Jul 19, 2009
When I try to "use" something, the box around the usable item stays orange, and I cant use it, anyone know a fix for this?
Feb 8, 2010
WOW- where to begin

- rescue jack- got stuck in the air after fighting out of the cell block room
- had to reload save

- missle launch mission - game freezes after you make a decision which location to save
- no resolution

have had more - will update later


Teh Vesti Monkey
Aug 4, 2003
I have had situations where my character got stuck (one example was during that side mission when you walk on that wrecked ship that eventually collapses. I ended up walking in the air and got stuck)


Teh Vesti Monkey
Aug 4, 2003
also during the bar at the citadel my screen went blank in the bathroom when i puked (but never got out of the black screen, tho the audio was still around)

also had a time when i talked to that drell on the normandy and the screen got stuck in his face but i can see myself walking around behind him (the camera was stuck)


Jun 18, 2003
1) I am playing a Vanguard and sometimes the charge doesn't work, I think it is intentional when it would put you somewhere you aren't supposed to access but it has happened to me when neither directly next to my foe or having my foe blocked, often it puts my powers on recharge.

2)Twice I have had a dead enemy not disappear and prevent further progress once on Tali's mission once on Grunts, it requires a reload.


Jun 18, 2003
While playing thane's mission I saved right at the beginning, upon reload you end up on the ground floor not on the catwalk. In order to complete you must open the door on the second level at the end but the stair way is transparent (not actually solid) however if you position yourself correctly you can open the door from the ground floor and continue the mission.


Oct 19, 2009
theblackfalcon69 said:
in grunts right ceremony where your killing all those dog like predators ive had a problem where one of them refuses to die. this has happened to me twice. i shoot him he falls and then he gets back up no matter what i hit him with. i felt like i was fighting darth sion or something.


Sep 30, 2004
I think I'm missing the planet Roth in the Urla Rast system in the Shrike Abyssal cluster. I have 3 planets in the system and my galaxy map claims I have 100% completion. Also, I had the no sound problem with the Samara and Morinth moment.
Apr 12, 2006
For the people that start floating and can't get down, walk to a wall and melee. Every time I've tried it that has gotten me down.


Aug 22, 2008
AEC_Kyle said:
During the Justicar's loyalty quest, the audio cut out during the end part. Kinda lost the effect of being awesome :/

Same thing happened to me D:

Convo freezes

Happed to me twice while talking to Thane. While ending a conversation the screen will be stuck on characters face at a unatural angle.


You should be able to pause the game, save, and then reload. All better.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
When you first go to the collector ship there is a piller next to a wall of cover in the room when you first fight the flying boss(first piller you see) I ran passed it after beating boss and got caught on it and it "grabbed" me and i was unable to get off it and all i was able to do was watch my character "climb" the piller to the ceiling. had to restart to checkpoint.

Menu screen stayed the same background even after hitting start button. The resume, new game, ect and cerberus news words were floating in the correct area if it was on the correct screen(after hitting start game).

On one of the side mission(can't exactly remember which one I think it was the one where you saved the crashing ship) I died right after opening a door and when the you hit the resume I would constantly die and I would'nt be able to see my characters.It would just pop back up with the 3 options after death and this would repeat till I restarted the mission.

On another side mission(stopping the fake distress signal mission i believe) I entered one of the fist rooms and my sound completely stopped. I turned off my xbox to have sound return.

When saving Tali, fighting the colosses, I took cover on the left side of the map right before the bridge and my game "froze" but not completely. I was unable to move or shoot but enemy was able to shoot but, I was able to move the camera.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
I'm in the same camp of the Justicar loyalty quest glitch. Lost all sound during the power struggle. Ruined what would have otherwise been an epic moment.
I also got stuck on top of a table in a quest. I think it was a Blue Suns base.
Feb 11, 2010
Same thing happened to me i had just finished the reaper iff mission. I had a level 19 soldier and i go to do a side mission and all of a sudden i have no powers or money and im level 1 but i still have all my upgraded weapons. its a huge bummer i have no idea how it could have happened


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
theblackfalcon69 said:
in grunts right ceremony where your killing all those dog like predators ive had a problem where one of them refuses to die. this has happened to me twice. i shoot him he falls and then he gets back up no matter what i hit him with. i felt like i was fighting darth sion or something.
And you're sure you're able to neutralize this threat for this quest?


Dec 29, 2003
- When I try to leave planets, the ship doesn't move, I have to re-enter and exit the planet and the ship starts to move again.
- Random floating, this happens the most on the planet you get grunt, I will be fighting some krogan, and I'll be running and behind cover when I randomly fly up 10 feet, I was not shot, nor hit with Biotic powers, I just go up in the air and am trapped in a space box, I can run in a square but can't leave the invisible shielding, have to load the last save.
- On Thane's mission, when I'm following the turian, I go into the room and that janitor gets all mad I'm there, I HAVE to use the bold option or else the game freezes, every other option leaves me staring at an incomplete wall and Thane yelling at me that I lost the target, all, controls are logged out, I have to close the game and reload.
Feb 12, 2010
Jacob loyalty mission- You can get stuck on top of the last barricade before you reach Captain Taylor.

Illium-the Observer-On my 2nd playthrough I accepted the mission and scanned the 3 terminals near the Memories of Illium shop but could not get the ones near the trading floor to open. The mission will not appear/open in my journal even though Liara continues to try to get me to scan the consoles on the trading floor.

Omega-Ish-Mission would not list in journal as completed even after I had told Ish off. Jornal kept reading-deliver packages to Ish.
Feb 14, 2010
Significant General Issue- Bioware !!!needs!!! to address the coming out of cover bug in their next patch. Bugs affecting combat on a regular basis are unacceptable! I am constantly being killed because when I take aim from cover, move around in cover and especially have Shepard or a teammate use a power under cover Shepard will pop out of cover against my will. It's happening way too much like every battle. I notice this issue is more frequent in some areas. On the Normal difficultly setting it wasn't that big of a deal but on Hard one bug taking Shepard out of cover unexpectedly is deadly. It is happening so much I am having to adapt my game play to anticipate coming out of cover or taking cover where it would be less disastrous for the bug to occur. Please fix this before I have to play on Insanity!
Aug 8, 2005
When your on the first colony at the begining of the game when the turrets fly in, if you kill them before they land they will glitch and your team mates will shoot at empty space and the door is blocked because the game registers them as still alive. Not 100% if they died or if the turret fell through the concrete slab. It shows the target area when your over them but it dosn't show any object and shooting at it does nothing. Only way to fix it is to reload the save.


Prime Member
Aug 31, 2008
theblackfalcon69 said:
in grunts right ceremony where your killing all those dog like predators ive had a problem where one of them refuses to die. this has happened to me twice. i shoot him he falls and then he gets back up no matter what i hit him with. i felt like i was fighting darth sion or something.
same here


May 21, 2008
For the Justicar loyalty quest audio bug, have you tried turning subtitles on? Doesn't solve the issue but at least lets you know what's going on.


Feb 17, 2010
I've had some problems with resuming from where I left off from the game and saved. Sometimes it takes me way back to an auto save or saved point several hours previous to my most current save.

I've also had it happen twice now that my last save dissappeared and I lost about 30 minutes of game time on both of those instances.


Dec 29, 2003
Had a couple yesterday, I was helping out Archangle(Garrus) and the gun ship was dropping down troopers, well I charged their asses and sent one flying, well I guess it didn't count as a kill and nothing happened for about 5 minutes and I had to reload, cause there was no way I was gonna be able to kill that enemy. The 2nd is in direct relation to that, cause when I had to load the gun ship never came, Garrus tells me they are dropping troopers, but the gun ship just takes off and no troopers drop down, had to reload again.
Jun 12, 2001
Not so much a bug as a factual error, when entering the male restroom as a female shepard EDI will say that the womens restroom is on the starboard (right) side, when it is in fact on the port (left) side, she will make the same mistake if you try to open the port observation-deck before you get samara...

While not gamebreaking in any way this is still an error/bug in my book...


Feb 22, 2010
I have a bug in the Liara observer mission, where I have to hack in three terminals.
I only could hack the first terminal (on the left side, when I enter the place). After that I sent the data with the Server more behind on the left corner.. looks easy..
..but the other two terminals are not available - means that there is no blue icon! nothing happens, I can not use them.. :(

I have tried it a few times, after loading older savegames, but no change..

..MASS EFFECT 2 is still a great game with very high level of story, game engine and dialogs!! I love it!!
Thanks to all, who have worked on it!!
It is a worthier successor to ME1!!

Please fix the little bugs! ;)

best regards,


Prime Member
Oct 3, 2005
Playing as female sheperd, when you pick up an in-mission upgrade (armor or ammo or whatever) and the character either says "I'll take it!" or "This looks interesting", about half of the time the voice of the person saying those lines is not the voice of female (or even male) sheperd. It's random voice #1.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 15, 2005
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I'll post just in case. When you are doing the Tali recruitment mission, and you reach the final part with Kal Reeger(sp?) there is a glitch to always bring back your teammates after they die. I'm not sure if it happens in every playthrough, but in mine I could do it continuesly. Here is what i did:

-I told Kal not to help me fight the geth, and told him to stay back.
-Whenever I went to talk to him again during the fight, he would ask me if I wanted his help or not.
-When this happened, my squad was always next to me while I talked to him, regardless if they had died or not.

As I said before, I could do this continuesly. So if my squad died numerous times, I could always go back during the fight to talk to Kal, and my team would be "revived". Really saved my ass on Hardcore lol.
Apr 25, 2003
Experienced some of the audio bugs mentioned which were a little disappointing, but no where near as annoying as the bug I just experienced a moment ago. Having completed the randomly found assignment "N7: Abandoned Mine" I've returned to the ship to find that all my resources and credits have gone back to 0. As I had over 30k of each resource and a large amount of credits this is a massive pain.

I can revert to a previous save but I lose 3 hours worth of game play which I have no interest in redoing. This bug might have just made me lose interest in the game. I'm sure I'll get over it eventually just a little ticked off right now.
Apr 25, 2003
Haha, ok it turns out I didn't quite look at the full extent of the bug before posting. Not only has the resources reset but so has everything. My level (from level 19 to level 1), my gear choices, probably even conversation decisions (although don't know for sure). yes the level reset means I have absolutely no talents now either.

I'm not about to play it a bit more to find out if everything else has reset. So so so annoyed.


Feb 7, 2010
Very minor bug that doesn't appear to have been mentioned yet, but I noticed that on seemingly random missions, that the game loads in accurrate max ammo counts.

This is something I've only noticed when equipping the off -ammo pack which increases ammo by 10% although it doesn't seem to work on the sniper rifle.

Sometimes I would start a mission and the submachine gun would have a max ammo count of 719 and other time 675 eventhough nothing had changed and my spare ammo pack was still equipped.


Mar 2, 2005
Potential SPOILERS! PC version with patch 1.01:

[li]The game crashes sometimes when I try to reorganize my quick bar.[/li]
[li]Some thermal clips still can't be picked up.[/li]
[li]On Samara's recruitment mission in the final battle, sometimes the lesser enemies never show up and killing the leader leaves the datapad inaccessible. I had to reload the entire mission from start.[/li]
[li]Some enemies might end up in walls in an unreachable position (for example: sentry gun on Freedom's progress or the Geth Prime on Haestrom). Reload is required.[/li]
[li]Miranda didn't appear on the space station where you first talk to the Illusive Man.[/li]
[li]On Freedom's Progress when Praza puts away his gun but it is still visible in his hands moving and clipping around in the remaining part of the cutscene.[/li]
[li]Tali can be killed with the grenade launcher on Freedom's Progress and the talk with Veetor is cut short without Tali entering the room. The mission is then later considered as if Shepard had let Veetor return with Tali (based on the talks on the Migrant Fleet).[/li]
[li]Sometimes the radio effect is applied to EDI's voice when she talks to the ground team and the camera is showing the cockpit (can't remember exactly, but I think it is during the derelict reaper mission).[/li]


Oct 8, 2004
marvelrocks1996 said:
On that one planet Where you get Grunt theres this one hallway where I got shot up against a pillar like I got shot in the air for no reason and couldnt get down. I had to reload.

This happened to me! I was running out the door to get away from the Krogan and Vorcha after a cut scene and I levitated up the wall and got stuck and had to reload

On 3 of 4 playthroughs the sound would cut out during the Samara/Morinth fight.

Not really a bug but I just find the editing of the cutscenes during the suicide mission to be horribly choppy and not well done
Jun 19, 2009
I don't know if this this a bug or I'm just an idiot but did anyone else have a problem completing Lieara's side quest? I scaned all the terminals but It won't let me turn them in. I checked and double checked the guide here on IGN and other places but It won't let me finish the mission. I already finished the damn game but not this mission.


Dec 3, 2010
I started a new game, and had a problem when first talking to Aria. I approach her, the option to talk to her pops up, I activate it and... it disappears. This is really weird to me, especially because it worked on my last playthroughs, so I don't know what's going on...


Dec 2, 2010
Every game since my first play through during Thane's Loyalty mission my responses to him on updates are gone. You can't hear them or see any subtitles. I haven't heard Sheps dialogue for that section since I bought the game. Except I hear the dialogue for when you come across the guy in the room sleeping and the end.


Jan 25, 2011
These bugs might be PS3 only, since I haven't played it on any other console to check. These mainly include DLC bugs.

First, after asking the clan leader for grunts problem and if you move towards the rubble you get lifted up in the air and you are stuck in the ceiling and the only thing to solve this is reload.

When doing the Firewalker mission on the lava planet. After you recover the data and have to escape due to the vulcanic activity, after the load to the outside vehicle area the screen went black/pink/green/white and remained that way. A death/reload/load old save/finish mission/warp to another system doesn't fix this. It does kinda ruin the experience. As it makes the game unplayable since the starmap is hardly visible. Turning off the game and then restarting it did eventually do the trick.

Vulcan station (project overlord)
After dieing with my vehicle due to a failed turret kill attempt the game reloaded. However after the reload collision seemed to be turned off. Since the rock blocks on the lava didn't have any collsion with the vehicle and i was able to go through any rocks the mission was kinda ruined, and only the third person indoor were ok.
Just finished the mission without doing anything so no idea how to fix this, will try to check it again on a second playthrough


Mar 22, 2009
About 20 hours in. I completed the "Collectors" ship mission. My game froze. I rebooted and lost all my game saves. Im pissed and can't get in touch with Bioware tech support to tell them of this problem.


Jan 26, 2011
I'm about 40 hours in on Ps3, first playthrough, I'm trying to do ALL the missions/recruitments/loyalties and all the anomalies so I can have max upgrades before making a final push through the end (I'm going for "No One Left behind" but I've lost Zaeed's and Miranda's loyalty so they might still die). My experience so far:

Nothing like what is reported above, though I haven't done the Firewalker Missions yet. I'll post a confirmation if I get the same problem when I do play.

-Did have a wierd thing where I got trapped on a tall wall at the beginning of Horizon Colony. It's a really tall rusty brown wall that you see when you first land, I don't think you can interact with it as cover, but either way, seems if you try, you pop up to the top of wall, which disappears, and you're stuck in place. Reloading from the autosave got me out, and I only lost about 5 seconds of running, so no big loss reloading.

-I noticed a pretty heinous lag/mini-freeze on Illium near the door going downstairs that's right near the stairs going up to Laira's office. First few times I passed this door with no problem, but while recruiting Samara, walking in front of that door loads some part of the environment that causes the game to freeze for a few seconds.

Last thing: to the poster above, which Collector's mission did you mean? The first one on the "derelict" ship, or a mission towards the end of the game?
Jan 24, 2011
marvelrocks1996 said:
On that one planet Where you get Grunt theres this one hallway where I got shot up against a pillar like I got shot in the air for no reason and couldnt get down. I had to reload.

This happens to me alot, in alot of different places. I just kind of levatate, and get stuck.. and have to reload. (On the PC) didn't have it happen once on the PS3. Haven't played the 360, so i don't know. Prolly just a pc thing.... that and my game crashes whenever i want to rearange my powers on my hot key bar... grr. i hate that...


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 18, 2011
Sometimes when using cryo ammo an enemy will become frozen and if another enemy is nearby they will stick together and start flying around the screen. It only stops when the frozen enemy thaws. It's quite funny to watch and I didn't mind until Miranda became stuck to a frozen Klixen and then went flying off the map.


Apr 7, 2011
Here's an interesting one on 360.

Began Tali:Treason. All was normal for the first part, until I talked to Admiral Shala Raan. There, instead of the usual introduction, it cut directly to the conversation that would've occurred with her after the first trial cutscene. I then was allowed to free-roam, and found this:


Apparently, when I approached her, it triggered the wrong conversation, and proceeded as it would after the second conversation. But since the first conversation never occurred, there was no trial cutscene, & the characters were not placed.

Restarting the mission corrected the issue.