
Sep 17, 2009
HAHAHAHA I Don't Blame Em Who Wanna Buy A Make Your Own Level Mega Man Game Whut We Really Want Is MegaMan X9 Git On Yo Shit Capcom PLEASE!!!!


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 21, 2003
Well, they can't be working on too many Megaman games if Inafune left.... There's no Megaman master to direct them all. At least Legends 3 is still in the works.


Apr 7, 2010
we need a mega man with a level editor and and the ability to make your own bosses, who know maybe they will make it happen in the next megaman x game.
May 26, 2009
seriously you people are sad. that gameplay video looked like flippin tripe. Saving everyone 10 - 15 bucks. albeit if they did this on par with megaman x with a level editor that was good, this would have been pretty sweet.
Sep 13, 2010
Do you not understand what subjectiveness is? Are you a communist who thinks that if people don't share your brainwaves they are weird?


Feb 1, 2010
IGN get the adds off the videos!! Its getting worse than You tube...I just dont watch if the "wait for add" pops up. Even the re-fresh does not get rid of the add!
Apr 13, 2010
From the video it looks like development was pretty far along. I don't see how companies can cancel projects like this after pouring money into them. On the other hand with the recent disaster in Japan, I'm sure Capcom has more important things to worry about. Best of luck to everyone effected and hopefully we'll see this in the future.


Original poster
Classic 2D would've been best. 3D Mega Man has never worked out, so I'm not sure I feel too devastated about this...
Mar 3, 2011
WTF this looked great. Capcom was barely effected by the quake. Capcom fails once again. First marvel has the worst online netcode ever now this. Thankfully resident evil and dead rising always come through.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2005
Good, now hopefully we can get the Mega Man, Mega Man X tie in game that connects them together.

Zero was built by Dr. Wily and killed the original Mega Man. X was built to stop Zero!

Note: Groundless speculation, though Wily did build Zero.

There is a reason why X was sealed, and why Sigma ran into Zero in that mine.

It's a story just waiting to be told.
Jun 22, 2009
@Kokumaker You shut your mouth sir! Mega man 64 was great.....and stuff. Guess I'll be knocking this game off my list.


Ambassador of Awesome
Sep 19, 2009
Nathanmaxtro said:
Good, now hopefully we can get the Mega Man, Mega Man X tie in game that connects them together.

Zero was built by Dr. Wily and killed the original Mega Man. X was built to stop Zero!

Note: Groundless speculation, though Wily did build Zero.

There is a reason why X was sealed, and why Sigma ran into Zero in that mine.

It's a story just waiting to be told.

have fun waiting for that, besides have you played the X games Inafune had no part in? they were God awful.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2005
JeanLucAwesome said:
Nathanmaxtro said:
Good, now hopefully we can get the Mega Man, Mega Man X tie in game that connects them together.

Zero was built by Dr. Wily and killed the original Mega Man. X was built to stop Zero!

Note: Groundless speculation, though Wily did build Zero.

There is a reason why X was sealed, and why Sigma ran into Zero in that mine.

It's a story just waiting to be told.

have fun waiting for that, besides have you played the X games Inafune had no part in? they were God awful.
X games God awful? What are you smoking?

X1-4 were great. The games did start to lose some points on X6. X7 was the only one I can call awful. I never played X8.

Don't forget that the classic series had some stinkers as well.


Original poster
Aw this sucks. I was REALLY looking forward to a new Megaman game.


Ambassador of Awesome
Sep 19, 2009
Nathanmaxtro said:
JeanLucAwesome said:
Nathanmaxtro said:
Good, now hopefully we can get the Mega Man, Mega Man X tie in game that connects them together.

Zero was built by Dr. Wily and killed the original Mega Man. X was built to stop Zero!

Note: Groundless speculation, though Wily did build Zero.

There is a reason why X was sealed, and why Sigma ran into Zero in that mine.

It's a story just waiting to be told.

have fun waiting for that, besides have you played the X games Inafune had no part in? they were God awful.
X games God awful? What are you smoking?

X1-4 were great. The games did start to lose some points on X6. X7 was the only one I can call awful. I never played X8.

Don't forget that the classic series had some stinkers as well.

Did you read what I said? With the X series I was referring to the ones Inafune had little to no part in.
I love MMX up to X4, X5 and X8 were ok to say the least..and X6 and X7 were just down right bad.

The only games from the classic series I have any problems with is Mega Man 7 and 10.
Trust me I have nothing but love for these series their my favorite of all time, I just don't have a lot of faith in Capcom atm.
Jul 17, 2003
kinda happy, kinda sad. MMU was looking to be a really odd, really ugly version of Mega Man Powered Up. That being said, at least XBLA and PSN were getting a game like that at all. If you ask me, Powered Up should've come to those platforms, not this goblin imposter.

Maybe we'll get a Powered Up Online out of this eventually? *crossing fingers*


No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2005
JeanLucAwesome said:
Nathanmaxtro said:
JeanLucAwesome said:
Nathanmaxtro said:
Good, now hopefully we can get the Mega Man, Mega Man X tie in game that connects them together.

Zero was built by Dr. Wily and killed the original Mega Man. X was built to stop Zero!

Note: Groundless speculation, though Wily did build Zero.

There is a reason why X was sealed, and why Sigma ran into Zero in that mine.

It's a story just waiting to be told.

have fun waiting for that, besides have you played the X games Inafune had no part in? they were God awful.
X games God awful? What are you smoking?

X1-4 were great. The games did start to lose some points on X6. X7 was the only one I can call awful. I never played X8.

Don't forget that the classic series had some stinkers as well.

Did you read what I said? With the X series I was referring to the ones Inafune had little to no part in.
I love MMX up to X4, X5 and X8 were ok to say the least..and X6 and X7 were just down right bad.

The only games from the classic series I have any problems with is Mega Man 7 and 10.
Trust me I have nothing but love for these series their my favorite of all time, I just don't have a lot of faith in Capcom atm.
I misread your post. My apologies.
Mar 30, 2011
Seeing the amount of similarities in this game with Little Big Planet, Capcom should really just give all of the source material of this game to Media Molecule to make a Megaman Level Kit with... that way they would get paid for the license and the work done already, and have more funding to go towards legends 3


May 27, 2010
Capcom realized that the developers were making customizable costumes and not selling costumes packs for $10 each, so they killed the project.
Dec 14, 2007
@The_Damaja your right! the way they had EVERYONE thinking it was gonna be a MMOrpg like PSOBB. We've should have known better. Make your own Megaman stages? thats some bullshit CAPCOM!! Hope they don't screw up Megaman Legends 3 up! :\


Nov 24, 2007
I thought this article was going to give the reason for the cancellation being that "going forward Capcom wants to focus on quality, not quantity, and stop producing crappy sequel after crappy sequel for all of its frachises" but then I remembered that IGN's April Fools article won't be up until tomorrow.
Mar 31, 2011
Thank GOD! Mega Man games this gen SUCKS. 16bit graphics? Really!? That's the direction Capcom is taking Mega Man!? ooo jeez, we get that you want consumers to buy it for nostalgia, but it's been too many years since we had a real Mega Man game!!! Make it 3D and throw in co-op or something.


Mar 24, 2010
I wasn't too psyched to begin with but whatever. I don't want them to bring Megaman into the next gen area with reworked character designs and stuff. I want them to loose the cartoony feel but still keep it megaman-ish.Note I do not mean reboot. I want it to be a side series like X or Star Force especially tailored to what the next-gen consoles can do.


Prime Member
Oct 1, 2005
While I wasn't too excited about the art style, a little piece inside of me weeps... I was hoping for a LBP in the Mega Man world, but alas it was not to be.
May 11, 2010
Capcom is wise . I was excited when I heard the concept, but when they showed it , it was an instant turn-off. It looked horrible to say the least. Im a fan of Megaman , but i think Capcom should put him to sleep for a very long time and then come up with something cool.
Jun 16, 2009
I am sad. I was actually pretty excited about this game. It's funny because up until now it had been pushed to the far back of my mind because I had no clue when it would be released. Thanks ign for making me sad. If it weren't for you, I'd still be happier even if I looked forward to a game that would never release. But maybe companies shouldn't reveal games years ahead of release. This way fans of other cancelled games wouldn't feel the same way. Capcom, you have also made me sad. but I'm getting married in july!!! woohoo!


Jun 10, 2008
How ironic. I just found a video of the Megaman Universe HD trailer 1 and 2 on youtube, and I went to search for info on IGN just to see that it was cancelled.
Jan 13, 2010
I thought this looked like garbage. Seriously, bring Megaman into the next gen and do another Megaman Legends or something. I mean Megaman 2 remixed is the worst idea evaaaah


Ambassador of Awesome
Sep 19, 2009
@ Lenric3njoy2

You should realize there are people with different opinions than your own.

You don't know what you're talking about it's more than nostalgia, I could go back and play any old Mega Man game over a new game any day of the week. matter of fact I've already replayed 1-6 hundreds upon hundreds of times.

A next gen MM would be awesome (won't happen) but just giving me more classic Mega Man in general is enough to make me happy.