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Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
What Lucasarts needs to do is contact the guys who worked on the KOTOR games (ie. Bioware) and get them to setup a new trilogy in either the Old Republic or the Legacy of the Jedi eras.

This gives us a whole timeline that they can play around with and with Bioware just about to finish Dragon Age 2, The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3, they are going to need a new project.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
The entire f*cking game is like DLC. Anybody here buy Red Dead's latest addition? Took way longer and was way more immersive than the entirety of TFU2. Better story too. For 10 bucks compared to 60. Why the freaking hell does Lucasarts think that letting us kill all the characters, without whom this little clone bastard would never have come about. I'm not buying TFU3. I think I'm done with Star Wars.
Oct 7, 2006
Beside looking paler that looks like Solo

and that looks like Leia, down to the nose*LeJ*ORxLcy8dHLHMZ2JSqkBA2hAgJXzH0A0qDEDny7aZREOplldOdezryXYkpAgcmWCD1aUI2guT9szalciHSfuJ4/wi_fisher_070521_ssh.jpg


Feb 3, 2010
I enjoyed FU2 but it was just to short. I bought the dlc and its worth the price. While it was sad to kill the heroes it was the same time fun.


Nov 16, 2010
I just finished this. This DLC wasn't bad, much better than the crappy, buggy DLC from TFU1. It sure was ugly though, almost Wii-quality graphics with flat textures and jagged edges. But hey, it was only a buck, I had just enough in my PS3 wallet to get this and the costume pack. It kept me busy for a little under an hour, and the ending sets up for the next DLC. If they come out frequently and so cheap, I won't mind getting these. I remember plopping down 800 MS points on each DLC for the first game, too expensive for little quality/replay value.


Dec 15, 2010
A couple of posters have figured it out already, but here it is, one more time...

The TFU2 DLC Endor addition IS NOT, I repeat, IS NOT a continuation of the TFU DLC.

TFU2 DLC Endor addition is a continuation of the "What-If" Non-Canon "Chose the Dark Side Ending" to TFU2 where the evil Starkiller clone kills you and then goes on to continue the mission Vader was hoping to have you do.

For the TFU DLC additions you play Darth Starkiller from the "Dark Side" ending of the original game. You're the new "Vader", all messed up and requiring a breathing aparatus after Palpatine owned you by throwing the Rogue Shadow at you and you confron Luke where you DO NOT kil him, but convert him to the DArk Side and take him on as your apprentice.....and that's it. There has been no continuation of the Darth Starkiller from Lucas Arts as of yet.

In TFU2 DLC Endor addition you play a character you have NEVER played before in any TFU're NOT playing Galen Marek from're NOT Darth Starkiller from TFU DLC....and you are NOT playing the "clone" Starkiller from TFU2. You are the evil Starkiller clone from the "Dark Side Ending" of TFU2 and you pick up his story on Endor sometime after he has confronted AND killed Luke in a never shown or never played by you confrontation.

I hope this clears some of the confusion up.

Although, shame on LucasArts for making something so confusing anyway.....LOL!

And, all being considered, man it sucked and was painful to actually see Leia, Han and Chewie (especially by Han's blaster fire!!!) die. Total let-down.

Come on Lucas Arts, give the fans what they REALLY want.....a truly epic SW game where we get to play as Luke, Han, Chewie,!!!!
Jul 14, 2008
@ Atlas316

not to start a war , but Leia talks about Luke on Hoth , how ISNT this a continuation of the DLC from the first game? Seems to be me there is a connection between this DLC and The Hoth DLC from FU1. Granted there is a HUGE plot hole in all this. What happen to the Starkiller that was in the DLC for FU1?


Dec 15, 2010

I wouldn't worry about "starting a war"....LOL...I'm just like you (and everyone else here), trying to figure out the easiest and best possible explanation of a very confusing scenario LucasArts has developed.

I wonder if anyone from LucasArts ever reads these boards?!?!?!?!

Anyway, I'm open to being wrong (it wouldn't be the first time, nor will it be the last no doubt), but, after looking at the the character you play in TFU2 DLC Endor addition, he mostly resembles the evil Marek clone from the "Dark Side" ending of the TFU2 and not Darth Starkiller from TFU DLC's, so that's mostly where I draw my conclusions from.

But want me to mess things up for us all even further?!?!?!?

LOL! Ok!

I went back and double checked what Leia actually says in the Endor addition...

"After my brother FELL on Hoth, I fulfilled the destiny that he could not.".


Hmmmmm.....maybe Luke's not dead after all? "Fell" could mean he died....or....he "fell" from the "Light Side" and became a Sith..., as Luke has said, " my father before me.".



.....but, nah, I'm still sticking with my original explanations.



Oct 17, 2010
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NNNNNNNOOOO *uck you starkiller you cant just go around killing han solo and chewie GGGGGGGGRRRR damn youthis proves that TFU2 equals crud


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 28, 2005
IGN said:
The whole setup is alarmingly similar to the film except that this is the continuation of the first game's DLC, so Luke is dead at the hands of the evil apprentice.

Looks like Greg didn't play the first game's DLC.

Starkiller didn't kill Luke in the DLC. After you defeat Luke, Luke becomes his apprentice, turning to the Dark side. Starkiller simply does what every Sith apprentice does -- find a secret apprentice of his own and plot to overthrow his master, becoming the master himself. Except he succeeds where Vader and the Emperor didn't, and that is turning Luke towards the Dark Side.


Dec 15, 2010
Ok, FINAL clarification on the matter as to if TFU2 DLC is a continuation of TFU DLC....and something we idiots (YES! ALL of us!) should have noticed earlier if we actually took the 30 seconds to READ the damn scroll at the beginning of the game...where it says...

"Little do the rebels know, Darth Vader has dispatched his personal assassin, a dark clone of Starkiller, to finish the rebellion once and for all..."

Is it a continuation of TFU DLU? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Nuff Said!
Jul 14, 2008
@ Atlas316

Good to see you are someone to talk and not fight , too many here just yell and insult.

The minute Leia said about Luke on Hoth I thought all of the DLC was one story.And I think the writer did too.

How is the line you quoted proof it NOT part of the other DLC? I would think if we knew what happen to the Starkiller at the end of the DLC. If he died at some point then it could all fit, or if the REAL Starkiller is off on some other mission

It looks to me as if they are tried to link the Dark Side ending from FU2 and the DLC from FU1, but forget to explain the real Sith Starkiller. I too could be wrong.

So let agree to wait for word from Lucas since we have 2 points that contradict each other.

Proof all the Dark Side DLC could be linked : Leia's line about Hoth.

Proof it is not : The clone from FU2 is hunting , not the real Starkiller from FU1.

We could go back and forth but I think we can both agree that Lucasarts did not do the best job with being clear IF this fits in
May 7, 2009
I thought for 80 points this was really cool. Liked the level more then most of the levels in FU2. Two different locations and some object bending like in the first game, ok not much of it but I really missed that in FU2. Boss battle against Leia was also cool and to be evil again (finally a chance to wear the dark apprentice robe) is simply much more fun.
Jan 26, 2009
They should make another DLC where Qui Gon Jinn comes back but he doesn't have a life bar, it's just a timer to see how long you last before he inevitably kills Starkiller through a 2 hour cinematic of unspeakable torture and epic pownage. I REALLY want to see him put in his place.


Sep 4, 2010
Has anyone else had the same problem as me, since downloading endor played through it no problem. decided to go through main game again pick some trophys up get to the start of salvation level it wont load it tried going passed it at main menu and load the return and the confrontation levels neither of them will load in fact on confrontation when starkiller going up in lift at the begining it just keeps repeating it. puzzling me


Jul 1, 2002
With this DLC, another kernel of corn is added to the heap that is quickly becoming the Star Wars franchise.

Does anyone at LucasArts want this thing to have any artistic integrity left? I cant wait until Force Unleashed 3 comes out and we get to defeat the supposed messiah of the force, Darth Vader, once again. That way the circle of mediocrity, repetitive and heartless action, and abysmal writing can be complete! What was started with the prequels can finally be finished! It's destiny...

Having said all of that, I did find the first game to be quite enjoyable.


Mar 3, 2010
They should have released Endor for TFU1 rather then this one, since it has the Tatoonee and Hoth levels already...


Jul 5, 2003
I think the DLC succeeds at having a cool boss battle with Leia. In the game the only cool battle was against the big monster in the arena. I thought the battle with vader was boring compared to the one in FU . About killing solo and chewie it was a blast for me because I always wondered how Han would fare against a Sith, guess we got that answered!
I´m really hoping for more DLC and costumes coming soon! Please a Revan Costume would be AWESOME!


Sep 4, 2009
ok there is NO way this is a continuation of the forst games dlc....if it were,the dark apprentice you play as would never be,in the first games dlc you were the empereors assassin,not vaders.if everyone remembers correctly,the first games dlc was a "what if"starkiller chose the dark ending.LA is so screwed up,they dont even know where this game is heading.oh and one more thing,if this is a continuation of the fotst games DLC there would be no dark apprentice because starkiller would not have died,and vader woild be dead,hence no cloning project no dark apprectice.get your shit right LA
Feb 12, 2012
Sorry to say but this article is inaccurate. Luke Skywalker does not die at the hands of Starkiller like you say in the first game. He falls and becomes Starkillers apprentice.
Feb 22, 2012
Ok If you don't want a alternate ending to a game or series then don't fucking buy it stop crying like a bunch of four year old fucking children and act like god damn adults.
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