
Original poster
One of our construction sites has incidental watermelons growing in the raised courtyard. The crew is waiting for them to mature another week or two before distributing them out to certain individuals.

is anyone watering them or is it raining? They need a ton of water especially while fruiting


Original poster
Four baby mice came into our living room through the fireplace. It was amusing trying to catch them. Too young for us to properly take care of. We drove about an hour (total) to bring them to a nearby animal rehab place. The other options nearby weren’t available.

Nice organization that takes in wild animals and cares for them. Good luck, mice babies.


I have only seen mice babies in the wild one time, on a hiking trail there were 3 huddled up in some leaves. Mom nowhere to be found. I didn’t know what to do with them so I took pics and pet them a bit then put them back. Hopefully the mom came back


Jes' fine
Jun 4, 2012
We had lots of chipmunks in the yard last year, but now they are all gone. I wonder why. I gave them food, shelter and water.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
I got my state testing results today...Everyone who bothered to show up most of the time passed. I did have a few not make it but they missed a month to two months of class. I feel pretty great now and I didn't when I went home from work today.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
So due to a weird situation with the rental car company and my insurance I’m driving a pickup truck for the first time in my life while some body work gets done on my Accord. A Toyota Tacoma to be precise and it’s surreal being this far off the ground. Like compared to my sedan I feel like I’m double as far up. It feels awkward to drive it.
People say they feel safer in these huge things and I’m not sure I get it.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
So due to a weird situation with the rental car company and my insurance I’m driving a pickup truck for the first time in my life while some body work gets done on my Accord. A Toyota Tacoma to be precise and it’s surreal being this far off the ground. Like compared to my sedan I feel like I’m double as far up. It feels awkward to drive it.
People say they feel safer in these huge things and I’m not sure I get it.
I know that feeling. I have driven my brother's a couple of times and it feels like I'm in a monster truck.



Original poster
I know that feeling. I have driven my brother's a couple of times and it feels like I'm in a monster truck.

View attachment 982099

good lord look at the lowest possible sight line of the driver. There’s so many things they can’t see like dogs, kids….

Not to mention these are usually driven by individuals not hauling anything. That’s a lot of gas and truck just to commute 1 person


Jun 14, 2001

This guys on reddit all day trying to get as low of a karma score as he can without getting banned from anything. Never agrees with anyone on purpose, and just goes for "bad takes". Idk what you call it other than than just playing dumb about everything


Sep 6, 2000
I guess I'm posting here again, after about a year away.
The more that I think about it, the more that I realize that leaving entirely because of one member making some targeted ableist remarks is a thin-skin move on my end, especially when they don't even post on the boards and are mostly on discord. There's an awful lot of harsh stuff on the internet, and what is one going to do, disappear entirely because of it?


May 26, 2012
West Coast, US
I guess I'm posting here again, after about a year away.
The more that I think about it, the more that I realize that leaving entirely because of one member making some targeted ableist remarks is a thin-skin move on my end, especially when they don't even post on the boards and are mostly on discord. There's an awful lot of harsh stuff on the internet, and what is one going to do, disappear entirely because of it?
Welcome back. It is world music day. Got any favorites to share with us? OTOH, if this past year were a chapter in a book, how would you title that chapter?


Sep 6, 2000
Welcome back. It is world music day. Got any favorites to share with us? OTOH, if this past year were a chapter in a book, how would you title that chapter?
To be honest, it's been a pretty rough year, so I'll go with the music thing.

I like the bands Radiohead, The Who, The Verve, The Mountain Goats, Red Hot Chili Peppers (the Blood Sugar Sex Magic through By The Way period), and John Coltrane. What do they have in common? I dunno.


Jun 14, 2001
Welcome back. People come and go over the years, and come back again. Back in the day (20 years ago), people were on here all the time and not many other online platforms, but now it's fairly common for users to post for a week or two at a time and then take a few months off. Main thing is just to have some minimum level of activity so when they check back, they stick around instead of just thinking oh its dead and never checking back again. The ones that check back after a few years are particularly difficult to keep around because they were used to a higher level of community engagement or were just saying hi


still alive, I swear
Apr 29, 2001
Being brutally honest I felt like a real dummy meeting a GCBer (though I knew he was new) at a local bar and getting trashed. I showed up drunk. It was really fuckin' stupid. He was really nice and intelligent and I felt like I was disappointing myself and the board somehow. And the person across from me. I drank beforehand to help with anxiety then stumbled the 1/4 mile to the BEER bar. Then ordered the strongest beers available. I don't remember much of our conversations or even his username, I can only hope it was decent.

I know it was stupid and I shouldn't really fuckin' care (at worst I should say "I don't know that guy whatever") but I'm too fuckin' sensitive and like to treat others like I want to treat myself. I wondered how I'd have felt if I'd met a first GCBer and he was an drunk mess, though nice. Weirded out at best, I suppose.


May 26, 2012
West Coast, US
Anyone watch Oppenheimer and Barbie? I did watch Oppenheimer, three hours of epicness, but that last third could have been trimmed down.

Very curious about your reaction to O. Historical accuracy?
No, not yet. Barbie is not intended for people like me. Currently, "American Prometheus" is my main audiobook.


Click here to ban.
Dec 27, 2004
Southern California
Very curious about your reaction to O. Historical accuracy?
No, not yet. Barbie is not intended for people like me. Currently, "American Prometheus" is my main audiobook.
From what I knew before watching the film, it's definitely accurate, but I would have to read the book to really know the details of Oppenheimer's life