Jul 3, 2005
In Overload: if you collect all the packet things (the trophy), and then enter a building for the mission, when you exit you have no target recticle. Makes shooting back at stuff hard to say the least.
Apr 19, 2011
on the PS3 version start a new game with female Shepard have her be sole survivor, she is romanticaly involved with Liara. Then choose Ashley over Kaiden, see what happens!


Mar 10, 2011
jonslaughter said:
on the PS3 version start a new game with female Shepard have her be sole survivor, she is romanticaly involved with Liara. Then choose Ashley over Kaiden, see what happens!

I'm pretty sure this is caused by patch v1.02. The second patch for the PS3 completely screwed up the Genesis comic choices.

When I started a new game, I saved Ash during the Genesis comic, but later my Shepard said she felt bad over Ash's death (still during the Genesis comic). When Jacob and Miranda interrogated me, they asked why I sacrificed Kaidan. Yet, after the Freedom's Progress mission when I ask the Illusive Man about the rest of my teammates, I ask how Kaidan is doing and the Illusive Man says he's alive and well.

To clarify, I sacrificed Kaidan during the Genesis comic yet Liara could see I felt bad over Ash's death (still during the Genesis comic). When interrogated by Jacob and Miranda, they ask why I sacrificed Kaidan, yet when I talk to the Illusive Man later, he says Kaidan is alive and well.

Initially, I thought I goofed with my choice so I started over and the same thing happened. I've only beaten the game once (on insanity) but I want to created six different Shepards to import into ME3 when it comes out and I don't want to play the game any more until another patch gets released fixing the Genesis glitch, because I consider the decision making to be a major part to the series. It's disheartening because I love the game so much, but don't want my choices to be all screwed up.

Does anyone else know when the next patch for the PS3 version will be released?
Jul 3, 2005
(PS3 Version)
I saved the Council in the comic thing. I just spoke to them, and I'm a Spectre again. I was asked by a woman to be interviewed for some news thing. I did, and she pops off about me KILLING the Council (flatly accuses me of doing it on purpose).


Jan 19, 2010
1. I've only experienced a few, most have been adressed tho.. So Decided to save ashley in the story line "comicbook" but kaiden is there at the first encounter with the collectors. the doc worker guy has options to talk about both ashley an kaiden? Anybody elese experienced this?


May 16, 2011
I've been trying to get this problem fixed for a year now with no luck. During the suicide mission, despite the fact that all my squad members are loyal, whoever I assign to go through the tunnels to unlock the door gets shot and dies. I've done 3 playthroughs same result. Even on my wife's account the same thing happens. I've exchanged the game, I've deleted and reloaded all the updates, but the problem is still there. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this?


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
Glass619 said:
I've been trying to get this problem fixed for a year now with no luck. During the suicide mission, despite the fact that all my squad members are loyal, whoever I assign to go through the tunnels to unlock the door gets shot and dies. I've done 3 playthroughs same result. Even on my wife's account the same thing happens. I've exchanged the game, I've deleted and reloaded all the updates, but the problem is still there. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this?
Are you talking about the ventilation tunnels? The one where you have to constantly open the valves (with the green indicators)?
If so, who are you sending in?


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 30, 2011
Glass619 said:
I've been trying to get this problem fixed for a year now with no luck. During the suicide mission, despite the fact that all my squad members are loyal, whoever I assign to go through the tunnels to unlock the door gets shot and dies. I've done 3 playthroughs same result. Even on my wife's account the same thing happens. I've exchanged the game, I've deleted and reloaded all the updates, but the problem is still there. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this?

I'm pretty sure it's not a bug. If you send a loyal legion in the vents I bet he doesn't die.


May 24, 2011
Playing on PS3, when ever I choose to save the council in the comic before making a new character, the Turian in the weapon shop on the Citadel still hates me. I don´t like it


Aug 2, 2011
my bug in mass effect 1 is that i have to talk to a captain to get to the next scene but when my conversation end nothing happens i can move around in the area but im stuck and the worst part i have no backups or saves from before


Aug 7, 2011
I've detected three minor glitches with subtitles and sounds.
1. When we first encounter with Legion in the Derelict Reaper,and it speak,the subtitles shows it's name:"Legion", but we only name it if when active it and EDI names it.
2. When we are on our way to the Collector Base and we take Miranda with us to fight the Ocular and when it is defeated Miranda speaks from the cockpit but she cant coz she's with you.
3.If you recruit Morinth instead of Samara,and take her to maintain the biotic field at the 2nd part of the base assault,when we move and fight she is named as Samara but when we escaped and she finish the field she is named as Morinth


Jun 25, 2011
Not sure if it's a bug, or just that I need to progress the story. It happened in both of my files.

File 1:
Romance Garrus, but post campaign, he still talks as if they haven't had the scene before the final mission.
Where he says that he'd like to try it, but every other character talks about how they feel now that I've finished the mission (I think).
I know Samara comments on it.

File 2:
Romance Thane.
Garrus keeps talking about relieving stress relieving, and the conversation doesn't change even if I complete a mission and return to the ship.

Thane's conversation is stuck at where you can offer to go on a vacation.
Sep 21, 2011
Bug: Can't import ME1 character.
Description: After selecting "Import ME1 character," the following error message is shown:
"A sign-in change has occurred. Sign out of your gamer profile to continue."
May 7, 2011
Okay spoilers here.

I have a really weird glitch.

I played the shadow broker mission once before and it worked fine but this time I( have the weirdest glitch I have ever seen.

When I come out of the first office that the Shadow broker's agents attack a quick cutscene will play of Shepard and his party leaving the building and then the loading icon will come up. After that loading icon goes away Shepard can move around but none of the other object or character will move or make a sound. Shepard can run around but nothing will happen the game just stops. This first happened a month ago,since then I have reinstalled the DLC twice and it still does not work

The only thing that has changed since I last played the Shadow Broker mission when it worked is that my Harddrive crashed and I had to reinstall the game and the DLC to a new harddive but I don't see how that could be a problem.

Any idea what could be wrong?

Oct 28, 2011
Don't know if its a bug but they don't give you all the money from Garrus's loyalty mission even though have looked everywhere there is nothing left to hack or pick up.


Nov 6, 2011
I have seen one glitch that when I am covered and then jump forward of the barrer I was covered, he stays in the air.


Jan 12, 2012
I'm having an endless bug that is really messing me up.

It started after i did Mordin's loyalty mission. After I spoke to his old apprentice dude, I chose the option to stay and look around (to get the money there.) It said press F to end the mission, and I kept pressing F and it wouldn't end. (the same glitch happens after recruiting Liara) so I had to reload and re-do the conversation.

Since that glitch happened, every time I go into combat, everything on my combat screen (hotbar, weapon options, squadmate health and shields, everything, even my aiming whatchya-ma-callit, flickers on and off. It flickers about once every second, but while it's in the off position you can't select any powers, can't see your opponent's health and all of that stuff.


Jan 12, 2012
As for the comments about Conrad Verner thinking that people took the renegade option, Bioware has confirmed that this cannot be fixed. There's a missing file or whatever *technical talk that he doesn't understand*


Sep 27, 2010
So, I beat the game without any major problems, other than Kasumi dying by a rocket to the face which made no sense to me, and imported my ME2 save to start a new game. What happened however was I got a character that was lvl 30, right level, but none of my weapons or armor. I could see it on my charcter, but it didnt' show up as an option in the armor screen and I ONLY had the weapons you're supposed to have at the start of the game in the first playthrough, plus DLC's. I've played this before and I always had my weapons and armor in an imported character, and none of it carried over, not even the heavies.
Dec 25, 2013
*deep breath* *deep sigh* ... ok... I have purchased the ME triology pack you can get and play through origin. AND I have done pretty much EVERYTHING... BUT... I am unable to do the archangel mission... which is a problem as I need to recruit the 4 main story characters, in order to advance the story.... WHEN I try to I get a loading screen that has lasted an... hour... I get out an it says not responding... and a moment ago I tried some stuff and got a message that says I think "ssleay32.dll file not found" or something... could this be why it is entirely unable to load the area? ... I mean I understand it takes a while to load an area but still... an HOUR... I beg someone to help me figure out a way that I can continue the story and won't have made an entire week and a half of VACATION GAME PLAY... wasted... *rubs temples*. *deep sigh* I LITERALLY CANNOT forward the story unti this is fixed...
Last edited:
Aug 25, 2015
every time i try to start a side quest after i completed horizon the game crashes. any help would be greatly appreciated


Aug 19, 2017
Game crashes every time I end a conversation with Aria on Omega.
Can't even get pass the first few missions because of this

And I haven't figured out how to fix this.


Feb 12, 2021
Bug:Tutorial box "Press [Space] to pick up granade launcher" at lazarus don't change after pick up granade launcher
Description:After pick uo granade launcher,the box do not change after that
Please tell me how to fix this