
Jul 22, 2009
no problem man, im always happy to form new brother-bands, im trying to get more link power, its really hard, especially considering how long this game's been out.


Jul 4, 2011
i would like to be your brother UltimateCorvus my friend code = 3439-4510-9924 and my current noise form is taurus send me a message to my e-mail when to connect [face_peace] hope you will add me

if other poeple would like to be my brother too send me a messge to my e-mail :D


Jun 27, 2007
Hey, i would love to brother band too! I'm a wolf, unless you already have that :S

FC: 2236-8613-2886

email at to make a time? :)


Jul 22, 2009
i'll from a brother with either of you two, im wolf noise, so those with wolf might not want to form a brotherband with me, turns out i dont mind at all XD i've got 3 wolf brothers. but my friend code is listed twice on the last page, if you want to, respond on the board an i can e-mail you so we can organize the time.


Jul 4, 2011
IchigoOO said:
i would like to be your brother UltimateCorvus my friend code = 3439-4510-9924 and my current noise form is taurus send me a message to my e-mail : when to connect [face_peace] hope you will add me

if other poeple would like to be my brother too send me a messge to my e-mail :D


Jul 9, 2011
Hey I bought the game (black ace) the other day and I would really like some brothers i have 1 already just needs some more my e-mail is if you want a time and my FC.


Jun 19, 2011
ok ive been off for a week but i still need bros. i have wolf noise and am excepting all brothers.

fc is 180735545559

just let me knopw if u want to form a brother band.


Jul 28, 2011
does anyone even play the game anymore? cause i just got it and i know its been out for like a long time now.. i was hoping someone still played and wouldnt mind starting a new brother band with me, i have none right now so plz be my brother haha heres my code
429-849-132-552 and my noise form and crown noise.
Aug 11, 2011
I need a all 6 brothers does any one want to form a brother band my only requirement is that you dont use action replay. i dont remeber what noise i am because ive been rouge noise for a long time but i think i was virgo. Pm if interested.


Jul 18, 2011
Hey guys, I'm looking for all six brothers, but only one of each, no doubles please (prefferably) :). I am a gemini noise, link power 860, and almost have a full library. I can switch from Gemini to Corvus because those are my favorite, and am willing to battle if you want to as well :). I live in the eastern time zone, and we can set up a time and date :), message me


May 26, 2005
Hello, I am a black ace user who is seeking some brotherbands. My main noise of choice is Gemini noise and ive essentially completed everything of the game except the Acid Ace/Dread Joker online boss battles.

I might seem a little picky, but bare with me here. i currently have two brothers and the rest are plugged in opponent noise. I could really use brothers with Taurus/Wolf noise as mains. Those are the most critical i need. Im also running Virgo and Corvus opponent noise, so if anybody has those as mains i would accept them, although those last two are not essential for me, corvus being the least needed to my understanding. In exchange, if i can get at least 3 brothers with full link power, i will plug in my Giga+1 400 ability i just got to slot in an extra giga card so that my brothers will have 2 giga cards appearing from my brother roulette card select.

Ok, regarding time zone. If im not mistaken, my time should be equal, if not one hour later than Eastern US time zone. (new york, florida, that area). Ill be looking back to see for replies...seeya later!

Sorry for the rather long post, and thank you for your time

FC = 2192 5707 4569
Jul 14, 2013
Hello, I am a black ace user who is seeking some brotherbands. My main noise of choice is Gemini noise and ive essentially completed everything of the game except the Acid Ace/Dread Joker online boss battles.

I might seem a little picky, but bare with me here. i currently have two brothers and the rest are plugged in opponent noise. I could really use brothers with Taurus/Wolf noise as mains. Those are the most critical i need. Im also running Virgo and Corvus opponent noise, so if anybody has those as mains i would accept them, although those last two are not essential for me, corvus being the least needed to my understanding. In exchange, if i can get at least 3 brothers with full link power, i will plug in my Giga+1 400 ability i just got to slot in an extra giga card so that my brothers will have 2 giga cards appearing from my brother roulette card select.

Ok, regarding time zone. If im not mistaken, my time should be equal, if not one hour later than Eastern US time zone. (new york, florida, that area). Ill be looking back to see for replies...seeya later!

Sorry for the rather long post, and thank you for your time

FC = 2192 5707 4569

I'm playing Red Joker with Wolf Noise right now, I have no brothers. FC 0004-4889-7732.
Please and Thank you.