
Jes' fine
Jun 4, 2012
Have you considered drugs and alcohol? Both of these have the potential to greatly improve your life for a few years. That's probably all we have left, anyway.

Personally, I plan to start drinking again if Trump wins.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 17, 2017
After 35 days my air conditioner is finally replaced and functioning properly.

So I went out to dinner and got a burger at Grease in downtown West Palm Beach. Parking cost $1. But whole I was there parking authority ticketed me $63 for not having updated stickers on my plate...


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Sep 10, 2007
Southern California
Felt like crap this morning, thought it was because I didn't eat much yesterday and decided to cook up some chicken chow mein. While cooking I began vomiting, threw up 3 times and went to lay down, threw up again. Was in agony, no pain, but so much nausea, felt like vomiting constantly. Went down to the hospital which wasn't easy. Felt better after just sitting there for hours, but they gave me some anti-nausea meds, ondasteron and something I didn't catch the name of, like borfan or something --they also drew some blood. Sat there for hours waiting for my discharge (through multiple movies on AMC) and at one point a bunch of Sheriff's deputies showed up with one dressed as Santa Clause to give presents out to all the kids there (with news cameras) which was different. I figured they'd tell me it was just from not eating for too long and I was fine and go home, but the blood test came back with signs of a pretty serious infection, white blood cell count up 28%, neutrophils up 16% in BANDS (whatever that means) which qualified as bandemia (whatever that means). Due to the test results they fear I may have bacteria in my blood, so out of precation they drew like 6 bottles that look like they came from a hotel minibar full of blood to do cultures to try to narrow down what bacteria I'm fighting so they can give me the right medicine for it. I asked why they don't just give me antibotics (out of precaution) and they responded that since they don't know what bacteria is in my blood yet or what I'm fighting they'd have to give me broad spectrum IV antibiotics which requires hospitalization, and there's so many sick people with all sorts of illnesses in there that hospitalization is really a last resort (as it presents a risk to a relatively healty patient). Fair enough I guess. It'll take 4 days to finish the cultures so they'll keep me posted and I'm supposed to monitor myself and have my brother monitor me for signs of a worstening infection like, feeling feverish, developing a cough, becoming incorhent, faint, etc.

I bought some chicken from Cardena's on the way home and made the follow-up appointment with my gp's office for Monday... and boy and I tiiiiiiiiired.
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Sep 10, 2007
Southern California
Very sorry for your troubles. Sleep in. Hydrate. Any ideal of infection source?

No idea, my brother thinks it was the sushi we had a couple days ago but I don't think so. I personally wouldn't put it past being these constant scratches these kittens are leaving all over my legs, they're leaving tons, just playing around my feet and I doubt they're washing their paws very often.


Jes' fine
Jun 4, 2012
No idea, my brother thinks it was the sushi we had a couple days ago but I don't think so. I personally wouldn't put it past being these constant scratches these kittens are leaving all over my legs, they're leaving tons, just playing around my feet and I doubt they're washing their paws very often.
You should look into that. Search Cat Scratch Fever on You Tube. There are quite a few videos on the disease.

This is not one of them.



May 26, 2012
West Coast, US
No idea, my brother thinks it was the sushi we had a couple days ago but I don't think so. I personally wouldn't put it past being these constant scratches these kittens are leaving all over my legs, they're leaving tons, just playing around my feet and I doubt they're washing their paws very often.
OK, strip mall sushi is the worst and always suspect. How is the tummy doing? Are you able to hold anything down?


No Longer a Noob
Jun 17, 2017
With me being unemployed, living 1,000 miles from everyone I know, and discord on decline, I'm starting to feel very isolated.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 14, 2004
Our industry is going through an existential crisis. Both VFX/Game artists are being let go without a second though. At this point, around 30% of the VFX workforce is out of work. Some have been out of work for more than 8 months. In Games things are even more bleak, as companies are restructuring due to going all out during covid + the strikes and now they are cutting their losses.
The only reason I'm still employed is because I'm quite specialized in my field but God damn my LinkedIn is on fire with people open for work. Never seen anything like this in the 15 years I'm doing this. Quite bleak, unfortunetly it's going to go like this until 2025.