
Morning Beef Stick
Sep 23, 2004
I've been getting stuff ready to apply for the JET program and playing Uncharted. And of course kicking ass and sexing chicks. [face_mischief] What about you, babeh?


Feb 15, 2005
Red_Blade_Liger said:
I've been getting stuff ready to apply for the JET program and playing Uncharted. And of course kicking ass and sexing chicks. [face_mischief] What about you, babeh?
[face_mischief] Sexing chicks eh? Sounds like you. Haha

I'm good, got most of this week off from classes so I'm happy about that, other than that just trying to find out what stuff I can get into. :D


Morning Beef Stick
Sep 23, 2004
Yeah but I'm not as into it as I used to be. American chicks just don't do it for me anymore. Japanese chicks are where it's at. They'll do what you want. [face_mischief]

I wish I had classes off this week. Finance is kicking my rear end, accounting still sucks but I can at least do it, and all my management classes are so boring that I just leave right after they call attendance. Anyways, what stuff are you looking at to get into? Games, anime, music?


Feb 15, 2005
Red_Blade_Liger said:
Yeah but I'm not as into it as I used to be. American chicks just don't do it for me anymore. Japanese chicks are where it's at. They'll do what you want. [face_mischief]

I wish I had classes off this week. Finance is kicking my rear end, accounting still sucks but I can at least do it, and all my management classes are so boring that I just leave right after they call attendance. Anyways, what stuff are you looking at to get into? Games, anime, music?
LOL, all of it. Games, anime, and music. Anything to keep me pre-occupied. I don't remember what major that you were...are you a business major? I'm a Management major...I got Accounting this year too and I'm not a fan of it..So long as I pass it though.

[face_mischief] Oh I remember your love of Japanese women, you're going to have to share some things with me in the future. Or at least the names of some models.


Morning Beef Stick
Sep 23, 2004
Games - Ico/Shadow of the Colossus, Uncharted, Blazblue, Skullgirls (when it's released).
Anime - As far as new anime goes, I hear Steins Gate is pretty awesome
Music - Look up the song Girlism by Scandal on youtube. You will thank me. Cute Japanese girls who rock.

Management major. Almost done. Next semester will be my last. I'm so happy. The only problem is that somehow my gen ed credits ended up screwed up, so I have to take 6 classes next semester instead of the normal 5. Luckily, I'm friends with one of the Psychology teachers, so I'm taking one of her classes. She said she'd take it pretty easy on me. :)

If I do get in the JET programme, feel free to visit me. I really wouldn't mind. I know it can be pretty expensive for both flights and hotel, so I could at least cut out the hotel cost for ya. But in the meantime, I have been working on a list of Japanese chicks for the past few months. I think I was supposed to give you a list like back in February or something? [face_tongue] Never finished it, but I've still been adding some things every so often. Haven't added as much as I'd like though.

EDIT: Screw it, I'll just send you some links to some sites. I'll still be collecting the best girls I see though, because I know it can be difficult to sort through everything.


Oct 26, 2011
dem vets,

does BromnKey(sp?) still lurk here? i barely rememeber your name, just visiting the old spots~

chibkey? :3


Feb 15, 2005
RevyKun said:
dem vets,

does BromnKey(sp?) still lurk here? i barely rememeber your name, just visiting the old spots~

chibkey? :3
Yeah he's ChiBkey. He still lurks around I think I'm positive. [face_tongue]


Feb 19, 2009
[blockquote]Ksquall1 posted:
Yeah he's ChiBkey. He still lurks around I think I'm positive.
[/blockquote]That's good to know. I'd like to see how he's doing.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 7, 2004
Ksquall1 said:
RevyKun said:
dem vets,

does BromnKey(sp?) still lurk here? i barely rememeber your name, just visiting the old spots~

chibkey? :3
Yeah he's ChiBkey. He still lurks around I think I'm positive. [face_tongue]

hey kevin. hows it going? havent talked to you in a few weeks.


Feb 15, 2005
digifreak2005 said:
hey kevin. hows it going? havent talked to you in a few weeks.
I'm good, other than the internet server crapping out on me here a lot lately and lots of school work. I'm getting past it though. How are you?


No Longer a Noob
Apr 7, 2004
im good, just got home form a long day at work. relaxing, friend might call me up to go chill at his place. lol. anyhting interesting happening in class?


Feb 19, 2009
[blockquote]digifreak2005 posted:
[/blockquote] Hey Ben!
How are you doing? Been a while!

Hey Red! I hope you had a great Christmas.


Morning Beef Stick
Sep 23, 2004
I was going to ask who the hell you are and how do you know my name because the MasterLink I knew had tons of posts, but then I noticed your icon and decided you are the one I know. [face_tongue] My Christmas was pretty awesome. New Years sucked though.


Feb 15, 2005
Red_Blade_Liger said:
I was going to ask who the hell you are and how do you know my name because the MasterLink I knew had tons of posts, but then I noticed your icon and decided you are the one I know. [face_tongue] My Christmas was pretty awesome. New Years sucked though.
:^O Red, be nice to alts.


Morning Beef Stick
Sep 23, 2004
I've been okay. This semester just started and it looks like I won't be able to half-ass my way through 3 of the classes. I'll have to actually try a little bit to pass. The past few semesters I've gotten by with doing nothing. Like, literally nothing. Didn't study for one test, all the papers I've been able to do the day they're due, etc. So yeah, I'm going to be pretty busy this semester, relatively speaking. Plus I applied for JET and I'm still waiting to see if I get an interview.

How 'bout you?


Feb 15, 2005
Red_Blade_Liger said:
I've been okay. This semester just started and it looks like I won't be able to half-ass my way through 3 of the classes. I'll have to actually try a little bit to pass. The past few semesters I've gotten by with doing nothing. Like, literally nothing. Didn't study for one test, all the papers I've been able to do the day they're due, etc. So yeah, I'm going to be pretty busy this semester, relatively speaking. Plus I applied for JET and I'm still waiting to see if I get an interview.

How 'bout you?
Sounds like me. I'm going to be forced to actually work this semester. I don't think that it'll be so bad though. I'm kinda glad I got the classes I got this time around. I had a douche professor last semester and I was forced to retake one course. We'll see how it goes this time around. At least I have another professor for the subject.


Morning Beef Stick
Sep 23, 2004
I hope this new professor is worse so you'll never graduate.

One of my classes is going to be complete hell. Nobody has gotten above a B- in this class since this professor came here 7 years ago.


Feb 15, 2005
Red_Blade_Liger said:
I hope this new professor is worse so you'll never graduate.

One of my classes is going to be complete hell. Nobody has gotten above a B- in this class since this professor came here 7 years ago.
I'd have to be a male hooker then. [face_mischief]

Wow, that professor sounds like a douche. I got lucky this time around, well so far nothing has bitten me in the ass. I might actually do well. LOL


Morning Beef Stick
Sep 23, 2004
Sorry, but I wouldn't hire a college drop out to be my male hooker. That would just make me feel so low class. Now, give me a hooker who has a doctorate, and I'll pay top dollar for dat hoe.

Now now, don't go getting your hopes up. Keep your expectations low, that way you won't be disappointed when you do horribly. [face_tongue]