
Super Star
Jun 22, 2005
After all these years, the face behind Ang is revealed...

In all seriousness, props to you for talking about all that. Mental health and the other things you discussed aren’t easy to talk about, even on the internet where we’re all relatively anonymous. I definitely have some issues with depression and anxiety but have never really gone into detail like that with anyone even on here. Respect.
It felt good to type it out. I'm generally not very sociable, bottle up most of my feelings. Writing down how I feel felt a little therapeutic actually.
Jun 25, 2011
And since we’re all on personal updates...

I graduate in December, a semester early. Just need one more class for my major and three electives, so you know I’m taking bogus easy classes and none on Friday.

My student job is great and I have an amazing internship lined up for the summer, but nothing afterwards. I applied for basically my dream job after a rec from a friend but didn’t get it. It went to a guy I know who’s way more qualified so I’m not upset but still kind of sucks because I started fantasizing lol.

That girl I claimed things ended with a couple months ago is still around but no real progress. I definitely still have feelings for her but she’s basically one of my best friends and we are in the same circles. I’m worried if I make a move she won’t feel the same way and it’ll damage our friendship.

Man, writing that shit now on the last page of the CT...I was a senior in high school when this version of the thread began [face_hypnotized]
Jun 25, 2011
It felt good to type it out. I'm generally not very sociable, bottle up most of my feelings. Writing down how I feel felt a little therapeutic actually.
The CT really is a unique thing man. None of us have/likely will ever meet but I feel like u guys are legit some of my good friends. Like a lot of folks in here I fade in and out on posting elsewhere on the 5109/IGN but I always am wondering what’s going on ITT.

I’m also a few beers in as I’ve officially finished the semester so maybe that has something to do with it lol


Super Star
Oct 3, 2005
It felt good to type it out. I'm generally not very sociable, bottle up most of my feelings. Writing down how I feel felt a little therapeutic actually.
The CT really is a unique thing man. None of us have/likely will ever meet but I feel like u guys are legit some of my good friends. Like a lot of folks in here I fade in and out on posting elsewhere on the 5109/IGN but I always am wondering what’s going on ITT.

I’m also a few beers in as I’ve officially finished the semester so maybe that has something to do with it lol
So are you officially graduated?



Swaggie D
Mar 12, 2010
South Beach
[URL='']@Anghellic11[/URL] I’m incredibly sorry to read about really everything you wrote. Suicide is never the answer though as it’s a short-sighted and selfish “solution”. You still have plenty to live for even if you don’t feel like you do. I, and I’m sure all of us here as well, consider you my friend and would hate to hear that you took your own life away. My Inbox is always open [face_hugs]

Your weight loss story is incredible, though. Even if you don’t consider it a big deal, it’s still a great accomplishment that you were able to overcome that obstacle in your life. That takes immense resilience. Much like your weight loss, this is just another obstacle in your life that you’ll overcome too. Good luck buddy :)


Swaggie D
Mar 12, 2010
South Beach
And since we’re all on personal updates...

I graduate in December, a semester early. Just need one more class for my major and three electives, so you know I’m taking bogus easy classes and none on Friday.

My student job is great and I have an amazing internship lined up for the summer, but nothing afterwards. I applied for basically my dream job after a rec from a friend but didn’t get it. It went to a guy I know who’s way more qualified so I’m not upset but still kind of sucks because I started fantasizing lol.

That girl I claimed things ended with a couple months ago is still around but no real progress. I definitely still have feelings for her but she’s basically one of my best friends and we are in the same circles. I’m worried if I make a move she won’t feel the same way and it’ll damage our friendship.

Man, writing that shit now on the last page of the CT...I was a senior in high school when this version of the thread began [face_hypnotized]
- ayy congrats buddy lmao. It’s funny/ironic how your Spring semester just ended and my Summer semester just started [face_tongue]. I’ll be alright though. I should’ve graduated in 2016 but I’ve switched majors three times since I started college right out of high school in 2012. I, most likely, will finally get my Bachelors next year, I’m gonna graduate majoring in Public Relations. I really like this major as I feel like it’s centered around my strengths of writing while also being able to showcase my interpersonal skills in a field that can be very profitable if successful. Though College has been a long journey for me, I’m happy I was given the opportunity to really explore what I enjoy and can see myself crafting a career out of.

- Nice! What kind of student job do you have? Next year I’ll prolly try to get involved in an internship but if I don’t get one that’s cool too. I’m going to most likely go to grad school after I get my bachelors.

- You should make a move otherwise you’ll always be stuck wondering what if, and that’s the worse.


Da Best
Jul 3, 2010
I love you guys.

Hope you find a solution broski [URL='']@Anghellic11[/URL] I'd love to give you a bunch of advice but I'm not a doctor. I have heard great things about cbd/medicinal marijuana. But yeah that weight loss is fucking amazing. I would say get outside, I haven't done it personally but heard great things about yoga. Just going out and doing physical activity (basketball, just walking etc) will change your life.


Whatever. I'll take it if I have to.
Aug 6, 2009
The Office
[URL='']@Anghellic11[/URL] hell of a story man. Never feel like you haven't come a long way. Just keep fighting, never give up.

Update on me. Most of you know that I resigned from my job in mid-Feb after essentially being put on the block with a bad month. My time off has been good, kind of have transformed my body too by getting an opportunity to run more cardio, eat a little better, etc.

But I'm a natural workaholic, and I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't restless in wanting to find the next position. Been on a couple of interviews, most for recruiting positions, one company I went through three interviews only for them to say that they were gonna go in a different route. Some I have good interviews with in my mind, but have never heard from them after it, even after follow-ups. I'm a dude that updates people and never likes to leave people hanging so this is frustrating that so many companies do this. If they do, I just figure that they're not the place I need to be at. Still thinking about recruiting, maybe going back into inside sales if the salary is solid (think I'm better on the inside than the outside, too much driving), and I got a open interview tomorrow with a local property management corporation for a community manager role. Still not stressing money-wise so I'm good. Like [URL='']@bdiddy5115[/URL], I'd love to find a job that could turn into a career and that I give a fuck about, but I'm skeptical. I feel the only way I'll feel fulfilled in life is if I'm my own boss, make enough money to buy a few franchises and see the money roll in and play the stock market.

Also during my time off, I've really gotten into astrology. I don't pay attention to daily horoscopes or anything, and I've always known about the zodiac signs and basic personalities, but there's so much more too. I don't follow it to a T or live my life around it (I'm a Christian), but I definitely believe there's a lot of truth to it, kind of helps a person understand the real you and even some around you. Apparently there's this event called a Saturn Return that occurs three times in a person's life every 28-30 years. The event sees Saturn return to the position it was when you were born, and causes a person to look inward and assess where they are in their life, and where they want to go. Powerful stuff. I'm 28 now, so I'm definitely feeling it.

If you guys are ever bored highly recommend looking up your natal chart, need the exact time of birth for it to be most effective. Kind of scary how accurate the analysis is, in my opinion. By the way, I'm a Capricorn sun, Virgo moon, Gemini rising.


Super Star
Jun 22, 2005
So last night was quite the adventure. I ate one gummy, read for a bit then went to bed about 30 minutes later.. I didn't feel anything maybe a slight buzz at best.. so 1.5 hours in I decided I'll take another one. Then I got blasted out of my mind, heart beat racing so fast, I had daredevil's hearing was a super human for a while, and even though I was suuuuper tired, I couldn't sleep.

I'm seeing some potential here though, probably just not used to it at all.


Super Star
Apr 7, 2005
Also during my time off, I've really gotten into astrology. I don't pay attention to daily horoscopes or anything, and I've always known about the zodiac signs and basic personalities, but there's so much more too. I don't follow it to a T or live my life around it (I'm a Christian), but I definitely believe there's a lot of truth to it, kind of helps a person understand the real you and even some around you. Apparently there's this event called a Saturn Return that occurs three times in a person's life every 28-30 years. The event sees Saturn return to the position it was when you were born, and causes a person to look inward and assess where they are in their life, and where they want to go. Powerful stuff. I'm 28 now, so I'm definitely feeling it.

If you guys are ever bored highly recommend looking up your natal chart, need the exact time of birth for it to be most effective. Kind of scary how accurate the analysis is, in my opinion. By the way, I'm a Capricorn sun, Virgo moon, Gemini rising.
lmao it's funny because I've always been super-skeptical about everything belief wise (I was a philosophy-head back in college), but the current girl I'm seeing is into astrology, and I really do respect her intelligence in other spheres

Maybe it's the weed I've been smoking, or just me getting older and not being as attached to a viewpoint as I was, but recently I'll find myself looking up natal charts of famous people and people I know and finding trends I see from them. Can't say I know much about what you're talking about or believe in any of it, but I'd be lying if I didn't find it interesting. Then again, I always liked reading religious texts even when I was a pretty staunch atheist, so maybe it's not surprising I'm reading about it. I think I'm a Libra sun, Virgo moon, libra rising and Scropio Venus lol



Super Star
Jun 22, 2005
I'm deathly afraid of being in photos, honestly afraid of even being around people. Whenever I walk in to a room I feel like they all turn and damn that's a fat bitch or something and I'm the ugliest person in the room. While this might all be true I think I should work on not caring about other's opinions.

I wasn't going to do this but I thought putting myself out there might ease my anxiety over how I think I look all the time.

I think it's really quite the transformation, I don't even look human!

j/k that's tonks =)

ok.. no rly

and the first thing I feel the need to do is explain why there's any amount of fat on me like anyone cares. wtf is wrong with me. b ut ya i did gain some weight while recovering from the surgery but that's okay.


No! Not This Guy
Jul 4, 2006
I've been meaning to jump back on this board for a while and I guess now's as good of a time. First off, keep pushing [URL='']@Anghellic11[/URL], it takes a lot to come out and be that honest and know that everyone here is pulling for you. And something I caught onto is how determined you are to getting yourself better, which is incredible. A lot of people would've stopped at certain points if they didn't see progress, but you kept going along.

I moved to Dallas (Irving) in February for a new job and been busy as fuck this past month and probably until June. While my social life has severely suffered (I know no one here so it's usually just going to concerts by myself and going to stuff randomly if I don't just stay in), I'm making more, my job is incredible and I'm probably in the best shape of my life. Living away from my closest friends and not going out as much as I did when I was living in Austin has certainly helped since I maaaaybe have a glass of wine once every other week as opposed to drinking downtown every weekend and sometimes during the week.

I'm being patient meeting new people because I know I have zero skills at talking to randoms that aren't in association with someone I've already met. But outside of that things are good, also bought my first brand new car.


Say My Name
Feb 10, 2009
I'm deathly afraid of being in photos, honestly afraid of even being around people. Whenever I walk in to a room I feel like they all turn and damn that's a fat bitch or something and I'm the ugliest person in the room. While this might all be true I think I should work on not caring about other's opinions.

I wasn't going to do this but I thought putting myself out there might ease my anxiety over how I think I look all the time.

I think it's really quite the transformation, I don't even look human!

j/k that's tonks =)

ok.. no rly

and the first thing I feel the need to do is explain why there's any amount of fat on me like anyone cares. wtf is wrong with me. b ut ya i did gain some weight while recovering from the surgery but that's okay.
You look like a normal guy, you honestly have no reason to be self-conscious about the way you look, ESPECIALLY after all the weight loss (this picture compared to the one before the weight loss is like night and day).


Swaggie D
Mar 12, 2010
South Beach
I'm deathly afraid of being in photos, honestly afraid of even being around people. Whenever I walk in to a room I feel like they all turn and damn that's a fat bitch or something and I'm the ugliest person in the room. While this might all be true I think I should work on not caring about other's opinions.

I wasn't going to do this but I thought putting myself out there might ease my anxiety over how I think I look all the time.

I think it's really quite the transformation, I don't even look human!

j/k that's tonks =)

ok.. no rly

and the first thing I feel the need to do is explain why there's any amount of fat on me like anyone cares. wtf is wrong with me. b ut ya i did gain some weight while recovering from the surgery but that's okay.
You look like a normal guy, you honestly have no reason to be self-conscious about the way you look, ESPECIALLY after all the weight loss (this picture compared to the one before the weight loss is like night and day).
For real. Don’t be so hard on yourself [URL='']@Anghellic11[/URL]


Super Star
Oct 3, 2005
Ang's gonna be a styling and profiling motherfucker as soon as he starts getting out of the house. No reason at all to be self-conscious, c'mon fam.

Btw, here's my company's latest video. Let me know what you guys think:


Say My Name
Feb 10, 2009
Ang's gonna be a styling and profiling motherfucker as soon as he starts getting out of the house. No reason at all to be self-conscious, c'mon fam.

Btw, here's my company's latest video. Let me know what you guys think:
I like it. And damn that's a terrible situation.


Whatever. I'll take it if I have to.
Aug 6, 2009
The Office
Also during my time off, I've really gotten into astrology. I don't pay attention to daily horoscopes or anything, and I've always known about the zodiac signs and basic personalities, but there's so much more too. I don't follow it to a T or live my life around it (I'm a Christian), but I definitely believe there's a lot of truth to it, kind of helps a person understand the real you and even some around you. Apparently there's this event called a Saturn Return that occurs three times in a person's life every 28-30 years. The event sees Saturn return to the position it was when you were born, and causes a person to look inward and assess where they are in their life, and where they want to go. Powerful stuff. I'm 28 now, so I'm definitely feeling it.

If you guys are ever bored highly recommend looking up your natal chart, need the exact time of birth for it to be most effective. Kind of scary how accurate the analysis is, in my opinion. By the way, I'm a Capricorn sun, Virgo moon, Gemini rising.
lmao it's funny because I've always been super-skeptical about everything belief wise (I was a philosophy-head back in college), but the current girl I'm seeing is into astrology, and I really do respect her intelligence in other spheres

Maybe it's the weed I've been smoking, or just me getting older and not being as attached to a viewpoint as I was, but recently I'll find myself looking up natal charts of famous people and people I know and finding trends I see from them. Can't say I know much about what you're talking about or believe in any of it, but I'd be lying if I didn't find it interesting. Then again, I always liked reading religious texts even when I was a pretty staunch atheist, so maybe it's not surprising I'm reading about it. I think I'm a Libra sun, Virgo moon, libra rising and Scropio Venus lol

Aquarius Venus for me. Also found out I have three planets in retrograde lol. I haven't got to that level yet where I want to find out famous people's charts but I'd love to find trends.

Got like 5 planets in Capricorn, which is basically the most serious sign of the zodiac apparently.


Super Star
Jun 22, 2005

so I got some different options. Some is 1:1 cbd thc, some is like 10:1 cbd, some higher on the thc side. The guy seemed really knowledgable, he said I just have to try it and see what is best for me so i went on a shopping spree lmaooo


Swaggie D
Mar 12, 2010
South Beach


Still unknown after all these years
Oct 12, 2002


Swaggie D
Mar 12, 2010
South Beach


You Ain't Slick
Sep 7, 2008
Ang's gonna be a styling and profiling motherfucker as soon as he starts getting out of the house. No reason at all to be self-conscious, c'mon fam.

Btw, here's my company's latest video. Let me know what you guys think:
I'd vote for her because of that video

I'm deathly afraid of being in photos, honestly afraid of even being around people. Whenever I walk in to a room I feel like they all turn and damn that's a fat bitch or something and I'm the ugliest person in the room. While this might all be true I think I should work on not caring about other's opinions.

I wasn't going to do this but I thought putting myself out there might ease my anxiety over how I think I look all the time.

I think it's really quite the transformation, I don't even look human!

j/k that's tonks =)

ok.. no rly

and the first thing I feel the need to do is explain why there's any amount of fat on me like anyone cares. wtf is wrong with me. b ut ya i did gain some weight while recovering from the surgery but that's okay.
you really do look like a completely different person after the weight loss. Super impressive dude you look great.


Still unknown after all these years
Oct 12, 2002
Everyone is glowing up. Ang with the transformation, Raccoon living his best life from coast to coast, rockchalk closing in on graduation, lipiti gets to live life as beautiful blake griffin, etc

Hey, I haven't been to the West Coast. Not yet.

That comes next month. :D


horrible man
Dec 24, 2011


Super Star
Jun 22, 2005
i hated it the first few times i tried it but now that i changed the building controls and gotten used to it its pretty fun
I'm not good at building at all yet i need to re-bind that crap.
i do E for walls, T for ramps, Q for floors

some people use mouse buttons i guess but keys work better for me
lol dude I haven't been playing for long but I think I just had one of the most ridiculous games of all time. Was 4's queue it was like 12vs1 or 10vs1.. i fkin went in to a building and there was a swimming pool in it and I built walls above it and hid in the pool xDDDDD Came down to a 1v1 and the game lasted so long the marker thing moves and u have to follow it lol. ended up winning


Swaggie D
Mar 12, 2010
South Beach
I'm not good at building at all yet i need to re-bind that crap.
i do E for walls, T for ramps, Q for floors

some people use mouse buttons i guess but keys work better for me
lol dude I haven't been playing for long but I think I just had one of the most ridiculous games of all time. Was 4's queue it was like 12vs1 or 10vs1.. i fkin went in to a building and there was a swimming pool in it and I built walls above it and hid in the pool xDDDDD Came down to a 1v1 and the game lasted so long the marker thing moves and u have to follow it lol. ended up winning
I like Fortnite but this is a prime example of its biggest flaw. The game practically forces you to camp if you wanna win.

Like, yeah. I’ll win the game but camping for half an hour is definitely not fun.


Super Star
Jun 22, 2005
i do E for walls, T for ramps, Q for floors

some people use mouse buttons i guess but keys work better for me
lol dude I haven't been playing for long but I think I just had one of the most ridiculous games of all time. Was 4's queue it was like 12vs1 or 10vs1.. i fkin went in to a building and there was a swimming pool in it and I built walls above it and hid in the pool xDDDDD Came down to a 1v1 and the game lasted so long the marker thing moves and u have to follow it lol. ended up winning
I like Fortnite but this is a prime example of its biggest flaw. The game practically forces you to camp if you wanna win.

Like, yeah. I’ll win the game but camping for half an hour is definitely not fun.
That circle gets really small.. we had the building layered with fking walls tho so they had to fight from the top down all the way to the bottom where i was in the pool lmao and the circle kept landing right on me. got pretty lucky


Lets Go Niners!!
Feb 18, 2002
Anyone play Fortnite? I been playing last few days. It's prety fun
i hated it the first few times i tried it but now that i changed the building controls and gotten used to it its pretty fun
I'm not good at building at all yet i need to re-bind that crap.
Anyone play Fortnite? I been playing last few days. It's prety fun
i hated it the first few times i tried it but now that i changed the building controls and gotten used to it its pretty fun
I'm not good at building at all yet i need to re-bind that crap.
I absolutely suck at building and it's the one shooter that I legit can't even get one kill in. I always die super quick so it got boring to me.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2016
So last night was quite the adventure. I ate one gummy, read for a bit then went to bed about 30 minutes later.. I didn't feel anything maybe a slight buzz at best.. so 1.5 hours in I decided I'll take another one. Then I got blasted out of my mind

Common mistake that everyone needs to learn once. :^O


Super Star
Jun 22, 2005


Apr 1, 2014
Which NBA draft lottery team can unlock superstar-level Luka Doncic?
by on 2018-05-22 17:30:23 UTC (original:

Luka Doncic has been a star and borderline cult figure in Europe since his early teenage years. Now the Slovenian sensation is becoming more of a household name among NBA fans.

While he's one of the most accomplished European prospects of all time, it's not quite clear how Doncic will and should be used in the NBA.

Where is he best, and how should teams use him?

With the draft lottery next week, let's look at which potential teams in the top two would best unlock his star potential.

How do you use Doncic?
There's little question that Doncic will be a successful NBA player. The real topic teams are pondering is whether or not Doncic projects as a franchise building block or a high-end starter on a really good team.

Here's the skinny on his game:

  • Modern perimeter player with a versatile skill set; best skills are unleashed when he has the ball in his hands

  • Electric attacking rebounds and pushing tempo in the open floor

  • Pick-and-roll tactician who dissects help defenses with cross-court darts and high-velocity hook passes

  • More effective shooter off the bounce (69th percentile) than off the catch (48th percentile), regularly creating space to get to his patented step-back going left

  • Dances on the perimeter against switches, lulling bigs to sleep before pulling up
On the flip side:

  • Struggles mightily as the primary ball handler without much backcourt help

  • Had issues against aggressive defensive pressure all season

  • Doesn't have the wiggle to break down rangier athletes consistently, and easily slowed by hard hedges and switches from agile bigs

  • At 6-foot-8, 228 pounds, he's at his best defending wings instead of guards
With that in mind, how exactly do you unleash Doncic offensively?

Transition igniter

Have Doncic attack defensive rebounds and push tempo. Through 61 games this season, he is scoring 1.34 points per possession on 82 chances as the transition ball handler, and he's an even more dynamic open-floor playmaker than scorer.

On-the-move shot creator

The key is to get Doncic going to his right out of the pick-and-roll after the defense is already shifting, as he looks heavy-footed creating from a standstill against a set defense. Use a veteran point guard to bring the ball up the floor, then get Doncic into a ball screen with momentum to his right so he can use his size and elite vision to pick teams apart.

Doncic is also a skilled pick-and-roll scorer (85th percentile), beating defenders going under screens by launching deep pull-ups, getting into midrange spots and finishing with slowdown floaters or crafty touch.

Off-ball value

Doncic becomes quite ordinary if you stick him in the corner, as he isn't a knockdown spot shooter or an overly active cutter. But he's capable enough off the catch for teams to have to close out, and he's instinctual attacking from there. He's an excellent passer against scrambling defenses, and he has value as a screener given his size and ability to punish smalls in the post.

What does he need around him?

Houston Rockets use James Harden -- traditional PG in Chris Paul, a pair of two-way wings in PJ Tucker and Trevor Ariza plus an athletic 5 in Clint Capela. Harden also plays as the more ball-dominant guard for stretches next to Eric Gordon.

While Doncic is no Harden athletically, this is a good model to unlock his skills:

1. Versatile, shot-creating guard

  • Sure-handed, can handle pressure

  • Good athlete who is dynamic attacking the rim or pulling up out of the pick-and-roll

  • Adequate spot-up shooter willing to play off the ball for stretches

  • Plus defender of point guards
2. Doncic: Modern playmaker

  • See above
3. 3-and-D wing

  • Spot-up shooter with size (Doncic loves to hit the weakside corner out of the pick-and-roll)

  • Transition athlete who can get up and down

  • Plus defender of shooting guards and small forwards (so Doncic can take the lesser offensive player)
4. Modern forward

  • Adds value as a spacer/pick-and-pop threat

  • Capable ball handler and straight-line driver who can pass on the move (Doncic likes to give the ball up early when pressured in the pick-and-roll)

  • Comfortable switching defensively -- adequate defender of 4s
5. Rim-running big

  • Long, agile and runs the floor hard

  • Vertical spacer who finishes above the rim (less pressure for Doncic to break down defenses)

  • Switch defender who also protects the rim (Doncic struggles to navigate screens but can battle bigs on switches)
Lottery fits
With the top of the draft still far from certain, at least seven teams have a real shot of drafting Doncic in June. Here's how well he fits with each one:

Phoenix Suns | Top-2 odds: 46.5 percent

Value proposition: Kokoskov relationship + Devin Booker

The hiring of Igor Kokoskov as head coach is a home run for Doncic and his development if he lands in Phoenix. Kokoskov is a creative offensive mind who knows how to unlock Doncic's strengths, as he showed coaching Slovenia to the EuroBasket gold medal.

Playing next to a shot creator like Booker would bode well in some respects. However, Doncic would benefit from having a bit more experience and point-guard savvy in that spot. While accomplished, the 21-year-old Booker is still developing his on-ball game and is much more of a shot-making scorer at this stage. Defensively, Doncic and Booker will have their challenges.

Phoenix lacks a degree of spacing with Jackson (26.3 percent from 3 this season), Warren (22.2 percent) and Chriss (29.5 percent) on the perimeter, but Jackson and Warren could run with Doncic in transition. Bender is also an interesting fit, should the Croatian continue to make strides as a shooter. With Alex Len hitting free agency and Chandler toward the end of his career, the Suns don't quite have that dynamic lob-catcher.

A young trio of Doncic, Booker and Jackson (and potentially Bender, pending improvement) is intriguing, but Phoenix would have to work on acquiring more veteran ballhandling, shooting and athleticism up front over the next few years. And entering a rebuild would be an adjustment after all of his European success.

Memphis Grizzlies | Top-2 odds: 38.7 percent

Value proposition: Fit with Conley + win-now timeline

Doncic would be able to contribute right away while gradually earning more and more offensive volume. Will Conley, who spent more than 42 percent of his offense in pick-and-roll during his last healthy season, be willing to play more off the ball? If he's comfortable sliding over, this would make the most functional backcourt of any of these Doncic hopefuls.

Outside of maybe Davis in time, Memphis doesn't have a dynamic roller for Doncic to spoon-feed. Gasol isn't an explosive big, but he provides floor spacing at the 5 while also operating as a plus playmaker from all over the floor. Defensively, they're a troublesome pick-and-roll pairing. Brooks is capable of filling the 3-and-D wing role and Parsons, if healthy, is a good fit at the 4 in modern lineups.

If Memphis' core were younger there could be worries about the 19-year-old getting enough on-ball opportunities, but ushering him in with veterans is one of his best options. The Grizzlies are short on athletes and versatile defenders, and their young talent isn't quite as plentiful as other teams at the top of this draft, but the immediate fit and long-term benefit of playing next to Conley makes Memphis arguably the most attractive destination from a basketball standpoint.

Dallas Mavericks | Top-2 odds: 27.9 percent

Value proposition: Carlisle system + veteran role players

Rick Carlisle's "flow" offense is built for multiple ball handlers/playmakers, and Smith -- even though he's still learning how to defend and coexist with another lead guard -- is the type of breakdown athlete Doncic could use next to him. Doncic has also proved successful alongside the Barea of Spain, Facundo Campazzo, during his time with Real Madrid.

Barea and Nowitzki offer veteran leadership as Doncic learns the NBA ropes. Veterans Matthews and Barnes will also ease his transition while bringing some defensive versatility. Should he re-sign, McDermott is an excellent spacer and on-the-move shooter. Powell led the NBA in field goal percentage in the paint and he's one of the game's more underrated rollers while possessing some agility defensively.

This isn't an ideal fit given Smith's struggling defense and uninspiring off-ball play as well as Barnes' sometimes iso-happy preference, but there's certainly enough to work with here.

Atlanta Hawks | Top-2 odds: 27.9 percent

Value proposition: Fit with Prince + Collins

Doncic pairs nicely with Atlanta's most valuable building blocks in Prince and Collins. Prince can fill the wing role while also being able to slide up a spot, giving Doncic an excellent spot-up target as he ranks in the 88th percentile in catch-and-shoot efficiency, per Synergy. Prince is also at least capable of checking the opponent's best wing. Collins finished 20th in the NBA in transition scoring efficiency, and his athleticism and energy are ideal for Doncic at the 5. On the other end, Collins has the feet to switch ball screens, even if he's not yet the most reliable pick-and-roll defender and doesn't quite provide the necessary rim protection.

The one young Hawks piece who doesn't fit all that well is Schroder, who is on the books for $46.5 million over the next three years but might not be a part of Atlanta's long-term plans. His breakdown speed and shot creation work next to a more methodical Doncic, but he needs the ball to be effective because of his limitations as a shooter. Schroder has underwhelmed defensively as well, finishing in the bottom five among point guards in ESPN's defensive real plus-minus four out of his past five seasons.

Lacking the ideal backcourt mate could lead to some lumps early in Doncic's career if he's saddled with too much shot-creation responsibility. But with plenty of draft picks coming, the Hawks are in a solid position to add more young pieces. Finding the guard to unlock Doncic's strengths will be key.

Orlando Magic | Top-2 odds: 18.5 percent

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Value proposition: Versatile athletes in Gordon/Isaac + vet presence

It's tough to fully evaluate Doncic's fit in Orlando until the Magic hire a head coach, but they do have some young pieces that fit, should restricted free agent Gordon return.

Both Gordon and Isaac give Doncic versatile defenders who can get up and down in transition and space the floor in a pinch. Fournier gives shooting on the wing and another perimeter creator. Simmons is a two-way wing and a veteran presence. Augustin and Mack are suitable stopgaps in the backcourt for now -- and they wouldn't interfere with Doncic's creative freedom -- but the Magic would need to find a long-term option to fill that spot, and it remains to be seen which guards they're committed to long-term. Doncic has had success with a Biyombo-like big in the past (Edy Tavares), and he could also mesh with a more skilled center in Vucevic. His best bet in the frontcourt might actually be Birch, who shined in the EuroLeague as an agile finisher.

Sacramento Kings | Top-2 odds: 11.3 percent

Value proposition: Dynamic ball handlers + agile bigs

The ultra-twitchy Fox is still quite green and not comfortable off the ball yet, but he projects as a plus defender and has the necessary breakdown tools. In the interim, Mason is a great fit as a plus spot shooter, physical defender and downhill driver. Bogdanovic can space the floor, play second-side pick-and-roll and defend quality 2s. Jackson has some value as a quick-action scorer and potential spacer, Hield gives Doncic a deadeye shooter and Temple is a sound veteran presence in the locker room.

The Kings lack versatile perimeter defenders to cover up some of Doncic's deficiencies, but at least he wouldn't be stuck guarding 1s. Although he hasn't come close to maximizing his potential, Cauley-Stein -- entering a contract year -- is an ideal 5 for Doncic when engaged. The Kings staff raves about Giles, who can also fill that dynamic roller spot when healthy.

Overall, though, the Kings are still finding their direction long-term, and Doncic could take time adjusting.

Chicago Bulls | Top-2 odds: 11.3 percent

Value proposition: Shooting + potential fit with young core

Can Doncic mesh with Dunn? Dunn is extremely ball-dominant, with 47.8 percent of his offense coming in the pick-and-roll last season, but he's also the hard-nosed, versatile defender Doncic needs. Plus, his dynamic athleticism on offense helps. The Bulls would need to make sure to find a balance between the two in terms of usage, and Dunn still needs to limit his turnovers and improve his off-ball play, but there's potential for the two to coexist. Should LaVine re-sign, he (along with Holiday and Valentine) would add value off the ball.

Maybe the best fit of all would be Doncic and Markkanen, at least offensively. Markkanen is an ideal pop man and floor-spacer for the ball-screen wizard. Both Doncic and Markkanen will have to improve their ability to beat switches and defend ball screens on the other end. But when Dunn sits, the Bulls could trot out a lineup with shooting at all five positions, with Markkanen at the 4 and Portis at the 5. Doncic doesn't quite have a springy roller, but Lopez and Felicio are serviceable for the time being.

Overall, the Bulls lack a degree of veteran leadership and winning culture at the moment, but as long as they don't let Dunn pound the ball on the perimeter, there's potential for the marriage.

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