
Oct 4, 2010
I was probably one of the biggest fans of the first game, and thought it was unfairly reviewed, I loved it, loved the game and the story.

This second game (if you can call it that) was the biggest let down of the year for me. I would have felt cheated if this was a 10 dollar expansion pack. This game took me less than 3 hours to get through, and getting through THAT even felt like a repetitious grind. This is a disgusting money grab for lucas arts. I thought the game was STARTING, like "Oh I found Juno, now the game can really start", and it was OVER. I seriously couldn't believe it, I got online to see if I was just missing something, or it was a bug that glitched over a few levels or something.

I can't believe Lucas Arts would ship this game like this, and a 6.5 is EXTREMELY generous. I haven't felt this cheated as a Star Wars fan... well... ever. Considering I have thought George lost his creative spark around the time of Return of the Jedi, that's saying something.


Sep 27, 2010
Game is worth playing.Full of action,graphics are amazing,and very fun.I have never played a game that was not a little repetative.Game is just as good as Halo Reach.


May 9, 2008
First off get off George Lucas' nuts. He didn't have anything to do with this. I love how so many people can enjoy all the things he's created yet have nothing but bad things to say about him.

To this's very sad. So much wasted potential. I find Starkiller to be a great character. After seeing literally everyone run from Vader in my life it's really nice to see someone who's not only not scared of him but is actually looking for a confrontation with him. While Vader at times comes off as afraid of the monster he's created. But they didn't do anything with! It's all just a really short circle of events when it's all said and done. Like I much wasted potential.

Well it sets up perfectly for FU3 and hopefully they'll end the trilogy on a high note.


Nov 1, 2010
Enjoyed the review. Always a shame when games like this fall short of expectations.
On another note who did the math anyway?

7 + 9 + 8.5 + 6.5 + 6 = 37
37/5 = 7.4 (More than just passable in my opinion)
Oct 28, 2010
I don't know why everyone is so shocked and disappointed at the reviews this game got. The first game got comparable reviews; both the gameplay and the story were criticized quite a bit. It just turned out to be a really fun game to play, and people ended up enjoying the story overall. It should come as no surprise that critics are saying the same things about this game. I usually pay a good deal of attention to how the critics rate games, but I just went ahead and got this game, and so far I'm really enjoying it!
Aug 30, 2010
Can agree 100% with the review.. though probly would have game play and lasting appeal a lower score. Boss fights are a joke compared to the first... Game is toooo short.
Sep 28, 2010
This review is spot on. I probably wouldn't even give it a 6.5. This has got to be the worst Star Wars game since 2002's The Clone Wars, though at least that story line was a little better. This falls SO short of the first game, and the game itself was short. It took me 2 days to beat this game. My instinct told me to buy this after seeing reaction instead of pre-ordering but I ignored them and did I pay (literally and figureatively). This game seemed like it was rushed into production with no need for a deadline, and even seems like it was never even finished. I agree with the review, the storyline is too loose and boring, and the boss fights are far from epic. And Vader was such a wimp on the final boss battle. And Vader being taken prisoner?! Who came up with that?! Vader is a friggin Sith and he can be taken prisoner while still concious?! The climax sucked and had no life anyway, but that added insult to injury. If the next game will be any good, then they need to go back to drawing board. The first game had the good storyline and flowed well, and had a hell of a lot more scope. You spend more time on the rebel ship a nd Kamino than any other part of the game. The first one had more worlds, and when you revisted them they were different. And the climax was better, as you faced Vader and the Emperor on the Death Star. This one you face a wimpy form of Vader on Kamino?!! THAT is the climax?! It a repititious game that doesn't deviate and it gets to a point where you want to finish this game just to be done with rather then any excitement to raech the end. The fun parts of this game are few and far between. I don't see myself picking this up and playing thru it again and again like the first one, and will likely be sold back to Gamestop for credit. I hope I have saved some people out there some money with my comments, and they go buy a quality game that has awesome reviews like Heavy Rain or NBA 2K11...I wish I had.
Nov 1, 2010
Dude 65 dollars for this game and its over before you know it the levels look great cool moves but just when you think your getting some where its over w t f dont blow your money on this game half a game half the price
Nov 1, 2010
wish i would have read this before i bought the game was sooooo disappointed after i beat vader i puicked the dark side and i figured ok now it looks like its gonna get good then credits w t f looks like im trading this one in
Sep 6, 2008

I will not be buying another force unleashed game ever. What's worse is that this game is so bad that it brings down the first game. Shameful. It's a disgrace.
Jun 2, 2010
It's not a bad game. Ir is just way too short! I'd give it at least a 7.5 And it be way higher if the game was rwice as long! Well that's what renting games is for I guess.


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
All the rumors about this game are sadly true. I rented, instead of purchased this game, thank god. It was a one time play only game, with very, very little replay value. The story, as has already been stated, is veeeeery weak. Six or sven hours and you've beat it.



Jan 6, 2010
LOL! Man I feel bad for any that bought this......seriously. It almost seems however like they didn't finish it completely. The first few levels are positively bad ass........then you spend 5 seconds on Dagobah and it's all downhill from there. I will say though that the visuals in this game are amazing. This game could have and should have been more epic than it is. Developers need to take more time with a game and quit trying to turn it out quick to make a buck, if it can be helped. So much potential here just flushed down the toilet like so many useless turds. I hope if there is a third game and they take the remarks so many are making and give us the good shit.


Nov 2, 2010
I have to say this review is soooo wrong, its way better then the first and some of the fight scenes are truely epic. If you love action games you cant go wrong, the controls are tight and the combat is more satisfying then the first game, whoever reviewed this should be sacked as they obviously have missed the point, yes it is too short but thats the only bad thing, the visuals are stunning.


Sep 29, 2005
3 hours long for $60....are you kidding me. Lucas Arts should be sued. What were they thinking? $20 game or rental. This is a perfect example of someone abusing the love people have for a series for a quick buck. Honestly it should be illegal to make a game this short and charge so much.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
IGN is being extremely generous by giving this game 6.5 and not a 4.0 like it deserves. I'm so happy I canceled my Collector's Edition pre-order because I rented it and it's terrible. Even die-hard Star Wars fans will be bored. I played 2 hours of it and I don't feel like continuing... The story is a joke. LISTEN TO ME: Comparing the first game's story to TFU2 is like comparing The Godfather to The Last Airbender. The button mashing and repetitive level designs made me yawn. This "game" should have been a $9.99 add-on.


Dec 26, 2008
This is a tough game for me to judge, because I'm such a huge Star Wars fan to begin with. The best way I can describe this is by stating that the first game was very much like playing an epic movie. Part 2 felt more like playing a high-end episode of a cable sitcom. The journey was much more "narrow" than the first. Part 1 was all about being a conflicted character and choosing between good and evil, and the story had very important key elements and tie-ins to the Star Wars movies and lore. In part 2, it seems as if there is no confliction, and the character is good from beginning to end. There's no struggle. Just a dude searching for answers of his origins; on a mission to save the people he loves. It's a very simple story, and as others have mentioned, a very short game. It leaves you hanging at the end, thus you find out no real answers, and completely leaves it wide open for a part III (which I hope they step it up a bit!) My biggest dissapointment IS with the story. I'm currently reading the book, and there's SO MUCH MORE material that should have been in the game! Mainly events, characters, and situations concerning the Rebel Alliance. I think if they would have added that, it would have made for a more richer game in substance and story. Seeing the formation of the Alliance in the first game really added to the depth and purpose of Starkiller even existing. They should have continued with that in the second game. Unfortunatly, it isn't so...I hope that in part 3, Starkiller goes to Tatooine and discovers some truth about Vader when he runs into Obi-Wan! That would be cool!
Overall, I'll rate this game a 7 out of 10 for an ok story, fun gameplay, and amazing graphics. I'm already on my 5th time playing it...lolol...
Aug 18, 2010
That's a shame too, since the gameplay mechanics and graphics looked very solid in the demo. However, the demo is all I need after reading piss-poor review after piss-poor review.


Sep 30, 2005
Im a fan of the char starkiller, so I liked the game overall. What the 1st game did that this 1 did not was having good boss fights. I would have really liked to have a boss fight w/ Tha Fett or even some new sith/jedi.

Alot games out there r not worth $60. Glad I don't pay tht much 2 gettem.[face_mischief]


Sep 29, 2009
what the fuck are you on you crazy IGNorant fool!!!! this game is amazing: amazing graphics, amazing gameplay, amazing story (although for stupid people it would be rubbish because you actually have to think and answer some of the stories questions yourself), amazing boss fights SPOILER!!! The Gorug, and you actually get to "unleash the force" better than ever before and properly this time against Vader


Oct 20, 2006
This review is way off. This is a solid game worth at least 7.5. The only problem with it is length. It's over far to quickly, and like someone else said, there is so much more to this story that we do not get to see. Shame!! Graphics are some of the best on the PS3. Gameplay is fantastic.


Nov 19, 2006
game is simply too short. thats the only fault i find with it.

why was this review reposted today? i read this last week
Mar 6, 2004
Brillaint game, so fun for the avid Star Wars fan. I mean I love Star Wars and anything to do with it so this cured the itch for something new. But I agree it is too short but the PSN Store option at the main menu makes me believe that there will be some DLC and heres hoping they wont make us pay £7.99 or more for one level like we had to last time, maybe a decent sized extension of the game! I think the challenges are a lazy idea somebody came up with to give you something to do between finishing the game and playing some DLC.


Prime Member
Jan 15, 2008
What is with all these horrible IGN reviews lately...What happened to all of IGN's usual reviewers, these new fools don't know a damn thing about anything as far as I'm concerned. I swear they went to the street and hired a bunch of morons that think the only worthwhile game in the universe is Call of Duty and told them they were in charge of writing reviews from now on. I thought this game was an improvement from the last in every aspect except length of the campaign. I don't remember the score of the last but I would give this an 8...if it was a few hours longer it would be a 9, easily.


Prime Member
Jan 15, 2008
you know what I just figured out...Activision must have paid off IGN writers to give every game release leading up to Black Ops a horrible review that everyone would feel the need to buy it in order to have a decent game to play...It's a good thing I have a brain all of my own that can form it's own opinions and realize that IGN has gone down the toilet.
Nov 3, 2010
Agreeing with this review (and most posted on IGN).

There is some cool stuff in this game but it's mostly annoying to destroy troopers waves after waves with a way too powerful character (do i need to use the lightsabers??). I felt retarded after 2 hours.

I really miss Jedi Knight II.


Feb 6, 2009
I know that the game is short but it does have a lot of good stuff in it so far i have only played the demo for this game and i absolutly loved it. It's far better than the first game and in my opinion it should get a higher rating something over 7.7 is ok but 6.5 is just ridiculous. The targeting system has been improved a lot especially with the saber throw its great how after it has dealt with one enemy it does damage to other enemies and the fact that they've replaced lighting shield with jedi mind trick makes this better coz the lightning shield in the first game didn't really do anything even when it was upgraded fully and as ign said the graphics are gorgeous, the best graphics ive seen in a long time. As the story comes I admit it is really short and it probably take me 2-3 hours to complete when i get the game i'm not insanly worried about the story coz if the game doesn't have any good graphics and a great targeting system and blowing up T.I.E fighters while falling from the heavens isn't going to make me buy this game. I've been a fan of star wars ever since i was a baby i know its hard to believe but its true and i love the whole series its great one of my favourites and its only apropriate that the time between eps 3 and 4 are filled coz were talking like a 20-25 year gap and thts quite along time. any one who believes tht this game sucks try renting the game or downloading the demo just give it a try and you will see what im talking Thnx everone and goodnight.
Oct 30, 2010
Wondering why the game is sooooo short?

Part of the campaign is locked on the disc, and you will probably have to pay for it again(because you know, you paid for it when you first bought the disc for its contents)
Sep 26, 2009
The game is shit.Anthony Gallegos is right with his reviews consistantly. If you like the game buy it. If not then shut your fucken mouth and accept he is spot on. Btw The rebel FM kicks arse


Feb 3, 2010
@mister omega

Wow that was a very mature response. Why should people be silent if they dont agree with this mans opinion. Remember thats what this is a opinion. I already seen some of his opinions and i can say me and him wont see eye to eye alot.


Nov 4, 2010
I find it hilarious seeing so many people crying about the rating, when they have only played the demo...
The fact is SWFU2 is like playing dynasty warriors with the force. The game gets boring after 20 waves. The boss fights are non challenging, and the price for a 6 hour game is bullshit.



Feb 3, 2010

Yea its only the people who played the demo that disagree. I mean it cant be that they are human and have a different opinion from this review. I just find it funny people think reviews are 100%factual when they arent. Its mostly opinion. Its just some guy being asked his opinion and being paid for it.
Mar 20, 2008
i loved the game but i completely agree with anthony it ended right when it got interesting. the graphics are amazing but it is repetitive. if your a hardcore fan like i am you should play this game the force powers are pretty dope.
Dec 17, 2008
If you wanna make a high quality, high standards product, but designed only for kids, chances are it's gonna fail miserably.
Word of advice: if you wanna get the kids, get the parents first!


A devote follower of Christ Jesus. John 3:16
Nov 18, 2004
suda94 said:
@mister omega

Wow that was a very mature response. Why should people be silent if they dont agree with this mans opinion. Remember thats what this is a opinion. I already seen some of his opinions and i can say me and him wont see eye to eye alot.

Opinions = Assholes

everyone's got one


Sep 10, 2010
I've got a bad feeling about this... game. I think Lucas Arts are going to try to get as much out of the DLC marketas possible. All of us feel the game was just getting started when it finished. Well I predict that we will see the rest of the story for TFU2 in DLC chapters. So if you shelled out £50.00 for the collectors edition, be prepared to shell out more.

Granted I loved the game, but it left me wanting. If you visited the Lucas Arts website prior to TFU2's release, there was a vague reference to another Starkiller clone escaping from the cloning facility. Where was he in the game??? I bet he'll appear in DLC. We underestimate the full power of Lucas Arts to pull us in.
Nov 4, 2010
@ Anthony Gallegos
For the love of god, please have someone proof read, and or edit your shit before you post it up anywhere public.

I took the liberty of rewriting your review to make it more concise and easier to read. Here's as much of it as IGN will let me post in the comments:

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 (TFU2) is immediately engaging, and also strikingly beautiful with its fantastic vistas and superb character animations. Sadly, despite this pretty façade, the rest of the game is comparatively weak. Repetitive combat, bland level design, and a shoehorned story, all contribute to what is essentially a shallow and unimaginative game play experience. In fact, the core of this experience is exactly the same as the previous game: it's the Force like you've never seen it before; with supercharged versions of the powers we've all seen in the films.

TFU2’s game play isn’t even that much different from its predecessor, The Force Unleashed (TFU); it goes from a typical hack 'n slash, to a Force-imbued beat 'em up. All the while your character causes unbelievable amounts of destruction. In addition to this generic game play, you can dismember enemies with your lightsaber, move enormous objects with the power of the Force, and tackle a variety of other challenges that would be impossible to overcome without the use of your exaggerated Force abilities.

TFU2’s story places us in the shoes of Starkiller despite the fact that he also died at the end of the last game. To resolve this discontinuity, the game explains that your character is a clone of the original Starkiller. At the beginning of the story, Darth Vader holds Starkiller captive, however, Starkiller manages to escape after Darth Vader tries to kill him. Once free, Starkiller sets off to find Juno Eclipse, his lost love interest from TFU.

The game’s story is plausible, but at times feels like it lacks meaningful direction. Also, characters reappear from the first game for seemingly no other reason than fan appeal, and the story itself seems to conclude prematurely. I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say that I think the story is relatively boring compared to other pieces of Star Wars fiction. It gives me the impression that LucasArts only made the TFU2 for the sake of profiting off the last game’s success, rather than for the purpose of creating an interesting piece of Star Wars lore.

TFU2’s levels are beautiful. They immediately capture the same sense of grandeur and scale that we have come to expect from Star Wars. However, despite this beauty, the levels quickly become redundant and boring due to repetitive level design. Even the combat, despite the inclusion of dismemberment and awesome Force powers, eventually becomes stale after a few hours of play. It would have been better if there were something else outside of combat to break up the game’s pacing.



Mar 1, 2007
I personally loved the first game but the reviews were justified. I have not played the second one but Star Killer's power was worrisome. I was curious how they would go about future sequels and still make the games challenging? After he became a badass in the first game... how would anything stop him? I suppose they could do something cliche where he loses his memory... but I don't understand how they could push the story any further without putting some restraint on Star Killer's power and keep it within the realm of the movies because Luke's wasn't even close to this and he defeated Vader.

I'll still purchase the game eventually because I'm a sucker for anything Star Wars.


Aug 19, 2010
So bad it makes we want to trade in the 1st game (which I held onto as I found it highly replayable).

There was so much developed hype about this game, that I was anticipating big things; but after beating the game in close to 3hrs (on normal difficulty) I was left questioning what just happened... had I actually beat the game the second time I picked up the controller to casually play it.

I barely used the "Force Fury" powers, as I was always expecting some hugely difficult enemy or boss to be right around the corner, only to find there never was one. Had I used these powers the game would have passed me by all the quicker.

The worst part is, after opening/unwrapping the game and finding it to be hugely disappointing, I couldn't return it for full value. I think developers need to be more responsible if they are going to produce the kind of garbage that this game was (especially compared to the 1st). I mean if I get a bad meal at a restaurant, I send it back, and this game made me want to wretch more than most meals I've returned.
Aug 31, 2010
just beat it an hour ago (didn't buy it, i rented it) and i have to say i disagree on what the review said a little bit but most of it is true and it deserves a 7.0 not a 6.5. See the problem is, is that this one came out to early, Lucas Arts should have took more time to make the game like the 1st one than rush it but i hope they do better with TFU3 if it comes out.