
Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Hey, Dantess! Good to see you! Douglas got Destiny, and he says Bungie released a broken game. I guess he's had a lot of problems completing missions/levels due to timeouts and had to redo a lot.

My position on DLC is will I get my money out of it? There aren't a lot of games that are worth $60 to me, so tack on the cost of DLC and many are just not good value.

I waited to buy TR Underworld used. I paid $35 and I figure I got a little more than my money's worth. Add on the cost of the DLC, and I think I broke even. I probably got more than $60 worth out of TLOU and the first two Arkham games. GOW3 was worth it. I've replayed them all which I can't say about many games.

One of my favorite games is now just $7 on the PSN: Okami, the HD version. One of the most beautiful games ever, IMO, and certainly on my short list for all time favorite if I believed in such things. The value here is OUTSTANDING. Can't recommend it enough if you're looking for a unique, well-crafted experience. Hard to believe Capcom closed Clover Studios after this game.
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I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
I guess because Okami didn't sell as good as they hoped it would.

This is a sad trend in our world. No matter how good something is, if the majority doesn't like it = not as much cash as the "producers" expected/wanted, it has no chance.

Firefly anyone? This show was great and yet it was cancelled after just one season.

But I have to admit that I'm not interested in Okami. I wasn't back in the days and I'm not now [face_tongue]


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Really? It's so unique and beautiful. The gameplay is so much fun.It's genuinely funny, which is not something I can say about a lot of games (in fact, only one other game is genuinely funny.) It's classic a classic Capcom style game. At $7, how can you go wrong? [face_batting]


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
European PSN is a greedy ***** compared to US PSN. Many things which are for free in the US cost something in our store and lots of stuff is more expensive here. It's 10€ here. Not that much, but too much if you're not really interested. If it ever goes down to 5, maybe I'll check it out. But I do trust you that it's a beautiful and unique game.

So much work today... I'm getting tired. But there's no end in sight, not before 9 pm (6 pm right now) [face_tired]

I started to replay Dead Space 1+2 lately. I never played the 3rd one because everyone said it has taken the Resident Evil (the wrong) route. Has anyone played it?
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I started to replay Dead Space 1+2 lately. I never played the 3rd one because everyone said it has taken the Resident Evil (the wrong) route. Has anyone played it?
No, because it mostly looked like a space shooter. I have difficulty playing FPS in that I get motion sick. That's how charming The Unifinished Swan was: I was wondering what I had for lunch when I realized I was really getting motion sick.

I wish Outlast had been 3rd person. I think I would have loved it.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Yeah I figured that you haven't played it but maybe your kids or somebody else on this board... [face_tongue]

Anyway, something that bothers me for years now is the way us humans treat our planet, nature. What we're doing to all the animals, how we destroy the rain forest, the way we poison the environment and all such things. All that just because we're (basically) too egoistic to limit ourselves and have no respect for any other lives than ours.

Have you ever thought about this? It just pisses me of [face_angry]


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Oh, I agree. One of the most amazing things about Japan was how clean it was. Tokyo has 13 million people and if you saw trash it was remarkable. There's not a lot of trash cans either, which means the population carries its trash around until there is a bin. There was also great recycling, even at fast food places like McDonalds.

Americans always say how proud they are of their country, but it rarely translates into treating it like their proud of it. Mostly it translates into tacky red, white and blue clothes and cheering when we bomb other countries.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Hahaha :^O

I know you're serious but it sounds funny [face_tongue]

I totally forgot that you went to Japan. How was it?


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Awesome! Well, very hot and humid and awesome. If you go--and it's an amazing place--don't go in the summer. It's Houston, TX, only it's Houston, TX you walk around in. :D Go in the spring or the fall.

But it's like walking into a painting. The countryside is gorgeous. Tokyo is really just a big city, but the trains are fantastic, and you can't fault the shopping. I'd like to go back one day for the fall colors. Barring winning the lottery, I don't know if I can talk my husband into a return trip. He was there 30 years ago, then this year, so a 3rd trip may be beyond him.

2016 will be a Luther trip year for the high school kids from our church, so I'm hoping to come to Germany then.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Sounds great. Better than I expected to be honest. My father was in Japan like 30 years ago, but I haven't even been anywhere near there. Perhaps someday...

You're going to Germany because of Luther? What are you going to do there - visit churches and places he lived in?
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Daren was in Japan 30 years ago. Interesting.

Pretty much. There's a trip for the high school students every 3 years, and it's all about the history of the Reformation and Luther. Wittenburg, Wartburg Castle, that kind of stuff.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
My father was there because of the ice-hockey world cup back then. He was a big sports journalist here in my country. It was one of his first really big tournaments.

I've been in some of these Luther places when I was younger but I hardly remember anything about it. I'm just not that interested in such things. Btw, Luther was a Protestant and I'm Catholic, which means I didn't learn that much about him when I was in school (compared to the Protestant kids).

I don't really care that much about Protestants and Catholics though. Just so you don't get this wrong... [face_tongue]


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Yeah, I can imagine that Catholic schools don't teach much about the reformation. [face_tongue]

Looks like The Evil Within is not very good, or at least not worth getting very excited over. In Jim Sterling's review he said the gameplay is so poorly constructed they actually inclosed a sealed envelope full of hints for every level and said to play the game on "easy." How can developers not know when their gameplay is unintuitive, unfair or opaque? I don't understand how that happens.

I'm selling my jewelry tomorrow at a local craft show, so I'm hoping it goes well. The table fee was only $75, so I don't have to sell much to break even, but it is my entire Saturday and the weather should be gorgeous. Hate to waste it sitting behind a table wishing I were someone else.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Our schools aren't seperated. Religion doesn't matter in schools over here. We were just seperated into Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox for the religion lessons. That's it.

A friend of mine said similar things about TEW, but he also said that it has some really good levels and truly feels like a horror-survival game. But I also wonder how such things can happen. It seems like a lot of japanese developers have lost touch with the things that players really want. There's good and bad frustration in videogames. Good is when it's truly challenging but fun, bad is when it was simply made to be extremely hard in an (almost) unfair way without being enjoyable at all. I'll still keep it on my list but maybe for 2015 (and a low price). I have to watch the escapists video...

Are you selling your jewelry because it's old and you don't want it anymore or do you need the money? I hope you're not in a bad situation right now. Wait, it's been a few days so how did it go?
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I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Well obviously TEW was created by an american studio but Mikami is the head of the project, so I guess my point still stands [face_tongue]


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
No, I make jewelry. I started back when we lived in Alaska because you're indoors 9 months of the year (or at least you are if you have my circulation!)

Didn't sell a darn thing. Last year I sold a bunch, but this year people didn't feel interested in shopping at all. *shrugs* Fortunately the table fee wasn't much, so I didn't lose much money, just a pretty Saturday.

Are you still watching The Walking Dead? Season five started here two weeks ago.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Sorry to hear that. Better luck next time [face_good_luck]

Speaking of Alaska, friends of mine are planning a trip to it in 2015. Do you have any tips that I could give them?

I'm still watching TWD but I'm in the middle of season 4 right now (actually for a long time now because I missed the rest when it was on tv). They just released the 4th season on blu-ray over here. We're pretty late and I don't know why. I probably won't see anything of season 5 until 2015, well at least not on tv/blu-ray. Are you watching it regularly?


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Do you know when/where/how they're going? Many people who travel to Alaska do the cruise on the inside passage. We actually never did that, but it's pretty structured so they may not have opportunities to divert. I can recommend some stuff if I know what they're doing.

Douglas got Alien Isolation, and he said it's good. Yahtzee also liked it with some caveats. Even though it's FP, I may try to play it. So long as I don't have to do a lot of running, I may be able to muddle through without getting seasick.

We watch TWD regularly, but missed last Sunday. It's still on the DVR, but football too precedence the last two nights.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Oh right, but I don't know where exactly they want to go. They didn't know that themselves. I will ask them again next time.

I heard a lot of positive things about this Alien game. But first person view... I usually try to avoid such games. As you know, I feel motion sick too sometimes and I just don't like the fpv anyway. I guess if one of my friends buys it, I will get a chance to try it myself.

I've seen the episode in which the governor dies yesterday. I don't know where I can get the rest of the season from. The bluyray is 30€ here and I don't want to pay that much for (basically) half a season.

I've been wondering... the woman that was with the governor, the one with the little girl that he also cared about, do you think she shot him because he would have turned or because she started to realize that he wasn't truly the good man he pretended to be? I couldn't watch the episode again and it was hard to tell in these few seconds...


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I think she shot him because she wanted to kill him. It's his fault her daughter's dead because if he hadn't insisted on the attack, she wouldn't have been waiting by the river.

Netflix has all of season four. Dennis has a pirate site you could probably watch the rest of 4 on and move on to five. Assuming it works in Europe. They've got servers in Europe so I don't know why it wouldn't.

I'm reading through a really fun series right now: Peter Cline's Ex Series. Zombies. Superheroes. Very well done, and a lot of fun. I'm glad I picked up the first one because it does sound cheesy. I really enjoyed his stand alone novel "14" though, so I was hoping it would pay off. The books would be an awesome TV series.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
This sounds about right. And the cold way the governor shot that little child in the head. Sure, it had to be done, but not like that. I guess the woman didn't make it either, did she? Oh wait, I'll see... Anyway, I guess I will miss the governor somehow. He played a real a-hole but he was damn good - both actor and role.

I haven't found any "streaming" possibilities for TWD on the net yet. What's that website you were talking about, the one your son uses?

I've never heard of these books from Peter Cline. I guess it's not even available around here. But if it's about zombies, I guess it won't become a tv show with TWD still around. Maybe in a few years. Have you seen Zombieland by the way? I really liked this movie. Great stuff :)

Everyone around me is sick these days. It's usually just a cold but I have to do my best to avoid getting sick as well [face_tongue]
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
The site Dennis uses is (was) noobroom. It's since moved to another domain because of security reasons. Apparently some idiot started talking about it too much or something. You have to be invited to join, that's how they stay low key because they have really new stuff out there. I can ask if he'll send you an invitation.

As far as legitimate options are, does the Playstation store have the episodes?

I was sick of the Governor. I was really annoyed after he massacred all his townspeople on the road, and his two henchmen just got in the truck with him and let him live. Nobody does that. He's clearly batshit crazy. Why are you getting in the truck with him? #-o

You will see one character from the Governor's group regularly. Not gonna tell you who. :D


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
The lesbain I guess? She ran away during the attack. The governor's way was wrong and she knew it - you could see it in her face. I also didn't see her getting killed, unlike her girl friend (the children, lol), the tank driver and all the other "important" guys. If I'm wrong on this one though, I have no idea who it could be.

The governor was a sick man indeed and he often pissed me off. But it was interesting to have this guy around in my opinion. With him, you never knew what would happen next. But yeah, him killing all his people was simply too much. I couldn't have stayed with him. The two guys did leave him though. Maybe they were too scared to do it at first, maybe they thought he would kill them too.

I guess I'll stay out of this internet thing though. Thanks for the opportunity, but for some reason I don't feel good about. Btw, even though my english is good, I prefer to watch new episodes in german first - makes complicated things easier to understand. I watched "Lost" in german and then I watched it again on english once I had all seasons on bluray. I'm getting the episodes from a video store or the PSN store as you suggested. The video store gives you the option to rent single discs of a season, which means I could get away with 2-3 euros. That's okay. But again, thanks ;-)

Fall starts and I have a hard time getting up in the morning - it's always the same. In the summer time I'm fine with 7-8 hours of sleep, but in fall and winter... Yesterday I went to bed at 10.30pm and I slept nine hours and guess what, I was so tired when I got up it's unbelievable (I could hardly keep my eyes open when I wrote my first article). I guess things are a bit different in Texas, aren't they? Do you know such problems?

Oh, one more thing about TWD: I wonder if we'll ever see Carol again. Somehow I think we will, but they also have the option never to show her again.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Well, one thing I like about the Walking Dead is that no character is safe really. But no spoilers. My lips are sealed. :D

We do "Daylight Savings Time" in the US which means twice a year we add or subtract an hour to the day. So we just "fell back" or gained an hour. So everyone is waking up early. :D Here's a funny fake movie trailer about it. Yes, I have forgotten to set my clock back and wound up at work an hour early to find an empty parking lot.

You're further north than I, so I imagine the light is more of a factor. I remember in Alaksa you would sleep more during the winter and be awake more during the summer. The sunlight (or lack thereof) made that much of a difference. I wish I had some advice, but I think we humans are simply programmed to sunlight, and the modern world is not going to wait till the sun comes up to start.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
We're having the "DST" as you called it too over here but I don't like it. Actually there are discussions about getting rid of it. Imo it makes things worse overall, not better.

Damn I was really sick in the last couple of days. I couldn't do anything. Maybe an upcoming flu was the reason why I've been so tired before. I still don't feel well [face_tired]


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Sorry for the late reply. I've been on a visit to San Francisco to see an old friend. I hope you're feeling better now. More later.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Oh please, don't worry. I was away from the boards for months or even more. You reply whenever you want ;)

I hope you had a great time in Frisco. I've been there a few years ago. Not my favourite american city but it's okay imo. I remember Alcatraz more than anything else there. Oh and the cable car of course [face_tongue]


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Oh please, don't worry. I was away from the boards for months or even more. You reply whenever you want ;)

I hope you had a great time in Frisco. I've been there a few years ago. Not my favourite american city but it's okay imo. I remember Alcatraz more than anything else there. Oh and the cable car of course [face_tongue]

Spoken like true tourist! I go for my friend and the big bead show. We had a great time.

I tried to play Alien Isolation, but it's not easy for me. I have to look away to climb a ladder, for Pete's sake! And I still haven't seen the alien!


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Yeah I was there as a real tourist. I had a few days - we were on a trip through many cities (LA, Frisco, Las Vegas...) - and I basically just did what the guide suggested [face_tongue] Glad to hear that you had a great time :)

Isn't Alien a first person game? So far I've mostly heard positive things about it. Speaking of FPS, I was thinking... maybe I should give Far Cry 4 a chance. Then again, it's FPS and I have never played any of the previous games. But it looks very interesting.

Damn cold outside, but I have to change the tires of my car now. Ski underwear, welcome back [face_hugs] [face_tongue]
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Yea, Alien if FP, which is why I had such a hard time with it despite really, really, really wanting to play it. Even Yahtzee liked it!

I'm going to play "Never Alone" as soon as Douglas downloads it for me. It's based on Alaskan folklore and developed by real Alaskan natives! It's getting good reviews too.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Just by looking at a gameplay video of Far Cry 4 I felt some kind of motion sickness after a few minutes. The gameplay itself didn't seem to be half as much fun as the tv spots made it look like. Now I'm not as interested anymore... That was quick, huh [face_tongue]

So I guess I'm not really going to play Alien either unless the gameplay is really slow paced. The slower, the easier it is for me in terms of "ms".

I was about to say that I'm guessing your interest in this Alaskan game is because you lived there until I read that it gets good reviews, which is surprising. The natives probably did a very good job then. I just watched a trailer. I think I've seen it before somewhere. It really looks like the game has a "heart" and makes you feel connected to it somehow, emotionally. I hope you'll tell me about your experience with it once you've played it :)

I'm getting such a dry skin now that it's so cold outside. Dry alone wouldn't be such a problem but it itches and even moisturizer and stuff doesn't help much with a daily combination of "taking a shower + being outside in the cold + the heating at home". Then again, if that's all I'm complaining about, maybe it shows that I don't really have any problems at the moment :^O
Any tips though - as a former Alaskan? Something from mother nature maybe?


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
When I had dry, itchy skin, I remembered an old lotion my dad used to use: Corn Huskers Lotion. It doesn't look like much, and is actually more liquid-y than most lotions, but once it's on, you'll stop embarrassing yourself scratching in public. I also recommend Gold Bond products for feet and hands. I've also heard taking fish oil capsules helps, but I've never tried it.

I'm recovering from the flu. :( At this rate, I'll never get my house decorated for Xmas.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Okay, thanks for the tip. I'll try to find this stuff here.

Well what do you have kids for? Tell them to come home and do the Christmas decorations for you. I'd do it for my mom ;-)

Edit: That corn huskers lotion looks like a small bottle of alcohol :-p
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Trust those children with my decorating?! Are you mad?[face_shock]

I'm at 85% now, so I think I'll get most of it done tomorrow. May I'll let them put some ornaments on the tree . . . the unbreakable ones. [face_tongue]


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Hahahaha... :^O

There's still enough time left for you to get well and take care of it if you really can't leave it up to your children [face_tongue]

I'm going to a big Christmas market tomorrow. Can't wait to eat all that delicious stuff and have some "Gl��hwein" (I hope you know what that is) ;)


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I do, but only because a friend from church moved to Germany for a couple of years (just moved back.) They were collecting gluhwein mugs.

Have a good time. I finally got the tree up today, so I think I'm decorated out. :D


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Congratulations! I know how much work it is. I helped my mom a lot back home. I still do whenever she needs me [face_hugs]

Christmas market was nice. I was there with a few "old" friends and we ate so much stuff there and yes, we had a few Glühwein but not too many [face_tongue]

Today was the last day on my side-job for this year and after the 20th even journalism is off for more than two weeks. I won't have to work until the second week of January. Hooray [face_dancing]

Are your kids all coming home for Christmas or do some of them still (or again) live in your house?


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Two of them are still at home. Dennis just moved back to Austin for a job.

The weather is just stunning here. 60s, low humidity. Sadly, my husband had a bone spur shaved off his foot, so he can't do much. It's perfect walking weather.

Have you read the book "Gone Girl"? It was just made into a movie. I recommend both, but the book is better, of course.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Oh no! A few weeks ago I could hardly walk for a few days after a hike with the "wrong" shoes. I hope he gets well soon [face_good_luck]

I saw "Gone Girl" in cinema a while ago. It was interesting but some things seemed too unrealistic for such a movie (that tried to be realistic). Especially with a different ending I would have given this movie a very good rating, but I just couldn't believe that he stayed with her. No matter what the consequences would have been (media, society), I would have left this woman. I was scared of her and I couldn't live with her anymore.

Watching this movie makes it seem like fooling the police and getting away with a crime is a thing anybody can do with some preparation. I guess the book was better - as usual.

Maybe I got some things wrong though. How did you see it?


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Yeah, the book has a subplot regarding his father that really comes into play at the end: he doesn't want to be a shitty dad like his dad. The ending is tough to buy anyway, but without Nick's daddy issues, it does ring more false. It was perfectly cast though.

Watched Jack Reacher last night on Netflix. Tom Cruise being Tom Cruise, but worth your time, IMO. Not as good as Edge of Tomorrow though which is a pretty good movie.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Sounds like the book was a more believable experience and the one I should have preferred. I was out with some friends then and they wanted to see it, that's why I watched the movie instead.

Jack Reacher was a good movie. I did not regret watching it. It was interesting until the end and Cruise did a good job as usual. It's funny but I also enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow more than Reacher. I liked it so much, it's on my list of blu-rays that I want to buy. I'm waiting for Christmas first though. My sister knows that blu-rays are always welcome and she knows the kind of movies I like. Maybe it'll be underneath the tree [face_tongue]

Do you have to download the complete movies first or can you stream them right from the start? I was surprised to see that PSN for example does not offer a real streaming option. I have to admit though, I'm rather new to the world of digital movies. I still go to our video store regularly (and to theatres of course).

Is everyone else here gone? We haven't had any posts besides ours in a few months it seems...
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
On the PSN, I think you have to download them first. I think I've only done it one, and I remember waiting for a download. It may depend on your connection speed though. Maybe my internet sucks. [face_tongue]

I don't buy many movies anymore because we just don't re-watch them, but I prefer a hard-copy to digital just because I "own" it. I don't really trust digital downloads. Feels like renting. Plus it takes up disk space.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
My connection can't download GBs in seconds either. I guess it would take an hour or two to download such a movie - depending on the file size, maybe even more. The wait is simply too long. I don't want to plan watching a movie. So unless there's another option, I guess PSN is "out"... [face_tongue]

I usually buy movies when I'm sure that I will watch them multiple times. If you don't watch the movies again, a purchase just isn't really worth it - unless you don't care about money at all of course.

I also perfer having a real disc instead of a digital version. It's so much easier overall. You want to watch your movie at a friends house, no problem with a disc but a big one without it. Your media system breaks, you can still watch your movie / play your game on another one but the digital version is gone. You replace your old system with a new one, no need to re-download all these files again (or use bluetooth or USB or whatever). And that's not all...

And with the space that new HD and soon UHD movies need (as you already mentioned), having tons of movies on your system isn't even possible.

When my PS3 broke in spring, re-downloading all the stuff from the PSN store was a pain [face_rolling_eyes]
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Just popping in to say happy new year! It's very cold in Houston right now. Michael has the flu.

For Christmas I got Cowboy Bebop on blu-ray. :D


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Thanks, happy new year!

It's unusually warm over here, up t0 15°C. Just two days ago it was hardly above 0°C. Damn it.

Cowboy Bebop, I never watched that. I got Edge of tomorrow and a season of Game of thrones along with some other things.

I hope your husband feels better soon. I hate to have the flu, had it back in November/December. Bah [face_sick]


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I think we're all better now. Did you like Edge of Tomorrow? I thought it was really good, but it didn't do well here. In fact when it went to Blu Ray/DVD, they referred to it as "LIVE DIE REPEAT." I don't know whether the actually renamed it, or just decided to emphasize the premise over the title--seriously, if I didn't know better, I would think that "LIVE DIE REPEAT" was the movie's name when it went to disc.

The weather's so dismal here. I haven't seen the sun in days, and that's super unusual for Houston. Depressing.

Have you been able to get caught up on Walking Dead yet?


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Yeah "live.die.repeat" is the title on my disc too with a small "edge of tomorrow" somewhere on the cover. I have no idea why they did that and I also don't have a clue why the movie didn#t do well. It was such a good one. It had an interesting story, good actors, a nice mix of action and humor and it was never boring. Maybe more and more people dislike Tom Cruise because of Scientology? I don't know [face_confused]

Our weather is still crazy too. I never know if I need a winter jacket or no jacket at all. Today it's rather cold though ~o)

The walking dead, yeah I finally watched the entire fourth season. Damn it they ended up being caught in that wagon and now I have to wait a few months for the release of the fifth season because it was already on tv while I watched the fourth. Hopefully they will show it again soon. TV is for free, the blu-ray is about 30€ and I usually don't watch such tv shows more than once [face_tongue] (except for Lost).

By the way, I'm now close to the end of "Game of thrones" season 2 and I've already bought season 3. I really like it. I heard it's "big" in America too. Like most watched show ever or just big?


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Yep. Currently a gorgeous day. Just took the dogs for a walk.. What are you up to?