
I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Oh I thought you caught a cold or something like that. Good to hear you're doing fine :)

I'm having a real "headache" these days. I'm dating my sister's best friend. Actually we just wanted to organize some things for my sister's wedding this year. Anyway, we really like each other and we have a lot in common. Of course I told my sister about it (before the first date) and she's worried about the whole thing and her friend and I both know about the situation... well it's complicated. The worst thing that could happen is that something goes wrong, maybe even before the wedding and then... or maybe I would take away my sister's friend somehow (now they talk about their "problems" with their boys and such things all the time, but they probably wouldn't talk much about me then), which is the last thing I want to do. There's more - I see a lot of possible complications ahead of me - but I guess you can imagine what it's like.

The reason for my headache is this conflict. I like her, she's funny, we can talk like we knew each other all the way and she's beautiful. From the outside it seems like an easy decision, like "give it a try" but it's not that easy. Such things are always nice in the beginning but would it last, would it be worth the "trouble"? My sister is probably the most important person in my life. I don't want to disappoint her in any way. Whatever I do, this is a tough decision for me [face_tired]


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
You wouldn't be the first guy to date his sister's best friend, and I don't think I've ever heard of a story where relationships were lost---except the romantic one, of course. Best girlfriends and sibling love are strong attachments, so barring any gross misbehavior on your or her part--like cheating, physical abuse, you know, serious stuff--I doubt they'll stop being friends or your sister will think stop loving you. I think the odds of gross misbehavior are zero, so I think the worst you may be in for is awkwardness at future events should you break up. Even that will probably only be temporary since time and new, happy relationships have a tendency to make past ones seem benign.

I think you would be remiss if you didn't give a promising relationship a good try. After all, wouldn't you want your wife and your sister to become good friends? Here, you've already got your sister's stamp of approval. It might be worse to date a girl that your sister disliked, because that's automatic tension at every holiday.

I think if you're both determined to move forward, you should set some rules: everything in your relationship is not fair game for your sister. This is for your sister's benefit as well as yours. There's a level of intimacy about my own brother that I do not want to be a part of. I love my SIL, and we get along great, but don't need to know everything. ;) Plus, as the brother, you have the right to reveal certain things to your sister yourself. They shouldn't come from someone else. Similarly, a brother shouldn't be telling his sister stuff that her best friend should.

I think the easiest way to put that would be that you both should protect your sister from becoming some sort of relationship sounding board being hit from both sides. It could be very stressful for your sister to be "hearing it from both ends" so to speak. This means you will both have to be very good about talking to each other when you have problems and not looking for a sympathetic ear. If you both are on board with the idea of protecting your sister, then even if the relationship does end before the wedding, you are both committed to making sure your issues don't interfere with your sister's big day.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
The wise words I've been looking for. Thanks Lisa [face_hugs]

Well she's currently on vacation, so I have some time to think about it anyway. But I guess I'll give it a try and everything else is up to her then.

Don't worry, of course I wouldn't tell my sister everything and I hope her friend wouldn't either. Besides, I'm not worried at all that I would do something "wrong" if we broke up at any point but I don't know her well enough (yet) to tell how she would react. But we're both adults so I think there's at least a chance that everything would end "well" in such a case.

I guess the hardest part will be to talk about it with her, because it instantly makes everything more serious and I don't want to convey the impression that it "has to last forever or should never even begin". I have to be careful, but if there's one thing I'm good at, it's talking [face_tongue]

It's Carnival here today. I'm not a big fan of it but most of my friends/family are so I'm going to "celebrate" with them :o)

I hope you'll have a nice (and maybe even funny) day too :*

Oh btw, I've now watched the end of Game of thrones - season 3. We can talk about it when I'm back but I have to leave now. Bye ;)
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I have actually never seen Game of Thrones. We don't have HBO.

No spoilers, but this has been the deadliest season yet for Our Heroes on The Walking Dead. And it's not done yet. . . .

After days and days of overcast and rain, it looks like we're getting some sun! Yay. From the annals of "What Was I Thinking?" I realized last night there was a much better place to situate our vegetable garden than where I put it. #-oSo the question becomes: Do I move it? It's raised beds; take out the dirt, move the forms. We didn't have much success where it is last year, so I'm not exactly psyched about keeping it there, but Daren is not psyched about the work of moving it.

Are you watching Better Call Saul, the Breaking Bad spinoff? Thrilled to report it's very good. Worth of the BB universe.

Any news on the romantic front?

Did you play the Devil May Cry reboot, DmC?


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Game of thrones is really good. You should give it a try. It's not as fascinating as "Lost" was back in the days, but it's closer than most of the other shows...

TWD is still far away for me. I don't know why it takes so damn long but it really sucks. It's such a long wait every time. But I guess it's necessary for this type of show to kill off some of the main characters after a while. The son is long overdue imo [face_tongue]

We're finally getting some sun here too. About time. A doctor even told me that I have a lack of "vitamin d". I desperately need more sun...

Be careful where you put your vegetable garden. We have one too and some of the vegetables simply don't grow in certain spots. But others do. I guess there is no such thing as a perfect spot for every type of vegetable. You just have to try but that's a lot of work so... I guess it all depends on what it's worth to you ;)

I'm not watching Saul. I haven't seen BB yet so... but I'm planing to. I never played more than the demo of the latest DMC btw - not that interested in the new Dante.

Yes there are news on the "romantic front". It looks like we're a couple now and we're both extremely happy with the situation. We haven't had any problems with any of her or my friends and my sister is cool with it too now. I'll send you a picture of us once we have some. Remind me if I forget it [face_rose]

It's been a while. I hope everything has been fine on your end. As you can imagine, I couldn't be any happier at the moment [face_hugs]
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I think you should try the new DmC--if you're looking for something to play. I wasn't interested at all--being supremely pissed at the IMO unnecessary reboot--but Douglas bought it and liked it, so I tried it. I had a lot of fun playing it. The story isn't bad, but the script can annoy you, lots of monologueing. But it felt like Devil May Cry when I was playing which is more than I can say about the TR reboot.

Breaking Bad is the best TV I've ever seen, so worth the binge watch (and you will want to binge.)

Do post a picture!!


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
At the moment, I'm not really looking for something to play. But I trust you and will keep an eye on DMC. There's a PS4 edition as well, so maybe that's an option. I think I'll buy a PS4 shortly before the new Batman release.

I will watch BB once it's on tv again. I missed it the first time around. My sister also told me that it's extremely good.

Pictures will come soon [face_tongue]


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Here's a photo. It's cell phone quality though but I don't have any other ones on my notebook yet ;)

That was on a friend's party btw.
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Nice pic! You look so good together.

Sorry for the late reply, but we left on the 12th for our Greece trip and only got back Saturday. I'm still a little jet-lagged. We may be coming to Germany in 2017, so beware!


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Nice pic! You look so good together.

Sorry for the late reply, but we left on the 12th for our Greece trip and only got back Saturday. I'm still a little jet-lagged. We may be coming to Germany in 2017, so beware!

Oh I must have forgotten that you went to Greece. No problem anyway... ;)

How was it? I hope you had a great time!

I'm looking forward to 2017. Btw, thanks [face_love]


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
It was a good time, but all the graffiti was disappointing. And the smoking! [face_sick] My sinuses went into full freak out mode with the pollen and the smoke. I was smelling it even when no one was around. But we saw some amazing things. The waters of the Aegean really are that blue!

I'm looking forward to 2017 too, but where should we go next year? I would go back to Japan in a heartbeat, but I know I can't drag Daren there. Tropical?


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
I don't know. It depends on what you want to, not me [face_tongue]

I've been to a lot of beautiful places in my life. South Africa could be something for you I guess.

I'm probably going to Cuba in August...


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Yeah, a lot of folks are excited about Cuba, although apparently you still can't travel as just a tourist. I would love to go to Africa.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Hello? Anyone home? I hope everyone's summer is OK. It's been hot here. We bought an Airstream trailer for camping. *thinks* That's all I can think of now.

My son gave me Catherine to play. Block pushing puzzle fun that gets insanely hard at the end. Still, as an old Tomb Raider, I have a soft spot for block puzzles.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
So did you go on a vacation with your new trailer?

I loved the puzzle boxes in Onimusha 2. That was a lot of fun. I would buy a mini game if it offered the same or similar challenges. Is Catherine similar?

Looks like nobody else is here anymore. Sorry for my absence [face_alien_1]

By the way, I bought Metal Gear Solid 5. It's not like the previous games but still okay. Shooters aren't your thing anyway, right...
And I'm not really hyped for the new Uncharted. Tried the multiplayer beta and it wasn't even close to UC2+3. Sure the single player will be awesome, but I tend to buy single player games a few months later these days. 20-30€ or 50-70€ does make a difference...

Not really sure if I told you but our trip to the Seychelles was awesome. The beaches at la Digue are the most beautiful I have ever seen. We'll go to Thailand this year. I guess it will be different, but I hope it'll be great too.
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
So did you go on a vacation with your new trailer?

I loved the puzzle boxes in Onimusha 2. That was a lot of fun. I would buy a mini game if it offered the same or similar challenges. Is Catherine similar?

Looks like nobody else is here anymore. Sorry for my absence [face_alien_1]

By the way, I bought Metal Gear Solid 5. It's not like the previous games but still okay. Shooters aren't your thing anyway, right...
And I'm not really hyped for the new Uncharted. Tried the multiplayer beta and it wasn't even close to UC2+3. Sure the single player will be awesome, but I tend to buy single player games a few months later these days. 20-30€ or 50-70€ does make a difference...

Not really sure if I told you but our trip to the Seychelles was awesome. The beaches at la Digue are the most beautiful I have ever seen. We'll go to Thailand this year. I guess it will be different, but I hope it'll be great too.

Catherine is large scale blocks you arrange so you can climb higher because the bottom rows fall off. :D It's got a decent story with some great cutscenes and some RPG type things (you talk to people when you're not pushing blocks in your nightmares.) The last levels are pretty intense. :D Another game you might enjoy is Bloodborne. The difficulty curve is hard, and it has no real story, but the design is awesome. I've been watching Douglas play.

We've been several places so far in our trailer. Palo Duro Canyon, Petit Jean State Park in Arkansas, and other assorted state parks. The next big trip is to Canton, Ohio in August for the NFL Hall of Fame induction.

I goofed and got a month a Playstation Now and finally played my first Uncharted games. I played UC 2 & 3. I enjoyed them both, although endless mercenaries gets on my nerves. Plus, it's scary how much the new TR copied from Uncharted. I had heard the accusations, but it wasn't until I played UC that I realized how similar the gameplay was.

The Seychelles sound lovely. I had a friend who just when to Thailand and her pictures were gorgeous.

We're coming to Germany next June on a tour. It's the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. We're really looking forward to it.

So glad you popped in.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
My girlfriend used to do a lot of holidays in a trailer, but as I've probably mentioned before, I only did that once for just two days. It's not that I didn't like it. I just don't have a trailer [face_tongue]. I hope you enjoy your trips with it, sounds like you do [face_peace]
I hope my Thailand trip will be just as good as the pictures of your friend look like. The pictures of all the places we're going to are very beautiful but Thailand doesn't seem to have many of the standards that we're used to in western civilization [face_tongue]

I played Uncharted before Tomb Raider and TR felt almost like a clone. However, the new TR isn't really TR anyway. It's a new, modern, shooter-like interpretation of the title. I just hope that the new one will have more puzzles and tombs. Still waiting for a PS4 release though...

Do you already know where you'll stay in Germany?
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Berlin, Wittenburg, Torgau, Eisleben, Erfurt, Eisenach, Dresden and finish up in Prague.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Been a while... #-o

So you stay in the eastern part of Germany. I live in the west, close to Frankfurt. That's about 4-6 hours (car) away from your locations.

Thailand was beautiful by the way. We were at Koh Phangan and Koh Tao. Very nice places to be and rather cheap for such a small paradise. You could take your whole family there and it would probably be cheaper than a vacation in the US for you.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
How are you? Nothing new on my end, but that's not a bad thing at all to be honest :*

Are you going to buy the new Tomb Raider game next week?


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Hey!!! Nice to hear from you.

I will wait until it's much less. I paid $20 for the last one and didn't feel I got my money's worth of fun. I understand this one is better, but I doubt it's worth full price to me.

Thailand sounds love. A college friend just went and posted a lot of pretty pictures. I'll keep my eyes peeled for deals.

This has been a big summer. My youngest moved in with my eldest in Austin and started going to school. My middle child moved to Tokyo for school. So we sold our house and bought a smaller one. August/September were pretty busy.

We're going to Germany next June with our church as part of a Reformation trip. Luther stuff with some WW2 stuff as well. We start in Berlin and end in Prague. I'm very excited. I'm sure Germany is beautiful in June.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
I'll wait for a price drop too. It's more than a year old anyway. About 20-30€ would be okay for me. I enjoyed the last one, but it was more similar to Uncharted than to TR. I like UC though [face_tongue]

I have the same problem with other games. I'm keeping an eye on "The Evil within" but can't justify more than 10-15€. I haven't played Arkham Knight yet either. That's another 20-30€ game for me, but the GOTY is still 40€ here.

I hardly pay the full price anymore. Too many games are unfinished, have hidden DLC that you're supposed to pay for. For the best games, I try to stay around 60€ with all the DLC. For UC 2+3 I paid about 80-90€ (each) but that's because of the multiplayer that I kept playing for multiple years...

My sister is most likely travelling to Thailand too next year. I gave her some good advice. Should you ever go there, feel free to ask me. I know beautiful places which aren't expensive [face_peace]

You sold your house? No more pool with big spiders and no crocodiles nearby? Or did you stay nearby?
Anyway, it must be strange to have no more children around after all these years. And Tokyo... I would have been a bit worried as both your son and yourself. I hope he likes it there. I'm sure the other two are having fun as their own bosses now :^O

I'm moving in with my girlfriend in February. We took our time (more than two years then), but we wanted to be sure that this is the right step for us.

Germany is nice in June, but don't expect temperatures anywhere near Texas (sometimes it happens for a week or two, but that's a rare exception). It's more likely that you will need a jacket sometimes, especially when you're used to a warm climate [snowman] (I just had to use it. Looks new [face_tongue])
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I tried The Evil Within. I hated it. First, bad storytelling. You collect stuff that you wouldn't normally collect (this goo) for no reason and use it to upgrade. For a game that starts off reality based, why would I collect goo? It made no sense. I also felt the game cheated in ways that created artificial difficulty--bad camera angles, enemies who could see you just because (Tomb Raider had a lot of that that drove me bananas). Yahtzee's review is pretty spot on: it's like they tried to shove as many horror cliches into one game as they could without really caring about the Game itself. I was really disappointed because 3rd person horror games are becoming rarer and rarer.

I hadn't played UC before the new TR game, and I was SHOCKED at how blatantly the game tried to copy UC's formula. They copied everything but the good storytelling. :D In UC, they actually talk about what's going on, in TR, they talked about Lara Lara Lara. [face_monkey]

We only moved about five miles, but it's the same amount of work no matter the distance. Douglas seems to be enjoying Japan. I'm hoping to need a jacket in Germany because by June we're already hitting 90 degrees in Texas.

Keep your fingers crossed for our elections tomorrow. This is the most stressed out I've been about an election ever, and I'm really hoping it ends quickly and peacefully.

Good luck sharing your apartment with your girlfriend. After two years, you probably know each other pretty well, so hopefully there's not bad surprises. I say just get married. It's not nearly as scary as people think. :D


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
I bought the Evil within a few days ago. Of course I'm not even halfway through but in my opinion, it looks like a freak-version of Resident Evil 4 and I completely agree with you that it has too many things which were just thrown in for the sake of it. It is not a bad game, but it feels like "last generation" and "has already been there too often" and all these sudden "reality changes" are more annoying than innovative. The camera really gives me a headache btw. I started on easy because everyone said you hardly get any ammo on normal, but now I have too many bullets and items. I paid 15€ for the digital version (PSN store) and it seems it's worth just that. But I have to finish it first, then we'll see...

I can't say anything about the new Tomb Raider yet, but the first one was already very similar to Uncharted in terms of gameplay and since it was a success, I guess this hasn't changed. I keep hearing complaints about TR not being TR (remember when we argued about this on the boards when Legends came out? LOL) but I guess as long as shooters are popular, we will have to deal with it. Someday gamers will be tired of it and the "puzzle, platforming and exploration" type of game gets a second chance :D

So Trump really won. I still can't believe it. I never expected him to even get close to the presidential office and now he's right there (will be in January). What do you, as an American, think about his election?


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I am heartbroken. I am so disappointed that so many of my fellow Americans were taken in by that con man. IMO, this election was about white people wanting to feel good about being white again. Trump blamed all the brown people, promised stuff he has no control over, and lied, lied, lied. I'm still stunned.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
That's just how I felt about the election. I could not believe it. I hope he won't be half as bad as everyone thinks, but you never know. Unfortunately though, that isn't my biggest problem at the moment...

My sister and her husband have broken up after almost ten years. No one saw it coming, not even her. He seems to have psychological problems at the moment (borderline syndrome). It was their first real problem and he ran away (it's really over). I'd expect people to fight, but... there was nothing she/we could do. I never expected this. He used to be the nicest guy you could imagine and now this...

Anyway, our whole family is totally down. We try to do our very best for my sister. She moved in to my parent's hourse again for now. I'm confused myself. I hope what I wrote makes sense...

My poor sister [face_cry]
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I'm so sorry for your poor sister! Ten years! She must be reeling. Alanis Morrisette has a great song, "Not As We" you might share with her.

From scratch, begin again
But this time I as I and not as we

I have a friend whose husband left after ten years, announcing he was gay. She had no idea. She just thought never having sex was normal. It will take time for her to get her balance back. All you can do now is just love her and listen without trying to solve or fix anything.

We adopted a kitten. We lost two cats in 2016 and our remaining cat seemed lonely. We named him "Kriegrrr" after a character from the TV show Archer.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
It's hard, very hard. The whole family and her friends are doing their best, but in the end we can't really ease her pain (and that's killing me too somehow). I sometimes tried to offer her some ways out of it, but I guess you're right, I should just listen. It's so damn hard. I never thought this could happen. Unbelievable. Not sure if a song could help her, but I'm going to listen to it later and see...... :(

My girlfriend wants a cat all the time. Her parents still have one. I hope Kriegrrr will live up to his name so you don't have to burry your third cat before its time [face_good_luck]

My best friend's father became gay after about ten years of marriage too btw. They had two children at this point. They're still friends though and she quickly found a new man. I guess that made it easier for her. My sister is 30 and a rather attractive woman. I hope and think that she will find a nice guy again. Of course she won't take a look at any men in the distant future, which is only natural after all this. And there's also the problem that she won't be able to trust any new man for a while (her husband was the nicest guy on earth until he changed his mind all of a sudden).

How are your preparations for Christmas going? I still need to get one gift #-o
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I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Things are getting better on my sister's end. It will take a lot more time of course but it seems like she is starting to get over it (starting is the key word here though).

Our new apartment (me and my girlfriend) is nice btw. Lots of space, everything looks good... :)


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I'm glad you're sister is starting to accept her changed life. IMO, there are some things that will always suck, no matter how much they are accepted. Sometimes, you just have to not let the "suck" destroy everything else.

New apartments are fun. Personal question: is there any reason y'all have not married? I know you've been together for a while.

Replaying GOW3, this time on the PS4. Still a lot of fun.

I beat The Last Guardian. Ultimately, I was disappointed. I waited 7 years for basically a PS3 game with little polish. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but it was like playing with SOTC controls and, frankly, in 7 years, they should have made some improvements. At least I bought it used, not new.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
I can't believe that I didn't check this board for about half a year #-o

My sister has a new boy friend now. She also has a job as a teacher now (that's what she studied before). She's really happy :)

I think me and my girlfriend never thought about marriage because (even though we spent a lot of time in her appartment) we did not really live together before. I think we want to see how that works. It's about half a year now since we moved in and things are going fine, but we're still not in a hurry. We'll see [face_thinking]

My grandma died last week. I'm not extremely sad though. She was 95 years old and could not get out of her bed for almost ten years. In the end she didn't even recognize us anymore. It was a release for her after all this time. Rest in peace, grandma [face_praying]

I followed the development of TLG for a while. It definitely took too long until they released the game. Too bad it had such an outdated gameplay. I did not play anything interesting lately, just Uncharted 4, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Batman Arkham Knight. UC4 was boring and easily the worst in the series, TR is just like its predecessor but with a slightly higher focus on exploration which is good, and Batman was too much batmobil all the time (I have yet to finish it).

I hope everything's fine on your end? ;)
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I'm sorry to hear your grandmother passed, but even when it's a long life and life quality has diminished, the finality of loss is painful. I'm glad your sister is doing better though.

Currently have a hurricane in our area, but I think the worst is over. We were not in the direct path, but still got some wind and a lot of rain still to come. I played both ROTR and Arkham Night, and I agree with your assessment. The way they shoehorn the Batmobile into the game was just embarrassing. I mean, we're lowering it down under a mall. The small steps they made in TR didn't account for the horrible storytelling and ridiculous upgrade system. Why do I need to upgrade when I have to fight the final boss with weapons I had in the first half of the game? I'm too cheap to pay for UC4 yet, and I'm glad I'm still waiting. The new one sounds good. Have you heard of Hellblade? Ninja Theory's FU to publishers. Triple AAA quality, half the price.

We did our Lutherland Tour in June and I was suitably impressed with your country!! I would love to go back. I especially loved Erfurt and Prague (which is Czech Republic but still a place I would like to return too.)


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
I heard of the hurricane and thought of you. I'm glad you're safe (I hope you are) [face_praying]

Oh right you were in Germany. I'm glad you liked it. I enjoyed all of my trips to the US too. I guess we were in Indonesia at that time. That's where we spent our holidays this year. We'll soon go to Egypt (in autumn).

I have not heard of the game Hellblade. I'll take a look at it though. Games have become way too expensive, at least with all the DLC that should have been part of the game anyway. I usually don't pay, but sometimes you really miss out on something.

Yeah TR is not the same anymore and probably won't be for a long time. However, at least they're trying to go into the right direction even though. Better than nothing. Shooters are too popular these days [face_rolling_eyes]


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Has the hurricane done any damage to your house or your town? I hope not. I see a lot of bad news coming from the US lately, especially Florida these days. Terrible :(


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Has the hurricane done any damage to your house or your town? I hope not. I see a lot of bad news coming from the US lately, especially Florida these days. Terrible :(

I just reread my previous post. Wow. "A lot of rain." Understatement of the century there. Harvey totaled much of my immediate area with flooding. The bayous around our house reached scary levels. We were very fortunate. Many were not. Thousands of homes were flooded. I've spent four days mucking out flooded homes, ripping out carpet and sheet rock (it has to be cut out at 48 inches.) Every home in a flooded neighborhood has piles of ruined home on their lawns, six feet high. Carpet, sheetrock, cabinets, appliances, furniture. It's like a war zone. Houston is majorly fucked right now.

We lost power for 2 1/2 days, and are calling ourselves lucky beyond belief. This video shows the flooding in Canyon Gate, about a mile from our house. That levee you see is the reason we didn't flood. We live on the other side of the highway in the video. People on our side did flood; another very close subdivision, Grand Mission, did flood badly. It was just too much water, way more than anything was ever built to handle.

I have friends whose homes are wrecked. Who knows when they will be back to normal?


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
I can't really imagine what it's like for you guys. It must be horrible. Thank God you and your family were lucky somehow. To see how your home gets destroyed and there's nothing you can do about it... I hope no one lost a family member. That would be the worst thing :(

I guess it's exhausting to help so many people around you, especially since work probably doesn't seem to end. Take a rest sometimes ~o)

I'm going to Egypt tomorrow. It's holiday time over here, again. My sister and her new boyfriend are coming with us. I hope to read some good new when we're back, Lisa ;)


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Things are . . . settling. I've been volunteering at church in the afternoons for our admin whose home was flooded so she can deal with her house.

Have a wonderful time in Egypt! If you see the Real Lara, please tell her to come back and kick that whiney girl's butt out of here!


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Thanks! I had a great time there for sure, but the four of us all came back with diarrhea, lol. Mine stopped after a few days, others had it for about a week. That's what happens when you travel to countries in Africa I guess [face_tongue]

In any case, while we were diving we saw sharks, turtles, dolphins, octopus, stingrays, dugongs (sea pigs) and lots of other beautiful, impressive things. The only downside: I paid almost 500€ for 8 dives. And that's not even expensive. You pay twice as much on the Maldives [face_silly]

Are things getting back to "normal" again on your end? Don't you feel exhausted, aren't you doing too much?

I did not see Lara btw. But I'm not happy with the second one of her new adventures either. The first one was okay imo, similar to Uncharted and not really TR (again) but okay. This one though... I thought more tombs and stuff would be a good thing, but somehow it feels boring (something the classics never did). I'm not really getting into the game at all. Maybe I will finish it around Christmas, then we'll see [face_tongue]

Some day something like the classic TR will return, I'm sure of it. When people are bored of shooters and want something else for a change maybe. But who knows how long that will take. I guess we will have to bear with this type of gameplay for a few more years though [face_beatup]


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Btw, what do you think of "Ghost of Tsushima" (PS4)? Parts of the trailer reminded me of Onimusha somehow. Not all of it though...


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Sorry, I just now saw these. I was depending on their to be some notification icon that someone had posted here. Shouldn't have trusted IGN.

Everything is OK--except America has a toddler-king wannabe as president and he's trying to start a war so no will will talk about who's money he's laundered or who he's schtupping. [face_tongue]

Ghosts of Tsushima looks fantastic. Not a big fan of open world games if they are just giant places where you have to run around talking to people to find stuff to do, but Japan being one of my core interests may overcome that. Also, "stealth."

I'm totally in love with the PS4 Shadow of the Colossus remake. What a gorgeous and fitting result for an iconic game. And God of War 4 will be out next month! :D

How are things with you?
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I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
I also trusted that little red alert thing that used to appear but it seems that alert does not work anymore [face_rolling_eyes]

Even here in Germany there's no week passing without any bad "Donald Trump" news. Sometimes it seems to me that this guy doesn't really take his job seriously. It seems to be more like a game to him. I also think that he's doing everything he can to have success in the short run (so people think he's a good president) but it will hurt America in the long run. And then his successors will have a hard time to clean up this mess, which will make them look bad (and Trump better). All we can hope for is that Trump will not get elected a second time [face_praying]

I haven't played/bought any new games for a while but I finished Tomb Raider 2 (rise of...) and I wasn't really satisfied with the game. They tried to get into the right direction but did not succeed imo. If I remember correctly I saw statistics of you while I was playing. Have you played/finished it? I can't remember...
I'm not a big fan of open world either, but Ghosts of Tsushima reminds me of Onimusha so much that I will probably buy it anyway. Friends of mine have GoW4 and they all liked it. How did you like it? I will get it at some point. Have to finish Batman Arkham Knight first though (been playing that since 2016 lol).

Isabelle and I just came back from a month in Indonesia. We were on the Togean Islands most of the time. That was so beautiful. Not many people there, a small paradise for ourselves basically. Highly recommended :)


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Hey Mitsu, it's been a while :)

Yeah, I saw this a few days ago. I'm not a big fan of such remastered games though, unless it's a difference like Resident Evil 1 and its remake. But it's nice to see that Onimusha has not been forgotten yet. Maybe some day we will see Jubei or Sam again in a new adventure... [face_good_luck]


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Been a while... again. Looks like everyone is gone. To be honest, I'm surprised they haven't deleted this board after all these years. Good for us... [face_peace]


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Been a while... again. Looks like everybody is gone. To be honest, I'm surprised they haven't deleted this board after all these years. Good for us... [face_peace]

Edit: Oh wow, 17k posts. How in the world did I ever get that many posts :^O
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Sorry, I'm late. :D
Did you play the PS4 version? I have. I still love the game. I'm still terrified by some of the enemies. Gosh, I hate samurai demons and their choking ways.

I wish they had done more to update the game, like make cut scenes skippable. Not gonna lie: I died ONCE at the water trap and said, screw this shit, I am not doing all that over and over again for one puzzle. [face_tongue] Also, who make L3 the map? I can't tell you how many times I pulled up the map during an intense fight. I do not think this game looks any better than Genma did on the Xbox though. In fact, they should have used Genma for this: longer and harder game.

I really hope it sold well enough to justify an Oni2 and Oni3 upgrade.

How has everyone been? Still chugging along. Hubby is nearing retirement. We are building our retirement house soon. Kids are OK.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Sorry, I'm late. :D
Did you play the PS4 version? I have. I still love the game. I'm still terrified by some of the enemies. Gosh, I hate samurai demons and their choking ways.

I wish they had done more to update the game, like make cut scenes skippable. Not gonna lie: I died ONCE at the water trap and said, screw this shit, I am not doing all that over and over again for one puzzle. [face_tongue] Also, who made L3 the map? I can't tell you how many times I pulled up the map during an intense fight. I do not think this game looks any better than Genma did on the Xbox though. In fact, they should have used Genma for this: longer and harder game.

I really hope it sold well enough to justify an Oni2 and Oni3 upgrade.

How has everyone been? Still chugging along. Hubby is nearing retirement. We are building our retirement house soon. Kids are OK.


Captain Bunny Killer
Sep 10, 2008
Been a while... again. Looks like everyone is gone. To be honest, I'm surprised they haven't deleted this board after all these years. Good for us... [face_peace]

Yeah I was a little shocked to learn that they have all of our posts back since basically these boards were created. It's surprising it's all been kept up. It's gotta be close to the two decade mark for the boards as a whole. Another 4 years in May will mark the first time I came on this board because of being so excited about Onimusha: Blade Warriors, I just had to talk about it instead of doing my work in class. I miss everyone, hope this message reaches one of you soon, I'll try and remember to check every once in a while.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
I can't believe you guys replied. I had already given up on these boards. Nice to see that everyone still seems to be okay!
But this new website here, it's so damn slow, sometimes the words I type don't even show up for multiple seconds