No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Thanks for writing all this out, this game had really acquired a lot of "unwritten rules" over time so it's good to have it all definitely spelled out. Looks very thorough.

One thing I would modify for #13 on foreign objects is that while slamming someone into the announce table or barricade doesn't score points since that's part of the ringside environment, at some point early on in this game we did decide to score FO points if you put someone through the announce table or barricade. Even though it's not something that would cause a DQ in a normal match, it feels like a big enough event to score points.


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
Done. Also, posted again for the new page.

Scoring Rubric (As of Season XXII):
Television appearance (+2) - Make an appearance on one of the weekly WWE or AEW TV shows.
Television promo (+3) - Cut a promo, or simply speak into a mic, on one of the weekly WWE or AEW TV shows.
Television match (+5) - Compete in a match on one of the weekly WWE or AEW TV shows.
Television win (+7) - Win a match on one of the weekly WWE or AEW TV shows.
Pay-per-view appearance (+3) - Make an appearance on one of the WWE or AEW PPV events.
Pay-per-view promo (+5) - Cut a promo, or simply speak into a mic, on one of the WWE or AEW PPV events.
Pay-per-view match (+8) - Compete in a match on one of the WWE or AEW PPV events.
Pay-per-view win (+12) - Win a match on one of the WWE or AEW PPV events.
All Shows: Win a World/Women's Championship (+20) - Win the highest championship prize in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Retain a World/Women's Championship (+10) - Retain the highest championship prize in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Win a Midcard/Tag Team Championship (+15) - Win a midcard/tag team championship in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Retain a Midcard/Tag Team Championship (+7) - Retain a midcard/tag team championship in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Win a World/Women's Championship Contendership Match (+8) - Win a contendership match for the highest championship in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Win a Midcard/Tag Team Championship Contendership Match (+5) - Win a contendership match for a midcard or tag championship in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Win a singles/tag team tournament (+10) - Win a singles/tag tournament in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Runner-up in a singles/tag team tournament (+5) - Be the runner-up in a singles/tag tournament in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Participation in a Specialty Match (+3) - Participate in a Specialty Match in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Winning a Specialty Match (+5) - Win a Specialty Match in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Participation in a Contest/Challenge (+3) - Participate in a Contest/Challenge in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Winning a Contest/Challenge (+5) - Win a Contest/Challenge in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Eliminating an Opponent (+2) - Eliminate an opponent in a Battle Royal, Royal Rumble, or some kind of match that includes in-match eliminations.
All Shows: Executed/Locked-in Signature Move (+2) - Execute or lock-in a Signature Move.
All Shows: Executed/Locked-in Super Finisher (+4) - Execute or lock-in a Super Finisher.
All Shows: Signature Move victory (+3) - Win a match immediately after executing a Signature Move.
All Shows: Signature Move Escape (+3) - Break out of a pinfall/submission attempt after an opponent has executed their Signature Move.
All Shows: Super Finisher Escape (+6) - Break out of a pinfall/submission attempt after an opponent has executed their Super Finisher.
All Shows: Stealing a Finisher (+4) - Steal an opponent's Finisher/Signature Move.
All Shows: Foreign Object Shot (+2, 30 point cap) - Hit an opponent with a Foreign Object during or outside of a match.
All Shows: Final Match/Segment (+3) - Appear in the Final Match/Segment of a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Beatdown/Assault Someone (+3) - Beat someone down on a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Guest Refereeing (+3) - Be a Guest Referee for a match on a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Guest Commentary (+3) - Be a Guest Commentator on a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Ejected from Ringside (-2) - Be ejected from ringside during a match on a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Disqualification (-4) - Be disqualified from a match on a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Suspension (-10) - Be suspended on-air during a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Firing (-20) - Be fired on-air during a weekly or PPV event.
(NEW!) All Shows: Crossover Star (+3) - Appear on a brand that you weren't drafted/assigned to.
(NEW!) All Shows: Compete in a Champion vs. Champion Match (+8) - Compete in a Champion vs. Champion Match on a weekly or PPV event.
(NEW!) All Shows: Win a Champion vs. Champion Match (+10) - Win a Champion vs. Champion Match on a weekly or PPV event.
(NEW!) All Shows: Show Opener (+3) - Appear in the opening match/segment on a weekly or PPV event.
(NEW!) All Shows: Fighting in the Crowd (+2) - Fight/brawl in the crowd during on a weekly or PPV event.
Winning the Royal Rumble (+10) - Win the annual WWE Royal Rumble Match.
Royal Rumble Runner-Up (+5) - Be the runner-up in the annual WWE Royal Rumble Match.
Longest Royal Rumble Time (+10) - Survive the longest amount of time in the annual WWE Royal Rumble Match.
Second Longest Royal Rumble Time (+5) - Survive the second longest amount of time in the annual WWE Royal Rumble Match.
Winning Money in the Bank (+10) - Win the WWE Money in the Bank briefcase.

Additional Notes:
1. Any appearances, promos, or matches that occur on a Kickoff/Buy-In show prior to a PPV event will only score regular points, not PPV points.
2. There are nine current world championships between WWE and AEW: The WWE Undisputed Universal Championship, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, the WWE Womens Championship, the WWE Womens World Championship, the NXT Championship, the NXT Womens Championship, the AEW Championship, CM Punk's "Real" AEW World Championship, and the AEW Womens World Championship.
3. The current midcard championships in WWE and AEW include: The WWE Intercontinental Championship, the WWE United States Championship, the NXT North American Championship, the NXT Heritage Cup Championship, the AEW TNT Championship, the AEW International Championship, the AEW FTW Championship, and the AEW TBS Championship.
4. Tag Team Championships currently in WWE and AEW include: The Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships, the WWE Womens Tag Team Championships, the NXT Tag Team Championships, the AEW World Tag Team Championships, and the AEW World Trios Championships.
5. Although we are not currently scoring Ring of Honor, New Japan, etc., if a title match occurs on a show we do score, it'll score points.
6. As new titles are introduced throughout the season, they will be scored as long as they are billed and/or presented as such by the company.
7. A Specialty Match is any kind of match that deviates from traditional rules. Triple Threats, Fatal Four Ways, Tornado Tags, and obviously any kind of match that includes weapons will be considered a Specialty Match. If a title, such as the ROH Pure Title, has specific rules, it will also fall under this category.
8. Contests and Challenges are anything that either company recognizes as being different than a traditional match, like an arm-wrestling contest. A Beat The Clock Challenge would be another example, but there are certainly many others.
9. Signature Moves, or Finishers, are moves that are meant to end matches. If a wrestler wins most of their matches with a specific move, it will be scored as their Signature Move. Some wrestlers may have more than others, but the idea is that they must consistently win with it in order to score points.
10. A Super Finisher/Signature should be considered as anything that modifies a normal signature to create a greater impact (AA off the top rope) or a signature move that is rarely seen and often only used out of desperation or to further inflict damage on an opponent (Orton’s punt). This could also include assisted finishers.
11. If a tag team uses a Signature Move together, both members will score Signature Move Victory points regardless of who actually pins the opponent.
12. In order to score points for Stealing a Finisher, it has to include someone actively in the match/segment. If Jey Uso is interacting with Roman Reigns and Spears him, he would get points for stealing Reigns' finisher. If Jey hits a Rock Bottom on Reigns, he will not score points because it's not Jey's Finisher, nor does the move belong to Roman Reigns.
13. Foreign Objects are anything that would normally cause a disqualification in a traditional match. Items that surround the environment where a match or segment is taking place will not count as foreign objects. These could include steel ring steps, the commentator's booth, the barricade, cars in a parking lot, etc. That said, while simply slamming your opponent's head on the announcer's table or on a barricade doesn't count, putting them through either of these will score points. Also, foreign objects that are specific to a match in order to win will not score points if used as weapons. A ladder is not a FO if used in a Ladder Match, the Steel Cage is not a FO if thrown against during a Steel Cage Match, a table is not a FO in a Tables Match, etc.
14. In order to score points for appearing in the Final Match/Segment, a wrestler has to appear on screen after the final commercial break. If someone appears during a main event but is not on screen after the final commercial break, they will only get appearance points, not Final Match points. The same goes for the Opening Match/Segment. Everyone who appears before the first commercial break will score extra points for being part of the opening of a show.
15. Beatdown/Assault points are awarded for actions that occur outside of a sanctioned match. Interference during a match will not score beatdown points until the match is no longer underway. If the person on the receiving end of a beatdown ends up fighting back and there isn't a clear winner of the brawl, then no one will score beatdown points.
16. A Guest Commentator is someone that isn't normally part of the broadcast team. Chris Jericho, for example, is on Rampage commentary every week, so he will never score points for it even though he is still primarily a wrestler. Commentators in general will also never score appearance points unless they step away from the booth and do something outside of their job functions as a commentator.
17. A Crossover Star is someone who appears on a brand that they are not assigned to. For example, Dominik Mysterio is a Raw Superstar, but often appears on NXT, so he will get Crossover Star points every week he appears on NXT. While CM Punk is basically only appearing on Collision at this point due to his beef with The Elite, he won't score points for showing up on Dynamite because AEW doesn't have a hard brand split like WWE has. The WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions and the WWE Womens Tag Team Champions, while allowed to compete on both brands, will also score Crossover Star points because they are still individually assigned to specific brands.
18. A Champion vs. Champion Match does not necessarily require all champions involved to defend their titles in order to score points for this new scoring option. If there are two champions facing each other in a match, they will earn extra points regardless of which titles (if any) are on the line. For example, if Undisputed Universal Champion Roman Reigns takes on NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes at Survivor Series in a non-title match, both guys would score points even though neither title is being defended. In the case of a match featuring multiple champions, all parties involved would need to hold gold in order for the match to earn extra points. For example, the House of Black vs. CMFTR from AEW Collision on 8/12/23 was for the World Trios Championships, but CMFTR were all champions as well, so everyone got the additional points. It should be a big deal when champions square off, so that's why this new rule has been introduced.
19. The Money in the Bank briefcase is typically won in a multi-man ladder match, but if the winner later defends the briefcase in a secondary match and loses, the winner will receive these extra points for obtaining the briefcase.
20. Lastly, AWS and I will always do our best to be as fair and objective as possible, but ultimately, the final call is ours to make. We invented the game and its rules, so we know exactly what we're looking for. You are welcome to point out misses, such as appearance points or anything of that nature, but we will determine things like what counts as a Super Finisher.


It's not a good day to be a bad guy.
Oct 10, 2004
@AWSMan @TrailBlazerDude

Let me preface by saying I don't think this has any bearing on my current matchup but is just for my own curiosity.

Does PiP commercial breaks affect how you calculate segments/appearances/etc.?


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Yeah, they still divide appearances like a regular commercial break. In the rare case that someone first appears during a PiP segment, I just give them one appearance since they weren’t on both sides of the break.