
MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
The goal is to start the new season on November 21, which is the week of Survivor Series. Let’s get a list going.

Season 21:
1. TBD


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Season 21:
1. TBD
2. Matt
3. Boo
4. SyK
5. AWS

Is the season running to Mania? If that’s too long a season, maybe it could end at AEW Revolution. Last season’s finals being on a regular week was kinda anticlimactic.


Feb 26, 2014
Season 21:
1. TBD
2. Matt
3. Boo
4. SyK
5. AWS
6. sH0Tz
Been so long since I did something, I’m game. Now I just remember what I have to do.


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
We will likely start drafting our teams next week. Once the season starts, the only thing you really have to do is check in once a week to make sure your team is as updated as possible.

Good to have you on the board!


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
I assume @Buffy_1997 will take a spot, so that will put us at the same number as last season, which worked great. I’ll probably leave the sign ups open through the weekend and start the draft on Monday or Tuesday.


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
I wasn’t planning on updating it. Way too much work with AEW in the mix now.

If there’s ever a question as to what counts as a signature, we can always look it up. Generally, if they haven’t won a match with it consistently, it won’t score points.


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Season 1: hitmonshark(204) def. twisted_time48(189)
Season 2: manup733(226) def GRAT_FTBL_PLAYA(175)
Season 3: diamondtime(442) def Serpent222(364)
Season 4: Capcom.boy(278) def wwerulzht(262)
Season 5: Delirious(327) def That90sguy(273)
Season 6: hitmonshark(492) def Random_Hero_Scog(389), kennedykennedy(323), & JuiceBox96(323)
Season 7: salvador(479) def Matticious(320)
Season 8: Buckeye(356) def makon(324)
Season 9: AWSMan(490) def Matticious(292)
Season 10: Random_Hero_Scog(400) def makon(386)
Season 11: zr-tts(466) def JuiceBox96(407)
Season 12: Random_Hero_Scog(415) def ZweihanderDaBest(411)
Season 13: wwerulzht(356) def wwefan81197(331)
Season 14: wweboo(293) def rko-zander-rko(287)
Season 15: Matticious(426) def AWSMan(406)
Season 16: TrailBlazerDude(335) def mitamaking(329)
Season 17: TrailBlazerDude(470) def mitamaking(386)
Season 18: Buffy_1997(401) def rocknrollsisyphus(203)
Season 19: AWSMan(314) def AK(264)
Season 20: TrailBlazerDude(147) def Buffy_1997(108)
Season 21: TrailBlazerDude(391) def Buffy_1997(317)

Season 1-20 Totals


1. TBD – 218.5 – 76015
2. AWS – 207.5 – 74818
3. boo – 157 – 64070
4. Matt – 149 – 66927
5. Icee – 147.5 – 62839
6. Cap – 140.5 – 61550
7. staple – 134.5 – 58726
8. SyK – 129 – 47789
9. sports – 126 – 59235
10. shark – 123 – 49295
11. Buckeye – 117 – 44344
12. Sigh – 111.5 – 55474
13. makon – 110.5 – 53982
14. tits – 109.5 – 53379
15. zander – 108 – 47687
16. Sal – 100.5 – 46270
17. 90s – 99.5 – 50216
18. mita – 96 – 38747
19. wwefan – 94 – 41616
20. Juice – 86.5 – 37919
21. Charle – 81.5 – 36373
22. RHS – 79.5 – 37328
23. Del – 78.5 – 30297
24. LK3000 – 74 – 31195
25. wwerulz – 73.5 – 35817
26. GRAT – 62.5 – 24107
27. Ryan – 57 – 25531
28. Famo – 55 – 26688
29. tobster – 53 – 27600
30. Arny – 50 – 23774
31. twisted – 48.5 – 25963
32. BBW – 48 – 16042
33. kennedy – 47.5 – 19007
34. Mel – 45.5 – 17580
35. manup – 45 – 23805
36. Mav – 45 – 21802
37. Serp – 40 – 13305
38. frog – 37.5 – 18666
39. Buffy – 37 – 14107
40. *brama – 32.5 – 19207
41. Pure – 31.5 – 12656
42. swanton – 28.5 – 16020
43. R-K-O – 27.5 – 10030
44. Beez – 27 – 14325
45. Anime – 25 – 7100
46. rock – 23.5 – 10175
47. diamond – 20 – 9830
48. Psycho – 20 – 7791
49. cord – 17 – 11522
50. Leaf – 15.5 – 4074
51. sH0Tz – 12 – 9594
52. Killer – 9 – 4330
53. dxfan – 8 – 3030
54. jomo – 7 – 1330
55. Roccy – 5 – 2171
56. Jjpg – 4 – 3101
57. BRM – 3 – 4033
58. Crow – 3 – 2533
59. Moazzam – 3 – 1410
60. Blak – 3 – 420
61. Whiteman – 2 – 3211


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
Before anyone asks (looking at you Staple), I will not be scoring UFC.

That being said, I do plan on holding an open forum soon regarding changes to next season (in addition to the stuff we’ve already discussed). Also, if anyone wants to suggest a theme for next season, have at it. I’m kind of tired of being the one to choose. [face_mischief]


Black Canarylicious
Jul 3, 2009
I like the open forum since I do have a suggestion on something we could change.


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
Alright, I think I've had a decent enough break from this. The board could also use some activity, so let's get started. The goal would be to start sometime in the next few weeks with NXT: The Great American Bash being the first big PPV of the season. This would lead us through the summer and fall, which would include PPV events such as AEW's All In, WWE Summerslam, WWE Payback, and WWE Fastlane. They haven't announced the date yet, but I would ideally like the playoffs to occur in November leading up to the finals taking place the week of Survivor Series. This would give us a decent break before Wrestlemania season begins.

For now, I'd like to open it up for suggestions for next season, specifically regarding any rule changes you'd like to see. Tagging last season's participants, but anyone is welcome to chime in if interested.



No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
I’m still in.

I guess the first thing to discuss is the addition of Collision, which adds another two hours of scoring to the week and shortens the waiver wire. The latter hopefully shouldn’t be a problem since we usually finished everyone’s turn in plenty of time. I have little social life so I should be able to score it if you can take over Rampage on Fridays.


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
Yeah, I could score Rampage alongside Raw and Smackdown. That would leave you with NXT, Dynamite, and Collision. Then we’d split the PPV scoring as usual.


It's not a good day to be a bad guy.
Oct 10, 2004
I'm in again and will try not to take it so seriously this time.


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
Anyone got any suggestions for rule changes this season? Been a minute since we’ve done this, but I know we’ve had some issues with how things have been done in the past. I think the waiver wire is one of the bigger opportunities.


Sep 18, 2008
Yeah with AEW and WWE having such large rosters I do still feel like first place shouldn't get first dib at multiple drop/pick ups. Either all players should be limited to one new signing per week, or maybe a tier system where 5th/6th are alowd 3 new signings, 3rd/4th get 2, and 1st/2nd get 1. As a better comeback mechanic.


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
A tier system like that feels overcomplicated, but I do agree that going last in the waiver and getting first crack at the free period has become too much of an advantage. There’s just always too much available free talent with confirmed matches the upcoming week, it’s not even possible for most of them to be taken during the waiver.

I think limiting it to only one free period move after the waiver wire concludes is probably the fairest way to do it. That way the person at the top of the standings can still get two picks to make up for being last, but can’t load half their team with talent who have guaranteed big weeks coming.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 29, 2011
I agree with limiting it to one move during the free period.

If we wanted to add more strategy and give the less active people more chances later in the season, we could have limited roster changes over the course of the entire season.


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Besides the final pick going from an intended disadvantage to a clear advantage, the game has also shifted as a whole more towards short term strategy. There’s no longer nearly as much of risk in dropping a generally valuable talent when they look to be having an off week coming up, because you can probably get them back if needed, or easily replace them with someone equally valuable. So limiting to only one free period move would help somewhat with that as well, because you’d only be able to change at most two spots per week, and after PPVs only one. More of your roster would need to have value beyond just the next week.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 29, 2011
Adding to AWS' thought about value long term.

Something we could also consider is limiting the amount of times you could add/drop the same talent over the course of the season. Once you exceed the amount, they're no longer available for you to pick up.

If not limited times, maybe limit it to a period of time before they're available for you again. Which you would risk someone else picking them up before you're able to again.

Would give you more incentive to keep talent longer.


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
I don’t think that’d be needed, tbh. It’d be more for us to keep up with, and if we’re limiting the number of moves you can make per week then it’s already going to be more of a gamble to drop someone with the hopes of picking them back up in a week or two.


It's not a good day to be a bad guy.
Oct 10, 2004
I'm a bit conflicted but mostly fine with the possible waiver wire changes, especially since I hardly made more than one move per week. Just not sure how I feel about being completely restricted on how many changes one can make before each match.

My biggest issue was with the timeframe that roster changes were allowed but remember a possible change being mentioned last season.

The hard cutoff for PPVs, with only one move allowed, was very appreciated but staying up super late to make any others was really inconvenient. If the extra free period is set at a more decent time and/or still only allowed one extra swap that would fix my main problem.


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
I think limiting it to only one free period move after the waiver wire concludes is probably the fairest way to do it. That way the person at the top of the standings can still get two picks to make up for being last, but can’t load half their team with talent who have guaranteed big weeks coming.
After thinking it over, I think I'm going to go this route. I do agree that this is probably the fairest way to ensure an even playing field throughout the season.

Unless I'm missing something, that was the biggest issue that needed to be addressed before the new season began, so with that, I'll post the official sign up list and welcome any last-minute additions before we get underway.

PWBFL Season XXII Sign Ups:
  1. TrailBlazerDude
  2. AWSMan
  3. wweboo
  4. Matticious
  5. SyKDeMoN
  6. sH0Tz
  7. @Buffy_1997 (?)


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
FYI, per Matt's suggestion, I will be going with a music theme for this season. Let's get those pun names rolling. You can do music albums, musical instruments, musicals, etc. Whatever makes the best pun. Or you can come up with whatever you would call yourself as a musical artist.

The goal is to start the season on July 10th, so as soon as we get our names set in stone, I'll post the season thread and we can start drafting.
@AWSMan, @wweboo, @Matticious, @SyKDeMoN, @sH0Tz, @Buffy_1997


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
I've been meaning to do this for a while, but here is the current Scoring Rubric and descriptions for each scoring option:

Scoring Rubric (As of Season XXII):
Television appearance (+2) - Make an appearance on one of the weekly WWE or AEW TV shows.
Television promo (+3) - Cut a promo, or simply speak into a mic, on one of the weekly WWE or AEW TV shows.
Television match (+5) - Compete in a match on one of the weekly WWE or AEW TV shows.
Television win (+7) - Win a match on one of the weekly WWE or AEW TV shows.
Pay-per-view appearance (+3) - Make an appearance on one of the WWE or AEW PPV events.
Pay-per-view promo (+5) - Cut a promo, or simply speak into a mic, on one of the WWE or AEW PPV events.
Pay-per-view match (+8) - Compete in a match on one of the WWE or AEW PPV events.
Pay-per-view win (+12) - Win a match on one of the WWE or AEW PPV events.
All Shows: Win a World/Women's Championship (+20) - Win the highest championship prize in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Retain a World/Women's Championship (+10) - Retain the highest championship prize in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Win a Midcard/Tag Team Championship (+15) - Win a midcard/tag team championship in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Retain a Midcard/Tag Team Championship (+7) - Retain a midcard/tag team championship in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Win a World/Women's Championship Contendership Match (+8) - Win a contendership match for the highest championship in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Win a Midcard/Tag Team Championship Contendership Match (+5) - Win a contendership match for a midcard or tag championship in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Win a singles/tag team tournament (+10) - Win a singles/tag tournament in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Runner-up in a singles/tag team tournament (+5) - Be the runner-up in a singles/tag tournament in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Participation in a Specialty Match (+3) - Participate in a Specialty Match in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Winning a Specialty Match (+5) - Win a Specialty Match in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Participation in a Contest/Challenge (+3) - Participate in a Contest/Challenge in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Winning a Contest/Challenge (+5) - Win a Contest/Challenge in WWE or AEW.
All Shows: Eliminating an Opponent (+2) - Eliminate an opponent in a Battle Royal, Royal Rumble, or some kind of match that includes in-match eliminations.
All Shows: Executed/Locked-in Signature Move (+2) - Execute or lock-in a Signature Move.
All Shows: Executed/Locked-in Super Finisher (+4) - Execute or lock-in a Super Finisher.
All Shows: Signature Move victory (+3) - Win a match immediately after executing a Signature Move.
All Shows: Signature Move Escape (+3) - Break out of a pinfall/submission attempt after an opponent has executed their Signature Move.
All Shows: Super Finisher Escape (+6) - Break out of a pinfall/submission attempt after an opponent has executed their Super Finisher.
All Shows: Stealing a Finisher (+4) - Steal an opponent's Finisher/Signature Move.
All Shows: Foreign Object Shot (+2, 30 point cap) - Hit an opponent with a Foreign Object during or outside of a match.
All Shows: Final Match/Segment (+3) - Appear in the Final Match/Segment of a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Beatdown/Assault Someone (+3) - Beat someone down on a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Guest Refereeing (+3) - Be a Guest Referee for a match on a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Guest Commentary (+3) - Be a Guest Commentator on a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Ejected from Ringside (-2) - Be ejected from ringside during a match on a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Disqualification (-4) - Be disqualified from a match on a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Suspension (-10) - Be suspended on-air during a weekly or PPV event.
All Shows: Firing (-20) - Be fired on-air during a weekly or PPV event.
(NEW!) All Shows: Crossover Star (+3) - Appear on a brand that you weren't drafted/assigned to.
(NEW!) All Shows: Compete in a Champion vs. Champion Match (+8) - Compete in a Champion vs. Champion Match on a weekly or PPV event.
(NEW!) All Shows: Win a Champion vs. Champion Match (+10) - Win a Champion vs. Champion Match on a weekly or PPV event.
(NEW!) All Shows: Show Opener (+3) - Appear in the opening match/segment on a weekly or PPV event.
(NEW!) All Shows: Fighting in the Crowd (+2) - Fight/brawl in the crowd during on a weekly or PPV event.
Winning the Royal Rumble (+10) - Win the annual WWE Royal Rumble Match.
Royal Rumble Runner-Up (+5) - Be the runner-up in the annual WWE Royal Rumble Match.
Longest Royal Rumble Time (+10) - Survive the longest amount of time in the annual WWE Royal Rumble Match.
Second Longest Royal Rumble Time (+5) - Survive the second longest amount of time in the annual WWE Royal Rumble Match.
Winning Money in the Bank (+10) - Win the WWE Money in the Bank briefcase.

Additional Notes:
1. Any appearances, promos, or matches that occur on a Kickoff/Buy-In show prior to a PPV event will only score regular points, not PPV points.
2. There are nine current world championships between WWE and AEW: The WWE Undisputed Universal Championship, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, the WWE Womens Championship, the WWE Womens World Championship, the NXT Championship, the NXT Womens Championship, the AEW Championship, CM Punk's "Real" AEW World Championship, and the AEW Womens World Championship.
3. The current midcard championships in WWE and AEW include: The WWE Intercontinental Championship, the WWE United States Championship, the NXT North American Championship, the NXT Heritage Cup Championship, the AEW TNT Championship, the AEW International Championship, the AEW FTW Championship, and the AEW TBS Championship.
4. Tag Team Championships currently in WWE and AEW include: The Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships, the WWE Womens Tag Team Championships, the NXT Tag Team Championships, the AEW World Tag Team Championships, and the AEW World Trios Championships.
5. Although we are not currently scoring Ring of Honor, New Japan, etc., if a title match occurs on a show we do score, it'll score points.
6. As new titles are introduced throughout the season, they will be scored as long as they are billed and/or presented as such by the company.
7. A Specialty Match is any kind of match that deviates from traditional rules. Triple Threats, Fatal Four Ways, Tornado Tags, and obviously any kind of match that includes weapons will be considered a Specialty Match. If a title, such as the ROH Pure Title, has specific rules, it will also fall under this category.
8. Contests and Challenges are anything that either company recognizes as being different than a traditional match, like an arm-wrestling contest. A Beat The Clock Challenge would be another example, but there are certainly many others.
9. Signature Moves, or Finishers, are moves that are meant to end matches. If a wrestler wins most of their matches with a specific move, it will be scored as their Signature Move. Some wrestlers may have more than others, but the idea is that they must consistently win with it in order to score points.
10. A Super Finisher/Signature should be considered as anything that modifies a normal signature to create a greater impact (AA off the top rope) or a signature move that is rarely seen and often only used out of desperation or to further inflict damage on an opponent (Orton’s punt). This could also include assisted finishers.
11. If a tag team uses a Signature Move together, both members will score Signature Move Victory points regardless of who actually pins the opponent.
12. In order to score points for Stealing a Finisher, it has to include someone actively in the match/segment. If Jey Uso is interacting with Roman Reigns and Spears him, he would get points for stealing Reigns' finisher. If Jey hits a Rock Bottom on Reigns, he will not score points because it's not Jey's Finisher, nor does the move belong to Roman Reigns.
13. Foreign Objects are anything that would normally cause a disqualification in a traditional match. Items that surround the environment where a match or segment is taking place will not count as foreign objects. These could include steel ring steps, the commentator's booth, the barricade, cars in a parking lot, etc. That said, while simply slamming your opponent's head on the announcer's table or on a barricade doesn't count, putting them through either of these will score points. Also, foreign objects that are specific to a match in order to win will not score points if used as weapons. A ladder is not a FO if used in a Ladder Match, the Steel Cage is not a FO if thrown against during a Steel Cage Match, a table is not a FO in a Tables Match, etc.
14. In order to score points for appearing in the Final Match/Segment, a wrestler has to appear on screen after the final commercial break. If someone appears during a main event but is not on screen after the final commercial break, they will only get appearance points, not Final Match points. The same goes for the Opening Match/Segment. Everyone who appears before the first commercial break will score extra points for being part of the opening of a show.
15. Beatdown/Assault points are awarded for actions that occur outside of a sanctioned match. Interference during a match will not score beatdown points until the match is no longer underway. If the person on the receiving end of a beatdown ends up fighting back and there isn't a clear winner of the brawl, then no one will score beatdown points.
16. A Guest Commentator is someone that isn't normally part of the broadcast team. Chris Jericho, for example, is on Rampage commentary every week, so he will never score points for it even though he is still primarily a wrestler. Commentators in general will also never score appearance points unless they step away from the booth and do something outside of their job functions as a commentator.
17. A Crossover Star is someone who appears on a brand that they are not assigned to. For example, Dominik Mysterio is a Raw Superstar, but often appears on NXT, so he will get Crossover Star points every week he appears on NXT. While CM Punk is basically only appearing on Collision at this point due to his beef with The Elite, he won't score points for showing up on Dynamite because AEW doesn't have a hard brand split like WWE has. The WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions and the WWE Womens Tag Team Champions, while allowed to compete on both brands, will also score Crossover Star points because they are still individually assigned to specific brands.
18. A Champion vs. Champion Match does not necessarily require all champions involved to defend their titles in order to score points for this new scoring option. If there are two champions facing each other in a match, they will earn extra points regardless of which titles (if any) are on the line. For example, if Roman Reigns takes on Carmelo Hayes at Survivor Series in a non-title match, both guys would score points even though neither title is being defended. In the case of a match featuring multiple champions, all parties involved would need to hold gold in order for the match to earn extra points. For example, the House of Black vs. CMFTR from AEW Collison on 8/12/23 was for the World Trios Championships, but CMFTR were all champions as well, so everyone got the additional points. It should be a big deal when champions square off, so that's why this new rule has been introduced.
19. The Money in the Bank briefcase is typically won in a multi-man ladder match, but if the winner later defends the briefcase in a secondary match and loses, the winner will receive these extra points for obtaining the briefcase.
20. Lastly, AWS and I will always do our best to be as fair and objective as possible, but ultimately, the final call is ours to make. We invented the game and its rules, so we know exactly what we're looking for. You are welcome to point out misses, such as appearance points or anything of that nature, but we will determine things like what counts as a Super Finisher.