and butter for gaming so i tend to leave a wide margin for error. I saw this game at the shops today. I have to say i thought it looked awesome. Lets face it, for games of this generation, graphics and sound tend to count for much more then gameplay. What i saw today was very good graphics at very good and steady framerate. So in order for this game to get the rating it did on most gaming websites...significantly lower than some bad games out there, the gameplay and story must be extremely and intolerably bad. Somebody here back this up!


Mar 14, 2011
Guys, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME, ONLY RENT IT. I bought this game and... made a huge mistake, I should have rented it because first of all, the campaign is super-short, plus there is no multiplayer to keep the game lasting after the campaign, only challenges which I really did it a few times and got bored, so guys, do yourselves a favor and instead of buying this game, just rent it
Mar 20, 2011
Really ign? I bought this game and loved every second of it. Sure it may not be that long, but it can be replayed many times. It took me about 5 hours to complete on normal difficulty and takes about an extra hour to play the $1 endor dlc.

stop hating on the game, can't wait for the next sequel.


Prime Member
Jan 1, 2010
My friend was sitting in my room while i was on the computer and decided to do a power play of the force unleashed 2, he turned on the timer for his phone and started. Not counting cutscenes, it took him 2 hours and 32 minutes on normal. And, he didn't even breeze through it.


Apr 2, 2011
Star Wars Unleashed 2 has got to be the WORST PIECE OF GARBAGE ever delivered by the CRAP LUcasArts.
We will NEVER buy anything from them again after being ripped off by this load of rubbish and strongly urger everyone to do the same. Glitches everywhere, 'Save Progress' which is supposed to ...duh.. save progress - but doesnt. Ridiculously oversensitive jumping on movings platforms, which, if you get one in 50 wrong, takes you right back to the beginning to start over. Pathetic design. I want my money back. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.


Apr 10, 2011
i just bought this game 4 nothing. wen i beat the whole game i felt very depressed and dissapointed. this game is just like the demo. this game only haz 9 levels. also this game is a piece of shit! they also lowered down the prices up to $30.00. Lucas-arts i am very dissapointed. i hope that wen they make starwars the force unleashed 3, MAKE IT LONGER!! PLZZ AND BETTER[face_shame_on_you]


Dec 27, 2007
i felt as though this game was both too long and too short at the same time, if that makes any sense.

obviously, only 9 levels (really, only 4 different worlds split up) is somewhat lame.. but the game was so repetitive i felt frustrated waiting for things to move along. the whole thing felt watered down with enemies and areas added just to pad out what was obviously a short story. how many rooms of enemies must i clear before meeting up with kota? i'm bored here..

for the most part, the boss fights were horrible. the cato nemoidia monster, the terror walker and darth vader.. all three fights felt entirely too long. while battling vader, i found myself wanting to finish out of spite as opposed to wanting to see how the game ended.

poor, poor effort.
Feb 10, 2010
I bought this before reading the review sad to say, and I am shocked at how horrible it is. I liked the first one yet I thought there could have been a lot of improvements so I decided to wait for the second one and see if that did any better. I have never seen such a half assed job on a game in my life. (Oh wait the last destroy all humans game did worse and people still tried to defend that.)

The euphoria didn't work which was quite shocking to me, maybe it was just my copy though doubt it lol. I used force lift on a storm trooper and I was hoping for another to grab on and it was like a hit or a miss, hell I wacked them on a box and still they wouldn't grab it nor a corner. And DMM hardly worked if you remember from the first game when you used the force against vines or loose wires they would swing. In this that didn't even happen so it didn't feel realistic at all. The targeting system didn't improve like how they said it would and the story was shorter and worse it was bad. Starkiller cloned, then with a generic bland story while the first one was so complex and intriguing. Then the set design, each one felt like a damn arena what the hell is with that, that is not what you want to portray to your fans arenas and hallways, all of them based of the last it seams backgrounds were uncreative graphics were good but not as good as the grit of the first one. Do not say that this game is still good because of the replay ability or the graphics, because it’s still 6 steps back and two steps forward, and with the fact that they didn’t even improve on the concepts nor fixed the problems of the first.


Mar 8, 2011
I loved it and I'm not one for repetitive crap (god of war). Of course, I rented from gamefly because of how short it is.
Apr 26, 2009
Whoever decided to this is a retard. I bet it's because George Lucas decided to take part in it. Stupid ass. I saw previews of the game and I already saw that the game was going to suck.

They kept going for powerful and cool etc. I am sorry but the two Lightsaber thing makes starkiller look like a douche not sith/jedi.
Feb 10, 2010
SteahlTenrai said:
Whoever decided to this is a retard. I bet it's because George Lucas decided to take part in it. Stupid ass. I saw previews of the game and I already saw that the game was going to suck.

They kept going for powerful and cool etc. I am sorry but the two Lightsaber thing makes starkiller look like a douche not sith/jedi.

I agree doesn't it make him look stupid? You know what I thought, when I heard there was going to be a force unleashed two I was hoping that it would be about a different character, like that woman we saw in the demonstration videos for the first game. Also I was hoping for a KOTOR experience with what we saw from the first game and a bit of Jedi outcast too it, you know back when the star wars games were good.


May 6, 2011
It's not that bad of a game. I liked just going around using all these cool force powers to waste a bunch of stormtroopers.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 1, 2008
This review is a little too critical of the game. I thought everything about it was improved over the original (except the repetitive gameplay) I thought the original's story was forced and a bit contrived and didn't really enjoy seeing Vader inadvertently playing a role in creating the Rebellion. I felt that the sequel's story was far more succinct, engaging, and cinematic. I'd give it more like a 7 or 7.5. The short length and the repetitive gameplay are the only real cons. This is a fun game just more of a rent than a buy.